1 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Komik Perairan Laut sebagai Dasar Pengetahuan Kebencanaan pada Materi Dinamika Hidrosfer dan Dampaknya terhadap Kehidupan di SMA Negeri Kebakkramat

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    Instructural media is a tool to facilitate the learning process. Learning materials will easy conveyed if supported by suitable instructural media. The purpose of this research is to understand and effectiveness of the comic book instructural media in marine waters. This research using a research model 3D (Define, Design, Development). Technique of collecting data of this research by giving pretest and posttest and questionnaire assessment of the development of instructural media comic book. This research was conducted in Senior High School Kebakkramat with the subject of research trial class grade of social science 5 as experiment class and class grade of social science 3 as control class. The result of this research showed that based on research by media and material, instructural media comic book is worthy to instructural media. Use of instructural media comic book there were differences of learning outcomes between class experiment that is class with special treatment using comic media and class control that is class no special treatment (conventional learning). Class control increase of 61% while class experiment increase 72%