193 research outputs found

    Evaluation du dispositif de surveillance de la tuberculose bovine dans la faune sauvage en France à l'aide de méthodes épidémiologique, économique et sociologique

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    Emerging animal diseases, zoonotic diseases and the development of international trade have led to an increase in the need for efficient animal health surveillance systems. However, the current economic environment led to significant budget cuts, resulting in a reallocation of resources dedicated to surveillance. In this context, regular evaluation of surveillance systems, on which are based the health decisions, is essential to ensure their operation, the quality of the collected data and to allow their improvement.This study focused on the evaluation of a complex surveillance system, the Sylvatub network for the surveillance of Mycobacterium bovis infection in wildlife, which consists of several surveillance components focusing on several wild species. We have used four evaluation methods: (i) a quantitative method to estimate the surveillance sensitivity by scenario trees modelling, (ii) a quantitative method to estimate the surveillance costs, enabling the estimation of a cost-effectiveness ratio, (iii) a semi-quantitative method to estimate the global operation of the system, and (iv) a qualitative method to investigate the acceptability of the surveillance. This study allowed to assess the Sylvatub network in its environmental and economical context, with the integration of behavioral and social factors; and allowed the development of recommendations for the evolution of the surveillance system and its improvement.This study has highlighted the methodological and operational advantages of the complementary use of several methods for the evaluation of complex surveillance systems. It provides methodological perspectives to support the integration of evaluation methods. The assessment of the Sylvatub system should be deepened and complemented by the evaluation of the surveillance system in cattle to explore interconnections between domestic and wild populations in this particular multi-host system.Les maladies animales émergentes, les maladies zoonotiques et le développement du commerce international ont conduit à une augmentation des besoins en systèmes de surveillance en santé animale performants. Toutefois, le contexte économique actuel conduit à des restrictions budgétaires importantes, induisant une diminution des ressources allouées à la surveillance. Dans ce contexte, l’évaluation régulière des dispositifs de surveillance, sur lesquels sont fondées les décisions sanitaires, est indispensable afin de vérifier leur bon fonctionnement, la qualité des données collectées, et permettre leur amélioration.Notre travail a porté sur l’évaluation d’un dispositif de surveillance complexe, Sylvatub, le dispositif de surveillance de l’infection à Mycobacterium bovis dans la faune sauvage, constitué de plusieurs composantes de surveillance et ciblant plusieurs espèces sauvages. Nous avons appliqué quatre méthodes d’évaluation : (i) une méthode quantitative d’estimation de la sensibilité de la surveillance par arbres de scénarios, (ii) une méthode quantitative d’estimation des coûts de la surveillance, permettant le calcul d’un ratio coût-efficacité, (iii) une méthode semi-quantitative permettant l’étude du fonctionnement général du dispositif et (iv) une méthode qualitative permettant d’investiguer l’acceptabilité de la surveillance. Ces travaux ont permis d’évaluer le dispositif Sylvatub dans son contexte environnemental et économique, en intégrant des facteurs comportementaux et sociaux, et ont permis la formulation de recommandations pour l’évolution du dispositif et son amélioration.Ces travaux ont également permis de souligner les avantages méthodologiques et opérationnels de l’utilisation complémentaire de plusieurs méthodes pour l’évaluation de dispositifs de surveillance complexes et proposent des perspectives méthodologiques pour favoriser l’intégration des méthodes d’évaluation. L’évaluation du dispositif Sylvatub devra être poursuivie et complétée par celle du dispositif de surveillance en élevage bovin afin d’étudier les interconnexions entre les populations domestiques et sauvages dans ce système multi-hôtes particulier

    Newly identified LMO3-BORCS5 fusion oncogene in Ewing sarcoma at relapse is a driver of tumor progression

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    International audienceRecently, we detected a new fusion transcript LMO3-BORCS5 in a patient with Ewing sarcoma within a cohort of relapsed pediatric cancers. LMO3-BORCS5 was as highly expressed as the characteristic fusion oncogene EWS/FLI1. However, the expression level of LMO3-BORCS5 at diagnosis was very low. Sanger sequencing depicted two LMO3-BORCS5 variants leading to loss of the functional domain LIM2 in LMO3 gene, and disruption of BORCS5. In vitro studies showed that LMO3-BORCS5 (i) increases proliferation, (ii) decreases expression of apoptosis-related genes and treatment sensitivity, and (iii) downregulates genes involved in differentiation and upregulates proliferative and extracellular matrix-related pathways. Remarkably, in vivo LMO3-BORCS5 demonstrated its high oncogenic potential by inducing tumors in mouse fibroblastic NIH-3T3 cell line. Moreover, BORCS5 probably acts, in vivo, as a tumor-suppressor gene. In conclusion, functional studies of fusion oncogenes at relapse are of great importance to define mechanisms involved in tumor progression and resistance to conventional treatments

    Un établissement rural gallo-romain à Gellainville " Le Radray " (Eure-et-Loir) (fin du Ier s. av. J.-C.-fin du IVe s. ap. J.-C.)

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    Le site du " Radray " sur la commune de Gellainville (28) a été fouillé en 2007. L’article présente les principaux résultats de la partie gallo-romaine du site. L’occupation se met en place à partir de la première moitié du Ier s. de notre ère. Dès les dernières décennies avant notre ère s’organise un réseau parcellaire et s’établissent les premiers bâtiments. À partir du milieu du Ier s., l’exploitation agricole se répartit selon deux ensembles : à l’est, la partie résidentielle et les dépendances, à l’ouest, la partie agricole et les bâtiments d’exploitation. L’établissement est abandonné au cours du IIIe s. Les structures du Bas-Empire ne tiennent plus compte des limites précédentes. L’occupation est matérialisée par quelques bâtiments et mares disposés à l’intérieur et en bordure d’un enclos trapézoïdal. Un petit groupe de greniers aériens est installé à l’écart, au sud-ouest. L’abandon systématique des structures d’habitation à partir de 375 ap. J.-C. montre une transformation globale de l’espace.Abstract: The site of "Radray" in the municipality of Gellainville (28) has been excavated in 2007. The article presents the main results of the Gallo-Roman part of the site. The occupation begins from the first half of the first century A.D. During the augustean period, a "parcellaire" system gets organized and the first buildings are established. Since the middle of the first century, the space is organized for the setting up of a rural settlement. On both sides of a rural path, the farming is distribued in two groups: eastwards the residential part and the outbuildings, westwards the agricultural part and the farming buildings. The settlement is abandoned during the third century. The structures of the late antiquity do not follow the former limits. The occupation is materialized by four pouds and some buildings disposed inside und south of a trapezoïdal enclosure. Besides a little group of aerial storehouses is settled apart, towards the south west. The systematic surrender of the habitation structures from 375 A.D. Shows a global transformation of the area

    Un établissement rural gallo-romain à Gellainville " Le Radray " (Eure-et-Loir) (fin du Ier s. av. J.-C.-fin du IVe s. ap. J.-C.)

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    Le site du " Radray " sur la commune de Gellainville (28) a été fouillé en 2007. L’article présente les principaux résultats de la partie gallo-romaine du site. L’occupation se met en place à partir de la première moitié du Ier s. de notre ère. Dès les dernières décennies avant notre ère s’organise un réseau parcellaire et s’établissent les premiers bâtiments. À partir du milieu du Ier s., l’exploitation agricole se répartit selon deux ensembles : à l’est, la partie résidentielle et les dépendances, à l’ouest, la partie agricole et les bâtiments d’exploitation. L’établissement est abandonné au cours du IIIe s. Les structures du Bas-Empire ne tiennent plus compte des limites précédentes. L’occupation est matérialisée par quelques bâtiments et mares disposés à l’intérieur et en bordure d’un enclos trapézoïdal. Un petit groupe de greniers aériens est installé à l’écart, au sud-ouest. L’abandon systématique des structures d’habitation à partir de 375 ap. J.-C. montre une transformation globale de l’espace.Abstract: The site of "Radray" in the municipality of Gellainville (28) has been excavated in 2007. The article presents the main results of the Gallo-Roman part of the site. The occupation begins from the first half of the first century A.D. During the augustean period, a "parcellaire" system gets organized and the first buildings are established. Since the middle of the first century, the space is organized for the setting up of a rural settlement. On both sides of a rural path, the farming is distribued in two groups: eastwards the residential part and the outbuildings, westwards the agricultural part and the farming buildings. The settlement is abandoned during the third century. The structures of the late antiquity do not follow the former limits. The occupation is materialized by four pouds and some buildings disposed inside und south of a trapezoïdal enclosure. Besides a little group of aerial storehouses is settled apart, towards the south west. The systematic surrender of the habitation structures from 375 A.D. Shows a global transformation of the area

    Disentangling Dynamics of Green Roof Vegetation Analogue to Dry Grassland Over 3 Years: Plant and Substrate Response to Microenvironmental Variations

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    peer reviewedExtensive green roofs (ExGR) present an opportunity to support urban native biodiversity. However, most of the existing ExGR in Europe support exotic stonecrop with poor plant diversity. The abiotic conditions of the ExGR substrate are analogous to those of native dry grasslands (poor, shallow and highly drained soil), providing opportunities for diversifying ExGR with native flora. This study characterized vegetation and substrate dynamics of a sown native dry grassland community (29 species) on a 254 m² ExGR in relation to microenvironmental conditions (substrate depths: 6, 12 cm; maximum sun exposure: 3-6h, 6-9h, 9-12h). The plant community taxonomic and functional compositions (%Competitive, %Stress tolerant, %Ruderal Grime strategies) were measured over three years after which the substrate was analyzed. The results indicated a strong effect of time since sowing on plant community composition, associated to effects of environmental factors. The specific richness and plant cover increased over time and were higher in plots with less insolation and greater substrate depth. Plant community functional composition was dominated by stress tolerant strategy but functional composition evolved through time with an increase in competitive strategy. Most substrate characteristics-pH, N, P, K, C/N and % silt-were significantly influenced by the plant cover after three years. These results highlight the importance of temporal dynamics and microenvironmental variations on plant community outcomes within ExGR.11. Sustainable cities and communitie

    Un établissement du début du premier âge du Fer en Eure-et-Loir : Sours, Les Ouches

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    La fouille du site des Ouches à Sours (28) a permis la mise au jour d’une importante occupation du Néolithique ancien et la découverte, dans la partie nord de l’emprise, de plusieurs structures datables du début de l’âge du Fer (Hallstatt C). Elles correspondent à des structures domestiques (un bâtiment et des fosses) et à une entité “ cultuelle ”: un double enclos en “ U ”.L’habitation et ses annexes sont représentées par un bâtiment de plan quadrangulaire sur poteaux et une grande fosse riche en mobilier (céramiques, ossements et silex taillés). Cette structure peut être associée au fonctionnement d’un four de type “ polynésien ” et avoir servi de fosse de rejet.Le double enclos, ouvert vers le nord, est localisé au nord-est du site.Même si trois céramiques entières ont été trouvées dans son fossé externe, l’essentiel du mobilier céramique (177 individus sur 192) est issu de la grande fosse. Il s’agit principalement de coupes, de jattes parfois incisées, de petits gobelets à panse globulaire typiques du Hallstatt C ou de vases servant au stockage. Ils sont dotés de manière régulière de cordons digités.Ce petit établissement du début de l’âge du Fer a livré un bon échantillon des céramiques en usage en Eure-et-Loir à cette époque ainsi que des vestiges archéozoologiques et lithiques en quantité intéressante. Ces découvertes donnent de nouvelles informations sur les affinités culturelles à la transition entre l’âge du Bronze et l’âge du Fer, période peu documentée dans le Nord de la région Centre.The excavation of the site of Ouches at Sours (28) has enabled the updating of an important settlement from the early Neolithic and the discovery, in the northern part of the site, of several structures datable to the beginning of the Iron Age (Hallstatt C). They correspond to domestic structures (a building and some ditches) and a “worship” entity: a double enclosure in a “U” shape.The dwelling and its annexes are represented by a quadrangular building on posts and a large ditch which is rich in furnishings (ceramic, bone and worked flint). This structure may be associated to the working of a “Polynesian” type kiln and serve as a reject pit. The double enclosure, open towards the north) is situated to the north-east of the site.Even though three entire ceramic vessels have been found in the outer ditch, the majority of the ceramic furnishings (177 out of 192) have come from the large ditch, principally cups, bowls which are sometimes inscribed, small goblets with a globular middle typical of Hallstatt C or vessels used for storing. They regularly have finger made cords.This small dwelling from the beginning of the Iron Age has provided a good sample of ceramics in use in Eure-et-Loir in this period as well as some archaeozoological remains and lithics in interesting quantities. These discoveries provided new information on the cultural affinities to the transition between the Bronze and Iron ages, a period which is little researched in the north of the Centre region

    Set up of a methodology for participatory plant breeding in bread wheat in France

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    In Organic Agriculture, cultivation environments and agronomic practices are very diverse. This diversity can be handled with decentralized selection based on the knowledge of farmers and scientists. A collaborative work between associations from RĂ©seau Semences Paysannes and the DEAP team from INRA du Moulon set up an innovative breeding approach on farm based on decentralization and participation of farmers. This approach makes it possible to (i) create new population varieties of bread wheat locally adapted (genetic innovation) (ii) set up an organizational scheme based on decentralization and co construction between actors (societal innovation) and (iii) develop experimental designs, create statistical and data management tools which stimulate these genetic and societal innovations

    Ten new cases further delineate the syndromic intellectual disability phenotype caused by mutations in DYRK1A

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    The dual-specificity tyrosine-phosphorylation-regulated kinase 1A (DYRK1A) gene, located on chromosome 21q22.13 within the Down syndrome critical region, has been implicated in syndromic intellectual disability associated with Down syndrome and autism. DYRK1A has a critical role in brain growth and development primarily by regulating cell proliferation, neurogenesis, neuronal plasticity and survival. Several patients have been reported with chromosome 21 aberrations such as partial monosomy, involving multiple genes including DYRK1A. In addition, seven other individuals have been described with chromosomal rearrangements, intragenic deletions or truncating mutations that disrupt specifically DYRK1A. Most of these patients have microcephaly and all have significant intellectual disability. In the present study, we report 10 unrelated individuals with DYRK1A-associated intellectual disability (ID) who display a recurrent pattern of clinical manifestations including primary or acquired microcephaly, ID ranging from mild to severe, speech delay or absence, seizures, autism, motor delay, deep-set eyes, poor feeding and poor weight gain. We identified unique truncating and non-synonymous mutations (three nonsense, four frameshift and two missense) in DYRK1A in nine patients and a large chromosomal deletion that encompassed DYRK1A in one patient. On the basis of increasing identification of mutations in DYRK1A, we suggest that this gene be considered potentially causative in patients presenting with ID, primary or acquired microcephaly, feeding problems and absent or delayed speech with or without seizures
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