2,229 research outputs found

    Versatile Control System for Automated Single-Molecule Optical Tweezers Investigations

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    We present a versatile control system to automate single-molecule biophysics experiments. This method combines low-level controls into various functional, user-configurable modules, which can be scripted in a domain-specific instruction language. The ease with which the high-level parameters can be changed accelerates the development of a durable experiment for the perishable single-molecule samples. Once the experimental parameters are tuned, the control system can be used to repeatedly manipulate other single molecules in the same way, which is necessary to accumulate the statistics needed to report results from single-molecule studies. This system has been implemented for an optical tweezers instrument for single-molecule manipulations, with real-time point-by-point feedback at a loop rate of 10-20 kHz

    Can the Arts Change the World? The Transformative Power of the Arts in Fostering and Sustaining Social Change

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    A group of nonprofit leaders working in the arts, advocacy, political organizing, social services, and education explored the connection between community organizing and creative expression by engaging in collective activities, including visiting various examples of community arts, and experimentation with their own practice. Through this process, the group concluded that arts could be socially transformative; that community arts can create a safe space that allows people to trust and be open to changing; that art can help people reflect together and not talk past one another; and that the process of creating together can be healing and sustaining

    Hexokinase 2 promotes tumor growth and metastasis by regulating lactate production in pancreatic cancer

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is a KRAS-driven cancer with a high incidence of metastasis and an overall poor prognosis. Previous work in a genetically engineered mouse model of PDAC showed glucose metabolism to be important for maintaining tumor growth. Multiple glycolytic enzymes, including hexokinase 2 (HK2), were upregulated in primary PDAC patient tumors, supporting a role for glycolysis in promoting human disease. HK2 was most highly expressed in PDAC metastases, suggesting a link between HK2 and aggressive tumor biology. In support of this we found HK2 expression to be associated with shorter overall survival in PDAC patients undergoing curative surgery. Transient and stable knockdown of HK2 in primary PDAC cell lines decreased lactate production, anchorage independent growth (AIG) and invasion through a reconstituted matrix. Conversely, stable overexpression of HK2 increased lactate production, cell proliferation, AIG and invasion. Pharmacologic inhibition of lactate production reduced the HK2-driven increase in invasion while addition of extracellular lactate enhanced invasion, together providing a link between glycolytic activity and metastatic potential. Stable knockdown of HK2 decreased primary tumor growth in cell line xenografts and decreased incidence of lung metastasis after tail vein injection. Gene expression analysis of tumors with decreased HK2 expression showed alterations in VEGF-A signaling, a pathway important for angiogenesis and metastasis, consistent with a requirement of HK2 in promoting metastasis. Overall our data provides strong evidence for the role of HK2 in promoting PDAC disease progression, suggesting that direct inhibition of HK2 may be a promising approach in the clinic

    Backscatter Inversion in Spherically Asymmetric Ionosphere

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    It is Well Known that Various Diurnal and Morphological Features of the Ionosphere Reveal Substantial Departures from the Normally Simplified Assumption of Spherical Symmetry at Certain Times of the Day or at Certain Geographic Locations. a Radio Ray Passing through Such an Ionosphere Must Bear Information About its Horizontal Gradients. the Leading Edge of a Backscatter Ionogram is Formed by Obliquely Propagated Radio Rays of Minimum Time Delay and Hence is Useful in Deducing Information About the Ionospheric Horizontal Gradients. in This Regard, the Ionospheric Electron Density Distribution is Modeled by a Locally Quasi‐parabolic Layer with Six Parameters. This Six‐parameter Space is Known as the \u27ion state.\u27 Our Object is to Seek the \u27best\u27 Ion state in the Sense that the Corresponding Mean Square Error in Group Delay is a Minimum. a Computer Program Has Been Written to Carry Out the Specified Procedure. a Number of Sample Calculations Are Presented and Discussed. Copyright 1979 by the American Geophysical Union

    Condition Monitoring of Squirrel-Cage Induction Motors Fed by PWM-Based Drives Using a Parameter Estimation Approach

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    Abstract: A rotor condition monitoring technique is presented in this paper based on a parameter estimation approach. In this technique, the stator currents, voltages and motor speed are used as the input signals, where the outputs will be the rotor\u27s inductance, resistance and consequently rotor time constant. This approach is verified by simulation of two different induction motor cases. These simulations are buttressed by experimental data obtained for a 2-hp induction motor in the case of healthy as well as one, three and five rotor bar breakages. In these tests, the induction motor was energized from a PWM-based drive, in order to demonstrate the capability of using this method for rotor condition monitoring purposes
