40 research outputs found

    Immunprivileg des Auges: Ca2+ -Signaling der Ă€ußeren Blut-Retina-Schranke

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    Ca2+ fungiert als elementares SignalmolekĂŒl der Zelle. Der zeitliche und rĂ€umliche Verlauf eines Ca2+-Signals bestimmt seine Wirkung auf die Zellfunktion. Wesentliche, durch Ca2+ gesteuerte Funktionen des RPE sind Ionentransport, Phagozytose von Photorezeptoraußensegmenten und Sekretion. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde das VerstĂ€ndnis der komplexen VorgĂ€nge des Ca2+-Signaling im RPE wesentlich verbessert. Die Modulation von 2 IonenkanĂ€len, die den Ca2+-Spiegel in RPE Zellen erhöhen, TRPV2 und CaV1.3, wurde beleuchtet. Hier kam es zu erhöhter MembranoberflĂ€chenexpression sowie VerĂ€nderungen wesentlicher elektrophysiologischer Parameter wie Stromdichte und Aktivierungspotential. Zudem wurden mit Ano2 und Ano4 molekulare Korrelate fĂŒr den Ca2+-abhĂ€ngigen Cl--Kanal bzw. Ca2+-abhĂ€ngigen Kationenkanal in der basolateralen Membran des RPE identifiziert. Als Ca2+-abhĂ€ngige Mechanismen wurde neben dem Ionentransport ein Fokus auf die Sekretion von pro-angiogenen und pro-inflammatorischen Komponenten VEGF-A und PGF gelegt. Somit konnte eine BrĂŒcke geschlagen werden von der Analyse zellphysiologischer Mechanismen zu Pathomechanismen bei verschiedenen retinalen Erkrankungen mit inflammatorischer und angiogener Komponente wie zum Beispiel diabetischer Retinopathie (DR) und AltersabhĂ€ngiger Makuladegeneration (AMD). Das RPE fungiert hier als „educational barrier“: bei Inflammation kommt es nicht zum Versagen der Barriere, sondern vielmehr zu einer orchestrierten Reaktion, bestehend aus ionalen und zellulĂ€ren Mechanismen. Autokrine und endokrine Sekretion von proinflammatorischen und pro-angiogenen Faktoren spielt hier ebenso eine Rolle wie die Interaktion mit zellulĂ€ren Komponenten der angeborenen und adaptiven Immunantwort. Hieraus leitet sich die Notwendigkeit ab zukĂŒnftige Therapiestrategien fĂŒr DR und AMD nicht primĂ€r auf die Effektoren wie Endothelzellen oder EntzĂŒndungszellen zu konzentrieren, sondern die pathophysiologischen Prozesse im Zentrum, dem RPE zu adressieren/modulieren

    Epithelial-mesenchymal transdifferentiation in pediatric lens epithelial cells

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    PURPOSE. Posterior capsule opacification (PCO) is a complication after cataract surgery, particularly in children. Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) of lens epithelial cells, mediated by transforming growth factor beta (TGF beta), contributes to PCO. However, its pathogenesis in children is poorly understood. We correlated cell growth in culture with patient characteristics, studied gene expression of pediatric lens epithelial cells (pLEC), and examined the effects of TGF beta-2 on these cells in vitro. METHODS. Clinical characteristics of children with cataracts correlated with growth behavior of pLEC in vitro. mRNA expression of epithelial (alpha B-crystallin, connexin-43) and mesenchymal (alpha(V)-integrin, alpha-smooth muscle actin, collagen-I alpha 2, fibronectin-1) markers was quantified in pLEC and in cell line HLE-B3 in the presence and absence of TGF beta-2. RESULTS. Fifty-four anterior lens capsules from 40 children aged 1 to 180 months were obtained. Cell outgrowth occurred in 44% of the capsules from patients <= 12 months and in 33% of capsules from children aged 13 to 60 months, but in only 6% of capsules from children over 60 months. TGF beta-2 significantly upregulated expression of alpha B-crystallin (HLE-B3), alpha(V)-integrin (HLE-B3), collagen-I alpha 2, and fibronectin-1 (in pLEC and HLE-B3 cells). CONCLUSIONS. Patient characteristics correlated with growth behavior of pLEC in vitro, paralleling a higher clinical incidence of PCO in younger children. Gene expression profiles of pLEC and HLE-B3 suggest that upregulation of alpha(V)-integrin, collagen-I alpha 2, and fibronectin-1 are involved in EMT

    Inhibition of Ca 2+ channel surface expression by mutant bestrophin‐1 in RPE cells

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    The BEST1 gene product bestrophin-1, a Ca2+-dependent anion channel, interacts with CaV1.3 Ca2+ channels in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). BEST1 mutations lead to Best vitelliform macular dystrophy. A common functional defect of these mutations is reduced trafficking of bestrophin-1 into the plasma membrane. We hypothesized that this defect affects the interaction partner CaV1.3 channel affecting Ca2+ signaling and altered RPE function. Thus, we investigated the protein interaction between CaV1.3 channels and bestrophin-1 by immunoprecipitation, CaV1.3 activity in the presence of mutant bestrophin-1 and intracellular trafficking of the interaction partners in confluent RPE monolayers. We selected four BEST1 mutations, each representing one mutational hotspot of the disease: T6P, F80L, R218C, and F305S. Heterologously expressed L-type channels and mutant bestrophin-1 showed reduced interaction, reduced CaV1.3 channel activity, and changes in surface expression. Transfection of polarized RPE (porcine primary cells, iPSC-RPE) that endogenously express CaV1.3 and wild-type bestrophin-1, with mutant bestrophin-1 confirmed reduction of CaV1.3 surface expression. For the four selected BEST1 mutations, presence of mutant bestrophin-1 led to reduced CaV1.3 activity by modulating pore-function or decreasing surface expression. Reduced CaV1.3 activity might open new ways to understand symptoms of Best vitelliform macular dystrophy such as reduced electro-oculogram, lipofuscin accumulation, and vision impairment

    Effects of TNFα receptor TNF-Rp55- or TNF-Rp75- deficiency on corneal neovascularization and lymphangiogenesis in the mouse

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    Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)α is an inflammatory cytokine likely to be involved in the process of corneal inflammation and neovascularization. In the present study we evaluate the role of the two receptors, TNF-receptor (TNF-R)p55 and TNF-Rp75, in the mouse model of suture-induced corneal neovascularization and lymphangiogenesis. Corneal neovascularization and lymphangiogenesis were induced by three 11–0 intrastromal corneal sutures in wild-type (WT) C57BL/6J mice and TNF-Rp55-deficient (TNF-Rp55d) and TNF-Rp75-deficient (TNF-Rp75d) mice. The mRNA expression of VEGF-A, VEGF-C, Lyve-1 and TNFα and its receptors was quantified by qPCR. The area covered with blood- or lymphatic vessels, respectively, was analyzed by immunohistochemistry of corneal flatmounts. Expression and localization of TNFα and its receptors was assessed by immunohistochemistry of sagittal sections and Western Blot. Both receptors are expressed in the murine cornea and are not differentially regulated by the genetic alteration. Both TNF-Rp55d and TNF-Rp75d mice showed a decrease in vascularized area compared to wild-type mice 14 days after suture treatment. After 21 days there were no differences detectable between the groups. The number of VEGF-A-expressing macrophages did not differ when comparing WT to TNF-Rp55d and TNF-Rp75d. The mRNA expression of lymphangiogenic markers VEGF-C or LYVE-1 does not increase after suture in all 3 groups and lymphangiogenesis showed a delayed effect only for TNF-Rp75d. TNFα mRNA and protein expression increased after suture treatment but showed no difference between the three groups. In the suture-induced mouse model, TNFα and its ligands TNF-Rp55 and TNF-Rp75 do not play a significant role in the pathogenesis of neovascularisation and lymphangiogenesis

    Effects of empagliflozin and target-organ damage in a novel rodent model of heart failure induced by combined hypertension and diabetes

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension are two major risk factors leading to heart failure and cardiovascular damage. Lowering blood sugar by the sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitor empagliflozin provides cardiac protection. We established a new rat model that develops both inducible diabetes and genetic hypertension and investigated the effect of empagliflozin treatment to test the hypothesis if empagliflozin will be protective in a heart failure model which is not based on a primary vascular event. The transgenic Tet29 rat model for inducible diabetes was crossed with the mRen27 hypertensive rat to create a novel model for heart failure with two stressors. The diabetic, hypertensive heart failure rat (mRen27/tetO-shIR) were treated with empagliflozin (10 mg/kg/d) or vehicle for 4 weeks. Cardiovascular alterations were monitored by advanced speckle tracking echocardiography, gene expression analysis and immunohistological staining. The novel model with increased blood pressure und higher blood sugar levels had a reduced survival compared to controls. The rats develop heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. Empagliflozin lowered blood sugar levels compared to vehicle treated animals (182.3 ± 10.4 mg/dl vs. 359.4 ± 35.8 mg/dl) but not blood pressure (135.7 ± 10.3 mmHg vs. 128.2 ± 3.8 mmHg). The cardiac function was improved in all three global strains (global longitudinal strain − 8.5 ± 0.5% vs. − 5.5 ± 0.6%, global radial strain 20.4 ± 2.7% vs. 8.8 ± 1.1%, global circumferential strain − 11.0 ± 0.7% vs. − 7.6 ± 0.8%) and by increased ejection fraction (42.8 ± 4.0% vs. 28.2 ± 3.0%). In addition, infiltration of macrophages was decreased by treatment (22.4 ± 1.7 vs. 32.3 ± 2.3 per field of view), despite mortality was not improved. Empagliflozin showed beneficial effects on cardiovascular dysfunction. In this novel rat model of combined hypertension and diabetes, the improvement in systolic and diastolic function was not secondary to a reduction in left ventricular mass or through modulation of the afterload, since blood pressure was not changed. The mRen27/tetO-shIR strain should provide utility in separating blood sugar from blood pressure-related treatment effects

    Dataset on the activation of Muller cells through macrophages upon hypoxia in the retina

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    The dataset presented in this article complements the article entitled “Myeloid cells contribute indirectly to VEGF expression upon hypoxia via activation of MĂŒller cells” (C. NĂŒrnberg, N. Kociok, C. Brockmann, T. Lischke, S. Crespo-Garcia, N. Reichhart, S. Wolf, R. Baumgrass, S.A. Eming, S. Beer- Hammer, and A.M. Joussen). This complementary dataset provides further insight into the experimental validation of the VEGFfl/fl LysMCre (here named VEGFmcko) knockout model used in the main article through genomic and quantitative Real-Time PCR in various murine tissues as well as additional flow cytometry data and immunohistochemical stainings. By providing these data, we aim to enable researcher to reproduce and critically analyze our data

    Lack of netrin-4 modulates pathologic neovascularization in the eye

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    Netrins are a family of matrix-binding proteins that function as guidance signals. Netrin-4 displays pathologic roles in tumorigenesis and neovascularization. To answer the question whether netrin-4 acts either pro- or anti-angiogenic, angiogenesis in the retina was assessed in Ntn-4−/− mice with oxygen-induced retinopathy (OIR) and laser-induced choroidal neovascularization (CNV), mimicking hypoxia-mediated neovascularization and inflammatory mediated angiogenesis. The basement membrane protein netrin-4 was found to be localised to mature retinal blood vessels. Netrin-4, but not netrin-1 mRNA expression, increased in response to relative hypoxia and recovered to normal levels at the end of blood vessel formation. No changes in the retina were found in normoxic Ntn-4−/− mice. In OIR, Ntn-4−/− mice initially displayed larger avascular areas which recovered faster to revascularization. Ganzfeld electroretinography showed faster recovery of retinal function in Ntn-4−/− mice. Expression of netrin receptors, Unc5H2 (Unc-5 homolog B, C. elegans) and DCC (deleted in colorectal carcinoma), was found in MĂŒller cells and astrocytes. Laser-induced neovascularization in Nnt-4−/− mice did not differ to that in the controls. Our results indicate a role for netrin-4 as an angiogenesis modulating factor in O2-dependent vascular homeostasis while being less important during normal retinal developmental angiogenesis or during inflammatory neovascularization

    An exploratory investigation of brain collateral circulation plasticity after cerebral ischemia in two experimental C57BL/6 mouse models

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    Brain collateral circulation is an essential compensatory mechanism in response to acute brain ischemia. To study the temporal evolution of brain macro and microcollateral recruitment and their reciprocal interactions in response to different ischemic conditions, we applied a combination of complementary techniques (T2 weighted magnetic resonance imaging [MRI], time of flight [TOF] angiography [MRA], cerebral blood flow [CBF] imaging and histology) in two different mouse models. Hypoperfusion was either induced by permanent bilateral common carotid artery stenosis (BCCAS) or 60 minute transient unilateral middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO). In both models, collateralization is a very dynamic phenomenon with a global effect affecting both hemispheres. Patency of ipsilateral posterior communicating artery (PcomA) represents the main variable survival mechanism and the main determinant of stroke lesion volume and recovery in MCAO whereas the promptness of external carotid artery retrograde flow recruitment together with PcomA patency, critically influence survival, brain ischemic lesion volume and retinopathy in BCCAS mice. Finally, different ischemic gradients shape microcollateral density and size

    Lack of netrin-4 modulates pathologic neovascularization in the eye

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    Netrins are a family of matrix-binding proteins that function as guidance signals. Netrin-4 displays pathologic roles in tumorigenesis and neovascularization. To answer the question whether netrin-4 acts either pro- or anti-angiogenic, angiogenesis in the retina was assessed in Ntn-4−/− mice with oxygen-induced retinopathy (OIR) and laser-induced choroidal neovascularization (CNV), mimicking hypoxia-mediated neovascularization and inflammatory mediated angiogenesis. The basement membrane protein netrin-4 was found to be localised to mature retinal blood vessels. Netrin-4, but not netrin-1 mRNA expression, increased in response to relative hypoxia and recovered to normal levels at the end of blood vessel formation. No changes in the retina were found in normoxic Ntn-4−/− mice. In OIR, Ntn-4−/− mice initially displayed larger avascular areas which recovered faster to revascularization. Ganzfeld electroretinography showed faster recovery of retinal function in Ntn-4−/− mice. Expression of netrin receptors, Unc5H2 (Unc-5 homolog B, C. elegans) and DCC (deleted in colorectal carcinoma), was found in MĂŒller cells and astrocytes. Laser-induced neovascularization in Nnt-4−/− mice did not differ to that in the controls. Our results indicate a role for netrin-4 as an angiogenesis modulating factor in O2-dependent vascular homeostasis while being less important during normal retinal developmental angiogenesis or during inflammatory neovascularization

    FoxP3 expression by retinal pigment epithelial cells: transcription factor with potential relevance for the pathology of age-related macular degeneration

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    Background: Forkhead-Box-Protein P3 (FoxP3) is a transcription factor and marker of regulatory T cells, converting naive T cells into Tregs that can downregulate the effector function of other T cells. We previously detected the expression of FoxP3 in retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells, forming the outer blood-retina barrier of the immune privileged eye. Methods: We investigated the expression, subcellular localization, and phosphorylation of FoxP3 in RPE cells in vivo and in vitro after treatment with various stressors including age, retinal laser burn, autoimmune inflammation, exposure to cigarette smoke, in addition of IL-1 beta and mechanical cell monolayer destruction. Eye tissue from humans, mouse models of retinal degeneration and rats, and ARPE-19, a human RPE cell line for in vitro experiments, underwent immunohistochemical, immunofluorescence staining, and PCR or immunoblot analysis to determine the intracellular localization and phosphorylation of FoxP3. Cytokine expression of stressed cultured RPE cells was investigated by multiplex bead analysis. Depletion of the FoxP3 gene was performed with CRISPR/Cas9 editing. Results: RPE in vivo displayed increased nuclear FoxP3-expression with increases in age and inflammation, long-term exposure of mice to cigarette smoke, or after laser burn injury. The human RPE cell line ARPE-19 constitutively expressed nuclear FoxP3 under non-confluent culture conditions, representing a regulatory phenotype under chronic stress. Confluently grown cells expressed cytosolic FoxP3 that was translocated to the nucleus after treatment with IL-1 beta to imitate activated macrophages or after mechanical destruction of the monolayer. Moreover, with depletion of FoxP3, but not of a control gene, by CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing decreased stress resistance of RPE cells. Conclusion: Our data suggest that FoxP3 is upregulated by age and under cellular stress and might be important for RPE function