32 research outputs found

    Mortality differentials by religious denomination in Vienna 1981-2002

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    Using statistical record linkage of anonymized population census data 1981, 1991 and 2001 with deaths during twelve months from census day, we computed standardized mortality ratios for nine religious groups (including groups with no religion and religion not stated) in the city of Vienna. Relative mortality risk is above average for Roman Catholics (1.01), but below average for Protestants (0.98) and people with no religion (0.97). Very low mortality risks are found for Muslims and Orthodox Christians, which is partly due to the low mortality of foreign immigrants. The lower mortality risk of Protestants compared to Roman Catholics is restricted to males and essentially due to different educational distributions. Despite their low overall mortality level, people with no religion face excess suicide mortality

    Austria: Persistent low fertility since the mid-1980s

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    This chapter offers an in-depth analysis of fertility in Austria, a country which has experienced a low and relatively stable fertility level and a gradual postponement of childbearing since the mid-1980s. We begin by summarising Austrian population trends in the post-World War II period and highlighting recent relatively high migration levels. We outline the long history of sub-replacement fertility and high childlessness in Austria and look in detail at recent parity-specific developments, trends in family size, delayed childbearing and persistent fertility differences by education level, country of origin and religious affiliation. The chapter then summarises main trends in family-related behaviour, including the changing patterns of leaving parental home, the rise in cohabitation, the decline in marriage and the rise of divorce and the diversity in non-marital childbearing, which has a long tradition in many parts of the country. We discuss the development of family policies in Austria and their relationship to fertility during the past decades. Social policies in Austria provide only a limited support for a reconciliation of childrearing and employment among mothers with children below the age of three. A combination of one of the highest family spending rates among the OECD countries and the low fertility rates indicate that structural constraints (such as the availability of childcare) constitute part of the explanation of low fertility.Austria, childbearing, Europe, fertility

    Monthly Estimates of the Quantum of Fertility: Towards a Fertility Monitoring System in Austria

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    Short-term variations in fertility and seasonal patterns of childbearing have been of interest to demographers for a long time. Presenting our detailed study of period fertility in Austria since 1984, we discuss the problems and advantages of constructing and analysing monthly series of various period fertility indicators that reflect real exposure and potentially minimise the distortions caused by changes in fertility timing. We correct monthly birth data for calendar and seasonal factors and show that seasonality of births in Austria varies by birth order. Our study suggests that most of the timing distortions can be eliminated when using an indicator derived from the period parity progression ratios based on birth interval distributions, termed the "period average parity" (PAP). We illustrate the insights gained with the PAP and compare this with the commonly used total fertility rates in an analysis of the recent upswing in period fertility, starting in the late 2001. This investigation will be useful in establishing a monitoring of monthly fertility rates in Austria.

    Geburtenbarometer Vienna: Analysing fertility convergence between Vienna and Austria

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    Geburtenbarometer Vienna aims to provide an up-to-date monitoring of fertility in Vienna, based on a set of annual and quarterly indicators of fertility rates and regularly published summary reports. This paper gives an overview of the data, methods and indicators used and contrasts main results with the data for other Austrian regions and for the whole country. Throughout much of the 20th century, Vienna recorded fertility rates deep below those in other parts of Austria. Because fertility in Vienna differs markedly between Austrian-born and foreign-born women, our study looks at these fertility differentials and their influence on the overall fertility patterns for Vienna and Austria. Migrant women in Vienna not only had a rapidly increasing share on total births since the mid-1980s and thus contributed to a gradual increase in the absolute number of births in the city, but their higher fertility has also helped to push period fertility rates in Vienna towards the levels recorded in other regions of Austria. Our study brings to light the distinct population dynamics in Vienna, where high childlessness and low fertility are combined with a positive balance between births and deaths and sustained population growth and where the population trends are strongly influenced by the direct and indirect effects of migration.Das Geburtenbarometer Wien zielt darauf ab, ein aktuelles FertilitĂ€tsmonitoring fĂŒr Wien zur VerfĂŒgung zu stellen, basierend auf einem Satz jĂ€hrlicher und vierteljĂ€hrlicher Fruchtbarkeitsindikatoren und regelmĂ€ĂŸigen zusammenfassenden Berichten. Die vorliegende Studie informiert ĂŒber die verwendeten Daten, Methoden und Indikatoren und kontrastiert die Hauptresultate mit Daten fĂŒr die anderen österreichischen Regionen und fĂŒr das ganze Land. Den grĂ¶ĂŸten Teil des 20. Jahrhunderts hindurch lag die FertilitĂ€t in Wien weit unterhalb jener des ĂŒbrigen Österreichs. Weil sich die Fruchtbarkeit in Wien deutlich zwischen den in Österreich und den im Ausland geborenen Frauen unterscheidet, werden diese FertilitĂ€tsdifferentiale und ihr Einfluss auf die gesamten FertilitĂ€tsmuster Wiens und Österreichs betrachtet. Zugewanderte Frauen hatten in Wien seit der Mitte der 1980er Jahre nicht nur einen schnell zunehmenden Anteil an den Gesamtgeburten und trugen folglich zu einem allmĂ€hlichen Anstieg der absoluten Geburtenzahl in der Stadt bei, sondern ihre höheren Fruchtbarkeitsziffern halfen auch, die PeriodenfertilitĂ€tsraten in Richtung auf die Niveaus zu bringen, die in anderen Regionen Österreichs verzeichnet werden. Die vorliegende Studie veranschaulicht die ausgeprĂ€gte Wiener Bevölkerungsdynamik, in der sich eine hohe Kinderlosigkeit und niedrige FertilitĂ€t mit einer positiven Bilanz zwischen Geburten und SterbefĂ€llen sowie anhaltendem Bevölkerungszuwachs verbinden und die Bevölkerungstrends stark durch die direkten und indirekten Auswirkungen der Migration beeinflusst werden

    Human Capital, Values, and Attitudes of Persons Seeking Refuge in Austria in 2015

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    Since its inception in 2010, the Arab Spring has evolved into a situation of violent conflict in many countries, leading to high levels of migration from the affected region. Given the social impact of the large number of individuals applying for asylum across Europe in 2015, it is important to study who these persons are in terms of their skills, motivations, and intentions. DiPAS (Displaced Persons in Austria Survey) aims to uncover the socio-demographic characteristics of the persons seeking refuge who arrived in Austria in 2015, mainly originating from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. Particular focus is on human capital, attitudes and values. This survey, the first of its kind in Austria and possibly in Europe, was carried out among adult displaced persons, mostly residing in Vienna, yielding 514 completed interviews. Information gathered on spouses and children allows for the analysis of 972 persons living in Austria, and of further 419 partners and children abroad. Results indicate that the surveyed population comprised mainly young families with children, particularly those coming from Syria and Iraq. Their educational level is high compared with the average level in their country of origin. A vast majority of respondents are Muslims, rating their religiosity at medium levels. Judging from stated attitudes towards gender equity, interviewed men seem to have more liberal attitudes than their compatriots. The majority of respondents do not intend to return to their home countries, mostly because of the perception of permanent threat. DiPAS provides data for political decision-making and the on-going societal dialogue. Its findings can help to inform assessments about the integration potential of the displaced population into the host society. In addition, the applied methodological technique and experiences during the fieldwork provide valuable insights on sampling asylum seekers and refugees in the current European context

    Reconstruction of historical series of life tables and of age-sex structures for the Austrian population in the 19th and the first half of the 20th century

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    The paper presents the method and results of reconstructing the Austrian life tables and population age-sex composition for single years in 1870-1940. It also proposes estimates of life tables for the years 1819-1869. The time period covered by the paper is marked by improvements in life expectancy, unstable births dynamics, distortions due to war, territorial changes and migration. For the years since 1870 a multistage reconstructing technique is used which enables to make use of both reference life tables and census populations and also of vital statistics available for the years between censuses. First, life tables are interpolated and used to obtain population projections without migration. Then, net migration between censuses is roughly approximated and—together with deaths statistics— used to improve estimates for life tables. Finally, the estimates for net migration and population age-sex composition between censuses are also improved. Estimates for life tables in 1819-1869 are based on regression models developed from the estimates for the period 1870-1910

    Austria: Persistent low fertility since the mid-1980s

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    This chapter offers an in-depth analysis of fertility in Austria, a country which has experienced a low and relatively stable fertility level and a gradual postponement of childbearing since the mid-1980s. We begin by summarising Austrian population trends in the post-World War II period and highlighting recent relatively high migration levels. We outline the long history of sub-replacement fertility and high childlessness in Austria and look in detail at recent parity-specific developments, trends in family size, delayed childbearing and persistent fertility differences by education level, country of origin and religious affiliation. The chapter then summarises main trends in family-related behaviour, including the changing patterns of leaving parental home, the rise in cohabitation, the decline in marriage and the rise of divorce and the diversity in non-marital childbearing, which has a long tradition in many parts of the country. We discuss the development of family policies in Austria and their relationship to fertility during the past decades. Social policies in Austria provide only a limited support for a reconciliation of childrearing and employment among mothers with children below the age of three. A combination of one of the highest family spending rates among the OECD countries and the low fertility rates indicate that structural constraints (such as the availability of childcare) constitute part of the explanation of low fertility