558 research outputs found

    The Machiasport Petroglyphs

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    The article discusses the history of the study of the Machiasport Petroglyphs and theories of the origin of these petroglyphs

    Evidence of Jessakkidds at Machiasport

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    Jessakkidds are powerful and prestigious members of an Ojibiua religious society. Evidence of their appearance in eastern Maine - signaling anxiety among the Native peoples of the area - can be found in petroglyphs, etched in rock on the shores of Holmes Bay. In this article Roger B. Ray con nects the symbols in the Sprague-site petro glyphs with the turmoil at the end of the Laurentian Tradition way of life

    A Bibliography of Materials for Maine High School History Teachers

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    Maine Indians’ Concept of Land Tenure

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    This article discusses what Maine indigenous peoples thought about their land before their way of life became altered by the Europeans

    The Embden, Maine, Petroglyphs

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    This article discusses possible meanings of the petroglyphs found at Embden and their likeness to those found at Peterborough

    Book Reviews

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    Review of the following book: Province and Court Records of Maine, Volume 6: The Court Records of York County, Maine, Province of Massachusetts Bay, January 1718-1719-October 1727 by Neal W. Allen, Jr., with introduction by Robert E. Moody

    Book Reviews

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    Reviews of the following books: History of Parkman; Mainstream Democracy in Parkman, Maine, 1794-1969 by Roger C. Storms; History of the Town of Kennebunk from it\u27s Settlement to the Year 1785 by Edward E. Bourne; From Warren to the Sea, 1827- 1852 edited by Bertha K. Drewett and Arthur Spea

    Book Reviews

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    Reviews of the following books: Go Free: The Antislavery Impulse in Maine, 1833-1855 by Edward O. Schriver; Prehistoric Peoples of Maine, A Maine State Museum Teacher\u27s Resource Unit edited by William H. Soul

    Book Reviews

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    Reviews of the following books: Maine, Charles II and Massachusetts: Governmental Relationships in Early Northern New England by John G. Reid; The New England Indians by Keith C. Wilbu

    Book Reviews

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    Reviews of the following books: A History of Maine: A Collection of Readings in the History of Maine 1600-1970 edited by Ronald F. Banks; Frederick J. Waugh, American Marine Painter by George R. Havens; Letters to Christopher Prince, 1855-1865 and Journals of Eliza Prince, 1859-1860 edited by Arthur P. Spea
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