19 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Model Cooperative Problem Solving Terhadap Hasil Belajar Pada Materi Kelarutan Dan Hasilkali Kelarutan

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    This research aimed to determine of the differences and the effect of Cooperative Problem Solving learning model to the learning outcomes of students of class XI SMAN 1 Sungai Pinyuh on the material solubility and solubility product. This research is a quasi-experimental research with the study design Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The sample in this research were students of class XI IPA1 as an experimental class and class XI IPA3 as the control class obtained by simple random sampling technique. By using the U-Mann-Whitney test, obtained Asymp.Sig (2-tailed) = 0.000 <0.05 so that Ha accepted and Ho rejected, which means that there are differences in learning outcomes between the control class and experimental class students on the material solubility and solubility product. The results of the calculation of effect size, the value ES = 1,35, which means the implementation of cooperative problem solving learning model of influence by 41,15% against an increase in student learning outcomes

    Keterampilan Kerja Ilmiah pada Materi Indikator Asam Basa Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing

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    The purpose of this research is to describe the scientific work skills of students in class XI IPA SMAN 1 Sanggau materials Acid-Base Indicator used model of guided inquiry learning. This research based on pre-experimental design with One-group pretest-posttest design. The sampling research using purposive sampling technique and obtained XI IPA 1 class consist of 32 students. The scientific work skills of students before and after guided inquiry learning are in the category of unskilled, less skilled, skilled and highly skilled with consecutive results of 9,4% ; 75,% ; 15.6% ; 0% to 0%; 0%; 40.6% and 59.4%. Results of the data analysis showed that a difference of the scientific work skills of students after better than before using guided inquiry learning model

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran Block System terhadap Prestasi Belajar Proses Industri Kimia Siswa Kelas XI Smti Pontianak

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    : This research aims to determine differences of learning achievement of CIP subject between students who are given block system learning with students who are given daily system learning and determine how much influence of block system learning to learning achievement of CIP subject student of eleventh grade of SMTI Pontianak. The research method that used is quantitative method. This type of research is Quasy Experimental Design. This research samples are 68 students that consist of 35 students as an experimental class and 33 students as control class, with sampling use cluster random sampling. Data analysis technique that used is Independent Sample T-Test. The results of data analysis show that there are differences of learning achievement of CIP subject between students who are given block system learning with students who are given daily system learning and the big influence of application of block system learning on improvement of learning achievement is 28.23%

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran Discovery Learning terhadap Hasil Belajar dan Minat Materi Koloid SMA Negeri 1 Rasau Jaya

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    : This study aims to determine differences in learning outcomes and interest among students who were learning to use the model given Discovery Learning with conventional learning and how much influence the model of Discovery Learning on student learning outcomes in colloidal material. This research method using a quasi-experimental design with Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Samples were selected based on sampling techniques saturated XI IPA 1 as an experimental class and class XI IPA 2 as the control class. Data collection tool used consisted of test results and questionnaires Interests. Results of the data analysis shows that there are differences in learning outcomes between students who are taught using a model of Discovery Learning with the students taught using conventional teaching methods. From questionnaires interests of students found that there is no difference between the experimental class and control class. The value of effect size showed that the learning model of Discovery Learning effect of 33,89% of the student learning outcomes

    Keterampilan Kerja Ilmiah pada Materi Titrasi Asam Basa Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing

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    The aims of the study were to describe the profile of scientific work skills of students before and after the guided inquiry learning model is applied to the material acid-base titration as well as different scientific working skills of students XI IPA SMA Negeri 3 Sintang students before and after the guided inquiry learning model is applied to the material acid-base titration. Pre-experiment with one grup pretest-posttest was used as study method. Students of XI IPA 1 academic year 2015/2016 participated in the study were selected by purposive sampling. Data were collected through measurement and direct comunication technics using interview guideline and scientific work skills test. After being given training with guided inqury learning model, an increase in the skills of scientific work that are by 44,4%, 36,1% % dan 2,8% in the category of less skilled, and unskilled respectively while the results show that the 2 posttest scientific work skills of students that are skilled in a row amounted to 61,1% dan 38,9% in the category of skilled and highly. Wilcoxon test results showed there were differences of scientific work skills before and after learning

    Keterampilan Kerja Ilmiah pada Materi Identifikasi Asam Basa Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing

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    This aimed of this study is to describe the profile of scientific work skills of students before and after the guided inquiry learning model is applied to the material identification acids and bases as well as different scientific working skills of students SMA Negeri 9 Pontianak academic year 2015/2016. This study uses a pre-experimental research design one group pretest-posttest. The sample in this study were students of class XI IPA 1 by sampling using purposive sampling technique. Collecting data using measurement techniques and techniques of direct communication. After data processing, the results show that the pretest scientific work skills of students that are in the category of unskilled, less skilled, and unskilled respectively by 5.41%, 78.38%, and 16.22%, while the results show that the posttest scientific work skills of students that are in the category of less-skilled, skilled and highly skilled in a row amounted to 2.70%, 51.35%, and 45.95%. Wilcoxon test results showed there were differences of scientific work skills before and after learning

    Pengaruh Model Induktif Terhadap Keterampilan Membuat Hipotesis Pada Materi Indikator Asam Basa Di SMA

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    :This research purpose to determine the differences between the students make hypothesis skills that is taught through a model of inductive learning and taught through convensional learning models and the amount of the influence of model inductive learning to the students make hypothesis skills of class XI Natural Sciences in SMAN 1 Rasau Jaya. Samples were selected based on saturated sampling techniques, class XI Natural Sciences 1 as the control class and class XI Natural Sciences 2 as an experimental class. Form of research that has been used in this study is quasi-experimental with nonequivalent group pretest-posttest research design. The tool of data collection that was used in this research is a test of make hypothesis skill in essay form. Based on the data analysis of test result by using U Mann Whitney test was obtained differences in make hypothesis skill on the material acid and base between students who were taught through the model of inductive and taught through convensional model. The calculation of Effect Size can determineof inductive model by 33,89% giving effect to the increasing of students make hypothesis skill on the material acid and base in the class XI Natural Sciences in SMAN 1 Rasau Jaya

    Self-efficacy dan Hasil Belajar Kimia antara Siswa yang Diberikan Immediate dan Delay Feedback di SMA

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    This research aims to investigate the comparison of self-efficacy and learning outcomes of chemistry basic law between students which were given immediate feedback and delay feedback on X MIPA students of SMAN 1 Pontianak. The sample of this research were 35 students from X MIPA 7 as experimental class and 34 students from X MIPA 4 as control class in this quasi-experimental research with nonequivalent control group design. The result showed that the average score of questionnaire in experimental class was 80,11 and the control class was 75,35, while the average score of posttest in experimental class was 56,54 and the control class was 46,21. Based on U-Mann Whitney test by using SPSS 21 for windows, the Asymp.Sig(2-tailed) value for the questionnaires and the posttest were 0,034 and 0,037. This results indicates that immediate feedback and delay feedback influence the self-efficacy and students outcomes in chemistry learning. Effect-size value for the self-efficacy and students outcomes were 0,56 with influence 21,23% and 0,59 with influence 22,24%.Both are categorized medium

    Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Siswa Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing pada Materi Asam Basa

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    This purpose of the research is to determine whether there are differences in the profile of critical thinking skills students' of XIA MIA SMAN 2 Pontianak before and after the application of guided inquiry model on pH of acid-base solution. Research forms used in this research is the Pre-experimental design with a design used is the One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The sample in this research is students in XI MIA 4 with the number of 39 students. The instrument used is test of critical thinking skills. The results of analysis data critical thinking skills before being given treatment was 64.10% in the less skilled category and 35.90% in the skilled category. Given treatment increased to 100% under the skilled category. Based on a paired t test there are differences in the students' critical thinking skills before and after being given treatment with a significance value of 0.000 < 0.05. It can be concluded that the guided inquiry learning model can improve students' critical thinking skills