1,991 research outputs found
In today\u27s world of the fastest means of communication, one can reach one’s destination quite easily. However, the challenge is getting last-mile connectivity when traveling locally. Uber and local transport are there, but it takes time. In such a scenario, one will surely miss the car. A simple solution for these challenges is a car rental service.
Easy Rides is a website that will help rent a car with a click. Here users are allowed to rent a car for the day or by the hour as per their requirements. This website also has a hosting functionality where users can host their cars. To do so, they must enroll their car in the car rent list and earn regular income.
There are three users on the website. ➢ Renter – Navigate to choose the car of their choice and book it by making an advance rental payment. ➢ Owner – They can list their car in the marketplace, view the booking details, and post rental ratings ➢ Admin - must keep track of all users, including the Renter, Owner, The listed cars, and their bookings.
After signing into the website, the user will land on the homepage. The homepage is made very interactive and userfriendly. In the homepage\u27s navigation menu, users can select various sections that will direct them to the different pages having unique functionality.
The purpose of the Easy Rides service is to make last connectivity easy and economical. To develop the website, we use HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, jQuery, and JavaScript for the front end. We use Java, Hibernate, and Rest APIs for the backend. Moreover, for storing data, we are using the MySQL database
Bruk av assosiasjonskartlegging, genomisk prediksjon og seleksjon for økt resistens mot aksfusariose i hvete
Wheat is a well-adapted hexaploid crop and is a staple food for most parts of the world, commonly called bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The history of first cultivation of wheat dates back to 10 000 years ago. It is among the top three most important cereals grown worldwide. Quality and yield are often affected by challenging weather conditions, which makes the crop vulnerable to pests and diseases. Fusarium head blight (FHB) affects wheat and other cereals in growing areas with humid and warm conditions during anthesis and grain-filling. The FHB disease is complex and caused by Fusarium graminearum and other Fusarium spp. It is among the most important diseases on wheat in Norway. Large efforts have been made and are still in process to curb this disease and bring sustainable disease resistance using available genetic resources and advanced breeding tools.
Breeding for FHB resistance is part of breeding programs worldwide and in Norway. Resistance mechanisms have been well studied and good understanding of such mechanisms are available. Provided the good knowledge of the resistance mechanisms, tackling FHB is still challenging because of the varied growing conditions and its reaction norm to every environment is varied. Overall, the progress in breeding resistant cultivars is slow because of the quantitative nature of FHB resistance and the complex nature of the disease. After the introduction of DNA marker technology, a multitude of quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping studies and genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have been conducted successfully for more than 20 years. These advancements in mapping of useful biological information is a good way forward for developing new resistant cultivars, using genomics-based approaches like genomic selection (GS).
In this PhD research study, two association panels were used which were developed in collaboration with breeding company Graminor, the NMBU spring wheat panel for conducting GWAS and the GRAMINOR spring wheat panel for further validation of detected QTL. We found thirteen important QTL and later these QTL associated markers used as fixed variates in genomic prediction modelling to enhance the predictive ability of the GS prediction models. Later, we used genotype by environment (G x E) interaction in the genomic prediction modelling to assess the effect on the measured correlation between predicted breeding value to observed values in terms of prediction accuracy. We found there was considerable effect on predictive ability of GS models upon adding GWAS associated marker to the prediction models. Including G x E interaction term in GS prediction model has increased the prediction accuracy by means of adding up some useful invisible information to the prediction models. Overall, with the observed results the objective of PhD project to advance genomic prediction modelling is partly fulfilled.
In addition to this, we have conducted a simulation study to assess the potential of GS based breeding scheme to the conventional phenotypic selection followed at breeding companies. We have succeeded to show the potential benefits of using GS in breeding scheme and that an integration with speed breeding (SB) could lead to faster genetic gains, which is the ultimate breeding goal. Overall, outcomes from this PhD study could be useful for the breeding community and thereafter, farmers could be benefitted from the faster and more effective breeding of FHB disease resistant cultivars.Hvete, eller brødhvete (Triticum aestivum L.), er en tilpasningsdyktig, heksaploid vekst som utgjør en viktig del av kostholdet de fleste steder i verden. Hvete har blitt dyrket i rundt 10 000 år, og er den viktigste primære kornarten globalt. Ugunstige værforhold påvirker avling og kvalitet, og gjør det utfordrende å dyrke hvete, som blir mer utsatt for skadedyr og sykdom. Aksfusariose (fusarium head blight, FHB) er en dominerende sykdom i hvete og andre kornarter. FHB er en kompleks sykdom som forårsakes av Fusarium graminearum og andre Fusarium spp. I Norge finner vi FHB først og fremst i områder hvor det dyrkes hvete, bygg og havre. Store ressurser har blitt, og blir fortsatt, brukt for å håndtere denne sykdommen, hovedsakelig gjennom foredling av sorter med forbedret resistens. ved hjelp av tilgjengelige genetiske ressurser og avanserte foredlingsverktøy.
Foredling for FHB-resistens er inkludert i foredlingsprogrammer globalt og i Norge. Resistensmekanismene har blitt grundig studert og en har etter hvert oppnådd god forståelse av disse. Varierende værforhold og det at sykdomsutviklingen er så påvirket av miljøforholdene gjør foredlingsarbeidet vanskelig. Generelt er fremgangen i foredling av resistente sorter langsom på grunn av mangel på gode resistenskilder, og sykdommens komplekse natur. Siden DNA-markørteknologi er blitt tilgjengelig, har flere QTLkartleggingsstudier blitt gjennomført over de siste 20 årene, i tillegg til bidrag fra assosiasjonskartleggingsstudier (GWAS). Dessuten har det blitt mulig å utnytte resultatene fra QTL-studier og helgenom-markørinformasjon for å utvikle nye sorter ved hjelp av avanserte, nye foredlingsverktøy kalt genomisk seleksjon.
I dette ph.d.-arbeidet studerte vi to assosiasjonspopulasjoner utviklet ved foredlingsselskapet Graminor AS; NMBUs vårhvetepanel for GWAS og Graminors vårhvetepanel for videre validering av QTL oppdaget i GWAS-panelet. Vi fant tretten viktige QTL som senere ble brukt som faste effekter i genomisk prediksjon-modellering, for å forbedre prediksjonsevnen til prediksjonsmodellene. Senere ble også genotype-miljøsamspill (GxE) brukt i genomiske prediksjonsmodeller som ble testet ved å måle korrelasjonen mellom estimert avlsverdi og observerte verdier for å måle prediksjonsnøyaktigheten. Vi fant en betydelig effekt av å inkludere GWAS assosierte markører i prediksjonsmodellene. Å inkludere G x E interaksjoner i de genomiske prediksjonsmodellene økte prediksjonsnøyaktigheten ved å legge til nyttig, usynlig informasjon til prediksjonsmodellene. Overordnet er et av målene med doktorgradsarbeidet – å avansere genomisk prediksjonsmodellering, oppfylt via de observerte
I tillegg til dette har vi utført en simulasjonsstudie for å evaluere effektene av å bruke genomisk seleksjon i et typisk foredlingsprogram hos foredlingsselskapene sammenliknet med tradisjonell fenotypisk seleksjon. Resultatene viste at de potensielle fordelene ved å bruke genomisk seleksjon i kombinasjon med Speed Breeding (SB) kan bidra til stor økning i den genetiske fremgangen, som er det ultimate målet ved foredling. Resultatene fra dette doktorgradsarbeidet kan være nyttige for planteforedlere og på sikt også gagne bøndene som kan få glede av raskere tilgang på mer FHB-resistente hvetesorter.Canadian Wheat Research Coalition ; Gramino
Digitized Engineering Notebook
In this modern world everything is digitalized i.e a raw data can be transformed into digital where someone can use data through computer. Digitized Engineering book is a online application that is a replica of hardcopy of Engineering book.Digital Engineering book will allow the student to access their data through text, pictures and graphs. Through this application students can check their progress of projects. Using digitalized engineering book student can create a new files and can view other student progress too. In this application we will have a welcome page (main page) with navigation list on it. We will have some more features like admin console, options to create and view projects, log index etc. This Web application is one stop solution for project management. It will allow users to create project and add members to project. The project members can enter their project related content (documents/videos/images) through this application. The users can enter their status and observations through this application everyday which helps in tracking the project by other members without any communication gap. The users can discuss their queries or project related things using discussion board provided in this application. Each user will have personal dashboard which will show all his projects and their status. The user can search any project in the website and can read the content. The Admin will track the user registrations and content present in the web application. The admin has every right to delete the content
Digitized Engineering Notebook
An engineering Notebook is defined as a record which is used by an engineer to record all the innovative thoughts, procedures and results of all thoughts. It is the permanent, documented, and primary record of what goes on in the design setting. Our project aims at designing the Digitized Engineering Notebook which is a web application that simulates and transforms the characteristics of a current notebook used for recording details of robotics competition projects into a digital version of such notebook. Digitized Engineering Notebook allows users to store records of text, data and images to a database, and at the same time provides functionaries for easy access. It allows its users to add in the database at ease and maintain the log details of respective project information. It also allows users to create and edit files online while collaborating with other team members in real-time. Creation of dated log entries for ideas, details, practices, trails and errors and allows to file upload for text documents, drawings, sketches, figures, etc. It provides discussion board to discuss project information with their team members. It handles adding new members and managing members, adding new projects and managing project details. The admin can add a captain who can further add new member/team/projects and easily manage member/team/projects. The captain can activate or deactivate members of projects and can manage project details like images, drawings, sketches. User can upload files and images. It allows creating the calendar events and create PDF files from logs. User can share ideas, knowledge with their team members online
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