9 research outputs found

    Pemantauan Ekologi Sarang Elang Jawa (Spizaets Bartelsi) di Wilayah Hutan Cikaniki Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak

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    Javanese eagle (Spizaetus bartelsi) is one type of bird of prey endemic to Java. The existence of birds of prey in an ecosystem is very important, because of its position as the top predators in the food chain or pyramid. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics and ecological nests, as well as the proliferation of Java Eagle Cikaniki especially in forest areas. Observation method used is cooperative mehod five observation points around forest areas Cikaniki. Through monthly observation, ranges Javanese eagle depicted on the map, and mapped point is the assumption of Javanese eagle nesting sites. Observations are also done through direct observation at the location around the nest. The results explain that Java Eagle identified seven individuals that belong to three families: Pengkeh family, relatives and family Andam I Andam II. During the observation, observed breeding success of one family, it is characterized by the presence of individual chicks that fly around the nest site. During the monitoring also the sound of Javanese eagle chicks in the vicinity of the nest. Cikaniki in forest areas, family observed using the Java Eagle Castanopsis argentea tree to lay a nest. The tree is a towering trees compared to other tree with a height of about 30 meters. Java Eagle nest situated at an altitude 16 meters above the ground on the second branch. Nest trees grow at an altitude of 1,100 meters above sea level and on a fairly steep slope topography, close to the creeks and within 500 meters of open wilayan limit

    Reconstruction of Utilization Arrangements for the State Assets in the Form of Land to Increase Non-Tax State Revenue

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    Introduction: Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution of Republic Indonesia mandates the urgency of optimizing the management of state assets, whether in the management of controlled state assets, owned state assets, or separated state assets for improving the maximum benefit of the prosperity of the folk to create a prosperous state (welfare state). One form of owned state wealth is referred to as State Property/Assets (hereinafter abbreviated as BMN).Purposes of the Research: The author is interested in writing this article because there are still many BMN that are indicated to be vacant, neglected, and not used optimally, whereas this optimization of BMN is able to make a positive contribution to PNBP. This thing must be supported by strict and definite regulations about the management and utilization of BMN.Methods of the Research: The research methodology used in this study is legal research with a normative juridical study using a statutory approach and this theoretical concept uses several legal materials to support the data and theory.Results of the Research: The utilization of BMN in the form of land has not been optimal due to: the approval of the utilization of BMN by the Property Manager is not immediately followed up with a utilization agreement by a third party on the grounds that the utilization rate is still high; there is no regulation that regulates the objections of the fair value of BMN that will be utilized; the application of sanctions is not firm and there are articles on the management and utilization of BMN which are vague (vage normen)

    Penerapan Digital Marketing sebagai Peningkatan Pemasaran pada UKM Warung Angkringan “WAGE” Bandung

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    Digital marketing bagi sebuah Perusahaan merupakan bagian yang sangat penting saat ini. Tak terkecuali bagi Perusahaan-Perusahaan kuliner atau warung angkringan yang membutuhkan publikasi yang baik demi kelangsungan dan kemajuan usahanya. Selain harus mampu bersaing dengan pesaing lain dalam menyajikan hidangan kuliner yang lezat, warung angkringan harus memiliki strategi pemasaran yang hebat yaitu dengan digital marketing ini. Pengelola sebuah warung angkringan diharapkan memiliki kecakapan dalam promosi melalui perangkat digital, terutama dalam mempublikasikan produk-produk yang dijual dan tempat yang ditawarkan. Ketika sebuah Perusahaan memiliki kemampuan mengelola marketing melalui perangkat digital yang bagus, hal ini pasti akan mempermudah mengembangkan usahanya lantaran dengan pangsa pasar yang lebih luas maka produknya akan lebih banyak dikenal dan diminati. Terlebih saat ini banyak aplikasi massa yang memiliki konten pemesanan makanan melalui jasa angkutan online. Meskipun demikian masih banyak Perusahaan makanan atau warung kuliner yang belum memanfaatkan sarana digital marketing ini dengan baik. Perusahaan kuliner yang tidak dilengkapi dengan kehadiran digital marketing akan sangat tertinggal oleh pesaing lain yang sudah memanfaatkan media ini. Hal inipun menjadi salah satu hambatan bagi warung angkringan WAGE dalam mengelola usahanya. Oleh karena itu, pelaksana kegiatan dirasa perlu untuk mengadakan baik pelatihan maupun pembuatan aplikasi mengenai digital marketing dalam memajukan usaha warung angkringan WAGE ini. Seperti yang diketahui bahwa kota Bandung dikenal sebagai kota kuliner sehingga Warung angkringan WAGE yang berlokasi di Jalan Rancabentang I No 5A, Ciumbuleuit, Cidadap kota Bandung ini akan lebih diuntungkan dalam promosi produk kulinernya. Yang pada awalnya target pasar hanya diperuntukkan bagi mahasiswa-mahasiswa dan masyarakat sekitar, dengan menggunakan digital marketing ini target pasar menjadi lebih luas

    Kelas Multiple Intelligences Pesantren Modern di Madura

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    This study described the implementation of education in TMI Al-Amien Prenduan. It also analyzed its teacher's role in curriculum development at the multiple intelligences class. This study is a case study. Data was collected through observation, interview and documentation and analyzed using qualitative Model. Data validation was carried out using triangulation of data, method and source. The findings showed that the education process in TMI Al-Amien Prenduan run for 24 hour per day and used Multiple Intelligences approach in dividing the class. Classes at TMI are divided into class groups, enrichment of Islamic religious lessons and enrichment of Arabic class, Indonesian language and literature class, Mathematics and natural science class, and social sciences and English enrichment class. Teachers in this institution play three important roles, namely professional educator, learning guide, and curriculum development. They are involved in the development of Master Plan for Semester Education Program. In addition, they also carry the structural responsibility as managers