51 research outputs found

    Linear conformation traits of the autochthonous horse breeds in Croatia

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    Konformacija konja od izuzetne je važnosti za njegovu uporabnu i uzgojnu vrijednost. Istraživanja su ukazala na nisku razinu hereditarnosti linearno ocjenjivanih svojstava, međusobne umjerene korelacijske veze, te moguću selekcijsku iskoristivost u protežiranju poželjnih uzgojnih varijanti unutar populacije. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 258 odraslih konja autohtonih pasmina u zemaljskom uzgoju. Srednja dodijeljena linearna ocjena hrvatskom hladnokrvnjaku je 5,64, međimurskom konju 5,56, te posavskom konju 5,59. Posavski konj linearno je ocijenjen većom ocjenom između ostalog za mišićavost vrata, spoj vrata s trupom, nagib lopatice, širinu sapi, visinu korijena repa, ocjenu kopita, ispravnost i snagu koraka. Imaju zamjetno maju glavu, manju konveksnost profila glave, kraća leđa, nježnije kosti, dobru mišićavost te poželjnu građu sapnog dijela. Hrvatski hladnokrvnjak ocijenjen je većom ocjenom, posebice za dužinu sapi i obujam cjevanice, dočim je međimurski konj većom ocjenom ocijenjen za spoj glave s vratom i širinu prsa. Autohtone pasmine konja u Hrvatskoj morfološki i strukturno prilično su heterogene, što je i za očekivati budući da su u fazi profiliranja. Na uzgojnim je institucijama, primarno krovnim Savezima uzgajivača, da se u provedbenom uzgojnom pogledu odrede prema linearnoj konformacijskoj ocjeni kao o metodi kojom će objektivnije pratiti i kreirati uzgojne trenove.The horse conformation is of significant importance for its use and breeding value. Research show the low level heredities linearly scored traits, interacting moderate correlations relations, and possible selection usability in favoring breeding variant inside the population. Investigates is included 258 adult horse of autochthonous breeds. The middle assigned linear evaluation to the Croatian Coldblood is 5.64, Murinsulaner horses 5.56, and Posavina horse 5.59. Posavina horse has been linearly larger evaluated among others for the muscularity, connection neck with chest, shoulder incline, chest length, width and depth, stride correctness and power. Autochthonous horse breeds in Croatia are morphologic and structurally quite heterogeneous. On breeding institutions, primarily Associations of breeders, that in the implementation breeding sight define linear conformation the evaluation as about method whom more objectively will accompany and create breeding moments


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    The objective of this study was to investigate morphometric measures from numerically small population of Gidran horses in Croatia. Thus body measurements were taken from a total of 31 individuals. The dactylo-thoracic index indicated that these animals are intermediary (not suitable for speed nor for traction) what was confirmed with the higher conformation index. The analysis of other conformation indices indicated that, in general, these horses are medilines, compact, with good developed chest. No significant differences between male and female Gidran horses considering body measurements exist what confirm conformation homogeneity as result of well managed breeding strategy. Compared to Hungarian Gidran population, Gidrans from Croatia show great similarity even though they have had lower values for body measurements.Cilj istraživanja je stjecanje uvida u morfometrijske mjere Gidran pasmine konja u Hrvatskoj koja je brojem skromna. Prikupljene su tjelesne mjere od ukupno 31 jedinke. Daktilo-torakalni indeks upućuje da Gidran populaciju u Hrvatskoj karakterizira srednji format tijela (koji nije pogodan ni za postizanje velikih brzina ni za vuču) što je potvrđeno vrijednošću konformacijskog indeksa. Analiza drugih tjelesnih indeksa pokazala je da su umjereno dugi, kompaktni, s dobro razvijenim prsnim košem. Ne postoji značajna razlika u tjelesnim mjerama između muških i ženskih grla što potvrđuje konformacijsku homogenost pasmine kao rezultat dobro vođene uzgojne strategije. Premda populacija Gidrana u Hrvatskoj ima nešto niže vrijednosti tjelesnih mjera u odnosu na uzgoj Gidrana u Mađarskoj, možemo zaključiti da ta dva uzgoja pokazuju veliku sličnost


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    Hormonalni status tijekom gravidnosti kobile značajno se razlikuje naspram drugih domaćih životinja. Tijekom cijele gravidnosti kobile vrlo je izražena hormonalna interakcija između ploda i majke. U ranoj trudnoći javlja se u obliku majčinskog prepoznavanja takvog stanja, jer zametak određenim signalima „obavještava“ majku o svojoj prisutnosti i time produžuje život žutom tijelu. Također, proizvodnja placentarnog estrogena i progestagena, u srednjoj fazi gravidnosti, ovisi o prekursorima sinetiziranima u povećanim gonadama fetusa i u nadbubrežnim žlijezdama fetusa. U zadnjoj fazi gravidnosti, upravo se fetus smatra inicijatorom partusa. Sam, mehanizam nije u potpunosti razjašnjen, no smatra se da je povezan s povišenim količinama kortikosteroida u amnionskoj tekućini koju proizvode nadbubrežne žlijezda fetusa. Potrebno je potpuno razumjevanje hormonalnih osobitosti gravidnosti kobile kako bi čovjek mogao pozitivno utjecati na trenutno prenisku stopu plodnosti konja.Hormonal status of the mares during pregnancy is significantly different in relation to other domestic animals. Throughout the pregnancy the mare and fetus hormonal interacts with each other. During early pregnancy developing embryo signals its presence to the maternal organism to prolong the lifespan of the primary corpus luteum. Also, the production of placental estrogen and progestagens in later stages of pregnancy, dependes on the precursors synthesized in increased fetal gonads and in adrenal glands of the fetus. In the last stage of pregnancy, it is fetus who initiates parturition. Mechanism of parturation is not fully understood, but is considered to be associated with increased amounts of corticosteroids in the amniotic fluid produced by the adrenal glands of the fetus. Fully understanding of the hormonal features of pregnancy in mares is vital, because only than man could inhance fertility rate in a horse wich is currently very low

    Genomic analysis of dominance and inbreeding effects on milk production traits in Pag sheep

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    Local breeds are reservoirs of genetic diversity and have phenotypic characteristics that could be an important resource for meeting future challenges to livestock systems. For example, Pag sheep are a local Croatian breed adapted to a Mediterranean island with a marginal grazing system, raised for milk (mainly used for cheese) and lamb production. Sustainable selection programmes for small local breeds like Pag sheep, may need to consider the effects of dominance and inbreeding. Our aim was to estimate additive and dominance genetic variances and genomic inbreeding for milk traits (milk, fat and protein yields and somatic cell score). We had genotype data (50K SNPs) for 2134 animals, while 1744 ewes had milk records. We detected runs of homozygosity (ROH) with plink 1.9 to estimate genomic inbreeding (FROH). The four single-trait models with additive and dominance effects, including FROH as a covariate to account for directional dominance, were fitted both via the Bayesian method and REML as implemented in BLUPF90 software. Our results revealed stable additive variance across different models. In contrast, dominance variance varied across models, and was significantly impacted by whether or not the FROH covariate was in the model. Dominance variance accounted from 10-30% of genetic variance across models and traits. In conclusion, SNPs allow us to estimate dominance variance and inbreeding in small populations, which can contribute to the knowledge needed to develop sustainable genomic selection programmes in such populations

    Genetska karakterizacija istarske koze: polazište dugoročnog očuvanja

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    Istrian goat is an autochthonous Croatian breed which inhabited Istrian peninsula and was important in milk production and human nutrition, especially for poor people. For centuries Istrian goat was a recognizable heraldic symbol of Istria, but in her real form almost disappeared from the breeding area. The revitalization and reaffirmation of Istrian goat began with several dozen remaining breeding animals, after a decade-long breeding ban. Genetic characterization of the Istrian goat population is necessary for providing insight into the state of genetically preserved structure within population as well as positioning Istrian goats within phylogenetically related breeds. Microsatellite and mtDNA analysis of reproductive individuals of Istrian goat and related breeds, Croatian White goat and Saanen goat was carried out. In the population of Istrian goat, higher allelic variability (nA = 9.7; AR = 7.4) were found as well as significant genetic distance (FST = 0.068 - 0.086) in relation to other two breeds. Such results indicated that Istrian goat constitutes a separate genetic identity. The observed ten haplotype sequences of the D-loop mtDNA also confirm the significant genetic richness of the maternal hereditary component. The observed haplotypes in the population of Istrian goat belong to lineage A. A smaller number of haplotypes shows similarity to the group of “white” goats, indicating traces of earlier limited but targeted crossing of Istrian goats. The genetic profile analysis of Istrian goats indicates a high level of genetic variability and provides guidelines for a long-term conservation program. The preserved genetic and promising potential of milk production of Istrian goat makes a significant basis for her economic reaffirmation. Orientation of the breed towards milk production could be an efficient strategy for its effective preservation.Istarska koza jedna je od autohtonih pasmina koja je nastanjivala područje Istarskog poluotoka i bila važna u proizvodnji mlijeka te prehrani, posebice siromašnog stanovništva. Kroz stoljeća je činila prepoznatljivi heraldički simbol Istre, no u svojem stvarnom obličju gotovo je iščezla iz uzgojnog područja. Revitalizacija i reafirmacija istarske koze započela je nakon višedesetljetne zabrane uzgoja na uzgojnoj bazi od nekoliko desetaka preostalih rasplodnih jedinki. Genetska karakterizacija preostale populacije istarske koze nužna je za uvid u stanje unutar populacijske genetske očuvanosti kao i pozicioniranje naspram filogenetski srodnih pasmina koza. Provedena je analiza strukture mikrosatelita i mtDNA rasplodnih jedinki istarske koze te srodnih pasmina koza, hrvatske bijele i sanske koze. U populaciji istarske koze naspram druge dvije pasmine koza utvrđena je veća alelna varijabilnost (nA = 9,7; AR = 7,4) te značajna genetska udaljenost (FST=0,068-0,086) što ukazuje da istarska koza čini zaseban genetski identitet. Zapaženih deset haplotipova sekvenci D-loop regije mtDNA također potvrđuje značajno genetsko bogatstvo maternalne nasljedne komponente. Uočeni haplotipovi u populaciji istarske koze pripadaju haplogrupi A. Manji broj haplotipova pokazuje srodnost naspram pasmina iz skupine bijelih koza, što indicira na tragove ranijih ograničenih ciljanih oplemenjivanja istarske koze. Analiza genetskog profila ukazuje na visoku razinu očuvanosti genetske varijabilnosti te nudi smjernice dugoročno održivog konzervacijskog programa. Očuvani genetski i izgledni proizvodni (mliječni) potencijal istarske koze čini značajnu osnovu njene gospodarske reafirmacije


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    Hrvatsko konjogojstvo ima dugu tradiciju, a upravo ta tradicija otvara mogućnosti za razvoj konjičkog turizma na području cijele Hrvatske. Organiziranje turističkih aktivnosti, savjetovanje, povezivanje interesnih skupina te organizacija, koordinacija i promocija konjičkih turističkih staza i konjičkog turizma općenito, potrebni su preduvjeti za razvoj konjičkog turizma u budućnosti. Cilj ovog rada je utvrditi mogućnosti razvoja komercijalnog konjičkog turizma u Samoboru i njegovoj okolici temeljenog na rezultatima pilot istraživanja stanja i potencijala konjičkog kluba Mirnovec te potencijala okruženja u kojem se klub nalazi. Za potrebu analize stanja, interesa i potreba dizajnirana su dva upitnika za dvije skupine ispitanika. Upitnik „Mladi i konjički sport“ (MKS) sadrži ukupno šest pitanja zatvorenog tipa, a namijenjen je mlađoj dobnoj skupini jahača, dok upitnik „Roditelji za klub“ (RZK) sadrži osam pitanja zatvorenog tipa namijenjenog roditeljima polaznika škole jahanja. Na osnovi mišljenja korisnika i posjetitelja konjičkog kluba predloženi su sadržaji nadopune turističke i sportske ponude kluba, kao i sadržaji turističkog razvoja područja Samobora i okolice.Croatian horse breeding has long tradition, and this tradition opens opportunities for development of equestrian tourism in the entire Croatia. Organizing tourist activities, counseling, association groups of interest and the organization, coordination and promotion of equestrian trails and equestrian tourism in general are needful prerequisites for the development of equestrian tourism in the future. The aim of this study was to determine the possibilities of development of commercial equestrian tourism in Samobor and the surrounding area based on the results of the pilot survey and potential of equestrian club Mirnovec as well as environment potential in which the club is located. For the purpose of analysis of situation, interests and needs the two questionnaires are designed for two groups of examinee. Questionnaire "Youth and equestrian sports" (YES) contains six questions (closed type), intended to younger group of riders, while the questionnaire "Parents for club" (PFC) contains eight questions (also closed type) designed for parents of students in riding school. Based on the opinions of users and visitors of equestrian club, facilities for amendments tourist and sport club offer are proposed, as well as facilities for tourism development of Samobor and surrounding areas

    Genomic estimation of dominance variance and inbreeding depression in a local sheep breed

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    Dominance variance can account for a substantial proportion of total genetic variance depending on the species and trait. Its assessment was historically cumbersome primarily due to the size and structure of available pedigree data and corresponding computational complexities. Estimations were simplified with the availability of genome-wide SNP markers, opening the potential to study non-additive genetic variation even in small populations such as local sheep breeds. Further, it has been argued that when estimating dominance, it is essential to account for genomic inbreeding because a decrease in heterozygosity can lead to an overall decrease in the mean of a trait of interest due to directional dominance. Local livestock breeds are susceptible to inbreeding and inbreeding depression due to small population sizes and the resulting increased relatedness between mates. Local breed conservation should be prioritised because they are reservoirs of genetic diversity and have characteristics that could be essential resources for adapting to future challenges. Therefore, when designing selection programmes for small livestock populations, the effects of dominance and inbreeding need to be considered. We aimed to estimate additive and dominance genetic variances and genomic inbreeding for milk traits in Pag sheep. This local Croatian breed is adapted to a Mediterranean island with a marginal grazing system and is raised for milk (mainly used for cheese) and lamb production. We had 50K SNP array genotype data for 2134 animals, of which 1744 were ewes with milk records. After quality control of genomic data, we imputed sporadic missingness and corrected genotype errors using AlphaPeel. We detected runs of homozygosity (ROH) with Plink 1.9 to estimate genomic inbreeding (FROH). For each recorded milk trait (milk, fat and protein yields in kg, and somatic cell score), we compared four single-trait models with additive and dominance effects, and FROH as a covariate to account for directional dominance, fitted with both Bayesian and REML methods as implemented in BLUPF90. We found additive variance was stable across the different models for each trait, while dominance variance varied and was impacted by the inclusion of FROH covariate in the model. Dominance variance accounted for 10-30% of genetic variance across models and traits. Using a genome-wide association analysis approach, we will also detect regions of the genome with additive genetic, dominance genetic or ROH effects on milk traits. Finding the best approach to utilise available non-additive genetic variation in the local (small) livestock breeding programmes via either optimal contribution selection and mate allocation schemes or leveraging SNP effects associated with the non-additive genetic effects is an important open question. Genomic data has allowed us to estimate additive and dominance variance and inbreeding in Pag sheep, which will contribute to developing sustainable genomic selection programmes for this and other small livestock populations

    Genetski polimorfizam i utjecaj na proizvodnju mlijeka CSN2 gena u konvencionalnim i lokalnim pasminama goveda u Hrvatskoj

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    Over the past three decades, the scientific and public interest has been initiated by studies in which the negative effect of milk consumption of beta-casein A1 variant has been observed on consumers’ health. The production of "A2 milk" is one of the ways to economically increase the competitiveness of small and medium-sized dairy farms. Breeders of endangered local breeds are also interested in reaffirmation through production of “A2 milk”. The aim of this study is to determine frequencies of A1 and A2 variants of beta-casein in three commercial and three local breeds of cattle in Croatia, and their relationship with production indicators of commercial breeds in the first three lactations. The genomic DNA was extracted from hair by using a commercial kit, used for determination of CSN2 genotypes by means of PCRRFLP method. Data for milk yield and chemical composition were provided by the central database. The dominant presence of A2 variant beta-casein in the investigated cattle breeds (0.650-0.758) and the increase in the frequency of A2 beta-casein in the population of Simmental and Istrian cattle were determined. The association of A2A2 and A1A1 genotypes of beta-casein with lactation production and milk fat content in the first and second lactation was observed (p <0.05). The dominance of the A2 allelic variation of beta-casein makes the researched conventional and local breeds suitable for the production of "A2 milk. The breeding extension of A2 allelic variation of beta-casein within local breeds of cattle should be carried out carefully not to lose part of the existing genetic variability.Tijekom protekla tri desetljeća interes znanstvene i ukupne javnosti (potrošača) potaknut je studijama u kojima je zapažen negativan učinak konzumacije mlijeka u kojem je A1 varijanta beta-kazeina na zdravlje potrošača. Proizvodnja “A2 mlijeka” jedan je od načina gospodarskog povećanja kompetitivnosti manjih i srednjih mliječnih farmi. Uzgajivači ugroženih lokalnih pasmina također su zainteresirani za reafirmaciju kroz proizvodnju “A2 mlijeka”. Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi frekvencije A1 i A2 varijanti beta-kazeina u konvencionalnim i lokalnim pasminama goveda u Hrvatskoj, te njihovu povezanost s proizvodnim pokazateljima konvencionalnih pasmina u prve tri laktacije. Genomska DNK izolirana korištenjem komercijalnog kita za izolaciju upotrijebljena je za PCR RFLP determinaciju CSN2 genotipova. Podaci o mliječnosti i kemijskom sastavu mlijeka u promatranom uzorku preuzeti su iz središnje baze podataka. Utvrđena je dominantna zastupljenost A2 varijante beta-kazeina u istraženim pasminama goveda (0,650-0,758) te povećanje frekvencije A2 beta-kazeina u populaciji simentalskog i istarskog goveda. Zapažena je povezanost A2A2 i A1A1 genotipa beta-kazeina s laktacijskom proizvodnjom i udjelom mliječne masti u prvoj i drugoj laktaciji (p<0,05). Dominacija A2 alelne varijante beta-kazeina čini pogodnim istražene konvencionalne i lokalne pasmine za proizvodnju “A2 mlijeka”. Uzgojno protežiranje A2 alelne varijante beta-kazeina unutar lokalnih pasmina goveda treba provoditi pažljivo kako ne bi izgubili dio zatečene genetske varijabilnosti