90 research outputs found

    Stability of Big Surface Bubbles: Impact of Evaporation and Bubbles Size

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    Surface bubbles have attracted much interest in the past decades. In this article, we propose to explore the lifetime and thinning dynamics of centimetric surface bubbles. We study the impact of the bubbles size as well as that of the atmospheric humidity through a careful control and systematic variation of the relative humidity in the measuring chamber. We first adress the question of the drainage under saturated water vapor conditions and show that a model including both capillary and gravity driven drainage provides the best prediction for this process. Additionally, unprecedented statistics on the bubbles lifetimes confirm experimentally that this parameter is set by evaporation to leading order. We make use of a model based on the overall thinning dynamics of the thin film and assume a rupture thickness of the order 10-100 nm to obtain a good representation of these data. For experiments conducted far from saturation, the convective evaporation of the bath is shown to dominate the overall mass loss in the cap film due to evaporation

    The Life of a Surface Bubble

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    Surface bubbles are present in many industrial processes and in nature, as well as in CO2_2 beverage. They have motivated many theoretical, numerical and experimental works. This paper presents the current knowledge on the physics of surface bubbles lifetime and shows the diversity of mechanisms at play that depend on the properties of the bath, the interfaces and the ambient air. In particular, we explore the role of drainage and evaporation on film thinning. We highlight the existence of two different scenarios depending on whether the film cap ruptures at large or small thickness compared to the thickness at which van der Waals interaction come in to play

    Measurement of the temperature decrease in evaporating soap films

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    Recent advances have demonstrated that evaporation can play a significant role on soap film stability, which is a key concern in many industrial areas but also for children playing with bubbles. Thus, evaporation leads to a film thinning but also to a film cooling, which has been overlooked for soapy objects. Here, we study the temperature variation of an evaporating soap film for different values of relative humidity and glycerol concentrations. We evidence that the temperature of soap films can decrease after their creation up to 8 o~^\text{o}C. We propose a model describing the temperature drop of soap films after their formation that is in quantitative agreement with our experiments. We emphasize that this cooling effect is significant and must be carefully considered in future studies on the dynamics of soap films.Comment: 6 page

    Effective water/water contact angle at the base of an impinging jet

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    The base of a jet impinging on an ultrapure water bath is studied experimentally. At the impact point, a train of capillary waves develops along the jet. By performing Particle Tracking Velocity measurements, we show that there is a boundary layer separation between the jet and the meniscus. We thus describe the shape of this meniscus with a hydrostatic model. A striking observation is the existence of an effective non-zero water/water contact angle between the jet and the meniscus. The rationalization of this finite contact angle requires a full description of the shape of the interface. By doing an analytical matching between the meniscus and the jet, we show that the capillary waves can be considered as reflected waves present to ensure pressure continuity. It is finally shown that the value of the apparent contact angle is fixed by energy minimization, with an excellent agreement between prediction and experiment for small jets

    Dynamics of bubbles spontaneously entering in a tube

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    When an open tube of small diameter touches a bubble of a larger diameter, the bubble spontaneously shrinks and pushes a soap film in the tube. We characterize the dynamics for different bubble sizes and number of soap films in the tube. We rationalize this observation from a mechanical force balance involving the Laplace pressure of the bubble and the viscous force from the advancing soap lamellae in the tube. We propose a numerical resolution of this model, and an analytical solution in an asymptotic regime. These predictions are then compared to the experiments. The emptying duration is primarily affected by the initial bubble to tube diameter ratio and by the number of soap films in the tube

    Generation of Giant Soap Films

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    Artists regularly make soap bubbles several meters long. In this article we make soap films up to two meters high by pulling a horizontal fishing line driven by belts out of a soapy solution at velocities ranging from 20 cm/s to 250 cm/s. We characterize the thickness profile of the central part of the film that behaves like a rubber band under tension. We show that its thickness profile is well described by a static model in which a homogeneous elastic film is stretched by its own weight. This leads to an exponential thickness profile with a characteristic length given by a competition between gravity and surface elasticity. The prefactor is fixed by the shape and area of the film, governed by the fishing line motion but also by a continuous extraction of foam film from the lateral menisci, thicker than the central part, and that progressively invades the film from its lateral boundaries. The model we propose captures the subtle interplay between gravity, film elasticity and film extraction and leads to predictions in good agreement with our experimental data

    Study of charge-charge coupling effects on dipole emitter relaxation within a classical electron-ion plasma description

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    Studies of charge-charge (ion-ion, ion-electron, and electron-electron) coupling properties for ion impurities in an electron gas and for a two component plasma are carried out on the basis of a regularized electron-ion potential without short-range Coulomb divergence. This work is motivated in part by questions arising from recent spectroscopic measurements revealing discrepancies with present theoretical descriptions. Many of the current radiative property models for plasmas include only single electron-emitter collisions and neglect some or all charge-charge interactions. A molecular dynamics simulation of dipole relaxation is proposed here to allow proper account of many electron-emitter interactions and all charge-charge couplings. As illustrations, molecular dynamics simulations are reported for the cases of a single ion imbedded in an electron plasma and for a two-component ion-electron plasma. Ion-ion, electron-ion, and electron-electron coupling effects are discussed for hydrogen-like Balmer alpha lines.Comment: 13 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Soft Matter Drainage in a rising foam

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    International audienceRising foams created by continuously blowing gas into a surfactant solution are widely used in many technical processes, such as flotation. The prediction of the liquid fraction profile in such flowing foams is of particular importance since this parameter controls the stability and the rheol-ogy of the final product. Using drift flux analysis and recently developed semi-empirical expressions for foam permeability and osmotic pressure, we build a model predicting the liquid fraction profile as a function of height. The theoretical profiles are very different if the interfaces are considered as mobile or rigid, but all of our experimental profiles are described by the model with mobile interfaces. Even the systems with dodecanol, which are well known to behave as rigid in forced drainage experiments. This is because in rising foams the liquid fraction profile is fixed by the flux at the bottom of the foam. Here the foam is wet with higher permeability and the interfaces are not in equilibrium. These results demonstrate once again that it is not only the surfactant system that controls the mobility of the interface, but also the hydrodynamic problem under consideration. For example liquid flow through the foam during generation or in forced drainage is intrinsically different

    A new setup for giant soap films characterization

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    Artists, using an empirical knowledge, manage to generate and play with giant soap films and bubbles. Until now, scientific studies of soap films generated at a controlled velocity and without any feeding from the top, studied films of a few square centimeters. The present work aims to present a new setup to generate and characterize giant soap films (2~m Ă—\times 0.7~m). Our setup is enclosed in a humidity-controlled box of 2.2~m high, 1~m long and 0.75~m large. Soap films are entrained by a fishing line withdrawn out of a bubbling solution at various velocities. We measure the maximum height of the generated soap films, as well as their lifetime, thanks to an automatic detection. This is allowed by light-sensitive resistors collecting the light reflected on the soap films and ensures robust statistical measurements. In the meantime, thickness measurements are performed with a UV-VIS-spectrometer, allowing us to map the soap films thickness over time
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