281 research outputs found

    Debt, Growth, and Poverty in the International Monetary System

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    This paper explores the relationship between debt, growth, and poverty and the international monetary system. With a well-functioning international monetary system, economic policy works well, instruments are assigned to targets appropriately, and discipline is maintained. The fixed exchange rate is contrasted with alternative monetary rules. The monetary rule is the weakest system; monetary targeting has failed in every country in which it has been tried. An advantage of the fixed exchange rate is the clue it provides to the price level, interest rate, and future monetary policy. Other things being equal, the use of a currencies basket is inferior to a single currency peg, while a freely floating exchange rate system puts itself at the mercy of speculators. The paper points out the conditions for a successful currency area as a consensus on a common inflation rate; a common basket of goods with which to measure inflation; exchange rate that must be locked; member countries must adopt a common monetary policy; and a formula must be devised for distributing and using the seigniorage profits from monetary expansion. There is a need to study the possibility of an Asian currency area and the links between the APEC and the SAARC. Regular and mutual surveillance on monetary, fiscal, and exchange rate convergence, and policies that minimise exchange rate uncertainty and work towards a currency club area based on a common anchor— initially the dollar—are needed. Setting up of an Asian Monetary Fund is also suggested, one that is closely modelled on the original IMF articles of agreement and will provide an anchored fixed exchange rate system.

    De la surévaluation du dollar canadien

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    Le dollar canadien est présentement (en 1990) surévalué. Les autorités canadiennes devraient le laisser se déprécier promptement à un niveau de 0,78 à 0,80 $ÉU, puis s’engager fermement à le maintenir dans cet intervalle. La position qui est ainsi défendue s’appuie en général sur la théorie et l’histoire monétaires contemporaines, et en particulier sur une critique des arguments spécifiques de la Banque du Canada en faveur du régime actuel des taux de change flexibles.The Canadian dollar is presently (1990) overvalued. The Canadian authorities should let it depreciate promptly to a level of 78 to 80 US cents, and then keep it firmly within this range. The general case is based on modern monetary theory and history. Specific criticisms of the Bank of Canada's defense of flexible exchange rates complete the argument

    Monetary unions and the problem of sovereignty

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    Monetary integration involves a consideration of two quite different types or dimensions of sovereignty.One is policy sovereignty, and the other is legal sovereignty. Policy sovereignty refers to the ability to conduct policy independent of commitments to other countries. Legal sovereignty refers to the ability of a state to make its own laws without limitations imposed by any outside authority. Both concepts need to be considered in plans for monetary unions. What are the implications of a change in legal sovereignty when the national currencies of some of the oldest states in the world abandon national sovereignty, and what will they receive in exchange

    De la surévaluation du dollar canadien

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    The Canadian dollar is presently (1990) overvalued. The Canadian authorities should let it depreciate promptly to a level of 78 to 80 US cents, and then keep it firmly within this range. The general case is based on modern monetary theory and history. Specific criticisms of the Bank of Canada's defense of flexible exchange rates complete the argument. Le dollar canadien est présentement (en 1990) surévalué. Les autorités canadiennes devraient le laisser se déprécier promptement à un niveau de 0,78 à 0,80 $ÉU, puis s’engager fermement à le maintenir dans cet intervalle. La position qui est ainsi défendue s’appuie en général sur la théorie et l’histoire monétaires contemporaines, et en particulier sur une critique des arguments spécifiques de la Banque du Canada en faveur du régime actuel des taux de change flexibles.
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