1,149 research outputs found

    HRTEM observation of the monoclinic-to-tetragonal (m-t) phase transition in nanocrystalline ZrO<sub>2</sub>

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    The orientation relations m(100) || t(001), m[001] || t[110]; m(011) || t(100), m[001] || t[110]; m(100) || t(110), m[001] || t[001]; m(013) || t(116), m[001] || t[001]; (indices for the primitive tetragonal cell) have been found between the tetragonal (t) and monoclinic (m) domains during the electron irradiation-induced m-t phase transition observed in-situ with HREM within isolated zirconia nanoparticles. Geometric models of the m-t interfaces are proposed. Keywords High-resolution transmission electron microscopy, nanoparticles, orientation relations, polymorphism, zirconia, catalys

    High Resolution Infrared Imaging of the Compact Nuclear Source in NGC4258

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    We present high resolution imaging of the nucleus of NGC4258 from 1 micron to 18 microns. Our observations reveal that the previously discovered compact source of emission is unresolved even at the near-infrared resolution of about 0.2 arcsec FWHM which corresponds to about 7 pc at the distance of the galaxy. This is consistent with the source of emission being the region in the neighborhood of the purported 3.5*10^7 M_sun black hole. After correcting for about 18 mags of visual extinction, the infrared data are consistent with a F_nu \propto nu^(-1.4+/-0.1) spectrum from 1.1 micron to 18 micron, implying a non-thermal origin. Based on this spectrum, the total extinction corrected infrared luminosity (1-20 micron) of the central source is 2*10^8 L_sun. We argue that the infrared spectrum and luminosity of the central source obviates the need for a substantial contribution from a standard, thin accretion disk at these wavelengths and calculate the accretion rate through an advection dominated accretion flow to be Mdot \sim 10^(-3) M_sun/yr. The agreement between these observations and the theoretical spectral energy distribution for advection dominated flows provides evidence for the existence of an advection dominated flow in this low luminosity AGN.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures, Appearing in Mar 2000 ApJ vol. 53

    The Inner Rings of Beta Pictoris

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    We present Keck images of the dust disk around Beta Pictoris at 17.9 microns that reveal new structure in its morphology. Within 1" (19 AU) of the star, the long axis of the dust emission is rotated by more than 10 degrees with respect to that of the overall disk. This angular offset is more pronounced than the warp detected at 3.5" by HST, and in the opposite direction. By contrast, the long axis of the emission contours at ~ 1.5" from the star is aligned with the HST warp. Emission peaks between 1.5" and 4" from the star hint at the presence of rings similar to those observed in the outer disk at ~ 25" with HST/STIS. A deconvolved image strongly suggests that the newly detected features arise from a system of four non-coplanar rings. Bayesian estimates based on the primary image lead to ring radii of 14+/-1 AU, 28+/-3 AU, 52+/-2 AU and 82+/-2 AU, with orbital inclinations that alternate in orientation relative to the overall disk and decrease in magnitude with increasing radius. We believe these new results make a strong case for the existence of a nascent planetary system around Beta Pic.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, PDF format. Published in ApJL, December 20,200

    High Resolution Mid-Infrared Imaging of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies

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    Observations of ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) with an achieved resolution approaching the diffraction limit in the mid-infrared from 8 - 25 μ\mum using the Keck Telescopes are reported. We find extremely compact structures, with spatial scales of <0.3< 0.3'' (diameter) in six of the seven ULIRGs observed. These compact sources emit between 30% and 100% of the mid-infrared energy from these galaxies. We have utilized the compact mid-infrared structures as a diagnostic of whether an AGN or a compact (100 -- 300 pc) starburst is the primary power source in these ULIRGs. In Markarian 231, the upper limit on the diameter of the 12.5 μ\mum source, 0.13'', shows that the size of the infrared source must increase with increasing wavelength, consistent with AGN models. In IRAS 05189-2524 and IRAS 08572+3915 there is strong evidence that the source size increases with increasing wavelength. This suggests heating by a central source rather than an extended luminosity source, consistent with the optical classification as an AGN. The compact mid-infrared sources seen in the other galaxies cannot be used to distinguish the ultimate luminosity source. If these ULIRGs are powered by compact starbursts, the star formation rates seen in the central few hundred parsecs far exceed the global rates seen in nearby starburst galaxies, and approach the surface brightness of individual clusters in nearby starburst galaxies.Comment: 33pages, 6 tables, 5 figures, Accepted for publication in A

    High Spatial Resolution Imaging of NGC 1068 in the Mid Infrared

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    Mid-infrared observations of the central source of NGC 1068 have been obtained with a spatial resolution in the deconvolved image of 0.1" (~ 7pc). The central source is extended by ~1" in the north-south direction but appears unresolved in the east-west direction over most of its length. About two-thirds of its flux can be ascribed to a core structure which is itself elongated north-south and does not show a distinct unresolved compact source. The source is strongly asymmetric, extending significantly further to the north than to the south. The morphology of the mid-infrared emission appears similar to that of the radio jet, and has features which correlate with the images in [O III]. Its 12.5-24.5 micron color temperature ranges from 215 to 260 K and does not decrease smoothly with distance from the core. Silicate absorption is strongest in the core and to the south and is small in the north. The core, apparently containing two-thirds of the bolometric luminosity of the inner 4" diameter area, may be explained by a thick, dusty torus near the central AGN viewed at an angle of ~65 deg to its plane. There are, however, detailed difficulties with existing models, especially the narrow east-west width of the thin extended mid-infrared "tongue" to the north of the core. We interpret the tongue as re-processed visual and ultraviolet radiation that is strongly beamed and that originates in the AGN.Comment: 42 pages, 2 tables, 9 figures; Accepted for publication in A

    The Mid-Infrared Instrument for the James Webb Space Telescope, VIII: The MIRI Focal Plane System

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    We describe the layout and unique features of the focal plane system for MIRI. We begin with the detector array and its readout integrated circuit (combining the amplifier unit cells and the multiplexer), the electronics, and the steps by which the data collection is controlled and the output signals are digitized and delivered to the JWST spacecraft electronics system. We then discuss the operation of this MIRI data system, including detector readout patterns, operation of subarrays, and data formats. Finally, we summarize the performance of the system, including remaining anomalies that need to be corrected in the data pipeline

    Dynamic Patterns of Threat-Associated Gene Expression in the Amygdala and Blood

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    Stress and trauma profoundly influence psychiatric biobehavioral outcomes. The identification of treatment and biomarker targets would be accelerated by a broad understanding of the biological responses to these events. The goal of this study was to determine genes responsive to auditory fear conditioning (FC), a well-characterized amygdala-dependent rodent model of threat-exposure, in the presence or absence of prior stress history, providing insight into the physiological processes underlying response to trauma. RNA-sequencing was performed in blood and amygdala from mice that underwent fear conditioning with (Immo+FC) and without (FC) prior immobilization stress, a paradigm that induces HPA axis, and behavioral stress sensitization. In the amygdala, 607 genes were regulated by FC vs. home-cage (HC) controls, and 516 genes differed in stress-sensitized mice (Immo+FC vs. FC). In the former, we observed an enhancement of specific biological processes involved in learning and synaptic transmission, and in the latter processes associated with cell proliferation and the cellular response to drugs. In the blood of stress-sensitized animals, 468 genes were dynamically regulated when compared to FC, and were enriched for the biological pathways of inflammation and cytokine signaling. This study identified genes and pathways that respond to threat in the amygdala and blood of mice with and without a prior stress history and reveals the impact of stress history on subsequent inflammation. Future studies will be needed to examine the role of these dynamically regulated genes may play in human clinical stress and trauma-related disorders