15 research outputs found

    Assessment of four calculation methods proposed by the EC for waste hazardous property HP 14 ‘Ecotoxic’

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    International audienceLegislation published in December 2014 revised both the List of Waste (LoW) and amended Appendix III of the revised Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC; the latter redefined hazardous properties HP 1 to HP 13 and HP 15 but left the assessment of HP 14 unchanged to allow time for the Directorate General of the Environment of the European Commission to complete a study that is examining the impacts of four different calculation methods for the assessment of HP 14. This paper is a contribution to the assessment of the four calculation methods. It also includes the results of a fifth calculation method; referred to as " Method 2 with extended M-factors ". Two sets of data were utilised in the assessment; the first (Data Set #1) comprised analytical data for 32 different waste streams (16 hazardous (H), 9 non-hazardous (NH) and 7 mirror entries, as classified by the LoW) while the second data set (Data Set #2), supplied by the eco industries, comprised analytical data for 88 waste streams, all classified as hazardous (H) by the LoW. Two approaches were used to assess the five calculation methods. The first approach assessed the relative ranking of the five calculation methods by the frequency of their classification of waste streams as H. The relative ranking of the five methods (from most severe to less severe) is: Method 3 > Method 1 > Method 2 with extended M-factors > Method 2 > Method 4. This reflects the arithmetic ranking of the concentration limits of each method whe

    Fiches de bonnes pratiques pour l’évaluation et la limitation des impacts sur la qualitĂ© physico-chimique des milieux aquatiques lors des opĂ©rations de dragage de sĂ©diments continentaux. Version finale

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    Les prĂ©sentes fiches de bonnes pratiques s’inscrivent dans un contexte oĂč la prĂ©occupation relative Ă  la qualitĂ© de la ressource en eau est grandissante (via la Directive Cadre sur l’Eau, notamment). IdentifiĂ©es comme susceptibles d’impacter la qualitĂ© du milieu aquatique, via notamment la remise en suspension de sĂ©diments, les opĂ©rations de dragage et leurs impacts potentiels constituent le sujet de ce rapport. S’appuyant sur les travaux de l’INERIS menĂ©s dans le cadre des conventions INERIS-ONEMA au cours des annĂ©es passĂ©es, ces fiches de bonnes pratiques visent Ă  prĂ©senter de façon synthĂ©tique les principaux enjeux d’évaluation, de suivi, et de limitation des impacts que les opĂ©rations de dragage peuvent avoir sur la qualitĂ© physico-chimique des eaux continentales de surface. Elles se dĂ©clinent en 7 points : - comprendre les processus d’impact potentiel, - identifier le contexte rĂ©glementaire, - dĂ©terminer les paramĂštres Ă  suivre, - caractĂ©riser l’état initial du milieu, - mettre en place un suivi appropriĂ©, - interprĂ©ter les rĂ©sultats et Ă©valuer l’impact, - limiter les impacts

    Eu waste hazardousness assessment - proposition of methods

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    International audienceThe European waste hazardousness classification is currently under revision by the DG ENV of the European Commission and the Member States. This paper proposes some methods for measuring or calculating some Hazard Properties (HP). Laboratory test batteries for assessing HP 1 'Explosive', HP 2 'Oxidising', HP 3 'Flammable' and HP 14 'Ecotoxic' are proposed. For calculations of HP 3 to 8, 10, 11 and 13 to 14, a general analytical protocol for the determination of elements and substances in waste has been developed in France and is submitted to CEN TC292 'Characterisation of waste' for standardization. All the organic substances, mineral elements and main anions are identified and quantified if their concentration is greater than > 0.1% or a lower threshold. For mineral elements, a stepwise approach for the difficult speciation of elements in mineral substances in waste is proposed. In a first 'worst case' approach, for the different HPs, tables with concentration limits triggering the classification control are presented. For HP 14, two additional 'worst case' methods are proposed, as well as an approach based on leachate concentration, taking into account the aquatic bioavailability of potential pollutants of waste. Detailed proposition of methods with tables of EC50, NOEC and M factors for hundreds of organic and mineral substances for calculation of HP 14 are provided in a full technical document

    Waste hazard properties classification of 45 samples

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    Étude de la prĂ©sence et de l'Ă©mission de substances d'intĂ©rĂȘt Ă©mergent dans deux sĂ©diments de la rade de Toulon

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    The SETRA guidance document (published in March 2011) is the French reference for waste valorization in road engineering. Therefore, three levels of characterization are defined:- a first one, based on analysis on the raw material and on leaching results,- a second one, based on an upward percolation test,- a third one, based on lysimeter and/or full size tests, not covered in the present document.Three scenarios are defined, where the environmental impact on groundwater varies according to the exposure of waste to rain water.Reference values are settled for classical pollutants, based on the modeling of the impact on groundwater of the road structure.Two sediments from Toulon harbor were analyzed in compliance with the SETRA guidance document. The results indicate that:- the QN sediment is not suitable for road engineering valorization without a specific treatment, because of its content in PAH, total hydrocarbon, dioxins and furans. Anions and antimony concentrations are also problematic, to a lesser extent;- the QC sediment is not suitable for road engineering valorization without a specific treatment, because of its content in chloride and sulphate
Ce travail rĂ©alisĂ© dans le cadre de la sous-action A de l’action 13 de la convention ONEMA/INERIS s’inscrit dans une dĂ©marche de consolidation des bonnes pratiques en matiĂšre d’études et de maĂźtrise des impacts sur les milieux aquatiques de la gestion Ă  terre et de la valorisation des sĂ©diments draguĂ©s, en particulier en technique routiĂšre. Était ainsi prĂ©vu l’approfondissement de la connaissance du comportement Ă  long terme de ces matĂ©riaux complexes, ainsi que leur capacitĂ© Ă  piĂ©ger ou Ă  relarguer leurs contaminants dans les conditions de leur valorisation terrestre, en s’appuyant notamment sur le projet SĂ©dimed, dont l’INERIS est un des partenaires.Deux sĂ©diments de la rade de Toulon ont ainsi Ă©tĂ© suivis dans le cadre de ce projet :- un sĂ©diment issu de la base navale de Toulon : Quai NoĂ«l, ou QN ;- un sĂ©diment issu du site Toulon CĂŽte d’Azur : Quai Corse, ou QC.A ces deux sĂ©diments a Ă©tĂ© appliquĂ©e la dĂ©marche dĂ©crite dans le guide SETRA (mars 2011), qui constitue un rĂ©fĂ©rentiel de base pour Ă©valuer l’acceptabilitĂ© environnementale de matĂ©riaux alternatifs Ă©laborĂ©s Ă  partir de dĂ©chets et destinĂ©s Ă  ĂȘtre valorisĂ©s en technique routiĂšre. Il prĂ©voit pour cela plusieurs niveaux d’approche successifs, de complexitĂ© et de coĂ»ts de mise en Ɠuvre croissants :- un premier niveau basĂ© sur des analyses sur matĂ©riau brut et sur un essai de lixiviation,- un deuxiĂšme niveau basĂ© sur un essai de percolation,- un troisiĂšme niveau, basĂ© sur des essais en lysimĂštres et/ou en plots, non abordĂ© dans le prĂ©sent document

    Hazard property hp 14 'ecotoxic' : correspondence of classification of waste by the european list of waste, by chemical composition and by an ecotoxicological test battery

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    The Member States of the European Union have in 2014 updated the list of waste and defined the 15 hazard properties (HP) of wastes except for HP14 ‘Ecotoxic’. Four calculation methods for HP 14 are assessed till June 2015 in a Call for Tenders of the Directorate General of the Environment of the European Commission. This paper is a contribution to the assessment of these 4 calculation methods, with the presentation of results of a 5th one, using “extended M-factors”. Available data of 33 samples from different origin were used. They were classified by the LoW: 16 hazardous (H), 7 non-hazardous (NH), and 10 mirror entries (H or NH). The LoW is taken as a reference method. The concordance for one calculation method is established by the number of waste with identical classification by the considered calculation method and the LoW (H/H, NH/NH). The discordance is established as well, and the case where the waste is classified “H” in the LoW and “NH” by calculation (under-estimation of the hazard) will be considered. Method 2 with extensive M-factors (the 5th one) matches best with the European list of waste (78% concordant H and non-H by LoW, and 13% discordant for H waste by LoW). It classifies safely waste containing substances with high ecotoxicity. Methods 1 and 3 have nearly as good matching (74% concordant H and non-H by LoW, and 6% and 13% respectively discordant for H waste by LoW), but do not classify safely waste containing substances with high ecotoxicity. Method 2 with M-factors limited to the M-factors published in the CLP has insufficient concordance (61% concordant H and non-H by LoW, and 50% discordant for H waste by LoW). As the same method with extended M-factors gives the best performance, the lower performance is due to the limitation of the M-factor. Method 4 is divergent (57% concordant H and non-H by LoW, and 56% discordant for H waste by LoW). The results of a European battery of ecotoxicological tests will be presented at the Conference

    Cigarette butts : A small but hazardous waste, according to European regulation

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    The emergence of companies collecting cigarette butts (CB) leads to a new waste stream, exclusively made of butts, whereas they were previously mixed with household and municipal waste. In order to conclude on the classification of this new stream, according to the Waste Framework Directive, three cigarette butts samples were analyzed and submitted to ecotoxicological tests. Hazard properties HP 4 (irritant – skin irritation and eye damage), HP 5 (specific target organ toxicity/aspiration toxicity), HP 6 (acute toxicity), HP 7 (carcinogenic), HP 8 (corrosive), HP 10 (toxic for reproduction), HP 11 (mutagenic) and HP 13 (sensitising) have been assessed by calculation, thanks to the analytical results. HP 14 (ecotoxic) has been evaluated both through calculation method and ecotoxicity tests. Even if the obtained mass balance was not complete, it was still sufficient to classify by calculation CB as hazardous waste, by HP 6 (toxicity), mainly due to their nicotine content. A classification by HP 14 (ecotoxicity) was also determined but only by ecotoxicological tests results, whatever the applied framework (French or “harmonized” test battery). These results highlight the limitation of the classification methodology adopted by European Council which necessitates to identify all compounds to perform a full detailed assessment

    Environmental assessment of two sediments reused in road engineering : feedback after one year of monitoring through the SEDIMED project

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    Road engineering is one way for sediments to be reused and enter the circular economy, instead of being stored in landfill. The so-called “Guide Setra” [1] constitutes the French framework for reusing alternative materials in road engineering, including three kinds of road structures: coated (with an impervious layer), covered (with at least 30 cm of natural material) or uncoated and uncovered. The Sedimed project investigated those three options, settling lysimeters (uncoated and uncovered) and building experimental road (coated) and landforms (covered), incorporating two marine contaminated sediments from the Toulon bay, France (QN and QC). Leachates were collected and sampled on these three experimental structures, and the pollutants (12 metals – As, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Zn – 3 anions – Cl-, F-, SO4 2- – 16 PAH and 3 emerging pollutants detected in the sediments – DBT, TBT and DEHP), were analyzed on every sample, enabling the determination of the total released quantity of each pollutant on a L/S basis (ratio between the volume of water that percolated through the structure and the mass of sediment in the structure). The total content of organic pollutants of QN would normally disqualify this sediment for road engineering, according to the “Guide Setra”. Yet, only considering the potential impact on groundwater, the released quantities of pollutants are far from very protecting limits. For both QN and QC, the anions content (Cl- and SO4 2-) exceeded the “Guide Setra” limits for some structures, indicating that the control of these parameters and the reduction of their global content during the lagooning period might be triggering the reusing options for marine sediments. Those new data and knowledge is a contribution to the definition of a specific framework for reusing sediments in road engineering