15 research outputs found

    Implementasi Kebijakan Penataan Dan Pembinaan Pedagang Kaki Lima Zona Merah Pada Kawasan Alun-alun Dan Masjid Raya Kota Bandung

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    Implementation of Policy Planning and Development Street Vendor in the Red Zone area Central Square of The City and the grand mosque Bandung city is regulated through the Local Government Act of Bandung City (Perda) and Regulations Mayor Area (Perwal) Number 571 Year 2014 as an amendment Regulations Mayor Area number 888 Year 2012 on implementation guidelines Organize and Development Street Vendors in Bandung, especially in the Red Zone area Central Square of The City and the grand mosque Bandung city is not in accordance with the prescribed rules. The purpose of this research is to know how the activity implementation of policy by executing the instructions, which the measurement of success seen on three things: planning activities, training, and monitoring, control and enforcement. The next purpose was to describe the supporting factors and inhibiting factor the implementation of the policy. The method used in this research is qualitative - descriptive type, with key informants from agencies involved in the Special Task Force team coaching arrangement and street vendors, street vendors, and society. Data was collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. The results showed that the implementation is already well underway in accordance with the implementation guidelines activities although the outcome has not been maximized. While inhibiting factor in the implementation of this policy were standard and policy objectives, both human and budgetary resources, and economic conditions. Advice that can be given are a feasibility study placement locations Street Vendor and they economic ability, the attention of every department in the budget, make SOP and MOU clearly, and increase the number of officers and support facilities in supervisory activities

    Implementasi Pelayanan Administrasi Terpadu Kecamatan (PATEN) Di Kecamatan Bergas, Kabupaten Semarang

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    Pelayanan publik yang berkualitas merupakan hal yang diperlukan masyarakat. Dalam rangka menciptakan pelayanan publik yang berkualitas, pemerintah mengeluarkan Permendagri Nomor 4 Tahun 2010 tentang Pedoman Pelayanan Administrasi Terpadu Kecamatan (PATEN). PATEN bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan dan mendekatkan pelayanan kepada masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana implementasi PATEN di Kecamatan Bergas dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi PATEN di Kecamatan Bergas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari wawancara dengan informan dan dokumen. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian fenomenologi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa implementasi PATEN di Kecamatan Bergas sudah berjalan dengan baik namun masih memiliki kekurangan pada faktor sumberdaya yaitu kuantitas dan kualitas staf serta fasilitas. Pada faktor komunikasi, Kecamatan Bergas telah melakukan transmisi dan memberi pemahaman mengenai PATEN. Pada faktor disposisi dapat diketahui bahwa staf-staf telah memahami tugas-tugas yang dimiliki, tidak ada penolakan dan bersikap baik saat melayani masyarakat. Kemudian, pada faktor struktur birokrasi dapat diketahui bahwa masyarakat dapat memperoleh pelayanan dengan batasan tertentu di kecamatan sehingga memudahkan masyarakat dan mendekatkan pelayanan pada masyarakat. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa yang menjadi faktor penghambat pada Implementasi PATEN di Kecamatan Bergas adalah sumberdaya. Faktor pendorong Implementasi PATEN di Kecamatan Bergas adalah komunikasi, disposisi dan struktur birokrasi

    Implementasi Peraturan Gubernur Provinsi DKI Jakarta Nomor 123 Tahun 2014 Tentang Kepesertaan Dan Pelayanan Jaminan Kesehatan Di DKI Jakarta

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    Health is an essential factor that potentially becomes a paramater of people\u27s welfare. Genuinely the health in Indonesia is still below par, one of the factors is the poverty. The Governor of DKI Jakarta constructed a regulation which is Gubernatorial Regulation No. 123 Of The Year Of 2014 about Membership and Service of Health Insurance to provide the access for the people of DKI Jakarta who have no health insurance and for the people live under poverty to obtain health insurance that is fully-funded by Regional Budegt (APBD) of DKI Jakarta Province. The objective of this research is to perceive the implementation of Gubernatorial Regulation No. 123 Of The Year Of 2014 about Membership and Service of Health Insurance in DKI Jakarta. In addition, it aims to perceive the supporting and afflicting factors of the regulation. This research utilized qualitative descriptive approach. The data in this research obtained from interviews with informant, observation, and document. Based on the result of the research, shown that the implementation had materialized well regarding the members and service given however there were found lack. The supporting factor of the implementation were the standards and regulations target, communication amidst the organizations and targetted communities, budget resource, characteristic of institutions as the actors and economic status. While the afflicting factors were the facility resource, human resource and political status. The suggestions are to add more officers and improve the service on first health facility and extended health facility and provide opportunity for government to generate service for existing member of health insurance in addition to the existing services

    Implementasi Kegiatan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Dalam Kebijakan Desa Wisata Di Kelurahan Kandri Kecamatan Gunungpati Kota Semarang

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    Community empowerment activities is one of the key components as an effort to overcome the problems of underdeveloped Kandri administrative village area as a tourism village in the city of Semarang. It is important considering the majority livelihoods of Kandri villagers are working on the agricultural sector, then to transform to involve in the field of tourism business. This research will further elaborate the implementation of community empowerment activities in the policy of tourism village in Kandri administrative village, Gunungpati district, city of Semarang. The method used in this research is qualitative - descriptive type, with key informants from the staff of Semarang Municipal Office of Cultural and Tourism that specifically managed programs related with tourism village, and community members of Kandri administrative village part of the Kelompok Sadar Wisata (Pokdarwis) management. The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of community empowerment activities from the 5 accuracy theory by Riant Nugroho, and describing factors influencing the implementation of activities. The results of the research shown that in the implementation of the undertaken activities, there are problems related to the suitability of the activities provided to local conditions; the assigned of target community; and the transformation process of the local community to become businessmen in tourism sector. Constraint factors of the community empowerment implementation process are the clarity and policy standards, the commitment of governments, social and economic conditions, and the disposition of the implementor. Recommendation earned from this research are : increasing participation of the Tourism Department in the development of Kelompok Sadar Wisata (Pokdarwis) on Kandri administrative village, proportionally to both Pokdarwis Pandanaran and Pokdarwis Sukomakmur; guidelines for the implementation were made by The Government toward the undertaken activities; and clear budget allocation in supporting the activities

    Implementasi Kebijakan Kawasan Terbatas Merokok (Ktm) Di Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik (Fisip) Universitas Diponegoro Kota Semarang

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    Faculty of Social and Political Science Diponegoro University has stipulated Restricted Smoking Area policy to cope with negative effects of cigarette, but it is not effectively applied. Researcher has found that it has yet to be optimally implemented and many violations occured. The objective of the research is to describe and analyze the implementation of Restricted Smoking Area policy (KTM), as well as to find out supporting and inhibiting factor of the implementation. This research was conducted in qualitative approach with descriptive type. Data was collected from observation, interview, and documentation. Based on the research, it shows that implementation of Restricted Smoking Area policy has not been optimally implemented, caused by all existing factors such as communication, resource, birocration structure, and disposition become an obstacle for the implementation of Restricted Smoking Area policy in Faculty of Social and Political Science Diponegoro University

    Implementasi Peraturan Daerah Nomor 3 Tahun 2013 Tentang Kawasan Tanpa Rokok (Ktr) Pada Kawasan Dinas Kesehatan Kota Semarang

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    The Government of Semarang City formed in beginning formed a Mayor Regulation Number 12 Year 2009 about No Smoking Area and restriced smoking area to overcome problem from the negative impact of cigaret, but that regulation is not proceed effective. At Last, goverment of Semarang City issued Local Regulation Number 3 Year 2013 about No Smoking Area (KTR). Based on finding from resercher, is known that the implementation of Local Regulation in Departement of Semarang City is not optimal and still found foul. The purpose of this research is to descripe the implementation of Local Regulation Number 3 Year 2013 about No Smoking Area, and to find out supporting and resistor factor in the implementation. This research is using descriptive qualitative with kualitative approach. Technique of collecting data that used are observation, interview, and documentation study. Based on the research, it can conclude that implementation of No Smoking Area in Departement oh Health of Semarang City has not been implemented optimally, so then, the government has to increase implementation at several point. Supporter factor of KTR implementation in Departement of Health Semarang City are communitacatin and authorizing signature, and Resistor factor are sources and birocration structure, so then need maximing supporter factor and minimizing resistor factor

    Implementasi Kebijakan Perlindungan Lahan Pertanian Pangan Berkelanjutan (Lp2b) Di Kabupaten Tegal (Studi Implementasi Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Tegal Nomor 10 Tahun 2012 Tentang Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Kabupaten Tegal Tahun 2012-2032)

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    The Policy of Perlindungan Lahan Pertanian Pangan Berkelanjutan (LP2B) aims to protect and defend LP2B area to attain food security. 46% of whole area in Tegal Regency has been assigned in Peraturan Daerah as Lahan Pertanian Pangan Berkelanjutan (LP2B). Yet, to date still found unclear data about the extens magnitude of it. This research aims to describe policy implementation of Perlindungan Lahan Pertanian Pangan Berkelanjutan in Tegal Regency based on Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Tegal Nomor 10 Tahun 2012 about Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Kabupaten Tegal Tahun 2012-2032 and to identify supporting also resisting factors. The method we used is descriptive qualitative research. From our research, we find: (i) The agency has not been implementing three strategic listed in Peraturan Daerah due to LP2B policy is still on the process of identification; (ii) The supporting factor of policy implementation is disposition, whereas the resisting factors are communication, resources and bureaucratic structure. There are some recommendations can be given by researcher. First, Making Peraturan Daerah about LP2B policy of other regencies as reference. Second, increasing the number of human resources, intencity of socialization, and coordination among executive agencies. Finally, creating standard operating procedures as soon as possible

    Green Leadership and Corporate Social Responsibility: Study of Community Responses to CSR Activities PT. Pertamina Fuel Terminal Boyolali

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    This research is motivated by the phenomenon that in order to strengthen corporate sustainability, the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Sustainability prioritizes corporate responsibility to society with the concept of sustainable development. Means that companies need to pay attention to environmental, community, and stakeholders that emphasize the implementation of sustainable programs. This study aims to determine the implementation of green leadership in the company and determine the satisfaction and independence of the beneficiaries of PT. Pertamina Fuel Terminal Boyolali. The research locations are in the villages of Tawangsari, Mojolegi, Teras, and Blumbang which are assisted villages. This type of research is descriptive quantitative with a sample of 146 people spread across 12 CSR programs. The results of the study show that the implementation of green leadership in companies has been going well, both within the company and community through CSR activities. Overall, it can be seen that the Community Satisfaction Index Score from 2017 to 2020 is a very good category, between the intervals of 81.26 to 100. Meanwhile, in terms of independence, 12 CSR programs in 2018 have produced a good level of independence. Proof that 70% of CSR programs are at high independence