6 research outputs found


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    The scoping review technique aims to map, through a rigorous, systematic and transparent method, the state of the art of a theme, providing a descriptive and analytical view of the studies reviewed. The synthesis of the literature in the form of a Scoping Review is being widely used in the healthcare sector and is supported by evidence-based practice (EBP). The choice was made due to the need to explore the theme, aiming to map existing concepts and evidence. Therefore, the scope review will respect the PRISMA-ScR script (Annex) and will seek to map the key concepts that support the field of translational research in addition to clarifying work definitions and / or conceptual limits. The objective is to explore the breadth or extent of the literature, map and summarize the evidence and inform future research. This scoping review is supported by the Joanna Brigs Institute (JBI) guidelines, namely: - Definition and alignment between the objectives and the research question; - Description of the planned approach to search for evidence, inclusion and exclusion criteria, selection, data extraction and presentation of evidence; - Search for the balance between feasibility, breadth and scope of the scope definition process. - Identification of the implications of the study results for policy, practice or research; - Synthesis of the evidence in relation to the objectives of the review, observing any implications of the findings

    Eligibility criteria

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    The inclusion criteria were case studies, systematic reviews, or other types of reviews that addressed characteristics of translational research in medical devices, with no language restrictions or publication date limits. The exclusion criteria were studies that did not fully or partially answer the review's guiding question, such as studies that addressed the translation of knowledge into clinical practice, that addressed characteristics exclusively of the pharmaceutical segment, or that addressed translational research applied to specific diseases or technologies

    Search Strategy

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    The search will be carried out in three stages: 1) Initial search limited to two online databases appropriate and relevant to the topic. The databases will be SCOPUS and Pubmed. This initial search will serve to analyze the keywords of the text contained in the title and in the summary of the retrieved articles and the index terms used to describe the articles; 2) Research to be carried out in all databases included (SCOPUS, Bireme, Web of Science and Pubmed), using all keywords and index terms identified in the articles in step 1. The authors will make an independent screening of titles and abstracts (first-level screening) of retrieved articles to establish the eligibility of articles that can meet the inclusion criteria for analysis. All articles that satisfy the first level screening will be retained for second level screening (full text review of the article). Again, the authors will independently review full-text articles to determine inclusion in the scope review. After the conclusion of each stage of the screening process, any discrepancies or disagreements between the authors will be resolved through discussion or later judgment by a third reviewer; and 3) Research containing the list of references of reports and articles identified as additional sources of studies that were included in the review. Source: Primary sources of published and unpublished evidence (gray literature), in addition to systematic reviews and other reviews. The data of the studies included in full text will be mapped using a standardized data extraction form developed for the study, according to the variables described below: Year, Títle, Author, Journal, Type of study, Method, Highlights of the text that answer the question / objectives and Results. Due to the exploratory nature of the scope reviews, no restrictions will be adopted in relation to the number of articles retrieved from database searches. Therefore, all selected articles that meet the eligibility criteria will be included for the purposes of this study. There will be no restriction on dates or language. Considering that the scoping reviews aim to map the available evidence that underpins the investigation of the topic, we do not intend to apply restrictions that may limit the ability of our scoping review to explore the evidence available in the published literature (which meets our inclusion criteria) and help address our questions and objectives. This is because scope analyzes are related to evidence-based practice that is evident in the systematic and transparent process of examining a broad and diverse body of literature to clarify key concepts, document the types of evidence that address and inform the practice, as well as identify research / knowledge gaps and provide recommendations for future research priorities (Pham et al., 2014). The articles and documents will be incorporated into the Mendeley research management software. The scoping review protocol will be registered with the Open Science Framework (https://osf.io/


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    Objective: To characterize the factors and dimensions that integrate translational research in medical devices and the challenges for their implementation. Specific objectives: 1. Synthesizing studies identified characteristics or evaluated initiatives in medical devices translational research. 2. Analyze the main characteristics, factors and dimensions related to translational research concept. 3. Examine the emerging evidence on the role of translational research in health innovation performance. 4. Analyze knowledge gaps in translational research in medical devices; and 5. Provide elements for future research that addresses the importance of developing personal and institutional skills in translational research to improve the medical device segment innovation performance in Brazil

    Impacts of continuing education for Primary Health Care professionals - a scoping review protocol

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    Continuing Health Education is a political-pedagogical strategy that includes a model based on learning in a relationship with the work process itself to transform health practices. Primary health care has proved to be a powerful space for consolidating continuing education, as it promotes reflection and learning based on the local singularities of the territory. Continuing health education is an important strategy for transforming the reality of PHC, reinventing work, and consequently changing practices. This study aimed to identify and analyze the evidence on the impact of continuing education for health professionals in Primary Health Care in Brazil. This is a scoping review protocol that will be developed based on the Joanna Briggs Institute manual and guided by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR). The databases included in the study will be MEDLINE/Pubmed, Scielo, Lilacs, EMBASE, and Web of Science. Google Scholar and Open Grey will be used as gray literature. No date limits or language restrictions will be set. The Rayyan management software will be used as a tool to support the selection of studies. Two independent researchers will carry out a paired review to ensure the relevance of the studies. The studies will be analyzed descriptively. Relevant aspects will be pointed out and interrelated in narrative form with the existing literature on the subject. Drawing up this protocol will make it possible to identify studies with evidence on the impact of continuing education in Primary Health Care in Brazil

    mHealth strategies for monitoring child development in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic scoping review protocol

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    A systematic scoping review protocol. this review aims to address the following questions: What mHealth strategies are used for monitoring child development in low- and middle-income countries? What are the purposes of using these strategies? What are the main features of mHealth strategies? What are the effects of mHealth strategies? For whom are mHealth strategies directed