9 research outputs found

    The role of dietary fibers in metabolic diseases

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    Abstract Obesity and dyslipidemia are major risk factors for type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases (CVD), cancer, and musculoskeletal disorders. In prevention, the major goal is to limit calorie consumption and to reduce LDL-C and triglyceride. Dietary fiber (DF) intake is inversely related to body weight gain, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and CVD. This thesis investigated the effects of the DFs polydextrose (PDX) and lignin-rich insoluble residue (INS) from brewer’s spent grain (BSG) on lipid metabolism and obesity in diet-induced obese mice. In study 1, PDX was investigated on lipid metabolism in Western-diet-fed mice. We found that PDX reduced fasting plasma cholesterol and triglyceride, food intake, and increased bacteria such as Allobaculum, Bifidobacterium and Coriobacteriaceae in the gut. These changes in the gut microbiota with PDX were associated with downregulation of the genes Fiaf, Dgat1 and Cd36, and upregulation of Fxr in the intestine. We suggest that the hypolipidemic effect of PDX is exerted via diet-induced modification of gut microbiota and gene expression. In study II, INS from BSG was studied for its degradation products in mice fed with a fiber-deficient diet. We found that INS was partially degraded by gut microbiota and contributed to the phenolic pool. The major metabolite in mouse urine was 4-methylcatechol, a degradation product of lignin. In study III, the effects of INS from BSG were studied on lipid metabolism and obesity in high-fat diet-fed mice. INS showed hypocholesterolemic effects, reduced body weight and hepatic steatosis, and increased bacterial diversity, Clostridium leptum, and Bacteroides. INS increased bile acid excretion in the feces and upregulated the genes Srebp2, Hmgcr, Ldlr, Cyp7a1, Pparα, Fxr and Pxr in the liver. The present results suggest that INS from BSG induced beneficial systemic changes via bile acid and gut microbiota. In study IV, PDX was investigated for food intake and appetite-related parameters in healthy and overweight females in an acute study. A midmorning preload of 12.5 g PDX reduced hunger by 31.4% during satiation period while there was no significant change in energy intake compared to placebo. In addition, PDX lowered plasma insulin significantly, by 15.7%, and increased GLP-1 by 39.9%. PDX may reduce appetite, but a larger trial would be needed.TiivistelmĂ€ Liikalihavuus ja rasvatasapainon hĂ€iriöt ovat riskitekijöitĂ€ sydĂ€n- ja verisuonisairauksien, tyypin 2 diabeteksen, syövĂ€n sekĂ€ luuston ja lihaksiston sairauksien kehittymiseen. NĂ€iden sairauksien ehkĂ€isyssĂ€ pÀÀasiallisena tavoitteena on vĂ€hentÀÀ energiansaantia, LDL-kolesterolia ja triglyseridejĂ€. Ruoan ravintokuitujen saannin on osoitettu olevan yhteydessĂ€ painon ja plasman rasvatasojen laskuun sekĂ€ sydĂ€n- ja verisuonisairauksien vĂ€henemiseen. TĂ€ssĂ€ tutkimuksessa selvitettiin ravintokuitu polydekstroosin (PDX) ja viljanjyvien prosessoinnista ylijÀÀvĂ€n (BSG, brewer’s spent grain) ligniinipitoisen liukenemattoman sivutuotteen (INS) merkitystĂ€ rasva-aineenvaihduntaan ja aineenvaihduntasairauksiin liikalihavilla hiirillĂ€. Tutkimuksessa I tarkasteltiin ravintokuitu PDX:n vaikutusta rasvojen aineenvaihduntaan lĂ€nsimaisella ruokavaliolla ruokituilla hiirillĂ€. Tutkimus osoitti, ettĂ€ ruokavalioon lisĂ€tty PDX alensi plasman kolesteroli- ja triglyseriditasoja paastossa sekĂ€ hillitsi ravinnonottoa ja lisĂ€si Allobaculum-, Bifidobacterium- ja Coriobacteriaceae-suolistobaktereja. NĂ€mĂ€ suolistomikrobiston muutokset ovat yhteydessĂ€ Fiaf, Dgat1 ja Cd36 -geenien ilmentymistasojen laskuun ja Fxr -geenin ilmentymistason nousuun PDX-lisĂ€ruokittujen hiirien suolistossa. PDX:n hypolipideeminen vaikutus nĂ€yttĂ€isi vĂ€littyvĂ€n ruokavaliosta johtuvan suoliston geenien ilmentymisen ja suolistomikrobiston muuttumisen kautta. Tutkimuksessa II tarkasteltiin runsaasti ligniiniĂ€ sisĂ€ltĂ€vĂ€n INS:n hajoamistuotteiden vaikutusta aineenvaihduntaan hiirillĂ€, joiden ruokavaliossa on vĂ€hemmĂ€n kuitua. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, ettĂ€ suolistomikrobit hajottivat ravintokuitu INS:n osittain fenoliyhdisteiksi verenkiertoon. INS lisĂ€si virtsassa 4-metyylikatekolin mÀÀrÀÀ, joka on ligniinin hajoamistuote. Tutkimuksessa III tarkasteltiin INS-lisĂ€yksen vaikutusta rasva-aineenvaihduntaan ja liikalihavuuteen korkearasvapitoisella ruokavaliolla ruokituilla hiirillĂ€. Tulokset osoittivat, ettĂ€ INS-lisĂ€ys ruokavalioon alensi kolesterolia ja elĂ€imen painoa sekĂ€ vĂ€hensi maksan rasvoittumista ja lisĂ€si vallitsevien bakteerien monimuotoisuutta, Clostridium leptum- ja Bacteroides -bakteereja. INS lisĂ€si sappihappojen erittymistĂ€ ulosteeseen ja Srebp2, Hmgcr, Ldlr, Cyp7a1, Pparα, Fxr ja Pxr -geenien ilmentymistĂ€ maksassa. Tuloksemme osoittivat, ettĂ€ BSG-ylijÀÀmĂ€tuotteesta saatu ligniinipitoinen INS sai aikaan hyödyllisiĂ€ systeemisiĂ€ vaikutuksia suoliston mikrobiston ja sappihappojen muutosten kautta. Tutkimuksessa IV tarkasteltiin PDX:n vaikutusta ravinnonottoon ja ruokahaluun vaikuttaviin muuttujiin normaalipainoisilla ja liikalihavilla naisilla akuutissa tutkimuksessa. Tulosten mukaan ravintokuitu PDX:n nauttiminen aamiaisella vĂ€hensi nĂ€lĂ€ntunnetta (31,4 %) seuraavalla aterioinnilla, kun taas plasebolla ei ollut vaikutusta. LisĂ€ksi PDX alensi merkitsevĂ€sti insuliinitasoa (15,7 %) ja nosti GLP-1-tasoa (39,9 %). PDX vaikuttaisi vĂ€hentĂ€vĂ€n ruokahalua, mutta lisĂ€tutkimuksia tarvitaan

    Invited review: Milk fat globule membrane:a possible panacea for neurodevelopment, infections, cardiometabolic diseases, and frailty

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    Abstract Milk is an evolutionary benefit for humans. For infants, it offers optimal nutrients for normal growth, neural development, and protection from harmful microbes. Humans are the only mammals who drink milk throughout their life. Lipids in colostrum originate mostly from milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) droplets extruded from the mammary gland. The MFGM gained much interest as a potential nutraceutical, due to their high phospholipid (PL), ganglioside (GD), and protein contents. In this review, we focused on health effects of MFGM ingredients and dairy food across the life span, especially on neurodevelopment, cardiometabolic health, and frailty in older adults. The MFGM supplements to infants and children reduced gastrointestinal and respiratory tract infections and improved neurodevelopment due to the higher content of protein, PL, and GD in MFGM. The MFGM formulas containing PL and GD improved brain myelination and fastened nerve conduction speed, resulting in improved behavioral developments. Administration of MFGM-rich ingredients improved insulin sensitivity and decreased inflammatory markers, LDL-cholesterol, and triglycerides by lowering intestinal absorption of cholesterol and increasing its fecal excretion. The MFGM supplements, together with exercise, improved ambulatory activities, leg muscle mass, and muscle fiber velocity in older adults. There are great variations in the composition of lipids and proteins in MFGM products, which make comparisons of the different studies impossible. In addition, investigations of the individual MFGM components are required to evaluate their specific effects and molecular mechanisms. Although we are currently only beginning to understand the possible health effects of MFGM products, the current MFGM supplementation trials as presented in this review have shown significant clinical health benefits across the human life span, which are worth further investigation

    Release of cholecystokinin from rat Intestinal mucosal cells and the enteroendocrine cell line STC-1 in response to maleic and succinic acid, fermentation products of alcoholic beverages

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    Abstract Alcoholic beverages stimulate pancreatic enzyme secretions by inducing cholecystokinin (CCK) release. CCK is the major stimulatory hormone of pancreatic exocrine secretions, secreted from enteroendocrine I-cells of the intestine. Fermentation products of alcoholic beverages, such as maleic and succinic acids, influence gastric acid secretions. We hypothesize that maleic and succinic acids stimulate pancreatic exocrine secretions during beer and wine ingestion by increasing CCK secretions. Therefore, the effects of maleic and succinic acids on CCK release were studied in duodenal mucosal cells and the enteroendocrine cell line STC-1. Mucosal cells were perfused for 30 min with 5 min sampling intervals, STC-1 cells were studied under static incubation for 15 min, and supernatants were collected for CCK measurements. Succinate and maleate-induced CCK release were investigated. Succinate and maleate doses dependently stimulated CCK secretions from mucosal cells and STC-1 cells. Diltiazem, a calcium channel blocker, significantly inhibited succinate and maleate-induced CCK secretions from mucosal cells and STC-1 cells. Maleate and succinate did not show cytotoxicity in STC-1 cells. Our results indicate that succinate and maleate are novel CCK-releasing factors in fermented alcoholic beverages and could contribute to pancreatic exocrine secretions and their pathophysiology

    Colonic delivery of nutrients for sustained and prolonged release of gut peptides:a novel strategy for appetite management

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    Abstract Obesity is one of the major global threats to human health and risk factors for cardiometabolic diseases and certain cancers. Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) plays a major role in appetite and glucose homeostasis and recently the USFDA approved GLP-1 agonists for the treatment of obesity and type 2 diabetes. GLP-1 is secreted from enteroendocrine L-cells in the distal part of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract in response to nutrient ingestion. Endogenously released GLP-1 has a very short half-life of <2 min and most of the nutrients are absorbed before reaching the distal GI tract and colon, which hinders the use of nutritional compounds for appetite regulation. The review article focuses on nutrients that endogenously stimulate GLP-1 and peptide YY (PYY) secretion via their receptors in order to decrease appetite as preventive action. In addition, various delivery technologies such as pH-sensitive, mucoadhesive, time-dependent, and enzyme-sensitive systems for colonic targeting of nutrients delivery are described. Sustained colonic delivery of nutritional compounds could be one of the most promising approaches to prevent obesity and associated metabolic diseases by, e.g., sustained GLP-1 release

    Vitamin D deficiency induces insulin resistance and re‐supplementation attenuates hepatic glucose output via the PI3K‐AKT‐FOXO1 mediated pathway

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    Abstract Background: Pandemic vitamin D deficiency is associated with insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Vitamin D supplementation has been reported to have improved glucose homeostasis. However, its mechanism to improve insulin sensitivity remains unclear. Methods and results: Male C57BL/6J mice are fed with/without vitamin D control (CD) or Western (WD) diets for 15 weeks. The vitamin‐D‐deficient lean (CDVDD) and obese (WDVDD) mice are further subdivided into two groups. One group is re‐supplemented with vitamin D for 6 weeks and hepatic insulin signaling is examined. Both CD and WD mice with vitamin D deficiency developed insulin resistance. Vitamin D supplementation in CDVDD mice significantly improved insulin sensitivity, hepatic inflammation, and antioxidative capacity. The hepatic insulin signals like pAKT, pFOXO1, and pGSK3ÎČ are increased and the downstream Pepck, G6pase, and Pgc1α are reduced. Furthermore, the lipogenic genes Srebp1c, Acc, and Fasn are decreased, indicating that hepatic lipid accumulation is inhibited. Conclusion: The results demonstrate that vitamin D deficiency induces insulin resistance. Its supplementation has significant beneficial effects on pathophysiological mechanisms in type 2 diabetes but only in lean and not in the obese phenotype. The increased subacute inflammation and insulin resistance in obesity cannot be significantly alleviated by vitamin D supplementation. This needs to be taken into consideration in the design of new clinical trials

    Polydextrose changes the gut microbiome and attenuates fasting triglyceride and cholesterol levels in Western diet fed mice

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    Abstract Obesity and dyslipidemia are hallmarks of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. Polydextrose (PDX), a soluble fiber has lipid lowering effects. We hypothesize that PDX reduces triglycerides and cholesterol by influencing gut microbiota, which in turn modulate intestinal gene expression. C57BL/6 male mice were fed a Western diet (WD) ±75 mg PDX twice daily by oral gavage for 14 days. Body weight and food intake were monitored daily. Fasting plasma lipids, caecal microbiota and gene expression in intestine and liver were measured after 14 days of feeding. PDX supplementation to WD significantly reduced food intake (p < 0.001), fasting plasma triglyceride (p < 0.001) and total cholesterol (p < 0.05). Microbiome analysis revealed that the relative abundance of Allobaculum, Bifidobacterium and Coriobacteriaceae taxa associated with lean phenotype, increased in WD + PDX mice. Gene expression analysis with linear mixed-effects model showed consistent downregulation of Dgat1, Cd36, Fiaf and upregulation of Fxr in duodenum, jejunum, ileum and colon in WD + PDX mice. Spearman correlations indicated that genera enriched in WD + PDX mice inversely correlated with fasting lipids and downregulated genes Dgat1, Cd36 and Fiaf while positively with upregulated gene Fxr. These results suggest that PDX in mice fed WD promoted systemic changes via regulation of the gut microbiota and gene expression in intestinal tract

    Colonic delivery of α-linolenic acid by an advanced nutrient delivery system prolongs glucagon-like peptide-1 secretion and inhibits food intake in mice

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    Abstract Scope: Nutrients stimulate the secretion of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), an incretin hormone, secreted from enteroendocrine L-cells which decreases food intake. Thus, GLP-1 analogs are approved for the treatment of obesity, yet cost and side effects limit their use. L-cells are mainly localized in the distal ileum and colon, which hinders the utilization of nutrients targeting GLP-1 secretion. This study proposes a controlled delivery system for nutrients, inducing a prolonged endogenous GLP-1 release which results in a decrease food intake. Methods and Results: α-Linolenic acid (αLA) was loaded into thermally hydrocarbonized porous silicon (THCPSi) particles. In vitro characterization and in vivo effects of αLA loaded particles on GLP-1 secretion and food intake were studied in mice. A total of 40.4 ± 3.2% of loaded αLA is released from particles into biorelevant buffer over 24 h, and αLA loaded THCPSi significantly increased in vitro GLP-1 secretion. Single-dose orally given αLA loaded mesoporous particles increased plasma active GLP-1 levels at 3 and 4 h and significantly reduced the area under the curve of 24 h food intake in mice. Conclusions: αLA loaded THCPSi particles could be used to endogenously stimulate sustain gastrointestinal hormone release and reduce food intake

    Metabolomics analysis of plasma and adipose tissue samples from mice orally administered with polydextrose and correlations with cecal microbiota

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    Abstract Polydextrose (PDX) is a branched glucose polymer, utilized as a soluble dietary fiber. Recently, PDX was found to have hypolipidemic effects and effects on the gut microbiota. To investigate these findings more closely, a non-targeted metabolomics approach, was exploited to determine metabolic alterations in blood and epididymal adipose tissue samples that were collected from C57BL/6 mice fed with a Western diet, with or without oral administration of PDX. Metabolomic analyses revealed significant differences between PDX- and control mice, which could be due to differences in diet or due to altered microbial metabolism in the gut. Some metabolites were found in both plasma and adipose tissue, such as the bile acid derivative deoxycholic acid and the microbiome-derived tryptophan metabolite indoxyl sulfate, both of which increased by PDX. Additionally, PDX increased the levels of glycine betaine and l-carnitine in plasma samples, which correlated negatively with plasma TG and positively correlated with bacterial genera enriched in PDX mice. The results demonstrated that PDX caused differential metabolite patterns in blood and adipose tissues and that one-carbon metabolism, associated with glycine betaine and l-carnitine, and bile acid and tryptophan metabolism are associated with the hypolipidemic effects observed in mice that were given PDX