261 research outputs found

    Effect of tensile pre-strain on bending and unloading of automotive steels

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    In recent years, advanced high strength steels (AHSS) have been used in a wide range of automotive applications; they may have property variations through the thickness and the properties may also be dependent of prior processing including pre-straining. In order to model forming processes precisely using, for example, finite element analysis, it is important that material input data should adequately reflect these effects. It is known that shape defects in roll forming are related to small strains in material that has undergone prior deformation in a different strain path. Much research has already been performed on the change in the Young’s Modulus once a steel sheet has been plastically deformed,however many of these tests have only been conducted using tensile testing, and therefore may not take into account differences in compressive and tensile unloading. This research investigates the effect of tensile pre-straining on bending behaviour for various types of material;in bending, one half of the sheet will load and unload in compression and hence experience deformation under a reversed stress. Four different materials were pre-strained in tension with 1%, 3%, 7%, 11% and 25% elongation. Using a free bending test, moment curvature diagrams were obtained for bending and unloading. The results showed that the characteristics of the moment curvature diagram depended on the degree of pre-straining; more highly strained samples showed an earlier elastic-plastic transformation and a decreased Young\u27s Modulus during unloading. This was compared to previous literature results using only tensile tests. Our results could influence the modeling of springback in low tension sheet operations, such as roll forming

    Contact pressure and wear in sheet metal forming - an FEM analysis

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    Wear is the principal cause of tool failure in most sheet metal forming processes. It is well known that the contact pressure between the blank and the tool has a large influence on the wear of the tool, and hence the tool life. This investigation utilises the finite element method to analyse the contact pressure distribution over the die radius for a particular deep drawing process. Furthermore, the evolution of the predicted contact pressure distribution throughout the entire stroke of the punch is also examined. It was found that the majority of the process shows a steady state pressure distribution, with two characteristic peaks over the die radius, at the beginning and end of the sheet contact area. Interestingly, the initial transient contact pressure response showed extremely high localised peak pressures; more than twice that of the steady state peaks. Results are compared to wear reported in the literature, during similar experimental deep drawing processes. Finally, the significance and effect of the results on wear and wear-testing techniques are discussed.<br /

    Tree façades : generative modelling with an axial branch rewriting system

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    The methods and algorithms of generative modelling can be improved when representing organic structures by the study of computational models of natural processes and their application to architectural design. In this paper, we present a study of the generation of branching structures and their application to the development of fa&ccedil;ade support systems. We investigate two types of branching structures, a recursive bifurcation model and an axial tree based L-system for the generation of fa&ccedil;ades. The aim of the paper is to capture not only the form but also the underlying principles of biomimicry found in branching. This is then tested, by their application to develop experimental fa&ccedil;ade support systems. The developed algorithms implement parametric variations for fa&ccedil;ade generation based on natural tree-like branching. The benefits of such a model are: ease of structural optimization, variations of support and digital fabrication of fa&ccedil;ade components

    The effect of skin passing on the material behavior of metal strip in pure bending and tension

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    The metal strip used in roll forming has often been preprocessed by (tension or roller) leveling or by skin-pass rolling, and as a consequence, may contain residual stresses. These stresses are not well observed by the tensile test, but could have a significant effect on the bending and springback behavior. With the advent of improved process design techniques for roll forming, including advanced finite element techniques, the need for precise material property data has become important. The major deformation mode of roll forming is that of bending combined with unloading and reverse bending, and hence property data derived from bend tests could be more relevant than that from tensile testing. This work presents a numerical study on the effect of skin passing on the material behavior of stainless steel strip in pure bending and tension. A two dimensional (2-D) numerical model was developed using Abaqus Explicit to analyze the affect of skin passing on the residual stress profile across a section for various working conditions. The deformed meshes and their final stress fields were then imported as pre-defined fields into Abaqus Standard, and the post-skin passing material behavior in pure bending was determined. The results show that a residual stress profile is introduced into the steel strip during skin passing, and that its shape and stress level depend on the overall thickness reduction as well as the number of rolling passes used in the skin passing process. The material behavior in bending and the amount of springback changed significantly depending on the skin pass condition

    Design of experiments and springback prediction for AHSS automotive components with complex geometry

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    With the drive towards implementing Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS) in the automotive industry; stamping engineers need to quickly answer questions about forming these strong materials into elaborate shapes.Commercially available codes have been successfully used to accurately predict formability, thickness and strains in complex parts. However, springback and twisting are still challenging subjects in numerical simulations of AHSS components. Design of Experiments (DOE) has been used in this paper to study the sensitivity of the implicit and explicit numerical results with respect to certain arrays ofuser input parameters in the forming ofan AHSS component. Numerical results were compared to experimental measurements of the parts stamped in an industrial production line. The forming predictions of the implicit and explicit codes were in good agreement with the experimental measurements for the conventional steel grade, while lower accuracies were observed for the springback predictions. The formingpredictions of the complex component with an AHSS material were also in good correlation with the respective experimental measurements. However, much lower accuracies were observed in its springback predictions. The number of integration points through the thickness and tool offset were found to be of significant importance, while coefficient of friction and Young\u27s modulus (modeling input parameters) have no significant effect on the accuracy of the predictions for the complex geometry.<br /

    A contemporary assessment of land condition in the Northern Gulf region of Queensland

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    A framework using assessments of soil condition, pasture composition and woodland density was applied to describe 14 grazing land types as being in A (100% of original carrying capacity), B (75%), C (45%) or D (20%) condition. We assessed the condition of 260 sites, principally along public and some station roads, to provide a benchmark for current land condition. Land types were also assigned relative grazing values between 10 (best) and 0, reflecting soil fertility and potential biomass production. The method identifies particular, 'at-risk' land types for priority investment of resources, while the rationale behind assessments might point to management interventions to improve the condition of those land types. Across all land types, 47% of sites were in A condition, 34% in B condition, 17% in C condition and only 2% in D condition. Seventy-five percent of land types with grazing values >5 were in A or B condition, compared with 88% for those with grazing values ?5. For Georgetown granites, only 27% of sites were in A or B condition, with values for other land types being: alluvials 59%, black soils 64% and red duplex soils 57%, suggesting that improving management of these land types is a priority issue. On land types with high grazing value, the major discounting factor was pasture composition (72% of sites discounted), while increasing woodland density was the main discount (73% of sites discounted) on low grazing value land types