325 research outputs found


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    A multi-sector model is used to assess the targeting of CAP payments in Italy, according with alternative definitions of the “real farmers” institutional sector. The model is based on a Social Accounting Matrix of the Italian economy, properly adapted to represent the process of income formation and distribution in agriculture. The accounting framework has been integrated with a set of microeconomic information from the Farm Business Survey, a sample of agricultural holdings representative of the whole industry in Italy. The effects of changes in CAP payments have been assessed through a process in which impacts moves from the micro to the macro module of the model and return, in an iterative way. A vector of final income increase for each household included in the survey is obtained and used to reclassify impacts according to alternative definition of the real farmer sector. Results show that the distributive structure of the Italian agriculture as well as the way the policy is implemented are likely to affect the targeting of payments under alternative definitions of the beneficiary group.Common Agricultural Policy, targeting, income distribution, social accounting matrix, Agricultural and Food Policy, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods, Q18 agricultural policy, D57 input-output tables and analysis, D30 distribution general,

    A comparative analysis of the redistributive effects of agricultural policy in Tuscany and Scotland

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    The article provides an empirical study of the redistributive effects of agricultural policy in Tuscany which finds that the provision of support increased absolute income inequality within the agricultural community because the distribution of transfers was both vertically and horizontally inequitable. These conclusions are shown to hold whether or not non-farm incomes are taken into account and for a range of alternative definitions of the agricultural community. The results for Scotland are broadly comparable except that the distribution of transfers was progressive not regressive, reflecting differences between the two regions in the degree of dependency of agriculture on support.Income redistribution, agricultural policy, Tuscany, Scotland

    Agriculture and Income Distribution: Insights from a SAM of the Italian Economy

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    The paper presents the results of the first SAM analysis of the agricultural sector in Italy. A SAM of the Italian economy has been properly modified in order to focus the analysis on agriculture. Two type of analysis have been carried out: (i) a multiplier analysis, and (ii) an assessment of the distributive impacts of different agricultural policies. This paper proposes also a new method for disaggregating the institutional sectors and production factors in order to analyze income distribution within the economy, with special emphasis on the agricultural sector. Main results are: (i) "fully" decoupled income supporting schemes (transfers to agricultural households) are the most equitable interventions and determine a perfect targeting of the distributive effect on the relevant institutional sectors; (ii) "partially" decoupled income supporting interventions, as the ones implemented under the current CAP, are more effective than others in indirectly (i.e., through multiplier effects) generating positive impacts on the income of agricultural households; (iii) agricultural price support interventions show less desirable effects in terms of their distributive impacts: they are less effective as agricultural income-increasing policies and their distributive impacts are biased against poorer households both in agricultural and non-agricultural sectors.Social accounting matrix, agriculture, income distribution, Italy, Labor and Human Capital, R13, R15, Q18, E25,

    Chapter SostenibilitĂ  e riproduzione del capitale territoriale: il problema della scala di analisi

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    Starting from a critique of the concept of "natural capital" which helps in defining the concepts of territorial and rural capital, the utility is affirmed of measuring the sustainability of individual and collective actions with respect to the contribution they offer to their production and reproduction. The analysis of case studies therefore poses the problem of over-exploitation of territorial capital in the absence of adequate investments for its reproduction. This requires a detailed evaluation of the eco-territorial services, focusing on the communities of actors who take care of them

    Il bambino nella filiera procreativa

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    Il contributo intende affrontare alcune conseguenze generate dall'introduzione delle logiche di mercato nella sfera della riproduzione umana. PiÚ precisamente si intende analizzare, secondo un approccio puramente economico, quella filiera produttiva che è nata dall'applicazione di tecnologie biologiche e mediche alla riproduzione, con l'obiettivo di ottenere la nascita di bambini al di fuori del processo biologico naturale. La filiera procreatica si è ormai strutturata a livello globale come una vera e propria industria, con tecnologie e asset specifici, processi di scomposizione e ricomposizione del processo produttivo, specializzazione delle imprese, investimenti in R&S e acquisizione di brevetti, oltre a uno sviluppo significativo di forme contrattuali tipiche. Pertanto la scienza economica può e deve contribuire alla riflessione collettiva su una realtà che solo qualche decennio fa costituiva oggetto tutt'al piÚ di fantascienza, mentre oggi fa parte della vita reale di un numero crescente di persone
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