2 research outputs found

    Electricity biogeneration using microbial fuel cells approach

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    Renewable energies are very important because they released clean gasses to the atmosphere. Hence, polluted air and water can be prevented by using renewable energy sources to generate power. Nowadays, primary fuel sources, especially fossil fuels, are used in generation of the electric energy. However, generation of electricity by using these fuel sources gives negative effects on the environment and human health. It is because the power plants will release substances for air pollution such as carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxide (NOx) and also sulphur dioxide (SO2). Besides, Greenhouse gases (GHGs) was produced when the fossil fuels are burned. It will lead to climate changes and degrade the environment..

    Energy harvesting from pressured water flow with IoT monitoring

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    Energy harvesting are required in order to improve the green technology. Energy harvesting or also known as power harvesting is the process where the energy is gain from the outside source for example solar energy, heat energy, wind energy and kinetic energy. This energy can be collected and converted to a useful electrical energy. Harvested energy give a small amount of power for a low energy electronics. This is because the energy converted comes from the recycle of waste energy, example, heat energy that produced from the operation of engine