73 research outputs found

    ALMA observations of the "fresh" carbon-rich AGB star TX Piscium. The discovery of an elliptical detached shell

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    Aims. The carbon-rich asymptotic giant branch (AGB) star TX Piscium (TX Psc) has been observed multiple times during multiple epochs and at different wavelengths and resolutions, showing a complex molecular CO line profile and a ring-like structure in thermal dust emission. We investigate the molecular counterpart in high resolution, aiming to resolve the ring-like structure and identify its origin. Methods. Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observations have been carried out to map the circumstellar envelope (CSE) of TX Psc in CO(2-1) emission and investigate the counterpart to the ring-like dust structure. Results. We report the detection of a thin, irregular, and elliptical detached molecular shell around TX Psc, which coincides with the dust emission. This is the first discovery of a non-spherically symmetric detached shell, raising questions about the shaping of detached shells. Conclusions. We investigate possible shaping mechanisms for elliptical detached shells and find that in the case of TX Psc, stellar rotation of 2 km/s can lead to a non-uniform mass-loss rate and velocity distribution from stellar pole to equator, recreating the elliptical CSE. We discuss the possible scenarios for increased stellar momentum, enabling the rotation rates needed to reproduce the ellipticity of our observations, and come to the conclusion that momentum transfer of an orbiting object with the mass of a brown dwarf would be sufficient

    The Advanced Spectral Library (ASTRAL): Reference Spectra for Evolved M Stars

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    The HST (Hubble Space Telescope) Treasury Program Advanced Spectral Library Project: Cool Stars was designed to collect representative, high-quality ultraviolet spectra of eight evolved F-M type cool stars. The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) echelle spectra of these objects enable investigations of a broad range of topics, including stellar and interstellar astrophysics. This paper provides a guide to the spectra of the two evolved M stars, the M2 Iab super giant alpha Ori and the M3.4 giant gamma Cru, with comparisons to the prototypical K1.5 giant alpha Boo. It includes identifications of the significant atomic and molecular emission and absorption features and discusses the character of the photospheric and chromospheric continua and line spectra. The fluorescent processes responsible for a large portion of the emission-line spectrum, the characteristics of the stellar winds, and the available diagnostics for hot and cool plasmas are also summarized. This analysis will facilitate the future study of the spectra, outer atmospheres, and winds, not only of these objects but of numerous other cool, low-gravity stars, for years to come

    CO, Water, and Tentative Methanol in η Carinae Approaching Periastron

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    The complex circumstellar environment around the massive binary and luminous blue variable η Carinae is known to harbor numerous light molecules, emitting most strongly in rotational states with upper level energies to ~300 K. In circumstellar gas, the complex organic molecule methanol (CH₃OH) has been found almost exclusively around young stellar objects, and thus regarded as a signpost of recent star formation. Here we report the first potential detection of methanol around a highly evolved high-mass star, while using the Atacama Large Millimeter Array to investigate molecular cloud conditions traced by CO (2–1) in an orbit phase preceding the 2020 periastron. The methanol emission originates from hot (T_(gas) ≃ 700 K) material, ~2'' (0.02 pc) across, centered on the dust-obscured binary, and is accompanied by prominent absorption of continuum radiation in a cooler (T_(gas) ≃ 110 K) layer of gas. We also report a first detection of water in Herschel observations at 557 and 988 GHz. The methanol abundance is several to 50 times higher than observed toward several lower-mass stars, while water abundances are similar to those observed in cool, dense molecular clouds. The very high methanol:water abundance ratio in the core of η Car may suggest methanol formation processes similar to Fischer–Tropsch-type catalytic reactions on dust grains. These observations prove that complex molecule formation can occur in a chemically evolved massive stellar environment, given sufficient gas densities and shielding conditions as may occur in material around massive interacting companions and merger remnants
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