29 research outputs found

    P5_4 The Relatively Special Voyager 1 Clock

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    We calculate the extent of the effects of special relativity on the Voyager 1 space probe by calculating the difference in time between an atomic clock in a stationary frame on Earth and one on the Voyager 1. We determine that there would be a difference of 2.19ss. We also calculate the change in length to be 1.08×109m1.08\times 10^{-9}m and the change in mass to be 1.4mg1.4 mg.  We also discuss the possible pitfalls of our assumptions

    P5_8 A Mechanised Mitigation of a Mayonnaise Mess-Up

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    In this paper, an analysis is carried out of an aviation propeller strapped to an office chair as a life-saving device. If one were to find themselves in trouble, this device would be able to hold a human atop the mayonnaise surface, averting disaster. The rotational speed necessary for the propeller was calculated in this paper via consideration of the coefficient of thrust. The rate required was found to be 6.5804 rad/s

    P5_10 A Dizzying Demonstration of Cartographical Centrality

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    This paper aims to determine the angular velocity required of a earth-mass globe, situated at the center of the earth and spinning in the same orientation as the earth, to slow the earth's rotation by one hour. This new 25 hour day would necessitate an angular velocity of ωg=7.679×108\omega_g=7.679\times10^8 rads/s. An explorer spinning the globe along the equator would need to move their hand at a tangential velocity of 2.34×1082.34\times10^8 ms\textsuperscript{-1}

    P5_7 Palpatine's Pudding Powered Paws

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    In this paper, we have calculated the number of calories Palpatine would have needed to consume in order to charge his hands to produce to force lightning used to kill Mace Windu. We find that Palpatine would have had to eat 38,334 portions of Wetherspoons Apple Crumble and Custard in order to generate the energy required to produce the force lightning. The magnitude of the value is highlighted by the fact that he would need to have 1 portion of pudding for 105 years to achieve this, showing that `The Force' must play a role since this is an unfeasible amount to eat

    P5 2 Avian Affluence and Bovine Business Strategies

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    In the story “Jack and the Beanstalk”, Jack obtains a golden egg from a goose owned by a giant. Using equations describing the curvature of avian eggs, the volume, mass and eventually the value of the egg were obtained. It was calculated that the egg had a value of £1775.69 in 1845 when the popular Henry Cole rendition was published, which could have purchased 332 cows. This is a profit of 33200%

    P5_6 Yo Ho, Yo Ho, It's A Buoyant Life For Me!

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    In this paper, we have calculated whether the crew of the Black Pearl would have been able to walk along the sea bed while in skeleton and human form. We find that while in skeleton form they would be able to walk along the bottom, however when they lose the moonlight and turn back to human they would start to rise to the surface due to their added buoyancy. This means that the journey along the sea bed would only be possible on a clear night, with the moonlight unobscured

    P5_1 How Far Did Gandalf Fly... You Fools?

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    In the Lord of the Rings, there is an infamous scene in which Gandalf fights the Balrog of Moria,ultimately causing the pair to fall from the bridge of Khazad-Dûm. This report contains thefundamental physics required to establish the height at which Gandalf fell and whether he couldhave survived. The necessary calculations are carried out in Python using an iterative model tocontinually update position and velocity values, providing the most accurate result. Using thismodel we were able to arrive at a bridge height of 3900m and decided it would be possible for him to survive this fall

    P5_9 Wolves, Deer, and a Python...Model

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    In this paper, we present our Python model which determines the consequences of Grey Wolf reintroduction on Red Deer numbers in a small area of Scotland. The model is constructed using the Lotka-Volterra method and integrated via the Runge-Kutta method. We find that introducing a single pack of 10 wolves reduces the deer numbers and creates an oscillation in population with a period of \sim10 years