26 research outputs found


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    The dilemma has its origins in accountancy's international matching, namely between the accountancy system implemented in our country beginning with 1994 and the one implemented by Anglo-Saxon accountancy where patrimony is substituted by its two components: PROPERTY for ASSETS and CAPITAL for LIABILITIES, patrimony being defined owing to financial condition. Property represents the measurable reality of the goods and available values. When compared with the proprietor, property makes up patrimony in case, from a juridical point of view, there is a real guarantee upon the manner of financial covering (obtaining sources, procuring manner), namely a legal manner of justifying the origin of available values.patrimony, assets, liabilities, accountancy.

    Bank Products and Services Offered by BRD Groupe Société Générale Petrosani Branch - Hunedoara County

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    Through this article, the authors attempt to demonstrate that banks, through their broadinvolvement in economic and social life, constitute a very important structural element in the life ofsociety, whose permanent and efficient organization is conditional on the entire economic life ofthe country. Thus, the good organization and functioning of banks can not be left free, but must bemanaged under high efficiency and order in order to develop and promote banking services andactivities. Banking products and services involve a multi-significance bank-client relationship. BRD SGS Petrosani ensures its success in the banking market through the products and services itoffers to its clients, based on an efficient management, based on programming, creation ofpremises, challenge. The article ends with the authors’ conclusions regarding the promotion of theproducts and services offered by this institution, considering that the most important bankingproduct offered is the credit given to its clients

    The Dynamics of the Revenues and Expenditures of the State Budget in the Period 2014 - 2018

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    With this article, the authors want to emphasize that, as one of the major components of the financial system, by the weight of about 30% in the gross domestic product and by the role it plays in the operation of financial leverage such as fiscal, customs and public spending, the state budget is a fundamental category of finance sciences, linked to the existence of the state and the market mechanism. Formally, the state budget is a list of state revenues and expenditures related to a certain amount of time, usually one year. Highlighting the complex role of the state budget in Romania, the authors try to present its components, namely: financial, economic and allocative, redistributive and regulation for a period of five years. The article ends with the authors’ conclusions regarding the dynamics of state budget revenues and expenditures in the period 2014- 2018

    Estimating the Cash Flows to the Economic Entities in Romania

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    This article tries to demonstrate that the most important stage in drafting a draft budget for aninvestment is the estimation of cash flows. If the cash flow estimate does not have a reasonabledegree of accuracy, any analytical technique, irrespective of its complexity, can lead to mistakendecisions and hence to operating losses and market price cuts. This does not mean that economicentities are not allowed to make estimation errors, but only that the estimation of cash flows mustbe the best possible when evaluating a project. Therefore, describing the importance of accuratelyestimating cash flows is rather difficult, but observing some basic principles will help minimizeforecast errors. The article ends with the author’s conclusions on estimating cash flows for aninvestment budget

    Abc method – guarantor of real costs in the mining extractive industry entities

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    The article aims to emphasize the importance of the ABC method in the provision of real production costs within mining extractive industry entities in Romania. Starting from the progress of investigations undertaken in the specialty literature regarding the adaptation and implementation of the ABC method to the specifics of the entities in the mining and quarrying industry to the achievements made so far by various specialists, the authors of this article demonstrate the successful implementation of the ABC method in mining entities in Romania and the determination of the real costs. The documentation which was the basis of the study and comparison between applicative traditional method used and the ABC method applied is likely to prove the viability of the organization of the managerial accounting of mining extractive industry entities in Romania in order to increase their performances. The article ends with the conclusions of the authors concerning the enlargement of the successful implementation of the ABC method in mining extractive industry entities in Romania

    Abc method – guarantor of real costs in the mining extractive industry entities

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    The article aims to emphasize the importance of the ABC method in the provision of real production costs within mining extractive industry entities in Romania. Starting from the progress of investigations undertaken in the specialty literature regarding the adaptation and implementation of the ABC method to the specifics of the entities in the mining and quarrying industry to the achievements made so far by various specialists, the authors of this article demonstrate the successful implementation of the ABC method in mining entities in Romania and the determination of the real costs. The documentation which was the basis of the study and comparison between applicative traditional method used and the ABC method applied is likely to prove the viability of the organization of the managerial accounting of mining extractive industry entities in Romania in order to increase their performances. The article ends with the conclusions of the authors concerning the enlargement of the successful implementation of the ABC method in mining extractive industry entities in Romania

    Dashboard, Tool for Monitoring and Measuring the Performances of Entities within Mining Extractive

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    This article aims to emphasis the importance of dashboard in monitoring and measuring the performances of entities within mining extractive industry of Romania. Having regard to the stage of the researches carried out in the specialty literature regarding the implementation of ABC method to the peculiarity of entities within mining extractive industry and up to the achievements made at present by various professionals, the authors of this article demonstrate the utility of dashboard in monitoring and measuring the performances of mining entities of Romania and of making decisions based on information provided by it. The main tool underlying the elaboration of dashboard was presented, namely the results account as accounting synthesis document of managerial accounting. The article ends with the conclusions of authors with a view to advantages and importance of using the dashboard of ABC method within the entities of mining extractive industry of Romania

    Accounting information - the base of financial analysis in investment decisions

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    Accounting information must allow both the current and potential investors to identify measure, classify, and evaluate all operations and activities of an enterprise. Undoubtedly, one of the most important is that accounting provides accounting information. This allows management decisions and proper investment by current and potential investors. This paper aims to show that it is important accounting information in making management decisions and investments, which are the characteristics and conditions necessary for accounting information is used efficiently.accounting information, investment decisions, financial analysis economic efficiency, accounting users

    Dashboard, Tool for Monitoring and Measuring the Performances of Entities within Mining Extractive

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    This article aims to emphasis the importance of dashboard in monitoring and measuring the performances of entities within mining extractive industry of Romania. Having regard to the stage of the researches carried out in the specialty literature regarding the implementation of ABC method to the peculiarity of entities within mining extractive industry and up to the achievements made at present by various professionals, the authors of this article demonstrate the utility of dashboard in monitoring and measuring the performances of mining entities of Romania and of making decisions based on information provided by it. The main tool underlying the elaboration of dashboard was presented, namely the results account as accounting synthesis document of managerial accounting. The article ends with the conclusions of authors with a view to advantages and importance of using the dashboard of ABC method within the entities of mining extractive industry of Romania


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    The authors of this study aim to carry out a dynamic and structural analysis of the revenues and expenses of an economic entity supplying drinking water, for the period 2021-2022, to highlight their evolution as a result of the increase in the water tariff. For the profitability of the activity of the analyzed economic entity, it is particularly important to know the expenses caused by the performance of the specific activity and, respectively, to identify the best ways to improve its performance. As is known, the correlated analysis of expenses and the management of financial, material, and human resources is the basis of the managerial decision-making process of an economic entity. The objective of this research is to develop an analysis of expenses related to incomes in order to highlight their evolution, as well as the factors that influence their size. The research focused on the study of specialized literature, complemented by a case study comprising the vertical analysis of the profit and loss account, as well as the dynamic and structural analysis of the expenses and revenues of a company in the targeted field. The obtained result resides in the observation that, for the analyzed entity, the revenues adversely influence the efficiency of the total expenses. The article ends with the authors’ conclusions regarding how the expenses related to the analyzed entity’s revenues evolved during the mentioned period and the effect over time of the resulting variations