115 research outputs found

    Hydrogen production by chemical-looping reforming in a circulating fluidized bed reactor using Ni-based oxygen carriers

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    7 pages, 11 figures,.- Available online November 18, 2008.This work presents the experimental results obtained during auto-thermal chemical-looping reforming (CLR) in a 900 Wth circulating fluidized bed reactor under continuous operation using methane as fuel. Two oxygen carriers based on NiO and supported on γ-Al2O3 and α-Al2O3 were used during more than 50 h of operation with each oxygen carrier. During operation the effect of different operating variables, like fuel reactor temperature, H2O/CH4 molar ratio and solid circulation rate, on CH4 conversion and gas product distribution was analyzed. It was found that in all operating conditions CH4 conversion was very high (>98%) and the most important variable affecting to the gas product distribution was the solid circulation rate, that is, NiO/CH4 molar ratio. Similar gas product distribution was obtained working with both oxygen carriers although at different NiO/CH4 molar ratios. The oxygen carrier of NiO on α-Al2O3 needed lower NiO/CH4 molar ratio to reach the same gas product composition than the oxygen carrier of NiO on γ-Al2O3. Working at optimal operating conditions, 2.5 moles of H2 per mol of CH4 could be obtained in this process. During operation the oxygen carrier particles maintained their physical and chemical properties. These results suggest that these oxygen carriers could have a high durability, being suitable oxygen carriers for a CLR system. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This work was partially supported by the European Commission, under the 6th Framework Programme (CACHET Project, Contract no. 019972), and from the CCP2 (CO2 Capture Project), a partnership of BP, Chevron, Conoco-Phillips, Eni Technology, Norsk Hydro, Shell, Suncor, and Petrobras. M. Ortiz thanks Diputación General de Aragon for the F.P.I. fellowship.Peer Reviewe

    Влияние проектного управления на развитие региона

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    Магистерская диссертация знакомит с исследованием в области региональной экономики. Рассмотрены национальные проекты, как объекты управления в региональной экономике. Сделаны выводы на основе анализа осуществления национальных проектов на примере Томской области. Особое внимание уделено взаимосвязи между развитием региона и реализацией региональных проектов.The master's thesis introduces research in the field of regional economics. National projects are considered as objects of management in the regional economy. Conclusions are made based on the analysis of the implementation of national projects on the example of the Tomsk region. Particular attention is paid to the relationship between the development of the region and the implementation of regional projects

    Оценка персонала организации на примере Томского филиала ООО «Газпром межрегионгаз Новосибирск»

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    Объектом исследования в работе является: оценка персонала, как инструмент управления персоналом ООО «Газпром межрегионгаз Новосибирск» филиал в г. Томск. Цель работы – исследование системы оценки персонала и разработка мероприятий по ее совершенствованию для оценки персонала ООО «Газпром межрегионгаз Новосибирск». В процессе исследования проводились: анализ методов оценки персонала в ООО «Газпром межрегионгаз Новосибирск» филиал в г. Томске. В результате исследования: предложены направления совершенствования существующей системы оценки персонала компании, основанной на сочетании KPI и компетенций в компании, которая будет являться более эффективной, достоверной и гибкой, чем балльная система оценки персонала или аттестация персонала с экономической и финансовой точки зрения. Степень внедрения: запланировано внести дополнения и уточнения в существующую систему оценки персонала ООО «Газпром межрегионгаз Новосибирск» филиал в г. Томск. Экономическая эффективность/ значимость работы: В целом внедрение системы оценки персонала основанной на сочетании KPI и компетенций поможет повысить эффективность работы компании на 25-30%, оптимизировать затраты на фонд вознаграждения сотрудников на 15-20%, выстроить эффективную систему стимулирования работников путем разработки системы премирования, систематизировать кадровые процессы.The object of research is the work: evaluation of personnel as human resources management tool of "Gazprom mezhregiongaz Novosibirsk» branch in Tomsk. Objective - research staff appraisal system and the development of measures to improve it for the evaluation of personnel of «Gazprom mezhregiongaz Novosibirsk". The study carried out: analysis of methods for evaluating staff of "Gazprom mezhregiongaz Novosibirsk» branch in Tomsk. As a result of research: proposed ways of improving the existing personnel evaluation system of the company, based on a combination of KPI and competency in the company, which will be more efficient, reliable and flexible than the point system of personnel evaluation and certification of personnel from an economic and financial point of view. Degree of implementation: planned to amend and clarify the existing personnel evaluation system of "Gazprom mezhregiongaz Novosibirsk» branch in Tomsk. Cost-effectiveness / value of the work: In general, the introduction of the staff appraisal system based on a combination of KPI and competencies will help improve business efficiency by 25-30%, to optimize the costs of employee compensation fund by 15-20%, to build an effective system of incentives for workers through the development of a system of bonuses , organize staffing processes

    DNA methylation changes during long-term in vitro cell culture are caused by epigenetic drift

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    Culture expansion of primary cells evokes highly reproducible DNA methylation (DNAm) changes. We have identified CG dinucleotides (CpGs) that become continuously hyper- or hypomethylated during long-term culture of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and other cell types. Bisulfite barcoded amplicon sequencing (BBA-seq) demonstrated that DNAm patterns of neighboring CpGs become more complex without evidence of continuous pattern development and without association to oligoclonal subpopulations. Circularized chromatin conformation capture (4C) revealed reproducible changes in nuclear organization between early and late passages, while there was no enriched interaction with other genomic regions that also harbor culture-associated DNAm changes. Chromatin immunoprecipitation of CTCF did not show significant differences during long-term culture of MSCs, however culture-associated hypermethylation was enriched at CTCF binding sites and hypomethylated CpGs were devoid of CTCF. Taken together, our results support the notion that DNAm changes during culture-expansion are not directly regulated by a targeted mechanism but rather resemble epigenetic drift

    Knie und Unterschenkel

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