3,629 research outputs found

    Public private Partnerships: What does the future hold?

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    Assessing risk in infrastructure public private partnerships

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    Recent Developments: Imperfect Self Defense

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    Recent Developments: Imperfect Self Defense

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    Enabling Space Access to K-12 Through The Virginia Space ThinSat Program

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    To enhance STEM programs by offering Low Earth Orbit launch opportunity at no expense to participant colleges and universities while simultaneously exposing K-12 institutions to hands on space science and systems engineering

    Towards optimal cosmological parameter recovery from compressed bispectrum statistics

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    Over the next decade, improvements in cosmological parameter constraints will be driven by surveys of large-scale structure in the Universe. The information they contain can be measured by suitably-chosen correlation functions, and the non-linearity of structure formation implies that significant information will be carried by the three-point function or higher correlators. Extracting this information is extremely challenging, requiring accurate modelling and significant computational resources to estimate the covariance matrix describing correlation between different Fourier configurations. We investigate whether it is possible to reduce this matrix without significant loss of information by using a proxy that aggregates the bispectrum over a subset of configurations. Specifically, we study constraints on ΛCDM parameters from a future galaxy survey combining the power spectrum with (a) the integrated bispectrum, (b) the line correlation function and (c) the modal decomposition of the bispectrum. We include a simple estimate for the degradation of the bispectrum with shot noise. Our results demonstrate that the modal bispectrum has comparable performance to the Fourier bispectrum, even using considerably fewer modes than Fourier configurations. The line correlation function has good performance, but is less effective. The integrated bispectrum is comparatively insensitive to the background cosmology. Addition of bispectrum data can improve constraints on bias parameters and σ8 by a factor between 3 and 5 compared to power spectrum measurements alone. For other parameters, improvements of up to ∼ 20% are possible. Finally, we use a range of theoretical models to explore the sophistication required to produce realistic predictions for each proxy

    The Code of Presence: Belarusian Protest Embroideries and Textile Patterns

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    A review of “Code of Presence: Belarusian Protest Embroideries and Textile Patterns,” a 2023 library exhibit, for inclusion in ARLIS/NA’s Library Exhibitions Review Issue 1, March 2023

    Population Variations of Cheiloscopy Patterns: A Cross-Sectional Observation Pilot Study

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    Purpose Lip prints are unique and have potential for use as a human identifier. The purpose of this study was to observe possible cheiloscopy differences of individuals with and without parafunctional oral habits such as smoking, vaping, playing a wind instrument or using an asthma inhaler. Methods This IRB approved blinded cross-sectional observation pilot study collected lip prints from sixty-six individuals, three of which were excluded. Participants cleansed their lips, then lipstick was applied to the vermillion zones of the upper and lower lips. Adhesive tape was applied to the lips and prints were transferred to white bond paper for viewing purposes. Each set of included lip prints was divided into quadrants and dichotomized into a group of those with an oral parafunctional habit or with no such habits. Each quadrant sample was then manually analyzed and classed according to the gold standard Suzuki and Tsuchihashi system. Results A total of 252 dichotomized lip print quadrants (with habits n=76, 30.2%, and without habits n=176, 69.8%) were analyzed. Type II patterns were the most common for examined quadrant samples; however, no statistically significant differences (Pearson’s chi-squared test, p=0.366) were observed between pattern classifications of samples with and without parafunctional oral habits. Conclusion There is no statistically significant difference of lip print patterns between individuals with and without parafunctional oral habits. Further research on populational variations is needed for cheiloscopy to aid in human identifications

    Cosmology with phase statistics: parameter forecasts and detectability of BAO

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    We consider an alternative to conventional three-point statistics such as the bispectrum, which is purely based on the Fourier phases of the density field: the line correlation function. This statistic directly probes the non-linear clustering regime and contains information highly complementary to that contained in the power spectrum. In this work, we determine, for the first time, its potential to constrain cosmological parameters and detect baryon acoustic oscillations (hereafter BAOs). We show how to compute the line correlation function for a discrete sampled set of tracers that follow a local Lagrangian biasing scheme and demonstrate how it breaks the degeneracy between the amplitude of density fluctuations and the bias parameters of the model.We then derive analytic expressions for its covariance and show that it can be written as a sum of a Gaussian piece plus non-Gaussian corrections.We compare our predictions with a large ensemble of N-body simulations and confirm that BAOs do indeed modulate the signal of the line correlation function for scales 50–100 h−1Mpc and that the characteristic S-shape feature would be detectable in upcoming Stage IV surveys at the level of ∼4σ.We then focus on the cosmological information content and compute Fisher forecasts for an idealized Stage III galaxy redshift survey of volume V ∼ 10 h−3 Gpc3 and out to z = 1. We show that combining the line correlation function with the galaxy power spectrum and a Planck-like microwave background survey yields improvements up to a factor of 2 for parameters such as σ8, b1 and b2, compared with using only the two-point information alone