6 research outputs found

    Rehabilitasi ekosistem padang lamun

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    Ekosistem pesisir dan laut merupakan ekosistem alamiah yang produktif, unik dan mempunyai nilai ekologis dan ekonomis yang tinggi. Selain menghasilkan bahan dasar untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan pangan, keperluan rumah tangga dan industri yang dalam konteks ekonomi bernilai komersial tinggi, ekosistem pesisir dan laut juga memiliki fungsi-fungsi ekologis penting, antara lain sebagai penyedia nutrien, sebagai tempat pemijahan, tempat pengasuhan dan tumbuh besar, serta tempat mencari makanan bagi beragam biota laut. (Coastal and marine ecosystems are natural ecosystems that are productive, unique and have high ecological and economic value. In addition to producing basic materials for the fulfillment of food needs, household and industrial needs which in the context of high-value commercial economy, coastal and marine ecosystems also have important ecological functions, such as providers of nutrients, as spawning, nurturing and growing, as well as where to find food for a variety of marine biota.

    Aspek bioekologi kerang lumpur Anodontia edentula (Linnaeus, 1758) (Bivalvia: Lucinidae) di perairan pesisir Kabupaten Muna

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    The study was conducted in Tobea Island and coastal Lambiku for analysis: 1) biology aspects, 2) environmental aspects. Data were analysed to see the difference in the two locations using t-test analysis (student) and descriptive. The analysis showed that mangrove ecosystems in Tobea island, the closure of the (51%) and density (1.000 trees ha-1), in coastal Lambiku close (43%) and density (944 trees ha-1). Biological aspects of the growth population of mudclams in the Tobea Island (L∞= 65.6 mm, K= 1.18) lower than in coastal Lambiku (L∞= 73,75 mm, K= 0.73). Results of the t-test (student), morphometric characters of mudclams in Tobea Island and coastal Lambiku significantly different. The length-weight relationship of mudclams of sex male and female in the Tobea Island and coastal Lambiku positive allometric (b ≠ 3). Relative condition factor and sex ratio of mudclams in Tobea Island, significantly different between male and female in coastal Lambiku. The size of the first measure of mature gonads of mudclams in Tobea Island (average of 39,62 mm ranges of 39,20 - 40,04 mm) is lower than in coastal Lambiku (average of 39,58 mm, range of 39,21 - 39,96 mm). The density of mudclams of the Tobea Island (the highest 48 ind m-2, the lowest of the 21 ind m-2) is greater than coastal Lambiku (the highest 15.67 ind m-2, the lowest 5,67 ind m-2). Bioecologycal aspects of mudclams in Tobea Island affected by organic carbon and phosphate. While in coastal Lambiku affected by nitrogen and sulphur by both the growth and density

    Kepadatan kerang lumpur Anodontia edentula Linnaeus, 1758 kaitannya dengan parameter lingkungan di Kabupaten Muna

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    The research aims to analyze the density of mud clams Anodintia edentula Linnaeus, 1758 relation to environmental parameters, covering organic material content and composition of sediment in Muna regency. Research carried out in coastal Lambiku and Tobea Island. The sample collection begins in March until May 2011, intervals collection example once a month for three months. A collection of mud clams example in a plot trasek (Line Transect Plot) is determined (purposive sampling). A plot observation based on three categories, Plot I near coast, Plot II the transition and Plot III far from the beach, intervals 50m each a plot observation. Analysis data the density use Krebs (1978) formula, relations of density and environmental parameters use corelation and descriptif analysis. The research results show that the density is different of mud clams between Tobea Island and coastal Lambiku. The density of mud clams on the Tobea Island have higher is 33 ind m-2 or 29-40 ind m-2. While density of mud clams in coast Lambiku is 10 ind m-2 or 8-11 ind m-2. The density of mud clams far from the beach between the coastal areas relatively different. While composition sediment and the organic matter on Tobea Island and coastal Lambiku relatively is the same. Phosphates and sulphur concentration on the Tobea island each of 13,90 ppm and 15,76 ppm. Phosphates and sulphur concentration in coastal Lambiku each of 14,55 ppm and 17,01 ppm. Phosphate and sulfur concentrate far from shore show organic material content of sulphur and phosphates is high with density mud clams

    Data for: Hubungan panjang bobot dan faktor kondisi kerang lumpur Anodontia edentula, Linnaeus 1758 di pulau Tobea Kecamatan Napabalano, Kabupaten Muna

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    Memuat data Hasil pengukuran panjang cangkang dan bobot total kerang lumpur Anodontia edentula jantan, di daerah Towea dan pesisir Lambiku, Kabupaten Muna, Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia beserta perhitungan selanjutnya. Data terdiri atas ukuran lebar cangkang, bobot cangkang, jenis kelamin dan tingkat kematangan gonad (TKG) kerang lumpur. Data terbagi menurut lokasi pengambilan sampel (Towea dan Lambiku) dan berdasarkan jenis kelamin kerang lumpur. Data juga akan dilengkapi dengan analisis regresi hubungan panjang-bobot dan uji ANOVA menurut jenis kelamin dan lokasi pengambilan data. Data dapat saja divisualisasikan dalam bentuk grafik untuk menunjukkan hubungan panjang bobot menurut jenis kelamin dan lokasi pengambilan data. Data telah digunakan dalam naskah tesis dan digunakan kembali dalam artikel sebagaimana tersebut dalam lampiran ini