63 research outputs found

    Analysis of Retrofit Building Behavior with Base Isolation System Using Nonlinear TIME History Analysis

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    Now, procedures of design for the earthquake resistance of buildings and non-building structures SNI 1726: 2012 has been approved the procedures for seismic design for buildings SNI 1726-2002. SNI 1726: 2012 refers to the development of modern seismic regulations are due to changes in tectonic plates located on the active track on the path of circum-Pacific and the Indian track - the Himalayas. With the enactment of the new SNI earthquake, namely SNI 1726: 2012, then all existing buildings and designed with old SNI earthquake, that is SNI - 1726-2002 should be evaluated against for the new regulations. Handling scheme for existing buildings should be made to determine and improve safety. Analysis and solutions are required to improve the safety of buildings. Retrofitting Seismic Isolation is one of the effective and practical methode to increase safety of buildings against earthquakes, because this methode can reduce the earthquake acceleration response. Retrofitting seismic isolation can not only improve the safety and functionality seismic, but also to maintain the original design. Without the need to demolish and rebuild the building, the building will remain intact. So that historic buildings and cultural heritage can still be preserved. The concept of base isolation is to decouple the upper structure from its foundation and inserting isolator which has a small horizontal stiffness. This techniques can reducing the seismic impact from the soil vibration which could be from seismic motion. This study will compare the ratio building safety for old structural design that uses SNI-1726-2002 (old) vs SNI 1726: 2012 (new). The results shows that retrofitting seismic isolation building have better performance in terms of ductility demand, natural period, and lower internal forces due to earthquake

    Evaluasi Gedung Mnc Tower Menggunakan Sni 03-1726-2012 dengan Metode Pushover Analysis

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    Pembaruan SNI 03-1726-2002 menjadi SNI 03-1726-2012 membuat perbedaan perancangan gedung MNC Tower terhadap beban gempa berubah. Perancangan gedung MNC Tower menggunakan SNI 03-1726-2002 perlu dievaluasi kembali akibat beberapa perbedaan antara peraturan lama dengan yang baru diantaranya Perubahan nilai area repon spectrum percepatan menjadi 15 area spectrum dari 6 area spectrum kemudian di SNI 1726 2002 hanya diperhitungkan respon percepatan gempa periode pendek dibandingkan dengan SNI 1726 2012 yang memperhitungkan periode pendek dan periode 1 detik Kenaikan nilai R untuk sistem SRPMK dari 8.5 menjadi 8 yang akan mengubah percepatan respon gempa dan periode yang mengakibatkan perbedaan rancangan ketahanan struktur gedung pada gempa bumi. Perbedaan isi dalam SNI 03-1726-2002 dengan SNI 03-1726-2012 menjadi focus tugas akhir ini dimana dalam mengetahui kelayakan gedung dalam menerima beban gempa yang terbarukan digunakan metode Pushover Analisis yang merupakan sebuah analisa static nonlinier berdasarkan Performance Base Design yang pada intinya adalah mencari kapasitas struktur suatu bangunan. Peraturan pushover anisis mengambil acuan dari ATC 40 (Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Concrete Buildings, Redwood City, California, USA) dan menggunakan bantuan program softwear 2000 dalam mengevaluasi gedung MNC Tower. Perkuatan struktur direkomendasikan dengan beberapa metode jika hasil akhir evaluasi gedung mengalami kelelehan dibeberpa elemen

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Kerang Hijau (Perna Viridis L.) sebagai Bahan Campuran Kadar Optimum Agregat Halus pada Beton Mix Design dengan Metode Substitusi

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    Indonesia merupakan negara berkembang yang sedang giat-giatnya melakukan pembangunan. Tetapi hal tersebut berbanding lurus dengan kebutuhan material yang semakin meningkat, salah satunya adalah kebutuhan material untuk pembuatan beton. Dalam tugas akhir ini dibahas tentang material substitusi pengganti semen yang ramah lingkungan, salah satunya menggunakan cangkang kerang. Cangkang kerang yang dipakai adalah cangkang kerang hijau (Perna Viridis L.) Cangkang kerang mengandung senyawa yang terkandung dalam semen. Untuk itu diharapkan cangkang kerang dapan dijadikan substitusi semen yang baik. Hasil pengujian kuat tekan beton pada umur 7, 14 dan 28 hari dengan variasi 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% dan 20% kekuatan optimum 28 hari terjadi pada variasi 5% yaitu sebesar 20.98 MPa. Hasil rerata pengujian modulus elastisitas beton berturut-turut adalah, 41098.54 MPa, 26751.93 MPa, 24438.51 MPa, 18016.02 MPa dan 5375.01 MPa. Disamping itu serbuk cangkang kerang juga memberikan pengaruh pada berat volume beton, dengan berat volume paling ringan terjadi pada variasi beton 20% pada umur 14 hari dengan berat 9.710 kg

    Pengaruh Beban Berulang Terhadap Lebar Retak Pelat Beton Satu Arah Dengan Pendekatan Mekanika Retakan

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    . The problem of crack width is the case that must be observed further. The formula available still shows wide scatter and the effect of repeated loading to crack width regarded that it has not satisfied yet. This case has been expressed by some International rules such as Euro code 2 and ACI 318. The analyze about the effect of repeated loading to crack width on one-way slab with fracture mechanic approach will observe the effect of the variation of the steel stress, the reinforcement ratio and the repeated loading. The analyze of the initial crack depth (ξi) and the crack growth rate (ξi = f(fs,N)) on composite material (reinforced concrete) will be discussed to determine the crack width. The crack width calculation is the development of the result of experiment (A.Carpinteri) and other observer to determine proposed formula Parameter study is done to the concrete slab by calculating the stress intensity factor KIC due to the axial / moment load combination, and the result shows that the steel stress and the repeated loading parameter are the important parameter. In fact in the steel stress (fs/fy= 0,6) and the repeated loading above certain value (N > 8.560.000 times), the repeated loading effect the crack width with power logarithmic function (w = 0,1267 log 0,2495) until fatigue limit state (N = 10.000.000 times)

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Kerang Hijau (Perna Viridis L.) sebagai Bahan Campuran Kadar Optimum Agregat Halus pada Beton Mix Design dengan Metode Substitusi

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    Indonesia merupakan negara berkembang yang sedang giat-giatnya melakukan pembangunan. Tetapi hal tersebut berbanding lurus dengan kebutuhan material yang semakin meningkat, salah satunya adalah kebutuhan material untuk pembuatan beton. Dalam tugas akhir ini dibahas tentang material substitusi pengganti semen yang ramah lingkungan, salah satunya menggunakan cangkang kerang. Cangkang kerang yang dipakai adalah cangkang kerang hijau (Perna Viridis L.) Cangkang kerang mengandung senyawa yang terkandung dalam semen. Untuk itu diharapkan cangkang kerang dapan dijadikan substitusi semen yang baik. Hasil pengujian kuat tekan beton pada umur 7, 14 dan 28 hari dengan variasi 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% dan 20% kekuatan optimum 28 hari terjadi pada variasi 5% yaitu sebesar 20.98 MPa. Hasil rerata pengujian modulus elastisitas beton berturut-turut adalah, 41098.54 MPa, 26751.93 MPa, 24438.51 MPa, 18016.02 MPa dan 5375.01 MPa. Disamping itu serbuk cangkang kerang juga memberikan pengaruh pada berat volume beton, dengan berat volume paling ringan terjadi pada variasi beton 20% pada umur 14 hari dengan berat 9.710 kg

    Kedelai Lokal Bali, Bahan Baku Tempe Tinggi Nutrisi, Antioksidan Dan Organoleptik Serta Berkhasiat Obat

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    Bali\u27s dependence on imported soybean is extremely unfortunate, whereas Bali as a tropical area has great potential to produce soybeans that have better quality. Inconstant availability of imported soybeans has resulted in the increase of soybean price to more than 100%. Sekolah Lapang Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu in the District of Jembrana can improve soybean productivity to the highest level in Bali. Local soybean production in Bali only meets 10% of the need for soybean raw materials. Balinese local soybeans produce tempeh with nutrition and organoleptic which is significantly higher and healthier, because antinutrients in soybean can be significantly lowered. A wide variety of nutrients in soybean have medicinal value, such as antibiotics to cure the infection and antioxidants to prevent degenerative diseases, such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, cancer, hypertension, osteoporosis, premature aging, menopause and others

    Compressive Strength of Steel-Fiber Concrete with Artificial Lightweight Aggregate (ALWA)

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    In the last decade, there have been many innovations developed to replace the aggregate as material for concrete, particularly the coarse aggregate using the artificial lightweight aggregates a.k.a. ALWA. In the study, the main ingredient used to develop the artificial lightweight aggregates is the styrofoam. Styrofoam has a lightweight characteristic so that it can reduce the density of the concrete. If the density of the concrete can be lighter than the normal-weight concrete then the overall weight of the structure of a building will also be lighter. Thus, the shear force due to the earthquake will also be smaller so that the safety of the building becomes better. The styrofoam used was dissolved with the acetone solution and formed into granules in which the size resembled the coarse aggregate size of about 10 to 20 mm. The styrofoam which has been formed then dried up so that the texture becomes hard. In addition, steel fiber was also used as an added ingredient in concrete mixtures so that the concrete was highly resistant against cracking and was expected to increase the compressive strength of the concrete. ALWA compositions used to replace coarse aggregates were 0%, 15%, 50%, and 100%. While the composition of steel fiber used was 0%, 0.75%, and 1.5% of the total volume of the cylinder. The type of steel fiber used was hooked-end steel fiber with the diameter and the length of 0.8 mm and 60 mm, respectively. The results showed that the concrete with 15% styrofoam ALWA and 1.5% of steel fiber were able to produce optimum compressive strength by 28.5 MPa and the modulus of elasticity by 23,495 MPa. In addition, the use of Styrofoam ALWA as a substitution to the coarse aggregate can reduce the density of concrete as much as 5 to 35%


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    The prototype of this dam water level monitoring function to provide information about the dam water level through social media twitter and speakers. Information on twitter social media can be found by following the twitter account of this tool . The prototype consists of a microcontroller Arduino Uno , HC - SR04 sensor , LCD , WTV020SD and the Ethernet Shield . Sensor HC - SR04 , read the value of the dam water level based on emission and reflection of ultrasonic waves . Arduino Uno microcontroller will process and display the sensor input from HC - SR04 form of dam water level on the LCD and sent via ethernet shield to social media twitter . WTV020SD serves to ring the speaker on the water level 10 cm , 20 cm , 30 cm and 40 cm . The sound emitted is the normal condition of the dam , flood alert , flood alert and flood . Water level measurement results on LCD , manual measurement and display on twitter social media have gotten the same results . </div
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