13 research outputs found

    Branched copolymer-stabilised nanoemulsions as new candidate oral drug delivery systems

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    The delivery of drugs to the bloodstream via oral administration may suffer from a number of complications including poor dissolution, first pass metabolism and the active intervention of efflux transporters such as P-glycoproteins; drugs which are efflux substrates may cause considerable problems across many clinical conditions. Here we have employed a branch-polymer stabilised nanoemulsion strategy to create highly robust oil droplets (e.g. peanut oil, castor oil and soybean oil) containing different dissolved antiretroviral drugs used in the daily fight against HIV/AIDS. Although very limited difference in permeation through a Caco-2 gut epithelium model was seen for efavirenz, the permeation of the protease inhibitor lopinavir was considerably higher (approximately 10-fold) when applied to an epithelium monolayer in emulsion form than the control within an aqueous DMSO vehicle. The presented nanoemulsion approach may allow drug-specific permeation improvements for various drug substances

    Synthesis and in vivo magnetic resonance imaging evaluation of biocompatible branched copolymer nanocontrast agents

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    Alexander W Jackson,1,* Prashant Chandrasekharan,2,* Jian Shi,3 Steven P Rannard,4 Quan Liu,5 Chang-Tong Yang,6 Tao He1,7 1Institute of Chemical and Engineering Sciences (ICES), 2Laboratory of Molecular Imaging, Singapore Bioimaging Consortium, Agency for Science Technology and Research (A* STAR), 3Department of Biological Science, National University of Singapore, Singapore; 4Department of Chemistry, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom; 5School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, 6Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; 7School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, HeFei University of Technology, Anhui, People’s Republic of China *These authors contributed equally to this work Abstract: Branched copolymer nanoparticles (Dh =20–35 nm) possessing 1,4,7, 10-tetraazacyclododecane-N,N',N",N'"-tetraacetic acid macrocycles within their cores have been synthesized and applied as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) nanosized contrast agents in vivo. These nanoparticles have been generated from novel functional monomers via reversible addition–fragmentation chain transfer polymerization. The process is very robust and synthetically straightforward. Chelation with gadolinium and preliminary in vivo experiments have demonstrated promising characteristics as MRI contrast agents with prolonged blood retention time, good biocompatibility, and an intravascular distribution. The ability of these nanoparticles to perfuse and passively target tumor cells through the enhanced permeability and retention effect is also demonstrated. These novel highly functional nanoparticle platforms have succinimidyl ester-activated benzoate functionalities within their corona, which make them suitable for future peptide conjugation and subsequent active cell-targeted MRI or the conjugation of fluorophores for bimodal imaging. We have also demonstrated that these branched copolymer nanoparticles are able to noncovalently encapsulate hydrophobic guest molecules, which could allow simultaneous bioimaging and drug delivery. Keywords: branched copolymer nanoparticles, gadolinium chelate, MRI, RAFT polymerizatio

    Controlling drug release from non-aqueous environments: Moderating delivery from ocular silicone oil drug reservoirs to combat proliferative vitreoretinopathy

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    In a number of cases of retinal detachment, treatment may require the removal of the vitreous humour within the eye and replacement with silicone oil to aid healing of the retina. The insertion of silicone oil offers the opportunity to also deliver drugs to the inside of the eye; however, drug solubility in silicone oil is poor and release from this hydrophobic drug reservoir is not readily controlled. Here, we have designed a range of statistical graft copolymers that incorporate dimethylsiloxane and ethylene glycol repeat units within the side chains, allowing short chains of oligo(ethylene glycol) to be solubilised within silicone oil and provide hydrogen bond acceptor sites to interact with acid functional drug molecules. Our hypothesis included the potential for such interactions to be able to delay/control drug release and for polymer architecture and composition to play a role in the silicone oil miscibility of the targeted polymers. This strategy has been successfully demonstrated using both ibuprofen and all-trans retinoic acid; drugs with anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferation activity. After the copolymers were shown to be non-toxic to retinal pigment epithelial cells, studies of drug release using radiochemical approaches showed that the presence of 10 v/v% of a linear graft copolymer could extend ibuprofen release over three-fold (from 3 days to > 9 days) whilst the release of all-trans retinoic from the silicone oil phase was extended to > 72 days. These timescales are highly clinically relevant showing the potential to tune drug delivery during the healing process and offer an efficient means to improve patient outcomes

    Semi-solid prodrug nanoparticles for long-acting delivery of water-soluble antiretroviral drugs within combination HIV therapies

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    The increasing global prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is estimated at 36.7 million people currently infected. Lifelong antiretroviral (ARV) drug combination dosing allows management as a chronic condition by suppressing circulating viral load to allow for a near-normal life; however, the daily burden of oral administration may lead to non-adherence and drug resistance development. Long-acting (LA) depot injections of nanomilled poorly water-soluble ARVs have shown highly promising clinical results with drug exposure largely maintained over months after a single injection. ARV oral combinations rely on water-soluble backbone drugs which are not compatible with nanomilling. Here, we evaluate a unique prodrug/nanoparticle formation strategy to facilitate semi-solid prodrug nanoparticles (SSPNs) of the highly water-soluble nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI) emtricitabine (FTC), and injectable aqueous nanodispersions; in vitro to in vivo extrapolation (IVIVE) modelling predicts sustained prodrug release, with activation in relevant biological environments, representing a first step towards complete injectable LA regimens containing NRTIs