36 research outputs found
Uloga Ivana Krstitelja Lalanguea u razvoju hrvatskoga javnog zdravlja i primaljstva u kontekstu provedbe carskog zakona o javnom zdravstvu iz 1770. godine
To understand the development of public health in Croatia, there are newer insights into the life and work of John the Baptist Lalangue. John the Baptist Lalangue is most valued for implementation of the imperial law on public health and promotion of midwifery in Croatia during the
second half of the 18th century. Lalangue is the author of the first printed medical textbook in Croatian, published in 1776, entitled Medicina ruralis iliti Vrachtva ladanyszka, za potrebochu musev, y sziromakov Horvatczkoga orszaga y okolu nyega, blisnesseh mest, Trattnern, Varaždin. In the same period, Lalangue published the first Croatian midwifery textbook entitled Brevis institute de reobstetritia iliti kratek navuk od mestrie pupkorezne za potrebochu muskeh y sziromaskeh ladanovskaya horvatskoga orszaga y okolo nyega
blisnesseh sztrankih, Trattnern, Zagreb. In 1779, Lalangue published his balneological debut in Croatian, the book Tractatus de aquis medicati Regnorum Croatiae et Slavoniae Iliti Izpiszavanye vrachtvenih vod
Horvatzkoga y Slavonskoga orszaga y od nachina nye vsivati za potrebochu lyudih, Trattnern, Zagreb. Lalangue’s works were used in systematic training and education of midwives and they, as well as
Lalangue, have an inevitable place in the history of Croatian midwifery. During his life and work, John the Baptist Lalangue made immeasurable contribution to the development of Croatian public health.Za razumijevanje razvoja javnoga zdravstva u Hrvatskoj bitne su novije spoznaje o životu i radu Ivana Krstitelja Lalanguea. Ivan Krstitelj Lalangue je najzaslužniji za provođenje carskoga zakona o javnom zdravstvu iz 1770. godine i promicanja primaljstva u Hrvatskoj tijekom druge polovice 18. stoljeća. Lalangue je autor prvog tiskanog originalnog medicinskog udžbenika na hrvatskom jeziku (“Medicina ruralis iliti Vrachtva ladanyszka, za potrebochu musev, y sziromakov Horvatczkoga orszaga i okolu nyega, blisnesseh meszt”, Trattnern, Varaždin, 1776.). Lalangue je autor i prvog hrvatskog primaljskog udžbenika (“Brevis institutio de reobstetritia iliti kratek navuk od mestrie pupkorezne za potrebochu muskeh y sziromaskeh ladanskeh sen horvatskoga orszaga y okolo nyega blisnesseh sztrankih”, Trattnern, Zagreb, 1777.). Isto tako, Lalangue je autor i hrvatskog balneološkog
prvijenca (“Tractatus de aquis medicati regnumum Croatiae et Slavoniae, iliti Izpiszavanye vrachtvenih vod Horvatzkoga i Slavonskoga orszaga i od nachina na sveznati za potrebbochu lyudih”, Trattnern, Zagreb, 1779.). Lalangueovi su radovi korišteni u sustavnom obrazovanju hrvatskih primalja te su imali nezaobilazno mjesto u povijesti hrvatskoga primaljstva. Njegova su djela i cjelokupni život unaprijedili javnozdravstvene uvjete na područje Hrvatske pa isti temeljem novijih spoznaja dobiva sve veće značenje
Novije spoznaje o Ivanu Krstitelju Lalangueu i njegovom stručnom, javnozdravstvenom te izdavačkom djelovanju u Hrvatskoj druge polovice XVIII. stoljeća (JOHANES BAPTIST LALANGUE AND RECENT FINDINGS ON HIS PROFESSIONAL, AND PUBLISHING PUBLIC HEALTH ACTION
Joannis Baptiste Lalangue (Ivan Krstitelj Lalangue) autor je prve tiskane medicinske stručne knjige na hrvatskome jeziku, knjige „Medicina ruralis iliti vračtva ladanjska za potrebbochu musev y sziromakov horvatczkoga orszaga y okolu nyega blisnesseh meszt“ (Zagreb 1776.). Lalanguae je autor i hrvatskoga prvijenca s područja primaljstva: „Brevis institutio de re obstetritia iliti kratek navuk od mestrie pupkorezne za potrebochu muskeh y sziromaskeh ladanskeh sen horvatskoga orszaga y okolo nyega blisnesseh sztrankih“ (Zagreb 1777.), prvoga stručnoga medicinskoga tiskanoga djela koje sustavno obrađuje sve hrvatske toplie i mineralne vode, knjige „Tractatus de aquis medicati regnorum Croatiae et Slavoniae etc. Iliti Izpiszavanye vrachtvenih vod Horvatzkoga y Slavonskoga orszaga y od nachina nye vsivati za potrebochu lyudih“ (Zagreb, 1779.). Lalangue je autor i prvoga tiskanoga pravilnika na hrvatskome jeziku, tiskanog u djelu: Nagovorni lizt“ (Zagreb, 1785.) kao i jedne stručne knjige s područja gospodarstva, knjige „Nachin jabuke zemelyszke szaditi y nye haszen obernuti za volyu polyakov horvatzkoga orszaga ochituvan“ (Zagreb 1788.), kao i jednog djela na mađarskome jeziku. Svojim djelom Lalangue je dao nemjerljiv doprinos u stručnom, javnozdravstvenom te izdavačkom djelovanju u Hrvatskoj druge polovice XVIII. stoljeća
Anketa o ponašanju i stavovima roditelja prema dojenju
A validated questionnaire is required to evaluate scientifically community-based
breastfeeding support and promotion. The aim of this study was to create a valid and reliable questionnaire
to measure parents’ behavior and attitudes about breastfeeding. The items in the questionnaire
were selected by the authors according to regular data from the professional literature, and in consultation
with three pediatric lecturers at higher and secondary health education, fellow pediatricians, and
parents. A working version of the questionnaire was available on the website of the For a Healthy and
Happy Childhood association from February 1, 2019 to May 31, 2019. The study was approved by
the Ethics Committee of the Bjelovar General Hospital. After item analysis, 15 behavioral questions
that showed good internal consistency were retained. Concerning the attitudes, principal component
analysis showed a four-factor structure with 17 items explaining 46.11% of total variance. Cronbach’s
alpha (0.88) indicated acceptable internal consistency. To analyze the ability of the questionnaire to
differentiate parents according to the desired outcome, the χ2-test, correlation and logistic regression
were used. In the study, the desired outcome was defined as exclusive breastfeeding for 5 or 6 months,
as well as breastfeeding for 12 months or more. In conclusion, the final instrument is reliable and valid
for collecting breastfeeding data and evaluating changes in parents’ behaviors and attitudes achieved
through participation in breastfeeding promotion and support programs. The questionnaire may, in
addition to the BIAKQ questionnaire, support professionals and activists involved in breastfeeding to
create methodologically well-conceived programs.Znanstvena evaluacija aktivnosti potpore i promocije dojenja u zajednici nije moguća bez uporabe validiranih upitnika.
Cilj studije je bio izraditi valjan i pouzdan upitnik namijenjen mjerenju ponašanja i stavova roditelja o dojenju. Čestice upitnika
su izrađene u skladu s podacima stručne literature, uz konzultaciju tri predavača pedijatrije u srednjim i visokim školama,
kolegama pedijatrima i roditeljima. Radna verzija upitnika je postavljenja na web stranicu udruge „Za zdravo i sretno
djetinjstvo“ u razdoblju od 1. veljače do 31. svibnja 2019. godine. Istraživanje je odobrilo Etičko povjerenstvo Opće bolnice
Bjelovar. Nakon provedene analize čestica ljestvice ponašanja u upitniku je zadržano 15 čestica koje su pokazale dobru unutarnju
dosljednost. Što se tiče ljestvice stavova, analiza glavnih komponenata izdvojila je 4-faktorsku strukturu sa 17 čestica
koje objašnjavaju 46,11% ukupne varijance. Cronbach alfa potvrđuje zadovoljavajuću unutarnju dosljednost ljestvice stavova
(0,88). Sposobnost upitnika da diferencira skupine roditelja prema željenom ishodu potvrđena je pomoću χ2-testa, analizom
korelacije i logističkom regresijom. Željeni ishod je definiran kao isključivo dojenje 5-6 mjeseci, odnosno ukupno dojenje
12 mjeseci i duže. Upitnik je pouzdan i valjan instrument za prikupljanje podataka o dojenju, kao i u evaluaciji promjena
ponašanja i stavova roditelja postignutih programima izobrazbe. Upitnik se može primijeniti nakon prethodnog ispitivanja
upitnikom BIAKQ te može pomoći stručnjacima i volonterima u izradi metodološki dobro koncipiranih programa promocije
i potpore dojenja
Cervical cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer among women in less developed countries with the
incidence of about half million new cases and a quarter million deaths worldwide. Croatian cervical cancer epidemiological data lie in the European average and refl ect current social characteristics of the society. Important key is that about 40% of targeted population do not respond to the national strategies proposed for prevention and early detection of cervical cancer. Traditional, well established Croatian preventive programs provide appropriate ground to detect preinvasive and early stages of cervical cancer, which should be regularly updated and refreshed with new discoveries and modern guidelines. Special strategies to motivate and encourage women to use preventive measures should be created and aggressively advertised in all aspects of social life. The objective of this review is to compare several current international guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancer, and to present the homogenized management of these patients.Rak vrata maternice drugi je najčešći oblik raka među ženama iz nerazvijenih zemalja. Diljem svijeta od njega svake godine oboli oko pola milijuna, a od njega umre četvrt milijuna žena. Hrvatska se prema epidemiološkim parametrima povezanima s rakom cerviksa nalazi u sredini europske ljestvice, što je u skladu sa slojevitom strukturom hrvatskog društva. Važan parametar je slab odaziv žena u Hrvatskoj na nacionalne preventivne programe i mjere ranog otkrivanja ovog raka. Iako tradicionalni preventivni programi u Hrvatskoj u pravilu nude dobar temelj za otkrivanje i liječenje preinvazivnih i ranih stadija raka vrata maternice, potrebno ih je osuvremenjivati i dopunjavati novim saznanjima u skladu s aktualnim svjetskim smjernicama. Poseban je zadatak iznalaženje odgovarajućih mjera za motivaciju žena na korištenje nacionalnih preventivnih mjera i rane dijagnostike, što bi trebalo intenzivno promovirati u svim segmentima društvenog života. Cilj ovog pregleda je usporedba domaćih i aktualnih inozemnih smjernica za dijagnostiku i liječenje raka vrata maternice te prezentacija homogeniziranog stava i prijedloga modernog pristupa liječenju ove bolesti
The original schedule of breastfeeding promotion in the Austro-Hungarian Empire medical literature in the Croatian language
Na tragu ozračja carskog zakona o javnom zdravstvu vladarice Austro-Ugarske Monarhije carice Marije Terezije, ostvarene su brojne
pozitivne promjene na području svih zemalja carstva, pa tako i Hrvatske. Veliku zaslugu za to ima i Ivan Krstitelj Lalangue, jedan od
najznamenitijih liječnika koji je živio i djelovao na prostoru Hrvatske, čije je djelovanje u drugoj polovini XVIII. stoljeća znatno unaprijedilo
hrvatsko javno zdravstvo, a posebno primaljstvo. Lalangue je autor prvih stručnih originalnih medicinskih tiskanih knjiga
na hrvatskom jeziku. Analizirajući Lalangueov prvi hrvatski primaljski udžbenik „Brevis institutio de re obstetritia iliti kratek navuk od
mestrie pupkorezne za potrebochu muskeh y sziromaskeh ladanskeh sen horvatskoga orszaga y okolo nyega blisnesseh sztrankih“
iz 1777., naišli smo i na prvi tiskani stručni originalni zapis o promociji dojenja u Austro-Ugarskoj Monarhiji na hrvatskom jeziku.
Utjecaj prvog hrvatskog primaljskog udžbenika i priloga o promicanju i korisnosti dojenja doista je izniman, što potvrđuju suvremena
postignuća na planu promocije dojenja u Republici Hrvatskoj.In line with the imperial law on public health enacted by the Austro-Hungarian Empress Maria Theresa in 1770, a number of positive
modifi cations were introduced in the Empire countries including Croatia. Credit for this mostly goes to Lalangue John the Baptist,
one of the greatest physicians then living and working in Croatia, whose activities in the second half of the 18th century signifi cantly
improved the Croatian public health, especially midwifery. Lalangue was the author of the fi rst medical professional books in the
Croatian language. Analyzing the fi rst Croatian midwifery textbook entitled Brevis institutio de re obstetritia iliti kratek navuk od
mestrie pupkorezne za potrebochu muskeh y sziromaskeh ladanskeh sen horvatskoga orszaga y okolo nyega blisnesseh
sztrankih from 1777, we found the fi rst printed original records on the professional promotion of breastfeeding in the Croatian
language. The mentioned section provides instructions on the advantages of breastfeeding, which are also the fi rst modern
professional article on the promotion of breastfeeding in the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the Croatian language. The impact of the
fi rst Croatian midwifery textbook on breastfeeding promotion was exceptional. This is confi rmed by the contemporary knowledge
and UNICEF breastfeeding promotion program in Croatia
Nova vojna bolnica u Bjelovaru bila je građena od 1900. do 1901., organizacijski i funkcionalno poštujući sastavnice zdravstvene skrbi. Imala je glavnu bolničku zgradu u kojoj su bile bolesničke sobe (za vojnike, dočasnike i časnike), ordinacija, ljekarna i laboratorij, kuhinja, blagovaonica te sanitarni čvorovi uz skladište namirnica i ogrjeva u podrumu. Na prvome katu zgrade bile su bolesničke sobe i sanitarni čvorovi te sobe za bolničare. U velikome bolničkom parku postojao je zasebni odjel za zarazne bolesti te pomoćna zgrada s vešarnom, dezinfekcijom i mrtvačnicom. Iako je tri i pol desetljeća djelovala kao vojna bolnica, a nakratko i kao stambena zgrada i mljekarnica, pred Drugi svjetski rat, ponovno tijekom rata i nakon njega postaje svojom izvornom svrhom do ukidanja i rušenja zgrade kasnih sedamdesetih godina XX. stoljeća. O novoj i posljednjoj bjelovarskoj vojnoj bolnici do sada nije bilo u postojećoj literaturi spomena, pa je rad doprinos organizaciji hrvatskoga vojnoga zdravstva.The new main military hospital building in Bjelovar, built in 1900-1901, was designed to provide full medical services to its patients, as it had patient rooms for soldiers and officers, doctor’s office, a pharmacy, a laboratory, a kitchen with a dining room, toilet facilities, and storage for food and firewood in the basement. The building’s right wing accommodated regimental doctors on the ground floor. The first floor had patient rooms with sanitary facilities and rooms for paramedics. In the hospital park there was a separate building for infectious diseases, auxiliary buildings, a disinfection facility, and a mortuary. For 35 years before World War 2, it had functioned as a military hospital with brief intervals when it provided services to the general public and outpatients. During the War it resumed its primary function and continued providing health care for the military until it was demolished in the late 1970s. This article is a contribution to the existing literature about military health care in Croatia, as there have been no earlier records about the Bjelovar hospital
The prevalence of cardiovascular disease risk factors in patients from Croatian Zagorje County treated at Department of Medicine, Zabok General Hospital from 2000 to 2006
The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence of risk factors for cardiovascular disease in patients treated for coronary heart disease (CHD) at Department of Medicine, Zabok General Hospital during the 2000-2006 period. Cardiovascular diseases are a group of diseases that occur due to arterial. The risk factors that lead to the development and occurrence of cardiovascular disease are hypertension, cigarette smoking, hyperholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, diabetes mellitus and positive family history. Additional factors favoring the occurrence of cardiovascular disease include overweight, inadequate physical activity, and emotional stress. Data on all patients hospitalized and diagnosed with CHD at Department of Medicine, Zabok General Hospital during the 2000-2006 period were analyzed for the prevalence of risk factors for CHD, i.e. hypertension, cigarette smoking, hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, diabetes mellitus and positive family history of cardiovascular disease. Hypercholesterolemia was defined by a cholesterol level higher than 5.1 mmol/L, hypertension from history data and blood pressure measurement on admission greater than 140/90 mmHg, diabetes mellitus from history data, and hypertriglyceridemia by a triglyceride level greater than 1.7 mmol/L. Information on heredity and cigarette smoking was collected from history and a questionnaire filled out on admission. All laboratory values were determined on patient admission to the hospital. Analysis of the risk factors for CHD recorded in patients from Zagorje County during the 2000-2006 period revealed hypertension to be the most common risk factor in our patients. According to sex, CHD was found to show a male preponderance. According to age at admission, CHD predominated in the > 70 age group, which accounted for one third of all patients, followed by a comparable proportion of the 50-60 and 60-70 age groups, i.e. still active population groups. As CHD is one of the leading health threats worldwide, estimated to remain so at least by 2020, it is fully justified to invest all efforts in the study of cardiovascular disease. New research projects should be focused on the prevention and early detection of the disease, improvement of diagnosis procedures, introduction of novel therapeutic options, use of new concepts, and due survey of the measures taken. CHD poses great socioeconomic burden upon every community in industrialized societies because of the ever younger age at onset. Actions should be taken to improve awareness of the CHD risks and morbidity in the population at large, stimulating favorable lifestyle and dietary modifications, and one's own health awareness, in order to upgrade the control of risk factors for and morbidity of cardiovascular disease