46 research outputs found

    Innovative technologies, processes and products in the construction industry

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    In the German construction industry, innovation activity and willingness must increase significantly in order to be able to meet the technological and socio-political goals and requirements with regard to residential construction as well as to resource conservation and climate protection. Obvious opportunities for increasing efficiency and productivity arise in the areas of digital planning and construction (Building Information Modeling, BIM), serial and modular construction, and data-based networking of construction processes along the value-added chain (Construction 4.0). In the long term, the new or further development of innovative construction technologies (e. g. 3D printing, automated machines and construction robotics) will partly also offer promising potentials. In view of the fact that the construction industry is dominated by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), digital applications will only be successful if the needs of SMEs are consistently integrated into the innovation and standardisation processes

    Technologies in the context of disability compensation at the workplace. Summary

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    For people with disabilities, technical developments are often associated with the hope of better social participation and integration into working life. This technological potential can be all the more effective the more the conditions, normative foundations and reciprocal links of the workplace are coordinated with the comprehensive determination of the respective individual conditions as well as the necessary measures of the responsible social institutions. From such a perspective, this book describes for the first time comprehensively how personal abilities can be developed as well as possible with the help of new technologies and how disabilities can be largely avoided or compensated for. It also discusses how environmental conditions can be designed through the use of technologies in such a way that they represent the lowest possible barriers to lifestyle and social participation for people with functional limitations. The authors describe the target group of these disability-compensating technologies, analyse the political, legal and socio-economic framework conditions for their use in the workplace and outline the potentials and trends of innovative or future technologies

    Assessment of daylight saving time. TAB-Fokus

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    The Directive 2000/84/EC stipulates the application of daylight saving time arrangements as mandatory for all EU Member States for an unspecified period. Any change with regard to daylight saving time requires an amendment of this directive. In 2007, the European Commission concluded that daylight saving time would have only little impact. With regard to energetic aspects and based on the current state of knowledge, this conclusion still can be considered to be valid. Moreover, there are no indications to question this conclusion with regard to economic aspects. In view of health-related aspects, further research is required for an in-depth examination and evaluation of the short-term and long-term implications related to the time change. An amendment of the Directive 2000/84/EC can be proposed in different ways. Whether or not a corresponding legislative procedure will be initiated is at the discretion of the European Commission

    Reproductive medicine: underlying conditions, scientific-technical developments and the consequences. Summary

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    Climate Engineering. TAB-Fokus

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    Climate change is widely seen as the central environmental issue of our time. However, climate protection measures implemented to date are showing little impact. The question has been raised of whether direct technological interventions in the climate system – termed climate engineering – could be a suitable means of limiting the rise in temperature. Policy-makers and society would face major challenges with regard to decisions about the development and application of climate engineering, especially as the entire world population would potentially have to deal with the possible consequences of these measures. Decisions on the benefits of climate engineering therefore cannot be based solely on technological and scientific criteria or economic considerations. Assessment must also include ethical, legal and societal criteria

    25 JAHRE TAB – Festveranstaltung mit dem Thema »Mensch-Maschine-Entgrenzung«. TAB-Fokus

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    Das Büro für Technikfolgen-Abschätzung beim Deutschen Bundestag (TAB) berät seit nunmehr 25 Jahren den Deutschen Bundestag und seine Ausschüsse in Fragen des wissenschaftlich-technischen Wandels und seiner gesellschaftlichen Implikationen. Das Jubiläum am 2. Dezember 2015 wurde mit einer Festveranstaltung im Paul-Löbe-Haus begangen. Dabei stand mit den Tendenzen einer »Mensch-Maschine- Entgrenzung« ein geradezu idealtypisches und hochaktuelles Thema für die Technikfolgenabschätzung im Zentrum. Die fortschreitende Entgrenzung von Mensch und Maschine ist auch Gegenstand eines laufenden TAB-Projekts. Im Fokus der Untersuchung stehen mit den Neurotechnologien und der Robotik zwei hochdynamische Technologiefelder, die das Potenzial haben, das Mensch-Technik-Verhältnis ganz neu zu definieren

    eLearning – Europäische eLearning-Aktivitäten: Programme, Projekte und Akteure

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    Light pollution - extent, effects and approaches. TAB-Fokus

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    In addition to the intended effects, the increasing use of artificial outdoor lighting also entails a number of undesirable side effects referred to as light pollution. Artificial lighting can disturb the circadian rhythms of humans and animals, which are controlled by the change of day and night, and is suspected of being involved in the development of various diseases. Moreover, the increasing illumination of the night influences the natural behaviour of animals. Besides habitat changes, the consequences are ranging from changes in hunting or reproductive behaviour to the deadly attraction effect of light sources, e. g. for insects. However, the longterm consequences of these changes for entire populations, communities or landscapes are still poorly understood. Options for reducing light pollution exist both technologically and in terms of regulation and approval of lighting installations