70 research outputs found

    Role of interaction network topology in controlling microbial population in consortia

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    Engineering microbial consortia is an important new frontier for synthetic biology given its efficiency in performing complex tasks and endurance to environmental uncertainty. Most synthetic circuits regulate populational behaviors via cell-to-cell interactions, which are affected by spatially heterogeneous environments. Therefore, it is important to understand the limits on controlling system dynamics and provide a control strategy for engineering consortia under spatial structures. Here, we build a network model for a fractional population control circuit in two-strain consortia, and characterize the cell-to-cell interaction network by topological properties, such as symmetry, locality and connectivity. Using linear network control theory, we relate the network topology to system output's tracking performance. We analytically and numerically demonstrate that the minimum network control cost for good tracking depends on locality difference between two cell population's spatial distributions and how strongly the controller node contributes to interaction strength. To realize a robust consortia, we can manipulate the environment to form a strongly connected network. Our results ground the expected cell population dynamics in its spatially organized interaction network, and inspire directions in cooperative control in microbial consortia

    Layered Feedback Control Improves Robust Functionality across Heterogeneous Cell Populations

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    Realizing homeostatic control of metabolites or proteins is one of the key goals of synthetic circuits. However, if control is only implemented internally in individual cells, cell-cell heterogeneity may break the homeostasis on populationlevel since cells do not contribute equally to the production or regulation. New control structures are needed to achieve robust functionality in heterogeneous cell populations. Quorum sensing(QS) serves as a collective mechanism by releasing and sensing small and diffusible signaling molecules for group decision-making. We propose a layered feedback control structure that includes a global controller using quorum sensing and a local controller via internal signal-receptor systems. We demonstrate with modeling and simulation that the global controller drives contributing cells to compensate for disturbances while the local controller governs the fail-mode performance in non-contributing cells. The layered controller can tolerate a higher portion of non-contributing cells or longer generations of mutant cells while maintaining metabolites or proteins level within a small error range, compared with only internal feedback control. We further discuss the potential of such layered structures in robust control of cell population size,population fraction and other population-dependent functions

    Principles for Designing Robust and Stable Synthetic Microbial Consortia

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    Engineering stable microbial consortia with robust functions are useful in many areas, including bioproduction and human health. Robust and stable properties depend on proper control of dynamics ranging from single cell-level to population-environment interactions. In this thesis, I discuss principles of building microbial consortia with synthetic circuits in two design scenarios. First, for one microbial population, strong disturbances in environments often severely perturb cell states and lead to heterogeneous responses. Single cell-level design of control circuits may fail to induce a uniform response as needed. I demonstrate that cell-cell signaling systems can facilitate coordination among cells and achieve robust population-level behaviors. Moreover, I show that heterogeneity can be harnessed for robust adaptation at population-level via a bistable state switch. Second, multi-pecies consortia are intrinsically unstable due to competitive exclusion. Previous theoretical investigations based on models of pairwise interactions mainly explored what interaction network topology ensures stable coexistence. Yet neglecting detailed interaction mechanisms and spatial context results in contradictory predictions. Focusing on chemical-mediated interaction, I show that detailed mechanisms of chemical consumption/accumulation and chemical-induced growth/death, interaction network topology and spatial structures of environments all are critical factors to maintain stable coexistence. With a two population-system, I demonstrate that the same interaction network topology can exhibit qualitatively different or even opposite behaviors due to interaction mechanisms and spatial conditions.</p

    Effective melanoma recognition using deep convolutional neural network with covariance discriminant loss.

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    Melanoma recognition is challenging due to data imbalance and high intra-class variations and large inter-class similarity. Aiming at the issues, we propose a melanoma recognition method using deep convolutional neural network with covariance discriminant loss in dermoscopy images. Deep convolutional neural network is trained under the joint supervision of cross entropy loss and covariance discriminant loss, rectifying the model outputs and the extracted features simultaneously. Specifically, we design an embedding loss, namely covariance discriminant loss, which takes the first and second distance into account simultaneously for providing more constraints. By constraining the distance between hard samples and minority class center, the deep features of melanoma and non-melanoma can be separated effectively. To mine the hard samples, we also design the corresponding algorithm. Further, we analyze the relationship between the proposed loss and other losses. On the International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) 2018 Skin Lesion Analysis dataset, the two schemes in the proposed method can yield a sensitivity of 0.942 and 0.917, respectively. The comprehensive results have demonstrated the efficacy of the designed embedding loss and the proposed methodology

    Exemplar-supported representation for effective class-incremental learning

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    Catastrophic forgetting is a key challenge for class-incremental learning with deep neural networks, where the performance decreases considerably while dealing with long sequences of new classes. To tackle this issue, in this paper, we propose a new exemplar-supported representation for incremental learning (ESRIL) approach that consists of three components. First, we use memory aware synapses (MAS) pre-trained on the ImageNet to retain the ability of robust representation learning and classification for old classes from the perspective of the model. Second, exemplar-based subspace clustering (ESC) is utilized to construct the exemplar set, which can keep the performance from various views of the data. Third, the nearest class multiple centroids (NCMC) is used as the classifier to save the training cost of the fully connected layer of MAS when the criterion is met. Intensive experiments and analyses are presented to show the influence of various backbone structures and the effectiveness of different components in our model. Experiments on several general-purpose and fine-grained image recognition datasets have fully demonstrated the efficacy of the proposed methodology

    Weakly supervised deep semantic segmentation using CNN and ELM with semantic candidate regions.

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    The task of semantic segmentation is to obtain strong pixel-level annotations for each pixel in the image. For fully supervised semantic segmentation, the task is achieved by a segmentation model trained using pixel-level annotations. However, the pixel-level annotation process is very expensive and time-consuming. To reduce the cost, the paper proposes a semantic candidate regions trained extreme learning machine (ELM) method with image-level labels to achieve pixel-level labels mapping. In this work, the paper casts the pixel mapping problem into a candidate region semantic inference problem. Specifically, after segmenting each image into a set of superpixels, superpixels are automatically combined to achieve segmentation of candidate region according to the number of image-level labels. Semantic inference of candidate regions is realized based on the relationship and neighborhood rough set associated with semantic labels. Finally, the paper trains the ELM using the candidate regions of the inferred labels to classify the test candidate regions. The experiment is verified on the MSRC dataset and PASCAL VOC 2012, which are popularly used in semantic segmentation. The experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms several state-of-the-art approaches for deep semantic segmentation

    Population regulation in microbial consortia using dual feedback control

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    An ongoing area of study in synthetic biology has been the design and construction of synthetic circuits that maintain homeostasis at the population level. Here, we are interested in designing a synthetic control circuit that regulates the total cell population and the relative ratio between cell strains in a culture containing two different cell strains. We have developed a dual feedback control strategy that uses two separate control loops to achieve the two functions respectively. By combining both of these control loops, we have created a population regulation circuit where both the total population size and relative cell type ratio can be set by reference signals. The dynamics of the regulation circuit show robustness and adaptation to perturbations in cell growth rate and changes in cell numbers. The control architecture is general and could apply to any organism for which synthetic biology tools for quorum sensing, comparison between outputs, and growth control are available

    Automatic image segmentation with superpixels and image-level labels.

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    Automatically and ideally segmenting the semantic region of each object in an image will greatly improve the precision and efficiency of subsequent image processing. We propose an automatic image segmentation algorithm based on superpixels and image-level labels. The proposed algorithm consists of three stages. At the stage of superpixel segmentation, we adaptively generate the initial number of superpixels using the minimum spatial distance and the total number of pixels in the image. At the stage of superpixel merging, we define small superpixels and directly merge the most similar superpixel pairs without considering the adjacency, until the number of superpixels equals the number of groupings contained in image-level labels. Furthermore, we add a stage of reclassification of disconnected regions after superpixel merging to enhance the connectivity of segmented regions. On the widely used Microsoft Research Cambridge data set and Berkeley segmentation data set, we demonstrate that our algorithm can produce high-precision image segmentation results compared with the state-of-the-art algorithms

    Cooperation Enhances Robustness of Coexistence in Spatially Structured Consortia

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    Designing synthetic microbial consortia is an emerging area in synthetic biology and a major goal is to realize stable and robust coexistence of multiple species. Cooperation and competition are fundamental intra/interspecies interactions that shape population level behaviors, yet it is not well-understood how these interactions affect the stability and robustness of coexistence. In this paper, we show that communities with cooperative interactions are more robust to population disturbance, e.g., depletion by antibiotics, by forming intermixed spatial patterns. Meanwhile, competition leads to population spatial heterogeneity and more fragile coexistence in communities. Using reaction-diffusion and nonlocal PDE models and simulations of a two-species E. coli consortium, we demonstrate that cooperation is more beneficial than competition in maintaining coexistence in spatially structured consortia, but not in well-mixed environments. This also suggests a tradeoff between constructing heterogeneous communities with localized functions and maintaining robust coexistence. The results provide general strategies for engineering spatially structured consortia by designing interspecies interactions and suggest the importance of cooperation for biodiversity in microbial community
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