15 research outputs found
Association of a Mediterranean Diet and Fruit and Vegetable Consumption with Subjective Well-Being among Adults with Overweight and Obesity
Recent evidence suggests that among behavioral-lifestyle factors, adherence to a healthy
dietary pattern such as the Mediterranean Diet (MedDiet) is linked not only to better psychological
health and mental positive status but also to increased subjective well-being (SWB). Nevertheless,
this association has been unexplored among individuals with excessive weight. This study explored
whether adherence to the MedDiet and the intake of healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables (FV)
are associated with increased happiness and life satisfaction among Spanish adults with overweight or
obesity when weight, body image, and body satisfaction are also considered. A convenience sample
of adult individuals with excessive weight completed self-reports on the study variables, and weight
and BMI were measured by bioimpedance. No evidence of a relationship with SWB indicators was
obtained for MedDiet global indicators, probably due to the low adherence to a healthy diet by these
individuals. In contrast, FV intake, as a powerful indicator of healthy eating, was associated with life
satisfaction when BMI and body image dimensions were considered, among which body satisfaction
had a key role. Moreover, life satisfaction fully mediated the relationship between FV consumption
and happiness. Our findings are expected to make a relevant contribution to knowledge on the
positive correlates or protective factors for overall well-being in obesity, including dietary habits
and body appreciation. Our results may inform obesity management actions focused on inclusive,
positive aesthetic models and promoting a healthy lifestyle for happiness in obesity.“Psicología de
la Salud/Medicina Conductual” Research Group (CTS-267) and “Psicología del Ejercicio, el Deporte
y la Salud” Research Group (CTS-980) by the Junta de Andalucía (Spain)Research
Project “Quality of Life and Body Image in Adults with Obesity” (PIVA Projects, Ref. ICB2) by the
Universidad Autónoma Ciudad Juárez (Mexico
Considering BMI, Body Image and Desired Weight Change for Suitable Obesity Management Options
With prevalence of obesity increasing worldwide, understanding body image in individuals with excessiveweight is important, as unawareness of weight excess can prevent weight loss attempts. We explored the associationsamong measured and self-reported body mass index (BMI), body image and body satisfaction among Spanish females andmales with overweight or obesity, with a special focus in discriminating individuals who are and are not satisfied with theirbody and wish or not to change their appearance. Just unifying all individuals with excessive weight may lead to uncoveror deny different realities and to develop unfitted clinical management options. Updatingfindings for the Spanishpopulation, we found that most participants correctly estimated their weight, but 3 in 10 underestimated it. Similarly,their body images corresponded to adults with overweight or obesity who desired to be thinner, but in average theyreported a perceived body just slightly overweight and a moderate satisfaction with their body. Complementing theexisting evidence, BMI and sex-gender interacted for influencing body weight estimation and desired weight change. Inaddition, three different subgroups were found for desired change of weight and size, depending on their BMI and bodysatisfaction. Discovering and considering different subjective realities and corporeal experiences among individuals withweight excess will help professionals to develop appropriate therapeutic interventions. Thus, the personal experiences thatindividuals have with obesity, instead of obesity itself, should be considered for disentangling management effort
«Oberexia»: The desire to be fat(ter) in adults with excess weight
Introduction: Despite of being scarce, evidence is growing on the existence of a group of overweight and obese individuals who do not consider their weight a risk factor for disease and who associate their weight and body with health, vigor, beauty and well-being. Consequently, they manifest a desire to maintain or even increase their weight. We propose an attempt of nomenclature, Oberexia, for this new social reality, and we describe its main characteristics and present empirical observational findings supporting the existence of this condition. Objective: The aim of this study was to explore the prevalence and characteristics of Oberexia in a national sample of Spanish 16 to 60-years-old adults. Methodology: Perceptions of body weight/size/shape and composition, and body satisfaction were assessed in overweight and obese adults through silhouettes, questions and discrepancies. Results: One in ten of the participants self-perceived their body as normal in weight or size. A total of 6.5% wanted to have overweight or obese bodies. A case-to-case analysis revealed that 4.2% of the participants wanted to maintain their appearance, and 1.8% wanted a body with greater weight. All these findings are related to fat mass instead of muscle mass. Conclusions: Our results support the existence of a subgroup of overweight and obese individuals who differ from the traditional subgroup of individuals with excess weight who are dissatisfied with their body. We encourage to explore the outcomes on health and the possible clinical implications of this condition.Introducción: Aunque escasa, existe evidencia creciente sobre la existencia de un grupo de personas con sobrepeso y obesidad que no consideran su exceso de peso un factor de riesgo para la enfermedad y asocian su peso y su cuerpo con salud, vigor, belleza y bienestar. Como consecuencia, manifiestan el deseo mantener o incluso incrementar su peso. Realizamos una propuesta de nomenclatura para esta realidad social, Oberexia, describimos sus principales características y presentamos resultados empíricos observacionales que apoyan la existencia de esta condición. Objetivo: Nuestro objetivo fue explorar la prevalencia y características de la Oberexia en una muestra nacional de adultos españoles de 16 a 60 años. Metodología: Las percepciones de peso/tamaño/forma y composición corporal de personas con sobrepeso y obesidad y su satisfacción corporal fueron evaluadas utilizando siluetas, preguntas y discrepancias. Resultados: Uno de cada diez participantes percibió su cuerpo como normal en términos de peso y tamaño. Un 6.5% de los participantes con exceso de peso quería tener cuerpos con sobrepeso u obesidad. Un análisis caso-a-caso reveló que el 4.2% de los participantes deseaba mantener su apariencia, y el 1.8% deseaba aumentar de peso. Un 3% de los participantes podrían ser casos de Oberexia. Estos hallazgos se refieren a masa grasa y no a masa muscular. Conclusiones: Nuestros resultados apoyan la existencia de un subgrupo de personas con exceso de peso que difieren del tradicional subgrupo de individuos obesos que se encuentran insatisfechos con su cuerpo. Es momento de explorar las consecuencias para la salud de la Oberexia y las posibles implicaciones clínicas de esta condición.Introdução: Apesar de escassas, crescem as evidências sobre a existência de um grupo de pessoas com sobrepeso e obesidade que não consideram o excesso de peso um fator de risco para a doença e associam seu peso e corpo com saúde, vigor, beleza e bem-estar. Consequentemente, eles manifestam o desejo de manter ou mesmo aumentar seu peso. Fizemos uma proposta de nomenclatura para essa realidade social, Oberexia, descrevemos suas principais características e apresentamos resultados empíricos observacionais que sustentam a existência dessa condição. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi explorar a prevalência e as características de Oberexia em uma amostra nacional de adultos espanhóis de 16 a 60 anos. Metodologia: As percepções de peso/tamanho/forma e composição corporal de pessoas com sobrepeso e obesidade e sua satisfação corporal foram avaliadas por meio de silhuetas, perguntas e discrepâncias. Resultados: Um em cada dez participantes percebeu seu corpo como normal em termos de peso ou tamanho. Um 6.5% dos participantes com excesso de peso desejava ter corpos com sobrepeso ou obesidade. Uma análise caso-a-caso revelou que 4.2% dos participantes queriam manter a aparência e 1.8% desejavam ganhar peso. Un 3% dos participantes poderia ser casos de Oberexia. Todos esses achados referem-se à massa gorda e não à massa muscular. Conclusões: Nossos resultados confirmam a existência de um subgrupo de indivíduos com sobrepeso e obesidade que diferem do subgrupo tradicional de indivíduos com excesso de peso insatisfeitos com seu corpo. É momento de explorar as consequências para a saúde de a Oberexia e as possíveis implicações clínicas dessa condição
Body Satisfaction, Weight Stigma, Positivity, and Happiness among Spanish Adults with Overweight and Obesity
Although previous evidence suggests that happiness is lower among individuals with
obesity, research on the correlates of subjective well-being (SWB) is warranted to increase our
knowledge. We aim to explore excess weight (i.e., measured and self-reported body mass index
(BMI)), body image and satisfaction, self-stigma, positivity, and happiness among Spanish adults
with overweight or obesity. We further aim to investigate the predictors of SWB in this sample.
A convenience sample of 100 individuals with excess weight completed self-reports on the study
variables and were weighed and their height measured. On average, the participants reported body
perceptions revealing minor excessive weight, moderate body satisfaction, low-to-moderate
weight-related stigma, and elevated positivity and happiness. BMI and gender/sex independently
affected these variables, but there were no significant interaction effects. Furthermore, individuals
with overweight or obesity with higher body satisfaction and elevated positivity were more likely
to report being happy, independent of their age, gender/sex, weight, and weight-related stigma.
Mediation effects were found for body satisfaction and positivity in the relationship between weight
and happiness. Moreover, positive orientation suppressed the pervasive influence of stigma on SWB.
Our findings confirm the key role of body image dimensions and weight-related stigma for happiness
and add support to the relevance of positivity for overall well-being of individuals with excess
weight. These results may inform obesity management actions focused on inclusive aesthetic models,
combating social stigmatization and enhancing positivity for a flourishing and fulfilling life.Junta de Andalucia
CTS-980Universidad Autonoma Ciudad Juarez (Mexico)
Imaginaries and Discourses. Research, Art and Creation 2019
Catálogo de Exposición del Máster en Investigación en Arte y Creación de la UCM. Muestra celebrada del 23 de septiembre al 14 de octubre de 2019 en la Sala de Exposiciones de la Facultad de Bellas Artes. C / Pintor el Greco 2, Ciudad Universitaria. 28040 Madrid. Comisariado de Javier Mañero Rodicio.Exhibition catalog of the Master in Art and Creation Research of the UCM. September 23 to October 14, 2019 in the Exhibition Hall of the Faculty of Fine Arts. C / Pintor El Greco 2, University City. 28040 Madrid. Curated by Javier Mañero Rodicio.Fac. de Bellas ArtesFALSEFacultad de Bellas Artes. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.pu
Aceptación sensorial de alimentos ofertados en comedores escolares con servicio de catering y hábitos alimentarios asociados al estilo de dieta mediterránea de la ciudad de Murcia
En la última década se han realizado estudios para conocer la situación de los menús y otros aspectos relacionados a los hábitos alimentarios de la población infantil escolarizada. Sin embargo, poco se sabe sobre la aceptación sensorial de esos platos y su impacto en el consumo y/o los residuos. Tampoco se ha explorado la presencia de neofobia alimentaria en este grupo de población aun y cuando las evidencias previas en otros países indican que puede afectar negativamente la aceptación de alimentos, sobre todo los saludables.
Se realizó el diseño experimental y la ejecución de pruebas hedónicas con panel de niños consumidores, para la valoración del grado de aceptación sobre los menús ofertados, en condiciones reales de consumo de los alimentos en el comedor escolar. Además se aplicaron encuestas de preferencias y hábitos alimentarios, aspectos ambientales durante la comida y análisis nutricional de los menús mediante pesado de alimentos. También se realizó registro de los residuos individuales y se probó una herramienta para evaluación visual de los mismos en ambiente real del comedor escolar. Asimismo, se determinó la presencia de neofobia alimentaria y el nivel de aceptación de alimentos dentro del comedor y de forma habitual en los hogares. Por último, se exploró en una prueba experimental las reacciones de tipo emocional asociadas a la presentación de 5 verduras (lechuga, tomate, zanahoria, pepino y pimiento). Se identificaron las expresiones faciales de 6 emociones básicas (felicidad, tristeza, enfado, sorpresa, miedo y asco) y una neutral. Además se midieron variables fisiológicas de respuesta del sistema nervioso autónomo asociadas a las emociones como la actividad electrodérmica y la frecuencia cardiaca.
Los resultados indicaron que la escala hedónica de 7 puntos permite apreciar diferencias por edad similar a otras investigaciones de países europeos. También que los niños mayores (≥ 8 años) son más críticos al evaluar los alimentos sobre todo los primeros y segundos platos. Asimismo, que la valoración sensorial de los alimentos ofertados en el comedor escolar es adecuada para determinar las preferencias alimentarias en los usuarios del servicio, sin embargo no predice la cantidad consumida de vegetales y frutas. Se identificaron gran cantidad de residuos de alimentos sobre todo ensaladas y frutas.
Los menús fueron -salvo algunas excepciones- cualitativamente correctos y podrían mejorarse con recomendaciones simples, ya que cumplen con la mayoría de los estándares de calidad. Sin embargo, en algunos menús las porciones consumida está por debajo de la servida afectando con esto el aporte de energía y nutrientes. Además que la aceptación de alimentos depende del tipo de menú y que los segundos platos son mejor valorados que los primeros platos. Un hallazgo importante fue que la valoración hedónica predijo la cantidad consumida de algunos platos, -sobre todo las ensaladas- ya que existe una relación directa con los residuos. Desafortunadamente, la valoración hedónica no predijo la cantidad consumida en alimentos bien aceptados como frutas y pan. La herramienta probada -escala visual con 4 puntos de corte-, es fiable para medir la aceptación de forma indirecta, sobre todo de alimentos saludables como ensaladas, legumbres y pescado.
Otro hallazgo importante fue la prevalencia de neofobia alimentaria de un 16% sin diferencias entre sexo, ciclo escolar, origen de los padres, tiempo de uso del comedor y estado nutricio. Los datos indican no se encontró asociación de la neofobia alimentaria en la valoración hedónica de ensaladas y frutas ofertadas durante una semana lectiva en el comedor escolar, ni en el consumo de ensaladas. Aunque si parece afectar las preferencias alimentarias, sobre todo de alimentos saludables como frutas, vegetales y legumbres.
En la cuarta experiencia se identificó que ante estímulos visuales y reales de verduras, los usuarios otorgan valoraciones similares, lo cual puede favorecer las aplicaciones de encuestas por esta vía. Durante esta fase se encontró que las expresiones faciales de las reacciones emocionales pueden ser más útiles en la tipificación de desagrado que de agrado en vegetales. Aunque no se encontraron diferencias significativas, se observó que los usuarios con algún grado de neofobia evalúan peor las 5 verduras ofrecidas. La presencia de algún grado de neofobia parece no afectar las mediciones fisiológicas como actividad electrodérmica y frecuencia cardiaca. Se requiere de estudios adicionales para conocer las reacciones emocionales en el consumo de otros alimentos, sobre todo los considerados como desagradables. Consideramos que es una herramienta innovadora que puede ser útil para la identificación de aversiones de otros alimentos con el objetivo de potenciar su consumo, y mejorar la adherencia al patrón de la dieta mediterránea.
In the last decade have been conducted to determine the status of the menus and other aspects related to food habits schooled children. However, little is known about the sensory acceptance of those dishes and their impact on consumption and / or waste. Not has explored the presence of food neophobia in this population even when previous evidence in other countries indicate that may adversely affect the acceptance especially healthy food,
The experimental design and implementation of hedonic consumer panel testing children for assessing the acceptability of the menus offered in real conditions of consumption of food in the cafeteria was performed. Further surveys of preferences and eating habits, environmental aspects were applied for the food and nutritional analysis of menus using heavy food. Registration of individual residues of food was also performed and a tool for visual assessment of the same real environment cafeteria was tested. Also, the presence of food neophobia and the level of acceptance of food in the dining room and regularly in the household was determined. Finally, we explored in an experimental test of emotional reactions associated with the presentation of 5 vegetables (lettuce, tomato, carrot, cucumber and pepper). Facial expressions of six basic emotions (happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, fear and disgust) and neutral, were identified. Besides physiological response variables of the autonomic nervous system associated with emotions such as electrodermal activity and heart rate were measured.
The results indicated that the 7-point hedonic scale to appreciate differences similar to other studies of European countries old. Also older children (≥ 8 years) are more critical in assessing food especially the first and second courses. Furthermore, the sensory evaluation of food offered in the cafeteria is adequate to identify food preferences of service users, however does not predict the consumed amount of vegetables and fruits. Lot of waste food especially salads and fruits were identified.
The menus were, with few exceptions, qualitatively correct and could be improved with simple recommendations, because they meet most standards. However, in some menus the portions consumed is below served with this affecting the supply of energy and nutrients. In addition to the acceptance of food depends on the type of menu and main courses are better valued than the starters. An important finding was that hedonic ratings predicted the amount consumed of some dishes, especially salads, since there is a direct relation to waste. Unfortunately, hedonic ratings did not predict the amount consumed in food well accepted as fruit and bread. The proven 4-scale visual cut-points, is reliable tool to measure acceptance indirectly, especially healthy foods, salads, vegetables and fish.
Another important finding was the prevalence of food neophobia than 16% with no differences between gender, school year, parental origin, usage time dining and nutritional status. The data indicate no association of food neophobia was found in hedonic ratings of salads and fruits offered during a school week in the cafeteria, or on salad consumption. Even if it seems to affect food preferences, especially healthy foods like fruits, vegetables and legumes.
The fourth experience was identified that to visual stimuli and real vegetables, users provide similar ratings, which may favor surveys applications this way. During this phase it was found that facial expressions of emotional reactions may be more useful in the characterization of distaste of pleasure in vegetables. Although no significant differences were found, it was observed that users with some degree of neophobia worst evaluated 5 vegetables offered. The presence of some degree of neophobia seems not to affect physiological measures such as heart rate and electrodermal activity. Further studies are required to understand the emotional reactions in the consumption of other foods, especially those considered unpleasant. We believe it is an innovative tool that can be useful for identifying other food aversions in order to boost consumption, and improve adherence to the Mediterranean diet pattern
Psychosocial and Diet-Related Lifestyle Clusters in Overweight and Obesity
This study explored intraindividual multidimensional profiles integrating psychosocial
factors, namely, body image and satisfaction, weight-related self-stigma, positivity, and happiness,
and behavioural-lifestyle factors, namely, adherence to a healthy diet, among Spanish adults with
overweight or obesity. We further aimed to investigate the association of excess weight (i.e., measured
body mass index, BMI) with the abovementioned multidimensional configurations. A convenience
sample of 100 adult individuals (60% females) with excessive weight (69% overweight; 31% obesity)
was recruited. They completed self-reports regarding the study variables, and their weight and height
were measured. With a perspective centered on the individual, a cluster analysis was performed.
Three distinct intraindividual psychosocial and diet-related profiles were identified: a group of
healthy individuals with excess weight (46%); a group of individuals who were negatively affected
by their excessive weight and showed the most distressed profile (18%); and a group of dysfunctional
individuals who seemed to be excessively unrealistic and optimistic regarding their excessive weight
and unhealthy lifestyles, but were troubled by their weight (36%). Furthermore, individuals in the
affected cluster had higher obesity (mean BMI ± SD = 32.1 ± 3.7) than those in the clusters of healthy
(28.0 ± 3.0) and dysfunctional individuals (28.1 ± 3.3) (p < 0.05). The results showed that there
are specific psychosocial and lifestyle profiles in the adult population with excess weight and that
there are relationships among psychological, behavioural, and body-composition factors. For clinical
application purposes, it is important to account for the heterogeneity within individuals who are
obese and to individualize the interventions, with a focus from weight change to the individual’s
overall well-being.“Psicología de
la Salud/Medicina Conductual” Research Group (CTS-267)“Psicología del Ejercicio, el Deporte
y la Salud” Research Group (CTS-980) by the Junta de Andalucía (Spain)Research
Project “Quality of life and body image in adults with obesity” (PIVA Projects, Ref. ICB2) by the
Universidad Autónoma Ciudad Juárez (Mexico
Evaluando la aceptación de alimentos en escolares: registro visual cualitativo frente a análisis de residuos de alimentos
Introducción: Los comedores escolares cuentan con normativa de gestión y supervisión de menús, sin embargo no se ha valorado si son consumidos en su totalidad. Objetivo: Valorar la aceptación de alimentos mediante pesado de restos y validación de una metodología visual para su estimación en comedores escolares de Murcia. Metodología: Participaron escolares de segundo y tercer ciclo de educación primaria, de 8-12 años. La estimación de restos se realizó mediante pesado de alimentos de 765 bandejas. La valoración visual (300 bandejas) se realizó con escala categórica: 1 = 0-25%; 2 = 26-50%; 3 = 5175% y 4 = 76-100%, por dos dietistas y se valoró la fiabilidad con respecto al pesado de alimentos. La concordancia entre ambos métodos fue evaluada en dos muestras estratificadas por la presencia/ausencia de cocina en la escuela. Resultados: Los primeros platos con más restos fueron pasta, arroz y purés de verduras siendo mayor en aquellos colegios sin cocina en el centro (p < 0,05). También los segundos platos a base de legumbres, ave y pescado y ensaladas de guarnición. Las frutas y el total de restos son superiores en colegios sin cocina (p < 0,05). La concordancia entre evaluadoras fue alta en platos a base de carnes y en ensaladas, y considerable en legumbres, precocinados, tortilla de huevo, pasta, pescado y arroz. Conclusiones: Los restos son elevados y existieron diferencias en la aceptación de ciertos alimentos acorde al tipo de menú ofertado. La escala visual es una herramienta confiable para medir la aceptación de forma indirecta, pero necesita capacitación y entrenamiento del personal implicado