96 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses forgiveness dan faktor-faktor forgiveness sehingga istri yang menjadi korban perselingkuhan dapat mempertahankan pernikahannya. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Partisipan dalam penelitian adalah 2 orang istri dengan karakteristik mengalami perselingkuhan secara emosional dan seksual lebih dari 1 kali, usia pernikahan  lebih dari 20 tahun, memiliki 2 anak, berusia lebih dari 50 tahun, memilih mempertahankan pernikahan dengan memberi forgiveness, dan memiliki pekerjaan saat perselingkuhan terjadi. Pengambilan data dilakukan menggunakan wawancara semi terstruktur dengan analisis tematik sebagai teknik dalam melakukan analisis data penelitian. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa perasaan-perasaan negatif mendorong kedua partisipan melakukan tindakan-tindakan negatif yang berdampak pada tidak terurusnya anak, kesehatan menurun, pekerjaan terbengkalai, dan keharmonisan dalam rumah tangga hilang. Kepentingan anak, dukungan keluarga, permintaan maaf suami, dan bersikap ikhlas menerima ujian hidup menjadi faktor-faktor yang berperan dalam  pemberian forgiveness sehingga dampak perselingkuhan dapat teratasi. Meningkatnya emosi-emosi positif terhadap suami yang telah menyakiti merupakan wujud dari keberhasilan dalam memberikan forgiveness sehingga pernikahan dapat dipertahankan. Kata kunci: forgiveness, perselingkuhan, mempertahankan rumah tangga                                                                                                                                          Abstract This study aims to determine the forgiveness process and forgiveness factors so that wives who are victims of infidelity can maintain their marriages. The research was conducted using qualitative research methods with a case study approach. Participants in the study were 2 wives with characteristics of experiencing emotional and sexual infidelity more than 1 time, age of marriage more than 20 years, having 2 children, being more than 50 years old, choosing to maintain marriage by giving forgiveness, and having a job when the affair occurred. Data collection was carried out using semi-structured interviews with thematic analysis as a technique for analyzing research data. The results of the study revealed that negative feelings promted both participants to take negative actions that had an impact on neglected child, declining health, neglected work, and lost harmony in the household. The interests of children, family support, husband’s apology, and being sincere in accepting life’s tests are factors that play a role in giving forgiveness so that the impact of infidelity can be overcome. Increasing positive emotions towards husbands who have hurt them is a manifestation of success in providing forgiveness so that marriages can be maintained. Keywords: forgiveness, affair, maintain the household &nbsp

    Happiness among Adolescent Women Who Live in Islamic Boarding Schools

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    This study discusses is happiness among adolescent women who live in Islamic boarding schools. Happiness is a positive emotion that can bring satisfaction to life. The purpose of this research is a description of happiness related to the factors and processes that form the happiness of adolescent women while living in Islamic boarding schools. The number of participants is 3 people, aged 13–15 years. The research method used is qualitative research with a case study approach. Retrieval of data using interview techniques with semi-structured interview types This research uses Miles and Huberman's data analysis, which identifies that there are three main themes, namely: 1) factors forming happiness in adolescent women who live in Islamic boarding schools; and 2) the processes of forming happiness in adolescent women who live in Islamic boarding schools. Obtain the result that the happiness of adolescent women living in Islamic boarding schools is formed through good factors and processes

    Self-Control of Kpopers Experiencing Celebrity Worship Syndrome

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    This study aims to find out how the dynamics of the psychology of self-control in experienced kpopers celebrity workplace syndrome and its impact if you can’t control himself. This study uses the methodology qualitative with a case study approach. Participant in this study amounted to 3 (three) participants. Subject acquisition in this study, namely by distributing questionnaires contains the question whether the prospective participant is kpopers who experienced celebrity work syndrome and agreed to be the subject of this research. Collection technique the data in this study is using interview techniques semi-structured. Deep data analysis techniques this research is by using thematic analysis techniques. Based on the thematic analysis, it was found that it could not self-control in the three participants. This resulted addicted to k-pop music, unable to control emotions, tend to act procrastination, and become consumptive


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    ABSTRAK Smartphone addict didefinisikan sebagai penggunaan smartphone yang berlebihan sehingga berpotensi menggaggu kegiatan sehari hari. Semakin dalamnya individu tenggelam dalam dunia maya yang terdapat dalam smartphone, maka kecenderungan individu untuk menjauh dari kehidupan sosialnya semakin tinggi. Salah satu penyebab munculnya adiksi ponsel adalah kesepian dan kontrol diri yang dimiliki individu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kesepian dan kontrol diri terhadap remaja yang mengalami smartphone addict. Dalam penelitian ini, metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan partisipan siswa SMK. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini menggunakan skala smartphone addict, kesepian dan kontrol diri. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi sederhana yang digunakan untuk mengetahui hubungan antar ketiga variabel. Data dikumpulkan melalui proses penyebaran link berupa google form kepada siswa siswi di SMK. Hasil yang didapat dari penelitian yang dilakukan adalah terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kesepian dan kontrol diri dengan smartphone addict pada siswa SMKN Y. Kata kunci :Smartphone addict, Kesepian, Kontrol Diri, dan Siswa.   ABSTRACT Smartphone addict is defined as excessive use of a smartphone so that it has the potential to interfere with daily activities. The deeper the individual is immersed in the virtual world contained in the smartphone, the higher the tendency of the individual to stay away from his social life. One of the causes of the emergence of mobile phone addiction is loneliness and self-control that individuals have. This study aims to determine the relationship between loneliness and self-control of adolescents suffer smartphone addicts. In this study, the method used is a quantitative approach with vocational students as participants. The sampling technique in this study used random sampling. The instrument in this study used a smartphone addict, loneliness and self-control scale. The data analysis technique used in this study is simple regression analysis which is used to determine the relationship between the three variables. The data was collected through a link distribution process in the form of a google form to students inSMK. The results obtained from the research conducted are that there is a significant relationship between loneliness and self-control with smartphone addicts in SMKN Y students Keywords: Smartphone addict, Loneliness, Self-Control and Student


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    Abstrak Kematangan emosi pada pasangan yang menikah muda dapat memicu timbulnya konflik dan berpotensi menimbulkan perceraian. Dibutuhkan manajemen konflik yang baik untuk menghadapi konflik yang timbul untuk mencegah perceraian. Fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penyebab konflik, bentuk manajemen konflik, serta faktor yang mendorong penerapan manajemen konflik pernikahan pada perempuan yang menikah di usia muda. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Partisipan terdiri dari tiga orang yang memutuskan menikah di usia muda. Adapun karakteristik dari ketiga partisipan tersebut antara lain adalah perempuan yang usia pernikahannya 1-5 tahun, perempuan yang menikah di usia 19-21 tahun, dan perempuan yang menikah pada saat sedang menempuh pendidikan. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan proses wawancara semi terstruktur yang mengacu pada pedoman wawancara yang telah disusun sebelumnya. Data akan dianalisis menggunakan teknik tematik dan diuji kredibilitasnya menggunakan teknik triangulasi dan member check. Hasil penelitian menunjukan terdapat tiga tema utama yaitu penyebab konflik, bentuk manajemen konflik, serta faktor yang mempengaruhi penerapan manajemen konflik oleh perempuan yang menikah di usia muda. Adapun penyebab konflik antara lain adalah permasalahan pendidikan dan kematangan emosi, hal ini berakibat pada tidak mendapatkannya restu dari orang tua, stres, dan konflik dengan pasangan. Lebih lanjut lagi, bentuk manajemen konflik yang terbukti efektif untuk diterapkan pada konflik tersebut adalah akomodasi, kolaborasi, dan menghindari konflik. Terakhir, faktor yang mempengaruhi kemampuan penerapan manajemen konflik yaitu introspeksi diri, menjalin komunikasi yang baik, sikap menghargai, dan dukungan dari pasangan. Kata Kunci: manajemen konflik, menikah muda, dan perempuan   Abstract Emotional maturity in couples who marry young can trigger conflict and potentially lead to divorce. It takes good conflict management to deal with conflicts that arise to prevent divorce. The focus of this study is to determine the causes of conflict, forms of conflict management, and factors that encourage the application of marital conflict management to women who marry at a young age. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. Subjects consisted of three people who decided to get married at a young age. The characteristics of the three subjects include women whose marriage age is 1-5 years, women who marry at the age of 19-21 years, and women who marry while studying. The data collection technique was carried out with a semi-structured interview process that referred to the interview guidelines that had been prepared previously. The data will be analyzed using thematic techniques and tested for credibility using triangulation techniques and member checks. The results showed that there were three main themes, namely the causes of conflict, forms of conflict management, and factors that influence the application of conflict management by women who marry at a young age. The causes of conflict include educational problems and emotional maturity, this results in not getting approval from parents, stress, and conflict with a partner. Furthermore, the forms of conflict management that have proven effective to be applied to the conflict are accommodation, collaboration, and conflict avoidance. Finally, the factors that affect the ability to implement conflict management is self-introspection, establishing good communication, respect, and support from husband. Keywords: conflict management, young marriage, and wome

    Perbedaan Komitmen Organisasi Pada PNS dan Non PNS di Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Gresik

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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan komitmen organisasi pada PNS dan Non PNS di Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Gresik. Subjek penelitian ini berjumlah 82 pegawai, yaitu 52 PNS dan 30 Non PNS. Pengambilan data menggunakan skala komitmen organisasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode komparasi. Teknik analisis penelitian ini menggunakan independent sample test dengan taraf signifikansi 0,000 (p>0,05). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang positif dan signifikan pada komitmen organisasi antara PNS dan non-PNS.. Kata Kunci : Komitmen Organisasi, PNS, Non PNSAbstractThis study aimed to determine the differences in organizational commitment between civil servants and non-civil servants in the District Education Board Gresik. The data were collected from 82 employees namely 52 civil servants and 30 non civil servants. The data retrieval uses the organizational commitment scale. This study used quantitative approach with comparative method. The analysis technique of this study used independent sample test with significance level 0,000 (p <0,05). The results showed that there are positive and significant differences in organizational commitment between civil servants and non-civil servants. Keywords: Organizational Commitment, Civil Servants, Non-Civil Servant

    Gratitude in Early Adulthood Women Survivors of Sexual Harassment

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    This study aims to examine the processes, factors, and benefits of gratitude in early adulthood women who are survivors of sexual harassment. Early adulthood is the age when individuals experience the transition from adolescence to adulthood. This age is a critical period, especially at the age of 18-20 years. Age 18-20 years is a period when individuals experience emotional tension because they are faced with changes in responsibilities and different developmental tasks. Failure to overcome stressful live events due to harassment will have a negative impact on individuals. This research is important because gratitude is an important aspect for early adult women to reduce negative emotions from the impact of harassment. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. Data were obtained through semi-structured interviews and analyzed through thematic analysis techniques. Participants in this study were three young adult women who experienced unwanted sexual attention. By referring to the gratitude aspect developed by Watkins, the three participants were able to form gratitude. Gratitude is achieved by several processes involving psychological, cognitive, and social aspects. Gratitude can increase awareness, happiness, and form self-acceptance. Factors that support the formation of gratitude are self-motivation and support from friends

    Optimism in Male University Students with Partial Color Blindness

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    Partial color blindness is a condition that hinders the recognition and categorization of specific colors, resulting in discomfort and a series of disparities for those affected. Opportunities to pursue aspirations are often denied due to regulations in professions such as nursing, engineering, and public service that impose binding rules regarding partial color blindness, leading to the curtailment of rights for many individuals with this condition. Consequently, it can have profound psychological implications for individuals with partial color blindness. This qualitative research, employing a case study approach, aims to uncover the factors that contribute to optimism among male university students with partial color blindness. Through semi-structured interviews with three male participants and employing thematic analysis, the study successfully identifies three key factors that influence the formation of optimism: (1) social support, (2) confidence, and (3) self-esteem. These factors empower participants to face the psychological challenges posed by partial color blindness and foster a sense of optimis


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    Abstrak Fokus dari penelitian ini yaitu ingin mengetahui dampak serta faktor hardiness apa saja yang muncul pada perawat perempuan dengan peran ganda sebagai ibu serta perawat yang menangani pasien COVID-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Partisipan penelitian ini adalah dua perawat perempuan di  Rumah Sakit Jiwa Menur (RSJ) berusia 51 dan 46 tahun, menjadi tim penangan COVID-19 dan menjadi ibu rumah tangga yang mempunyai anak. Pengambilan data pendukung juga dilakukan kepada dua significant other. Pengumpulan data yang dilakukan menggunakan wawancara semi-terstruktur serta studi dokumentasi data kepegawaian dari rumah sakit. Analisis data data penelitian ini menggunakan analisis tematik. Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan tiga tema utama yaitu pengalaman menangani pasien, dampak yang dialami partisipan selama menjadi perawat COVID-19, dan fakor penentu hardiness yang muncul. Kata Kunci: Hardiness, Perawat perempuan, COVID-19   Abstract   The focus of this study is to find out what impact and hardiness factors appear in female nurses with dual roles as mothers and nurses who handle COVID-19 patients. This research uses qualitative research method with case study approach. Participants of this study were two female nurses at Menur Mental Hospital (MH) aged 51 and 46 years old, became a TEAM of COVID-19 handlers and became housewives who had children. The collection of supporting data is also done to two other significants. Data collection conducted using semi-structured interviews as well as documentation studies of staffing data from hospitals. Analysis of data of this research data using thematic analysis. The results of this study found three main themes, namely patient experience, the impact experienced by participants during their time as COVID-19 nurses, and the hardiness determinants that arise. Keywords: Hardiness, Female nursse, COVID-1


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    Abstrak Keberadaan orang tua dan anak dalam satu lingkup keluarga tentunya akan membuat mereka terlibat relasi dyadic. Kualitas relasi antara orang tua dan anak akan mempengaruhi proses pemahaman, pengembangan diri, serta peilaku anak. Literatur penelitian telah banyak dilakukan membahas relasi orang tua-anak dengan fokus aspek yang beragam serta pengaruhnya pada kenakalan remaja. Penelitian ini merupakan studi literatur dengan menggunakan metode penelitian systematic review yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran relasi orang tua dan anak serta perannya pada perilaku kenakalan remaja. Data penelitian merupakan jurnal hasil penelitian lapangan terkait relasi orang tua-anak dan perannya terhadap kenakalan remaja yang diterbitkan pada kurun waktu 2016 hingga 2020. Pengumpulan data penelitian dilakukan melalui pencarian data di Google Scholar dengan menyertakan kata kunci dari relasi orang tua-anak yaitu “parent-child relation”, disertai kata kunci dari kenakalan remaja ialah “juvenile delinquency” atau “adolescent risk-behavior”. Peneliti melakukan pengecekan antar pustaka dan membaca ulang pustaka dalamya menjaga ketepatan pengkajian dan mencegah kesalahan informasi dalam analisis data. Hasil dari penelitian ini diperoleh aspek-aspek dari proses relasi orang tua-anak yang berperan terhadap kenakalan remaja yaitu kontrol/pemantauan, dukungan/keterlibatan, komunikasi, dan kedekatan/keterhubungan. Komunikasi yang berkualitas antara orang tua dan anak memudahkan orang tua memperoleh informasi tentang keberadaan dan aktivitas anaknya. Pengetahuan yang dimiliki orang tua tentang lingkungan pertemanan, keberadaan, dan aktivitas anak, dapat menerapkan kontrol perilaku dan pemantauan yang lebih efektif dan tidak terkesan mengekang terhadap anaknya. Orang tua yang memantau kondisi anaknya dengan baik akan lebih mampu merespon kebutuhan anak dengan baik, termasuk memberikan dukungan terhadap anaknya, hingga melakukan kegiatan bersama dalam situasi tertentu sebagai bentuk keterlibatan orang tua. Adanya dukungan dan keterlibatan orang tua yang dirasakan anaknya, dapat menimbulkan rasa keterhubungan dan kedekatan mereka dengan orang tuanya. Kedekatan yang terjalin antara orang tua dan anaknya dapat mendorong kesediaan anak untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang tuanya. Remaja yang terlibat kenakalan dalam data penelitian menunjukkan relasi yang kurang baik berdasarkan komponen relasi yang ada, baik kurangnnya komunikasi yang terjalin antara orang tua dan anak, tidak adanya dukungan dan keterlibatan orang tua terhadap anaknya yang terlibat penggunaan narkoba untuk penghentian penggunaan narkoba, kurangnya pemantauan terhadap anak sehingga jarang mengetahui keberadaan, kebiasaan, maupun lingkungan pertemanan anak, orang tua tidak memahami ketika anak membutuhkan perlindungan dari pengaruh buruk lingkungannya. Peran orang tua dengan membangun relasi yang berkualitas dengan anaknya dapat mendukung perkembangan diri dan sosial anak lebih baik, serta mengurangi risiko remaja terlibat dalam perilaku kenakalan. Kata Kunci : Relasi Orang Tua-Anak, Kenakalan Remaja, Perilaku Berisiko.   Abstract The existence of parents and children in the same family will certainly make them involved in dyadic relationships. The quality of the relationship between parents and children will affect the process of understanding, self-development, and children's behavior. The research literature has been widely carried out discussing parent-child relationships with a focus on various aspects and their effects on juvenile delinquency. This research is a literature review using a systematic review research method which aims to determine parent-child relation and their role in juvenile delinquency. The research data is a journal of the results of field research related to parent-child relations and their role in juvenile delinquency published between 2016 and 2020. The research data collection was conducted through data searches on Google Scholar by including the keywords of parent-child relationship, namely “parent-child relation” accompanied by the keywords of juvenile delinquency is “juvenile delinquency” or “adolescent risk-behavior”. Researchers check between libraries and reread the literature in an effort to maintain the accuracy of the assessment and prevent misinformation in data analysis. The result of this study obtained aspects of the parent-child relationship process wich affects juvenile delinquency including control and monitoring, support and involvement, communication, and closeness/connectedness. Quality communication between parents and children makes it easier for parent to obtain information about their child’s whereabouts and activities. A parent’s knowledge of their children’s peers, whereabouts, and activities can implement more effective behavior control and monitoring, and do not appear to be restrictive to their child. Parents who monitor their children’s condition well will able respond to their needs effectively, including providing support for their children, to carrying out joint activities in certain situations as a form of parental involvement. The support and involvement of parents that their children feel can lead to a sense of connection and closeness to them with their parents. The closeness between parents and children can encourage children's willingness to communicate with their parents. Adolescents involved in delinquency in the research data show poor relationships based on the existing relationship components, both lack of communication between parents and children, lack of support and involvement of parents for their children who are involved in drug use for drug use cessation, lack of monitoring of children so seldom know the whereabouts, habits, and friendships of children, parents do not understand when children need protection from the bad effects of their environment. The role of parents by having quality relationships with their children can promote better children's self and social development, and reduce the risk of adolescents engaging in delinquent behavior. Keywords : Parent-Child Relation, Juvenile Delinquency, Risk Behavior
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