44 research outputs found
Les services de drones au profit de l'agriculture africaine prennent leur envol
Le numérique contribue à transformer progressivement l'agriculture africaine en secteur à la pointe de la technologie. Grâce à l'apport de la donnée, les services se modernisent et les systèmes d'aide à la décision gagnent en efficacité. Les drones ou UAS (Unmanned Aerial System, Système aérien sans humain à bord) font partie intégrante de cette révolutio
Drone-based services taking off to transform Africa's agriculture
Africa's agriculture sector is being progressively transformed into a high-tech industry through digital services. Decisions are being based on real-time gathering and processing of data, feeding into increasingly effective decision support systems. Unmanned aerial systems (UAS) are an integral part of this digital revolution
Participatory data
Participatory 3D modelling is a community-based tool that builds on local and indigenous knowledge for a variety of purposes, such as land use planning, watershed management, disaster prevention, communication and advocac
La communication multimédia, un levier pour l'innovation
Le CTA se donne pour mission de faire avancer la sécurité alimentaire, la résilience et la croissance économique inclusive dans les pays ACP par le biais d’innovations dans l’agriculture durable. Tout au long de ces 10 dernières années, le CTA a joué un rôle dans l’identification des innovations technologiques de pointe, dans la promotion de la culture et des compétences numériques ainsi que dans la formation et le renforcement des capacités des acteurs du secteur agricole à innover et utiliser des solutions d’agriculture numérique
Multimedia communication enables innovators to coalesce and thrive: An experience among digital operators in Africa
To bring together and support a Community of Practice (CoP) around Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) in Africa, CTA established a WhatsApp thread to encourage digital interactions. This article explores how the platform has helped the community members access new business opportunitie
Drones in agriculture in Africa and other ACP countries: A survey on perceptions and applications
In October 2017, the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU (CTA) in partnership with the NEPAD Agency, conducted a survey to understand the perceptions surrounding the use of drones for agriculture. Approximately 13,000 individuals (mainly English and French-speaking readers of CTA e-publications or members of CTA-managed communities of practice) received an invitation to participate in the survey. The aim was to understand the general perceptions on the use of drones amongst stakeholders in agriculture and development cooperation with an emphasis on African regions. 16%, or a total of 1432 individuals (of whom 91% have worked or are currently working in Africa), completed the survey and had at least a working knowledge of drones in agriculture
Getting drones off the ground in Africa
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), popularly known as drones, have flown out of the pages of science fiction and arrived in Africa. A rush of recent research, pilot and exploratory activities have evaluated the technology and identified sectors where it can best benefit the people of the continent. Now it is questions of national policy that will determine how far drones will g