48 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Perlakuan Awal Terhadap Benih Tomat (Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill.)

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    MAMAN RAHMANSYAH,1978.Effect of preconditioning treatments on tomato seeds.Berita Biologi 3(9): 473-4 75. The study the effect of preconditioning treatments for tomato seeds on plant growth and production,five thousand tomato seeds were slowly rehydrated from 6 to 12% moisture content.The treated seeds were sown on moist straw paper at low (26°-28°C)and high (26°- 36°C fluctuated temperatures,others were planted after storage for 48 and 60 hours in the in-Cubator (40 C).The germination percentages of seeds,pollen fertility, the percentage of fruits developed, the average weight of fruit and the weight of 1000 seeds were evaluated.Plants derived from rehydrating seeds and stored for 48 hours at 40°C gave the best performance on their germination (more than 90%),pollen fertility (95%) and also the highest total fruits harvested but not on fruit and seed weights.The best result of seed treatment were 12% of moisture content and its were stored for 48 hours at 40°

    Isolat-isolat Khamir Dari Minuman Tradisional Laru Di NTT* [Yeast Diversity Deprived From Laru, a Traditional East Nusa Tenggara Drink]

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    Sixteen isolates of yeast were collected from Law fa fermented palm sap or syrup which were tapped from palm infbrescence stalk of Borassus flabellifer L). Physiological performances were tested according to Bamett method for assimilation of some sources of carbon, nitrogen and cycloheximide. Based on the percentage of discrepancy, 6 isolates have been identified. The isolates were respected in high analogical affinity and identified as Arxula adeninovoras (93%), Lipomyces tetraspows (100%), Rhodotorula mucilaginosa (97%), Saccharomyces cerevisae (95%), Schwanniomyces occidentalis var. occidentalis (96%) and Pichia anomala (99%). The yeast that usually found in food fermentation was P. anomala, R. mucilaginosa and S. cerevisiae. The others yeast have great opportunity as indigenous ones

    Pembangunan Kebun Biologi Wamena*[establishment of Wamena Biological Gardens]

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    The richness of biological resources (biodiversity) in mountainous area of Papua is an asset that has to be preserved.Exploitation of natural resources often cause damage on those biological assets and as genetic resources.Care has to be taken to overcome the situation of biological degradation, and alternate steps had been shaped on ex-situ biological conservation. Wamena Biological Gardens, as an ex-situ biological conservation, has been established to keep the high mountain biological and its genetic resources in Papua

    Akttvitas Selulase, Amilase Dan Invertase Pada Tanah Kebun Biologi Wamena*[cellulase, Amylase and Invertase Activities Achieved From Soil of Wamena Biological Research Station]

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    Enzymatic activities in soil as due to microbes action in organic matter degradation, lead to propose as indicators for determining soil degree enrichment.In this work, the enzymatic activities of cellulase, invertase and amylase were determined in tropical soil collected from Biological Research Station in Wamena. Result of measurement on five soil samples showed that cellulase activity occurred between 0.10 - 0.31 mg reducing sugar/g soil/hour in 2% Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) substrate, and about 0.15 - 0.25 mg reducing sugar/g soil/hour in 0.5% Avicel substrate.Amylase and invertase assayed in 6% of amylum and 6% of sucrose substrates correspondingly; and its activities between 2.55 - 3.54 and 0.59 - 1.30 mg reducing sugar/g soil/hour, respectively. Correlation of enzymatic activities and soil organic-C content (1.35 - 2.70%) of soil layer was significant in selulase and amilase, but it was poor correlation in invertase activity

    Production of Acid Phosphatase in Bacillus SP. Isolated From Forest Soil of Gunung Salak National Park

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    Produktivitas Fosfatase Asam pada Bacillus sp. yang Diisolasi dari Tanah Hutan TamanNasional Gunung Salak. Pada pengamatan ini dilakukan karakterisrik bakteri pelarut fosfatyang diisolasi dari tanah hutan Taman Nasional Gunung Salak. Sebanyak 21 koloni hasil isolasidiuji terhadap produktivitas enzim fosfatase berdasar pelarutan media mengandung fosfat.Isolat yang terkuat melarutkan fosfat diidentifikasi sebagai Bacillus sp. Pada pengamatanlanjutan terhadap strain teruji dilakukan penumbuhan pada media cair selama 90 jam inkubasi,dan hasilnya ternyata mampu melarutkan fosfat inorganik (Pi) dari sumber trikalsium fosfat(Ca-Pi) dan alumunium fosfat (Al-Pi) masing-masing pada kisaran 1,2 sampai 152 dan 0.8 sampai25 mg.L-1; dan menunjukkan aktifitas enzim fosfomonoesterase antara 0.2 sampai 1.01 unitpada media yang mengandung larutan para-nitrophenylphosphate sebagai media fosfatorganik (Po) artifisial. Konsumsi glukosa pada media yang diukur selama pertumbuhan sejalanpula dengan produk ortofosfat sebagai akibat adanya aktifitas enzim fosfatase. Peningkatanfosfatase juga sejalan dengan bertambahnya biomassa sel bakteri dan penambahan produkasam glukonat. Penurunan pH dari 7 menjadi 5 diakibatkan peningkatan produk asam glukonatdi dalam media tumbuh. Bakteri pelarut fosfat yang berasal dari tanah hutan Taman NasionalGunung Salak dapat memproduksi fosfatase asam untuk memineralisasi sumber-sumber fosfatmenjadi sumber nutrisi yang siap digunakan oleh akar tumbuhan, dan itu merupakan prediksikuat untuk menjadikan isolat bakteri pelarut fosfat sebagai sumber bahan pupuk hayati

    Performa Bakteripadatanah Tercemar Pestisida [Bacterial Perform in Soil Contaminated with Pesticide]

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    Preliminary study on bacterial survive in soil containing pesticide has been carried out. Soil samples collected from Lembang and Dieng. The soil deprive from agriculture area that intensively using pesticide, and compared to other samples gathered from forest soil. All samples examined for total bacteria, denitrification bacteria, phosphate solubilizing bacteria, soil induce respiration, urease and phosphatase activities. Pattern of whole parameters in each soil sample configured similarly, but the value performed differently in the same parameters. Total bacterial population in soil samples also inspected after the samples amended with some certain pesticides. Survival bacteria subjected to media amended with insecticide (Propoxur, Diazinon, and Chlorpyrifos), and herbicides (Bromacil and 2,4-D), and correlation of bacterial growth between sample location were varied. Bacterial degrading pesticide particularly isolated from the soil samples containing 1000 ppm Curzate (fungiside) and 500 ppm 2,4-D.The isolates then cultured in the medium containing insecticide and herbicide, and the response on growth observed in 7 days incubation. Bacterial perform were meaningful to reference of soil degrading pesticide residue in agriculture soil; and it would make representative reference in an effort to use bacteria throughout biofertilizer improvement

    Pengaruh Inokulasi Bakteri Terhadap Pertumbuhan Awal Jarak Pagar (Jatropha Curcas L.)

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    Bacterial inoculants affect the early growth of Jatropha (Jatropha curcas L). Genera ofAzotobacter, Bacillus, Chromobacterium, Citrobacter, Nitrosomonas, Rhizobium, andSpaerotillus natans were soil bacterial isolates. The soil was collected from numerous placesaround Pontianak, West Kalimantan. Those isolates were used as inoculants, and formulatedto single and mixed bacterial inoculants, then used to stimulate the early growth of jatrophaseedling in 15 weeks at greenhouse condition. Bacterial inoculations caused better growthperformance compared to its control as pure soil garden medium without inoculations, andneither to bare soil dresses with compost. In the presence of inoculants, plant height wasaccelerated quickly while other inoculants affected to stalk diameter development. Daily growthperformance of jatropha peaked in 8 and 11 weeks after inoculation of Citrobacter andNitrosomonas bacterial component were used as single inoculant, respectively. The increasingof shoot biomass accumulation was three times as caused by single inoculants (Bacillus sp),and the highest one up to four times of biomass weight caused by a mixture inoculants asconsortium of Azotobacter, Bacillus, and Nitrosomonas spp. That selective inoculant hasopportunity to be used for jatropha farming, and this basic study is meaningful to jatropacultivation for standing to bio-fuel resources.Keywords: Jatropha curcas L., inoculants, Azotobacter, Bacillus, Chromobacterium,Citrobacter, Nitrosomonas, Rhizobium , Spaerotillus natans

    Aktivitas Fosfatase Tanah Dilingkungan Bentang Hutan Alami Dan Non-alami [Phosphatase Activity in Soil Belongs to Natural and Non-natural Forest Landscape]

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    The spatial dispersal of acid and alkaline phosphates activity in forest soils appears to be controlled by position in the landscape and its soil microbial density. Soil bacteria expressively produced significant level of acid phosphatase in the investigation.The variety of acid phosphatase activity (8.25-37.55 />-nitrophenol.g"'soil.h"') noted higher and followed by alkaline (0.78-7.15 p-nitrophenol.g-'soil.h" ), correspondingly. Acid and alkaline phosphates were exist in both of soil of natural as well as for non-natural forest soil landscape, with the value (po/o=0.6210) of correlation are 0.6889 and 0.6532, respectively. Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB) average density in natural forest soil equivalent to 0.61xl0Â colony forming unit (cfu) and total bacteria is 160xl0 cfu, while the PSB in non-natural forest soil is 7.75xl0 cfu and total bacteria is 48.25x10' cfu. Concerning to the forest environment as soil bacteria inhabitants of PSB, there were significantly difference of PSB population in natural and non-natural landscape forest. Forest environment is negatively affect the soil enzymes activities under Pinus maritima and Caliandra calothyrsus as the lowest activities, and to the highest ones under the Schima wallichii and Eucalyptus saligna vegetation

    Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Jagung Pulut Lokal Sulawesi Selatan Yang Ditanam Di Polibag Pada Berbagai Kombinasi Perlakuan Pupuk Organik

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    Research has been carried out through the utilization of organic fertilizer to improve the productivity of local maizecultivar originated from South Sulawesi. The study was conducted at the research station of Research Center for Biology,Cibinong Science Center. Corn seed were planted in polybag containing mixture of soil and compost, 6 and 2kg, respectively. The research were carried out by Randomized Complete Block Design arranged in factorial experimentwith four replications. The first factors are three types of local maize namely A: rice corn (pulut beras, BataraKoasa), B: waxy corn (pulut biji, Batara Kamu), C: pulut hibrida (hybrid cultivar). The second factors are 14 combinationtreatment as a mixture of LIPI organic fertilizer (Beyonic-StarTmik, Bio121, EM-121 and MegaRhizo) andanorganic NPK fertilizer. The variables observed were plant growth and production. The results showed that thehybrid cultivar had higher total corn yield productivity compared to the local one, although hybrid cultivar hassmaller plant biomass. Waxy corn (B) accession showed the weight, length and diameter of cob, and also the weightof 100 grains larger than rice corn (A). Fertilization treatments significantly affect the corn-cob productivity which isincludes the weight, length, and diameter units. Fertilization treatments such as EM-121 + (½ dose of NPK), BIO-121 + (½ dose of NPK), and Beyonic + (¼ dose of NPK) showed a good effect on plant, and it was not significantlydifferent with 100% NPK (full doses of NPK). The three corn cultivar showed different responses to fertilizationtreatments