22 research outputs found

    ”Exit, that means out” : young children’s use of multiliterary resources and strategies in text-dialogues

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    This thesis examined the strategies in multiliteracy used by children in their interpretation of multimodal texts through peer dialogue. The thesis builds upon a sociocultural approach to meaning-making in interaction. According to new, broader perspectives on literacy, our so-cially and culturally shaped messages take ever more complex forms, which means that we also require mastery of complex literary skills in our meaning-making. This places new de-mands on pedagogical practices and on research to be considered. The development of multiliteracy skills in children is one of the objectives included in the Finnish national curricu-lum, which means that more knowledge of how multiliteracy can be enhanced in different contexts is needed. This study is influenced by theories within the research on multiliteracy as well as on previous research on emergent literacy among young children. The goal is to demonstrate emergent multiliterate processes of meaning-making expressed by young chil-dren in their interpretation of text through peer dialogue. The results may have an impact on the planning of pedagogical practices and materials used for the promotion of equal opportu-nities among children in the development of multiliteracy. The research was conducted with qualitative, unstructured, interviews in the form of text-dialogues. The participants were 40 children from a Finnish-speaking preschool. The children were 3 to 6 years old at the time. The text-dialogues that were filmed, showed the children working in pairs with the guidance of an adult interviewer, interpreting infographic posters. The dialogues were analysed with a qualitative thematic analysis and categories for the analysis were formed according to previous research on multiliteracy. The multimodality of the meaning-making expressed by the children was considered in the analysis, which gave a more nuanced picture of their processes. The results presented in the thesis suggest one way of relating emergent literary processes of young children with concepts of multiliteracy, as well as tools for closer examination of different forms of meaning making that young children express when interpreting multimodal and informative texts. The children in the study used complex multiliterate resources and strategies in their text-dialogues, which supports earlier theories of emergent readers as capable interpreters of varying text-sources. The meaning-making of the children was dynamic and transformative. The infographic posters used in the text-dialogues created a multiplicity of combinations of textual modalities, which enabled the children to assess the texts from many different perspectives.I den hĂ€r avhandlingen granskades multilitterĂ€ra strategier och resurser som smĂ„ barn uttryckte i textdialoger, dĂ„ de tolkade infografiska affischer med multimodalt innehĂ„ll. Avhandlingen grundar sig i ett sociokulturellt förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt till meningsskapande i interaktion. Enligt nya vidgade syner pĂ„ litteracitet tar socialt och kulturellt skapade meddelanden allt mĂ„ngsidigare former i dagens samhĂ€lle, vilket gör att mĂ€nskor behöver behĂ€rska mĂ„ngsidiga litterĂ€ra förmĂ„gor i sitt meningsskapande. Detta stĂ€ller nya krav pĂ„ pedagogiska praktiker och forskning att beakta. Multilitteracitet som begrepp och pedagogisk mĂ„lsĂ€ttning förekommer i de finlĂ€ndska lĂ€roplanerna, och dĂ€rför behövs definitioner pĂ„ vad multilitteracitet innebĂ€r i olika pedagogiska sammanhang och lĂ€randesituationer. Avhandlingen utgĂ„r ifrĂ„n teorier inom multilitteracitetspedagogik, samt i tidigare forskning kring smĂ„ barns framvĂ€xande litteracitet, och har som mĂ„lsĂ€ttning att Ă„skĂ„dliggöra framvĂ€xande multilitterĂ€ra processer smĂ„ barn ger uttryck för i textdialoger. Detta kan ha betydelse för planering av pedagogiska praktiker och utveckling av pedagogiskt material, som frĂ€mjar smĂ„ barns jĂ€mlika möjligheter till att utveckla sin multilitteracitet. I studiens textdialoger, som utfördes med ett ostrukturerat intervjuformat, deltog 40-stycken 3 ̶ 6-Ă„riga barn frĂ„n ett finsksprĂ„kigt daghem. Med stöd av en vuxen intervjuare, tolkade barnen parvis infografiska affischer med mĂ„ngsidigt text- och bildinnehĂ„ll. Textdialogerna som videofilmades Ă€gde rum i daghemmets utrymmen, som ett tillĂ€gg till de normala daghemsrutinerna. Dialogerna analyserades med en kvalitativ tematisk analys. Analyskategorierna formades utgĂ„ende frĂ„n tidigare forskning och teorier om multilitterĂ€ra tolkningsprocesser. I analysen beaktades barnens meningsskapande med hĂ€nsyn till deras mĂ„ngsidiga sĂ€tt att uttrycka sig med gester, miner, lĂ€ten och tal. Denna fokus pĂ„ multimodalt uttryck gav en rikare uppfattning om barnens tolkningsprocesser i interaktionen. Avhandlingens resultat ger förslag pĂ„ hur smĂ„ barns framvĂ€xande texttolkningar kan relateras till begrepp inom multilitteracitetsdiskursen, samt verktyg för att mer ingĂ„ende granska och benĂ€mna olika former av meningsskapande som barn uttrycker, dĂ„ de tolkar multimodala och informativa textinnehĂ„ll. Enligt studiens resultat anvĂ€nde barnen mĂ„ngsidiga multilitterĂ€ra strategier och deras tolkningsprocesser visade sig vara dynamiska och transformativa, dĂ„ barnen delade av sina resurser med varandra och tillsammans skapade betydelser i dialogerna. Resultaten stöder sĂ„ledes tidigare uppfattningar om smĂ„ barn som kompetenta tolkare av litterĂ€ra sammanhang. Affischerna som valdes till studien skapade en bra helhet i dialogerna med sitt mĂ„ngsidiga bild- och symbolinnehĂ„ll, dĂ„ barnen bĂ„de kunde söka logiska textuella sammanhang inom affischerna, reflektera över affischernas kulturella bundenheter, samt blev inspirerade att expandera utöver affischernas grĂ€nser. Kombinationen av bilder, symboler och skriven text gjorde att barnen kunde fokusera pĂ„ de modaliteter som de upplevde som bekanta och hade resurser att tolka. Studiens resultat indikerar med andra ord att tolkning av texter med multimodalt innehĂ„ll vĂ€l kan stöda utvecklingen av smĂ„ barns multilitteracitet i enlighet med mĂ„lsĂ€ttningarna i de finlĂ€ndska lĂ€roplanerna

    Children’s Augmented Storying in, with and for Nature

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    Drawing on a relational ontology and scholarship of new literacies, we investigate the materiality and performativity of children’s augmented storying in nature. Our study is situated in a Finnish primary school in which a novel, augmented reality application (MyAR Julle) was utilized as a digital storytelling tool for children (n = 62, aged 7–9), allowing them to explore, interact, and imagine in nature and to create/share their stories. The data corpus consists of their narrations of their augmented stories in nature, their augmented story artefacts, and video/observational data from their construction of such stories in nature. Narrative analysis reveals how the children’s augmented storying in nature was performed through playful, affective, and sensuous, identity, cultural, and critical literacies, which were imaginatively constructed into being at the nexus of their sensed reality and fantasy. These literacies make visible human–material–spatial–temporal assemblages during which the children played with/through the augmented character Julle, felt and sensed with/through Julle, and re-storied their experiences, cultural knowledge, and identities with/through Julle. They also engaged in critical thinking with/through Julle. The study contributes to knowledge on the meaning of materiality in children’s storying in, with, and for nature and the educational possibilities of augmented storying for children’s (eco)literacies

    Children’s emotional experiences in and about nature across temporal–spatial entanglements during digital storying

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    In this study, we investigate how digital storying creates opportunities for children to attend to their emotional experiences in and about nature. Following relational ontology and socio-cultural theorising, we focus our analysis on the temporal–spatial entanglements of children's emotional experiences. Our inquiry draws on a case study of two children at a Finnish primary school. Liam and Vera engaged in digital storying in their local forest using an augmented storycrafting app, MyAR Julle. The data were collected during two storying workshops by means of observational field notes, video recordings, interviews with the children and digital artefacts. The results illustrate how engaging in the narrative plot of a fictitious augmented character invited the children to create necessary open-endedness in the activity which further stimulated their storying. The children's experiences were imbued with emotions and distributed across human and non-human actors. The children's digital storying not only communicated their personal emotional experiences in local surroundings, but was also grounded in broader societal narratives, such as climate change and forest conservation, with considerations of the future of the planet. The results suggest how digital storying offers a pedagogical method for early environmental education that builds on children's emotional experiences.Peer reviewe

    Children’s Augmented Storying in, with and for Nature

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    Drawing on a relational ontology and scholarship of new literacies, we investigate the materiality and performativity of children’s augmented storying in nature. Our study is situated in a Finnish primary school in which a novel, augmented reality application (MyAR Julle) was utilized as a digital storytelling tool for children (n = 62, aged 7–9), allowing them to explore, interact, and imagine in nature and to create/share their stories. The data corpus consists of their narrations of their augmented stories in nature, their augmented story artefacts, and video/observational data from their construction of such stories in nature. Narrative analysis reveals how the children’s augmented storying in nature was performed through playful, affective, and sensuous, identity, cultural, and critical literacies, which were imaginatively constructed into being at the nexus of their sensed reality and fantasy. These literacies make visible human–material–spatial–temporal assemblages during which the children played with/through the augmented character Julle, felt and sensed with/through Julle, and re-storied their experiences, cultural knowledge, and identities with/through Julle. They also engaged in critical thinking with/through Julle. The study contributes to knowledge on the meaning of materiality in children’s storying in, with, and for nature and the educational possibilities of augmented storying for children’s (eco)literacies

    Mapping digital competence : Students' maker literacies in a school's makerspace

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    This study investigates and maps students' maker literacies as they relate to digital competence. The study builds on sociocultural theorizing and on the scholarship of digital literacy that defines maker literacies as social practices that entail making and remaking artifacts and texts using various materials and technologies. Through a detailed multimodal analysis of video data from an ethnographic case study of students' (N:11) interaction in an elementary school's makerspace in Finland, our study presents and applies a framework of analysis for maker literacies and discusses how the school's makerspace enhanced the students' digital competence across operational, cultural, and critical dimensions. The study shows how the makerspace context afforded the students ample opportunities to engage in the operational dimension of maker literacies. However, there was less engagement in cultural and critical literacies. The implications of these findings for students' digital competence in makerspaces are discussed.Peer reviewe

    Empathetic encounters of children’s augmented storying across the human and more-than-human worlds

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    This study brings empathy to the centre of literacy practice by investigating children's augmented storying as it was related to empathetic encounters across the human and more-than-human worlds. The study applies sociomaterial theorising that defines empathy as relational and emergent across human-material-spatial-temporal assemblages. The empirical study was situated in a Finnish primary school in which children used an augmented story-crafting tool (MyAR Julle) to explore their local environment and to create and share their stories. The findings show how empathy emerged situationally across the children, other human beings, materials, technology and the natural world. The empathetic encounters of the children's narratives were more than romantic or smooth encounters, instead competing and in tension with one another, calling moral reasoning and agency. The study shows the potential of sociomaterial theorising to change the way we think about children's encounters with the world, using empathy as a framework.Peer reviewe

    Kurittomat palaset : Monilukutaitoa opitaan ilolla

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    Denna bok Ă€r skapad för alla vuxna som Ă€r intresserade av att frĂ€mja smĂ„ barns multilitteracitet. Vi har gett den hĂ€r boken namnet BĂ„ngstyriga bitar: InlĂ€rning av multilitteracitet med glĂ€dje. ”BĂ„ngstyriga bitar” Ă€r ett bildligt uttryck och ett pedagogiskt verktyg som vi utvecklat för att efterlysa fantasi och kreativitet hos barn och vuxna i undervisningen och inlĂ€rningen av multilitteracitet. De material som baserar sig pĂ„ BĂ„ngstyriga bitar Ă€r öppna till sin natur och kan tillĂ€mpas mĂ„ngsidigt. Vi hoppas att de BĂ„ngstyriga bitarna vi utvecklat kommer till liv pĂ„ mĂ„nga olika sĂ€tt i barns och vuxnas gemensamma verksamhet, och att nya former för undervisning och inlĂ€rning av multilitteracitet med glĂ€dje vĂ€xer fram

    Haltijan arvoitus

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    Haltijan arvoitus on valikoima leikillisiÀ aktiviteetteja, joiden tarkoituksena on kehittÀÀ lasten kiinnostusta ja ymmÀrrystÀ ilmastonmuutokseen ja ympÀristöön liittyvistÀ asioista, sekÀ edistÀÀ lasten ekologista lukutaitoa ja laajemmin monilukutaitoa. Materiaalin avulla lapset voivat kÀsitellÀ ja pohtia ilmastonmuutokseen ja ympÀristöön liittyviÀ teemoja suomalaisiin myytteihin perustuvan tarinan kautta. Tarinassa ukkosen haltija Ukko menettÀÀ sÀÀn hallinnan. Lasten tehtÀvÀnÀ on tutkia mistÀ tÀmÀ johtuu ja luoda kuvitteellisia ratkaisuja, joiden avulla Ukko voisi jÀlleen hyvin ja pystyisi jÀlleen hallitsemaan sÀÀtÀ. Kokonaisuus rakentuu seitsemÀstÀ pedagogisesta aktiviteetista, jotka voidaan toteuttaa esimerkiksi luokkahuoneessa ja/tai ulkona. Aktiviteetit soveltuvat myös lasten iltapÀivÀ- tai kerhotoimintaan sekÀ kotikÀyttöön. Materiaali sisÀltÀÀ työskentelyohjeet, keskustelua tukevia kysymyksiÀ sekÀ mallipohjia tehtÀviin liittyviÀ askarteluja varten. Haltijan arvoitus -aktiviteettikortit ovat jatkoa Haltijan kuiskaus -materiaalille ukkosen haltija Ukon, metsÀnhaltija Tapion, vedenhaltija Vetehisen ja muinaisen tietÀjÀvelho Myrrysmiehen maailmassa

    RÄdarens gÄta

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    RÄdarens gÄta bestÄr av en samling lekfulla, multilitterÀra material. MÄlet med RÄdarens gÄta Àr att öka barns intresse och medvetenhet om miljöfrÄgor, samt kompetens i ekologisk litteracitet och multilitteracitet. Genom de pedagodiska materialen och en saga som kopplar till finska myter, kan barnen undersöka och reflektera över miljö- och klimatfrÄgor. Sagan börjar med att Äskans rÄdare Ukko en dag tappar kontrollen över vÀdret. Barnens uppgift Àr att ta reda pÄ vad detta kan bero pÄ och att skapa fantasifulla lösningar för att hjÀlpa Ukko att bli glad igen och ÄterfÄ kontrollen över vÀdret. Totalt bestÄr processen av sju pedagogiska aktiviteter, som utförs bÄde i och utanför klassrummet, innefattande lÀrarens vÀgledning, barns explorativa lÀrande samt gruppdiskussioner. I materialet ingÄr instruktioner för aktiviteterna, exempelfrÄgor för gruppdiskussionerna, samt pysselrekvisita. Denna lÀrandeupplevelse bygger vidare pÄ det tidigare materialet frÄn RÄdarens viskning. I RÄdarens gÄta möter vi Äter Äskans rÄdare Ukko, skogens rÄdare Tapio, vattnets rÄdare Vetehinen och den forntida Siaren