9 research outputs found

    Accuracy rates and reaction times for the three sentence types in the two groups.

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    <p>On the left, accuracy rates (target chosen) and error types (one of the three distractors chosen) are depicted, together with significant post-hoc tests of the SentenceType*Group interaction. On the right, reaction times are depicted. SVO: Subject-Verb-Object, PASS: Passive, OVS: Object-Verb-Subject, H: Healthy, P: Patients, green bar: target (= accuracy), yellow bar: attribute wrong, orange bar: actor wrong, red bar: attribute & actor wrong, *: p < 0.05, **: p < 0.01, dotted lines: within healthy group, broken lines: within patient group, solid lines: between group comparisons.</p

    Fixation proportions on the four areas of interest for correctly solved SVO and PASS sentences.

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    <p>The circles in the top row indicate the matching picture versions, depending on the sentence’s content heard so far, at different time points. A quartered circle indicates that all versions would be suitable. A circle cut in half indicates that only two picture versions remain as possible targets. The colour indicates which distractor would be appropriate besides the target. A completely green circle indicates that only the target matches the sentence’s content. An example sentence, together with a translation, is given below the circles. In the graphs, the mean fixation proportions above/below chance level for each sentence part (online), as well as for the offline phase (until mouse click), is depicted. Green: target, yellow: attribute wrong, orange: actor wrong, red: attribute & actor wrong: error bars: standard error of the mean; *: p < 0.025 (fixation proportion above chance level).</p

    Fixation proportions on the four areas of interest for correctly and incorrectly solved OVS sentences.

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    <p>The circles in the top row indicate the matching picture versions, depending on the sentence’s content heard so far, at different time points. As the unambiguous accusative case marking allowed immediate exclusion of the child as an actor, only two picture versions (indicated by a circle cut in half, the colour corresponding to the distractor that would be appropriate besides the target) remain as possible targets after the first sentence part. Upon hearing the attribute, the target could already be identified (indicated by a fully green circle). An example sentence, together with a translation, is given below the circles. In the graphs, the mean fixation proportions above/below chance level for each sentence part (online) as well as for the offline phase (until mouse click) is depicted. Green: target, yellow: attribute wrong, orange: actor wrong, red: attribute & actor wrong; error bars: standard error of the mean; *: p < 0.025 (fixation proportion above chance level).</p

    Lesion location and overlap maps for all patients.

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    <p>The z-position of each axial slice in Talairach stereotaxic space is indicated below the slices. Images are oriented according to non-radiological convention, i.e., left is left, and right is right.</p

    Patients’ characteristics and accuracy in the sentence picture matching task.

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    <p>F = Female, M = Male, HS = haemorrhagic stroke, IS = ischemic stroke, SVO = Subject-Verb-Object, PASS = passive, OVS = Object-Verb-Subject sentences</p><p>Patients’ characteristics and accuracy in the sentence picture matching task.</p

    Accuracy for the three conditions of the main experiment, and for the control experiment.

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    <p>The meaningless condition was set as the baseline, and changes in accuracy (i.e., increase or decrease) in the other conditions are indicated by arrows. Asterisks depict significant post-hoc tests (* <i>p</i> < .05, ** <i>p</i> < .01).</p

    Lesions maps of the 20 aphasic patients, plotted on axial slices oriented according to the radiological convention.

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    <p>Slices are depicted in 8mm descending steps. The <i>Z</i> position of each axial slice in the Talairach stereotaxic space is presented at the bottom of the figure. The number of patients with damage involving a specific region is color-coded according to the legend.</p

    Fixation durations on the regions of interest (ROIs) encompassing face and hands.

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    <p>Values are displayed in milliseconds for the three experimental conditions of the main experiment and for the control experiment, respectively. Asterisks depict significant post-hoc tests (** <i>p</i> < .01).</p