402 research outputs found

    Effect of Planting Density on Growth Parameters and Fruit Yield in Guava (Psidium guajava L.) cv. Allahabad Safeda Cultivated under Mild Humid Conditions of Coorg

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    A study was carried out in 'Allahabad Safeda' guava (Psidium guajava L.) to standardize the effect of planting densities on growth parameters viz., scion girth, plant height, and spread (East - West and North - South), canopy area, canopy volume and fruit yield over a ten years period. The trial was laid out with five planting densities viz., 6x3, 6x4, 6x6, 8x4, 8x3m accommodating 555, 416, 277, 312 and 416 plants/ha respectively with four replications having sixteen plants per treatment in a randomized block design during 1988-89 season. The grafted plants on seedling rootstock were planted and the yield data were recorded from 1992 to 1997. The results indicated that the scion girth was significantly higher in 8x3 or 8x4m configurations. There were no significant differences among treatments for plant height. The plant spread across East-West direction was however significant in 8x3m. The fruit yield in Mrig bahar was significantly higher as compared to that of Hasth bahar in terms of fruit number and weight. Land Use Index (LUI) values exceeding 50% had bearing on the productivity of different configurations. The productivity was nearly double in 6x3m where, the planting density was twice as much in recommended spacing (6x6m) by sixth year of planting after which, yield levels declined. Thus, it was concluded that a spacing of 6x3m having 555 plants/ha, gives the highest productivity in 'Allahabad Safeda' guava by sixth year of planting under North Coorg conditions

    Simultaneous cellulose hydrolysis and bio-electricity generation in a mediatorless Microbial Fuel Cell using a Bacillus flexus strain isolated from wastewater

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    The ability of electrochemically active bacteria to degrade natural wastes suggests a wide array of applications for waste management as well as electricity generation. This study reports the results of an experimentation where five bacteria were isolated from waste water and the electrochemical activity of one of them was confirmed by their use in a Microbial Fuel Cell. The bacterium was identified to be Bacillus flexus with a 99% similarity to the IFO 15715 strain using partial 16S rDNA sequencing. Phylogenetic analysis based on the BLAST results indicated close proximity to Bacillus megaterium, a known exoelectrogen

    Study on Strength and Self-Healing Behaviour of Bio-Concrete

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    Micro cracks are very commonly observed in concrete structures. Due to increased permeability through these micro cracks, durability of concrete structures reduces by the entry of chemical through these micro pores particularly in moist environments. In the field, crack repair is labour intensive. It is more advisable to restrict the early age small cracks the moment they appear instead of repairing after large cracks formed. In order to increase the durability of concrete against these commonly observed pores in concrete structures, autogenous pore refinement method can be adopted so that monitoring of the structure against these micro pores can be avoided. By using the principle of Biomineralization, Bacteria forms the Calcium precipitations which is usually called microbial induced calcite precipitation (MIC) .In the present work, the bacteria which will grow in the high alkaline media is chosen since concrete is highly alkaline material and cultured in the controlled medium to get the desired concentration of cells. In the present work, Un-identified and Bacillus sphericus bacterial broth is used for the study. It is observed that these bacteria when mixed with concrete at the concentration of 106 cells per ml, the compressive strength is increased by 36.36 % and 13.63 % and for 107 concentrations of cells, the un-identified bacteria show the increase of compressive strength as 29.56 %. Modulus of elasticity of concrete is increased by 23.78 % and 31 % for both bacteria at the concentration of 106 cells per ml of water and Split tensile strength is increased by 23.5 % and 28.5 % for concentration 106 and 107 cells of Bacillus sphericus. SEM and EDAX analysis reveals the deposition of calcium carbonate Keywords: Self-healing, bio mineralization, strengt

    Identification of RAPD Marker Linked to Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Virus Resistance in French Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

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    Mungbean yellow mosaic virus (MYMV) causes yield loss up to 80 % and is becoming problematic in French bean growing areas. Molecular marker linked selection to MYMV resistance is helpful in rapid identification of genotypes carrying resistant genes. Hence, the present study was undertaken to identify the RAPD marker associated with MYMV resistance in French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Bulk segregant analysis (BSA) was used to identify RAPD marker linked to MYMV resistance. More than 140 random decamers were surveyed for identification of polymorphic markers between the DNA bulks of resistant and susceptible F2 individuals and their contrasting parents. Ninety eight per cent of these primers amplified DNA in both parents and bulks. Twenty two primers produced specific bands for resistant parent which was absent in the susceptible parent. Out of 22 primers, four primers produced specific fragments viz., OPG 13458, OPX 5670, OPW 17380 and OPP 07730, respectively in resistant parent and bulk, which were absent in susceptible parent and bulk. Amplification of individual DNA samples of segregating F2 resistant individuals using putative marker, OPP 07730, a decamer revealed polymorphism in all four resistant and four susceptible F2 segregants, indicating that the marker OPP 07730 was associated with MYMV resistance in IC-525260, a resistant genotype

    Response of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) to Rhizobium inoculation

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    In field trials near Hyderabad in 1977-81 and in Karnataka in 1981, 4 Spanish-type, 1 Valencia and 5 Virginia type groundnut cv. were inoculated with 1 or 10 strains of Rhizobium sp. at sowing in soil previously sown to groundnuts. Pod yields of cv. Robut 33-1 were consistently increased by inoculation with strain NC 92, the increases ranging from 18 to 34% in Hyderabad and reaching 40% of the yield of non-inoculated plants in Karnataka. Inoculation with the pure strain NC 92 gave higher yields than a mixture of NC 92 with other strains of Rhizobium sp.ADDITIONAL ABSTRACT:A total of 9 varieties were tested in 1977-1981 with ten strains at two localities. Robut 33-1 inoculated with strain NC92 had significantly higher pod yields (up to 40% higher) than it had without inoculation. Other variety X strain interactions were not observe

    Response Of Groundnut (Arachis Hypogaea) To Inoculation

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    'I'hough groundnut is nodulated by a number of rhizobia belonging to the cowpea miscellany, the nodulation and nitrogen (Nz) I'ixulion acliicvcd unclcr I'itrmcrs' conditions is ol'tcn inadequate. Studies at IC'K ISA I have attempted to overcome this by examining a large number of inoculant strains and various methods of' inoculation. Large variability between groundnut rhizobia in ability to fix N2 exists, but poor correlations between nodule mass and plant dry weight gains can occur. lnoculum size is important with nodule number and distribution and N2 fixation enhanced by heavier inoculation rates. Liquid inoculants have provided greater increases in yield than either granular or seed slurry inoculation, the latter method reducing germination and stand establishment. Several field trials at ICKISA'I', both in the rainy and irrigated, post-rainy seasons, have given significant responses to inoculation, even though the soil already contains lo4 rhizobialg. lhe cultivar Rohut 33-1 with strain NC 92 has eiven most consistent results

    Nanocrystalline materials studied by powder diffraction line profile analysis

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    X-ray powder diffraction is a powerful tool for characterising the microstructure of crystalline materials in terms of size and strain. It is widely applied for nanocrystalline materials, especially since other methods, in particular electron microscopy is, on the one hand tedious and time consuming, on the other hand, due to the often metastable states of nanomaterials it might change their microstructures. It is attempted to overview the applications of microstructure characterization by powder diffraction on nanocrystalline metals, alloys, ceramics and carbon base materials. Whenever opportunity is given, the data provided by the X-ray method are compared and discussed together with results of electron microscopy. Since the topic is vast we do not try to cover the entire field

    Razvoj i optimizacija sustava za isporuku metoprolol sukcinata sa zadržavanjem u želucu

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    Metoprolol succinate (MS) gastroretentive (GR) controlled release system was formulated to increase gastric residence time leading to improved drug bioavailability. Box-Behnken model was followed using novel combinations of sodium alginate (SA), sodium carboxymethylcellulose (NaCMC), magnesium alumino metasilicate (MAS) as independent variables. Floating lag time (Flag), t25, t50, t75, diffusion exponent as dependent variables revealed that the amount of SA, NaCMC and MAS have a significant effect (p < 0.05) on t25, t50, t75 and Flag. MSGR tablets were prepared and evaluated for mass, thickness, hardness, friability, drug content and floating property. Tablets were studied for dissolution for 24 h and exhibited controlled release of MS with floating for 16 h. The release profile of the optimized batch MS01 fitted first-order kinetics (R2 = 0.9868, n = 0.543), indicating non-Fickian diffusion or anomalous transport by diffusion and swelling.U radu je opisan razvoj sustava za isporuku metoprolol sukcinata (MS) s kontroliranim oslobađanjem i produljenim vremenom zadržavanja u želucu (GR), u svrhu poboljšanja bioraspoloživosti. Primijenjen je Box-Behnkenov model, a kao zavisne varijable izabrane su nove kombinacije natrijevog alginata (SA), natrijeve soli karboksimetilceluloze (NaCMC) i magnezijevog aluminometasilikata (MAS). Vrijeme plutanja (Flag), t25, t50, t75 i difuzijski eksponent kao zavisne varijable otkrili su da količina SA, NaCMC i MAS ima značajan učinak (p < 0,05) na t25, t50, t75 i Flag. Pripravljenim tabletama određena je masa, debljina, tvrdoća, lomljivost, sadržaj ljekovite tvari i sposobnost plutanja. Oslobađanje MS praćeno je 24 h. Rezultati pokazuju da je oslobađanje kontrolirano, a vrijeme plutanja 16 h. Oslobađanje iz optimiranog pripravka MS01 slijedi kinetiku prvog reda (R2 = 0,9868, n = 0,543), što ukazuje na difuziju koja ne slijedi Fickov zakon već anomalni transport difuzijom i bubrenjem