1,964 research outputs found

    Magnetic Field Structure from Synchrotron Polarization

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    Total magnetic fields in spiral galaxies, as observed through their total synchrotron emission, are strongest (up to \simeq 30\mu G) in the spiral arms. The degree of radio polarization is low; the field in the arms must be mostly turbulent or tangled. Polarized synchrotron emission shows that the resolved regular fields are generally strongest in the interarm regions (up to \simeq 15\mu G), sometimes forming 'magnetic arms' parallel to the optical arms. The field structure is spiral in almost every galaxy, even in flocculent and bright irregular types which lack spiral arms. The observed large-scale patterns of Faraday rotation in several massive spiral galaxies reveal coherent regular fields, as predicted by dynamo models. However, in most galaxies observed so far no simple patterns of Faraday rotation could be found. Either many dynamo modes are superimposed and cannot be resolved by present-day telescopes, or most of the apparently regular field is in fact anisotropic random, with frequent reversals, due to shearing and compressing gas flows. In galaxies with massive bars, the polarization pattern follows the gas flow. However, around strong shocks in bars, the compression of the regular field is much lower than that of the gas; the regular field decouples from the cold gas and is strong enough to affect the flow of the diffuse warm gas. -- The average strength of the total magnetic field in the Milky Way is 6\mu G near the sun and increases to 20-40\mu G in the Galactic center region. The Galactic field is mostly parallel to the plane, except in the center region. Rotation measure data from pulsars indicate several field reversals, unlike external galaxies, but some reversals could be due to distortions of the nearby field.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures. To be published in "Polarisation 2005" (Proc. of the conference held in Paris, 12-15 Sept. 2005), eds. F. Boulanger and M.A. Miville-Deschenes, EAS Publications Series; Two small typos corrected, one reference added and three updated 23/06/200

    Magnetic fields in the nearby spiral galaxy IC 342: A multi-frequency radio polarization study

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    The total and polarized radio continuum emission of IC 342 was observed in four wavelength bands with the Effelsberg and VLA telescopes. The frequency dependence of the radial scalelength of synchrotron emission indicates energy-dependent propagation of the cosmic-ray electrons, probably via the streaming instability. The equipartition strength of the total magnetic field is typically 15 muG, that of the ordered field 5 muG. Faraday rotation of the polarization angles reveals an underlying regular field of only about 0.5 muG strength with a large-scale axisymmetric spiral pattern, signature of a mean-field dynamo, and an about 10x stronger field that fluctuates on scales of a few 100 pc. The magnetic field around the bar in the central region of IC 342 resembles that of large barred galaxies; its regular spiral field is directed outwards, opposite to that in the disk. The polarized emission in the disk is concentrated in: (1) a narrow arm of about 300 pc width, displaced inwards with respect to the eastern arm by about 200 pc, indicating magnetic fields compressed by a density wave; (2) a broad arm of 300-500 pc width around the northern arm with systematic variations in polarized emission, polarization angles, and Faraday rotation measures on a scale of about 2 kpc, indicative of a helically twisted flux tube generated by the Parker instability; (3) a rudimentary "magnetic arm" in an interarm region in the north-west; (4) several broad spiral arms in the outer galaxy, related to spiral arms in the total neutral gas; (5) short features in the outer south-western galaxy, probably distorted by tidal interaction. - The generation and development of "magnetic arms" by a mean-field dynamo probably need a spiral pattern that is stable over a few galactic rotation periods. The dynamo in IC 342 is slow and weak, probably disturbed by the bar, tidal interaction, or a transient spiral pattern.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Magnetism in the spiral galaxy NGC 6946: magnetic arms, depolarization rings, dynamo modes and helical fields

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    The spiral galaxy NGC 6946 was observed in total intensity and linear polarization in five radio bands between 3cm and 21cm. At the inner edge of the inner gas spiral arm the ordered magnetic field is only mildly compressed and turns smoothly, to become aligned along the gas arm. Hence the field is not shocked and is probably connected to the warm, diffuse gas. At larger radii, two bright magnetic arms between the optical arms are visible in polarized intensity. The field in the northern magnetic arm is almost totally aligned. Faraday rotation measures (RM) in these arms are consistent with the superposition of two low azimuthal dynamo modes. Three more magnetic arms are discovered in the outer galaxy, located between HI arms. Due to strong Faraday depolarization the galaxy is not transparent to polarized waves at 18cm and 20cm. The large-scale asymmetry in depolarization with respect to the major axis may be another indication of large-scale helical fields. Three depolarization rings of almost zero polarization seen at 20cm are probably generated by differential Faraday rotation in HII complexes in NGC 6946 of 300-500 pc size. - In the gas/optical spiral arms, the total (mostly turbulent) magnetic field is amplified to \simeq 20\muG. Its energy density is \simeq 10 times larger than that of the ionized gas and is similar to that of the turbulent gas motions in the inner galaxy. The magnetic energy exceeds that of the turbulent energy in the outer galaxy.Comment: 18 pages, 28 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A. Corrected typo in Sect. 3.1 04/06/200

    Cosmic Magnetic Fields: Observations and Prospects

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    Synchrotron emission, its polarization and its Faraday rotation at radio frequencies of 0.2-10 GHz are powerful tools to study the strength and structure of cosmic magnetic fields. The observational results are reviewed for spiral, barred and flocculent galaxies, the Milky Way, halos and relics of galaxy clusters, and for the intergalactic medium. Polarization observations with the forthcoming large radio telescopes will open a new era in the observation of cosmic magnetic fields and will help to understand their origin. At low frequencies, LOFAR (10-250 MHz) will allow us to map the structure of weak magnetic fields in the outer regions and halos of galaxies and galaxy clusters. Polarization at higher frequencies (1-10 GHz), as observed with the EVLA, ASKAP, MeerKAT, APERTIF and the SKA, will trace magnetic fields in the disks and central regions of nearby galaxies in unprecedented detail. Surveys of Faraday rotation measures of pulsars will map the Milky Way's magnetic field with high precision. All-sky surveys of Faraday rotation measures towards a dense grid of polarized background sources with the SKA and its precursor telescope ASKAP are dedicated to measure magnetic fields in distant intervening galaxies, galaxy clusters and intergalactic filaments, and will be used to model the overall structure and strength of the magnetic field in the Milky Way.Comment: 20 pages, 18 figures. To be published in Proc. Texas 2010 Symposium, ed. F.M. Rieger, AIP Conf. Pro

    The magnetic field structure of the central region in M31

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    The Andromeda Galaxy (M31) is the nearest grand-design spiral galaxy. Thus far most studies in the radio regime concentrated on the 10 kpc ring. The central region of M31 has significantly different properties than the outer parts: The star formation rate is low, and inclination and position angle are largely different from the outer disk. The existing model of the magnetic field in the radial range 6<=r<=14 kpc is extended to the innermost part r<=0.5 kpc to ultimately achieve a picture of the entire magnetic field in M31. We combined observations taken with the VLA at 3.6 cm and 6.2 cm with data from the Effelsberg 100-m telescope to fill the missing spacings of the synthesis data. The resulting polarization maps were averaged in sectors to analyse the azimuthal behaviour of the polarized intensity (PI), rotation measure (RM), and apparent pitch angle (\phi_obs). We developed a simplified 3-D model for the magnetic field in the central region to explain the azimuthal behaviour of the three observables. Our 3-D model of a quadrupolar or dipolar dynamo field can explain the observed patterns in PI, RM, and \phi_obs, while a 2-D configuration is not sufficient to explain the azimuthal behaviour. In addition and independent of our model, the RM pattern shows that the spiral magnetic field in the inner 0.5 kpc points outward, which is opposite to that in the outer disk, and has a pitch angle of about 33 degrees, which is much larger than that of 8-19 degrees in the outer disk. The physical conditions in the central region differ significantly from those in the 10 kpc ring. In addition, the orientation of this region with respect to the outer disk is completely different. The opposite magnetic field directions suggest that the central region is decoupled from the outer disk, and we propose that an independent dynamo is active in the central region.Comment: Astronomy & Aatrophysics, in pres

    Revisiting the Equipartition Assumption in Star-forming Galaxies

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    Energy equipartition between cosmic rays and magnetic fields is often assumed to infer magnetic field properties from the synchrotron observations of star-forming galaxies. However, there is no compelling physical reason to expect the same. We aim to explore the validity of the energy equipartition assumption. After describing popular arguments in favour of the assumption, we first discuss observational results which support it at large scales and how certain observations show significant deviations from equipartition at scales smaller than ≈1 kpc\approx 1 \, {\rm kpc}, probably related to the propagation length of the cosmic rays. Then we test the energy equipartition assumption using test-particle and MHD simulations. From the results of the simulations, we find that the energy equipartition assumption is not valid at scales smaller than the driving scale of the ISM turbulence (≈100 pc\approx 100 \, {\rm pc} in spiral galaxies), which can be regarded as the lower limit for the scale beyond which equipartition is valid. We suggest that one must be aware of the dynamical scales in the system before assuming energy equipartition to extract magnetic field information from synchrotron observations. Finally, we present ideas for future observations and simulations to investigate in more detail under which conditions the equipartition assumption is valid or not.Comment: Invited review article for the special issue "New Perspectives on Galactic Magnetism" of the journal "Galaxies", accepted for publicatio

    Magnetic Fields in the Milky Way and in Galaxies

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    Most of the visible matter in the Universe is ionized, so that cosmic magnetic fields are quite easy to generate and due to the lack of magnetic monopoles hard to destroy. Magnetic fields have been measured in or around practically all celestial objects, either by in-situ measurements of spacecrafts or by the electromagnetic radiation of embedded cosmic rays, gas, or dust. The Earth, the Sun, solar planets, stars, pulsars, the Milky Way, nearby galaxies, more distant (radio) galaxies, quasars, and even intergalactic space in clusters of galaxies have significant magnetic fields, and even larger volumes of the Universe may be permeated by 'dark' magnetic fields. Information on cosmic magnetic fields has increased enormously as the result of the rapid development of observational methods, especially in radio astronomy. In the Milky Way, a wealth of magnetic phenomena was discovered that are only partly related to objects visible in other spectral ranges. The large-scale structure of the Milky Way's magnetic field is still under debate. The available data for external galaxies can well be explained by field amplification and ordering via the dynamo mechanism. The measured field strengths and the similarity of field patterns and flow patterns of the diffuse ionized gas give strong indication that galactic magnetic fields are dynamically important. They may affect the formation of spiral arms, outflows, and the general evolution of galaxies. In spite of our increasing knowledge on magnetic fields, many important questions on the origin and evolution of magnetic fields, like their first occurrence in young galaxies, or the existence of large-scale intergalactic fields remained unanswered. The present upgrades of existing instruments and several radio astronomy projects have defined cosmic magnetism as one of their key science projects.Comment: Revised version of Chapter 13 in "Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems", Vol. 5: "Galactic Structure and Stellar Populations", ed. G. Gilmore, Springer, Berlin 2013, ISBN 978-90-481-8817-
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