20 research outputs found

    The idle resource items workload and implication on different weight balance rate in grid scheduling

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    This paper discusses the impact of background workload for idle re-source items of computing elements in grid computing. Most of the previous re-search did not consider this factor. A resource item may be processing local system operations when the grid perceives them to be idle, thus upsetting grid processing activities. The introduction of the resource items and background load factor in this study will reveal the true computing capability of computing elements. This background load factor, represented in the form of weightage on resource item, is tested to seek overall grid performance. By allocating the right balance of workload weightage of resource item in a computing element, a significant improvement in processing performance is achieved

    Dynamic load balancing policy with communication and computation elements in grid computing with multi-agent system integration

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    The policy in dynamic load balancing, classification and function are variety based on the focus study for each research. They are different but employing the same strategy to obtain the load balancing. The communication processes between policies are explored within the dynamic load balancing and decentralized approaches. At the same time the computation processes also take into consideration for further steps. Multi-agent system characteristics and capabilities are explored too. The unique capabilities offered by multi-agent systems can be integrated or combined with the structure of dynamic load balancing to produce a better strategy and better load balancing algorithm

    Workload utilization dissemination on grid resources for simulation environment

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    This paper discusses the workload utilization dissemination for grid computing. The CPU is a well-known resource item and it is an integral part in most literatures while other RI's may include memory, network and I/O overhead. The selection of resource variables and the number of RI's involved will result in different definitions of the workload. Various combination of computer RI's have been explored for studying the style of usage, techniques embedded and their capabilities. In contemplating the exploration, this study successfully describe the pattern of workload dissemination through the usage of the RI's and elicited the enhancement factors for systems performance. Among these factors are the manipulation of computer RI's, type of workload information with method of use, the workload dissemination direction along with implementation method and using certain algorithm to come out with new integrated scheduling with load balancing capability. A combination of these factors will help in developing an optimized scheduling or load balancing algorithm

    Performance analysis of Message Passing Interface collective communication on intel xeon quad-core gigabit ethernet and infiniband clusters

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    The performance of MPI implementation operations still presents critical issues for high performance computing systems, particularly for more advanced processor technology. Consequently, this study concentrates on benchmarking MPI implementation on multi-core architecture by measuring the performance of Open MPI collective communication on Intel Xeon dual quad-core Gigabit Ethernet and InfiniBand clusters using SKaMPI. It focuses on well known collective communication routines such as MPI-Bcast, MPI-AlltoAll, MPI-Scatter and MPI-Gather. From the collection of results, MPI collective communication on InfiniBand clusters had distinctly better performance in terms of latency and throughput. The analysis indicates that the algorithm used for collective communication performed very well for all message sizes except for MPI-Bcast and MPI-Alltoall operation of inter-node communication. However, InfiniBand provides the lowest latency for all operations since it provides applications with an easy to use messaging service, compared to Gigabit Ethernet, which still requests the operating system for access to one of the server communication resources with the complex dance between an application and a network

    Simulation of Diagonal Data Replication in Mesh

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    In a large dynamic network, data can be copied anywhere to make it fault tolerant and easy accessed but there must be an efficient protocol to manage the replicas and make sure the data is consistent and high in availability with a low communication cost.In this paper, we introduced a new protocol, named Diagonal Replication in Mesh (DRM) for data replica control protocol for a large dynamic network by using quorum and voting techniques to improve the availability and the communication cost because quorum techniques reduce the number of copies involved in reading or writing data.The protocol of DRM replicates data for large dynamic network by putting the protocol in a logical mesh structure and access consistent data by ensuring the quorum not to have a nonempty intersection quorum.To evaluate our protocol, we developed a simulation model in Java.Our results proved that DRM improves the performance of the response time compare to Three Dimensional Grid structure Protocol (TDGS)

    Dynamic load balancing policy in grid computing with multi-agent system integration

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    The policy in dynamic load balancing, classification and function are variety based on the focus study for each research. They are different but employing the same strategy to obtain the load balancing. The communication processes between policies are explored within the dynamic load balancing and decentralized approaches. Multi-agent system characteristics and capabilities are explored too. The unique capabilities offered by multi-agent systems can be integrated or combined with the structure of dynamic load balancing to produce a better strategy to produce a better dynamic load balancing algorithm with multi-agent systems

    Disaster recovery in cloud computing: a survey

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    Disaster recovery is a persistent problem in IT platforms. This problem is more crucial in cloud computing, because Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) have to provide the services to their customers even if the data center is down, due to a disaster. In the past few years, researchers have shown interest to disaster recovery using cloud computing, and a considerable amount of literature has been published in this area. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is a lack of precise survey for detailed analysis of cloud-based disaster recovery. To fill this gap, this paper provides an extensive survey of disaster recovery concepts and research in the cloud environments. We present different taxonomy of disaster recovery mechanisms, main challenges and proposed solutions. We also describe the cloud-based disaster recovery platforms and identify open issues related to disaster recovery

    Dynamic replica replacement strategy in data grid

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    Data replication strategy is widely adopted for large scale data-intensive applications in distributed network such as data grid. Replication approach can shorten the time of fetching the files by creating many replicas stored in appropriate sites. However, due to the limited storage capacity of each node, replicas that are beneficial for future jobs can be wastefully removed and replaced with less valuable ones. Therefore, it is important to have efficient replication optimization that can dynamically choose the replicas for replacement while satisfying Quality of Service (QoS) requirements and storage capacity constraints. In this paper, we present a dynamic replica replacement strategy, named Least Value Replacement (LVR), which can ascertain the importance of valuable replicas in a grid site. The LVR algorithms can automatically decide on which replica to be replaced whenever the storage element of the grid site is full based on information such as access frequency and files future value. The performance evaluation of LVR and other replication algorithms are carried out by simulation. The result shows that LVR performs better than other replication strategies. Thus, the contribution of this paper provides another aspect of replication strategy by minimizing the job execution time for overall data grid performance

    MPI communication benchmarking on Intel Xeon dual quad-core processor cluster

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    This paper reports the measurements of MPI communication benchmarking on Khaldun cluster which ran on Linux-based IBM Blade HS21 Servers with Intel Xeon dual quad-core processor and Gigabit Ethernet interconnect. The measurements were done by using SKaMPI and IMB benchmark programs. Significantly, these were the first results produced by using SKaMPI and IMB to analyze the performance of Open MPI implementation on Khaldun cluster. The comparison and analysis of the results of point to point and collective communication from these two benchmark programs were then provided. It showed that different MPI benchmark programs rendered different results since they used different measurement techniques. The results were then compared to the experiment's results that were done on cluster with Opteron dual quad-core processor and Gigabit Ethernet interconnect. The analysis indicated that the architecture of machines used also affected the results

    Precipitated calcium carbonate from industrial waste for paper making

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    In this study carbide lime waste was used as raw material to produce precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC). Carbide lime is an industrial waste from acetylene gas industry which uses limestone in its production. The use of PCC as fillers in paper making can reduce the production cost and improve the paper properties such as opacity and brightness. PCC can be produced from carbide lime waste by ionic sucrose solution method. The sucrose solution of Brix 10° was first prepared by dissolving sugar (sucrose) in water followed by dissolution of carbide lime waste in the sucrose solution. The sucrose solution which had turned milky was then filtered to obtain a clear solution known as pregnant solution. The pregnant solution that contained calcium ions was subsequently used to produce PCC by introducing CO2 gas into the pregnant solution. The process is known as carbonation. The PCC was then used as fillers in paper making. The production of PCC by using calcium hydroxide as starting material was also carried out for comparison purposes. Based on the results, PCC prepared from carbide lime had purity of 98.14% while the one prepared from calcium hydroxide had 98.66%. Meanwhile, analysis of the paper properties demonstrated that both products gave equally good results. This proves that PCC prepared from industrial waste can be used for paper making