28 research outputs found

    Study of Blood-transfusion Services in Maharashtra and Gujarat States, India

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    Blood-transfusion services are vital to maternal health because haemorrhage and anaemia are major causes of maternal death in South Asia. Unfortunately, due to continued governmental negligence, blood-transfusion services in India are a highly-fragmented mix of competing independent and hospital-based blood-banks, serving the needs of urban populations. This paper aims to understand the existing systems of blood-transfusion services in India focusing on Maharashtra and Gujarat states. A mix of methodologies, including literature review (including government documents), analysis of management information system data, and interviews with key officials was used. Results of analysis showed that there are many managerial challenges in blood-transfusion services, which calls for strengthening the planning and monitoring of these services. Maharashtra provides a good model for improvement. Unless this is done, access to blood in rural areas may remain poor

    Boron and Gamma ray irradiation effects on I-​V and C-​V characteristics of photo detector MRD 500

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    This paper describes the effect of 30- and 60-​MeV Boron ion and Gamma ray (Co-​60) irradn. effects on silicon photo detector (MRD 500 Motorola manufd.) for various fluence​/doses. The devices are systematically investigated by I-​V and C-​V measurements. The radiation induced elec. degrdn. is studied from I-​V measurements. C-​V measurements are made to est. the effect of irradn. on the doping concn. of the devices. The characteristics studied in this investigation show that Si PIN photodiodes are suitable for use in high radiation environment

    Study of Blood-transfusion Services in Maharashtra and Gujarat States, India

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    Blood-transfusion services are vital to maternal health because haemorrhage and anaemia are major causes of maternal death in South Asia. Unfortunately, due to continued governmental negligence, blood-transfusion services in India are a highly-fragmented mix of competing independent and hospital-based blood-banks, serving the needs of urban populations. This paper aims to understand the existing systems of blood-transfusion services in India focusing on Maharashtra and Gujarat states. A mix of methodologies, including literature review (including government documents), analysis of management information system data, and interviews with key officials was used. Results of analysis showed that there are many managerial challenges in blood-transfusion services, which calls for strengthening the planning and monitoring of these services. Maharashtra provides a good model for improvement. Unless this is done, access to blood in rural areas may remain poor

    Boron Ion Interaction with pnp Bipolar Power Transistor and Displacement Damage Effects on its Electrical Characteristics

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    AbstractBipolar junction transistors used in switching and amplification applications is examined for their electrical performance after irradiation with 60 MeV boron ions of different fluence. Unirradiated device base current is 5.97×10-5 A while it is 9.03×10-4 A after irradiation with a fluence of 1×1012 ions/cm2. For unirradiated device collector current is 1.22×10-3 A and is 7.31×10-4 A after irradiation to a fluence of 1×1012 ions/cm2. Base current increases whereas collector current decreases after irradiation with a fluence of 1×1012 ions/cm2. The magnitude of decrease in collector current is approximately same as that of the increase in base current, showing the leakage of the collector current due to irradiation. The output collector gain of the unirradiated transistor is 20.5 after irradiation to a fluence of 1×1012 ions/cm2 it has reduced to 0.81. The capacitance measurements for base-emitter junction show that for the unirradiated and irradiated samples, linearity of the curves indicate uniformity of shallow doping concentration. The built in potential (Vbi) for unirradiated device is 2.69V and after irradiation it is 2.52V. The device is also studied for activation energy, trap concentration and capture cross-section of deep levels are studied using deep-level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) technique. Majority carrier trap level is observed with energy Ev+0.784eV

    Maternal Health Situation in India: A Case Study

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    Since the beginning of the Safe Motherhood Initiative, India has accounted for at least a quarter of maternal deaths reported globally. India's goal is to lower maternal mortality to less than 100 per 100,000 livebirths but that is still far away despite its programmatic efforts and rapid economic progress over the past two decades. Geographical vastness and sociocultural diversity mean that maternal mortality varies across the states, and uniform implementation of health-sector reforms is not possible. The case study analyzes the trends in maternal mortality nationally, the maternal healthcare-delivery system at different levels, and the implementation of national maternal health programmes, including recent innovative strategies. It identifies the causes for limited success in improving maternal health and suggests measures to rectify them. It recommends better reporting of maternal deaths and implementation of evidence-based, focused strategies along with effective monitoring for rapid progress. It also stresses the need for regulation of the private sector and encourages further public-private partnerships and policies, along with a strong political will and improved management capacity for improving maternal health

    Maternal Health in Gujarat, India: A Case Study

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    Gujarat state of India has come a long way in improving the health indicators since independence, but progress in reducing maternal mortality has been slow and largely unmeasured or documented. This case study identified several challenges for reducing the maternal mortality ratio, including lack of the managerial capacity, shortage of skilled human resources, non-availability of blood in rural areas, and infrastructural and supply bottlenecks. The Gujarat Government has taken several initiatives to improve maternal health services, such as partnership with private obstetricians to provide delivery care to poor women, a relatively-short training of medical officers and nurses to provide emergency obstetric care (EmOC), and an improved emergency transport system. However, several challenges still remain. Recommendations are made for expanding the management capacity for maternal health, operationalization of health facilities, and ensuring EmOC on 24/7 (24 hours a day, seven days a week) basis by posting nurse-midwives and trained medical officers for skilled care, ensuring availability of blood, and improving the registration and auditing of all maternal deaths. However, all these interventions can only take place if there are substantially- increased political will and social awareness

    Maternal Health Situation in India: A Case Study

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    Since the beginning of the Safe Motherhood Initiative, India has accounted for at least a quarter of maternal deaths reported globally. India's goal is to lower maternal mortality to less than 100 per 100,000 livebirths but that is still far away despite its programmatic efforts and rapid economic progress over the past two decades. Geographical vastness and sociocultural diversity mean that maternal mortality varies across the states, and uniform implementation of health-sector reforms is not possible. The case study analyzes the trends in maternal mortality nationally, the maternal healthcare-delivery system at different levels, and the implementation of national maternal health programmes, including recent innovative strategies. It identifies the causes for limited success in improving maternal health and suggests measures to rectify them. It recommends better reporting of maternal deaths and implementation of evidence-based, focused strategies along with effective monitoring for rapid progress. It also stresses the need for regulation of the private sector and encourages further public-private partnerships and policies, along with a strong political will and improved management capacity for improving maternal health

    Graphics based instructional software for decision tree analysis using Bayesian methodology

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    Computers and Education193267-273COME