45 research outputs found

    CLECSI Catalogo di Letteratura catalana, spagnola e ispanoamericana. Traduzioni italiane del Novecento

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    Il Clecsi, Catalogo di Letteratura catalana, spagnola e ispanoamericana. Traduzioni italiane del Novecento, è il primo risultato di un progetto di ricerca dedicato alla traduzione, avviato nel 2008 e articolato in più fasi, a cura un gruppo di ricerca formato da docenti e dottorandi del Dipartimento di Lettere Lingue Arti. Italianistica e Culture comparate dell'Università di Bari. Il catalogo, che copre l'intero secolo XX, si offre come opera in aggiornamento continuo ed è consultabile attualmente solo per la parte che arriva fino al 1945. I titoli che contiene sono di prosa narrativa, saggistica e teatrale pubblicata in volume e tradotta dalle due lingue di riferimento: il catalano e il castigliano. Si tratta di una consistenza, fino al 1945, di circa 500 entrate desunte dal confronto di tre fonti principali; in ordine di importanza: il catalogo nazionale SBN, il CUBI, l'Index Translationum. La ricerca informatica in taluni casi è completata dalla consultazione diretta degli esemplari, in particolare quando la descrizione bibliografica risulta incompleta o problematica. Con la pubblicazione del Clecsi si vuole offrire uno strumento che consenta una ricerca agile e completa dei testi di letteratura di lingua spagnola e catalana tradotti in Italia nel Novecento; pur contenendo dati reperibili nel catalogo SBN, la natura specifica della base di dati e la sua struttura permettono di lavorare su un corpus numericamente definito e certo, quindi su dati oggettivi. Le molteplici modalità di interrogazione, oltre al reperimento di dati funzionali a ricerche linguistiche e filologiche, consentono di effettuare anche indagini di tipo statistico. altre informazioni: Il Clecsi è un progetto finanziato dall'Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro con i Fondi di ricerca d'Ateneo (2008, 2009, 2010). In ambito internazionale, il gruppo di ricerca collabora con l'Institut Virtual Internacional de Traducciò (IVITRA) dell'Università di Alicante e fa parte del progetto internazinale ISIC-IVITRA (ISIC/2012/022) anni 2012-2016

    Study of Biaxial Shear Failure Envelope of Reinforced Concrete Columns

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    Several scenarios can trigger bi-axial shear in reinforced concrete (RC) vertical members such as wind actions, earthquake, column loss induced by explosions and/or impacts. The majority of standard codes impose uniaxial shear verification of vertical members and neglect the interaction between shear forces and bending moments acting along the two principal directions of inertia of the transversal cross section. Moreover, bi-axial shear interaction curves proposed by codes are based on the fitting of experimental data conducted on heavily reinforced specimens. In this paper, the bi-axial shear failure envelope of existing RC columns, is investigated. A database previously published by Authors on experimental data on beams and columns tested under bi-axial loading is updated. Afterwards, the experimental shear resistances of the database's members subjected to both monotonic and cyclic loading are compared with analytical predictions. Three different formulations are adopted for the analytical calculation of the uniaxial shear resistance: (i) Model Code 2010, (ii) Eurocode 8 and (iii) the cyclic shear resistance recently proposed by Biskinis and Fardis. Such resistances are adopted to create the bi-axial shear failure envelope. Finally, the shape of the bi-axial shear failure envelope is critically analysed in order to select the formulation that provides the best fitting between experimental and analytical bi-axial shear resistances

    Dependency of punching shear resistance and membrane action on boundary conditions of reinforced concrete continuous slabs

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    The design of reinforced concrete flat slabs can be governed at failure by punching shear close to concentrated loads or columns. Geometrical features, reinforcement layouts and in-plane forces provided by external vertical elements, such as shear walls, can affect the membrane action and, consequently, the punching shear resistance. This paper presents a study on reinforced concrete continuous flat slab whose lateral expansion is restrained by the presence of vertical elements considering also shrinkage effects

    Role of structural details in progressive collapse of precast RC structures

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    Nowadays, the structural robustness is one of the most important challenges in structural engineering. During last years, several studies have been carried out to develop design strategies for mitigation of progressive col lapse risk through the achievement of sufficient robustness levels. However, most of the research has focused on cast in-situ concrete, with minor attention to precast structures. Therefore, a considerable effort to improve the knowledge about this issue is required. In this paper, different connection types and diaphragm configurations are analyzed to better understand their contribution when removing load-bearing elements (e.g. columns) in the alternate load path method. Special emphasis is given on structural detailing for distributed tie

    Emotional autonomy and loneliness in adolescent substance abusers.

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    Emotional autonomy is a complex construct that concerns separation and detachment from parents. The literature about the relationship between these dimensions and psychological adjustment is controversial. In particular, emotional autonomy is associated with substance use and in general with maladjustment. The present study examined differences between typical adolescents (N=1,223) and substances abusers (N=24) with regards separation, detachment, loneliness towards parents and peers and attitude towards aloneness. Abusers had higher detachment and higher loneliness towards peer scores, while typical adolescents had higher separation and higher affinity for aloneness scores. Furthermore, as shown by ROC analysis, the most distinctive dimensions were separation and loneliness towards peers. The results supported the hypothesis that the dimension of emotional autonomy called “Separation” by Beyers et al. (2003) was associated with better psychological adjustment. On the other hand, the dimension of emotional autonomy called “Detachment” was less clear and seems to be more problematic with respect to social relationships rather than in a familiar context

    Verification of deflections and cracking of RC flat slabs with numerical and analytical approaches

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    The Serviceability Limit States (SLS) of reinforced concrete structures, where cracking and deflection limits are verified in the design process, are directly related to time-dependent properties of concrete. In this study, the effects of creep and shrinkage of concrete, implemented in a Finite Element Model for Non-Linear Analysis, are in-deeply investigated for reinforced concrete flat slabs at SLS and used as basis for the development of an analytical framework. In particular, the paper focuses on: (i) the description of the FE model, (ii) the comparison between the numerical and experimental results of some reinforced concrete (RC) flat slab tests from literature characterized by different mechanical properties, span-to-depth ratios, boundary conditions and loading histories and (iii) the development of an analytical framework for the evaluation of long term-term deflections and crack openings in hogging regions of flat slabs near columns. Based on the findings, useful insights for the evaluation of the long term-term deflections and crack opening in the context of Serviceability Limit States are provided for practical purposes


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    Separazione e solitudine in adolescenti con abuso di sostanze

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    Il presente studio indaga il rapporto tra le dimensioni dell\u2019autonomia emotiva (Separazione e Distacco) e della solitudine (Sentimento e Affinit\ue0/Avversione) in un gruppo di adolescenti che abusano di sostanze. A 24 ragazzi che abusano di sostanze (et\ue0 media = 18.46; DS = 1.14) e ad un gruppo con sviluppo tipico appaiato per genere ed et\ue0 (et\ue0 media = 18.78; DS = 1.39) sono stati proposti l\u2019Emotional Autonomy Scale (Steinberg e Silverberg, 1986) e il Louvain Loneliness Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents (Marcoen, Goossens e Caes, 1987). I ragazzi con sviluppo tipico appaiono pi\uf9 separati e disponibili verso la solitudine, mentre i ragazzi che abusano di sostanze sono pi\uf9 distaccati dai genitori e si sentono pi\uf9 soli nei confronti dei pari. I risultati vengono discussi rispetto ai processi di separazione e individuazione