14 research outputs found

    Hubungan Antara Dukungan Keluarga Dengan Respon Sosial Pada Lansia Di Desa Sokaraja Lor Kecamatan Sokaraja

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    Generally, the physical condition after entering elderly period is experienced decreasing. Changes in elderly generally directed to physical and psychics healthy decreasing and finally will influence on their economic and social activity. Support from elderly family is highly influenced on social relationship of elderly. The objective of the research was to know the correlation between family support with social responses in elderly at Sokaraja Lor Village of Sokaraja Subdistrict. This research used cross sectional method. The samples in this research were 75 peoples. Data analysis method used frequency distribution and Chi Square. The result of this research showed that most of elderly who is accomplished as research sample were in age of 60-65 and 71-75, were 21 people (28,0%), junior high school and its same level were 42 peoples (56,0%), javaness and jobless, women were 44 peoples (58,7%) and widowers were 40 peoples (53,3%). All of respondents were Moslem. Family support that were categorized as non effective were 37 respondents (49,3%) while family support that were categorized as effective were 38 respondents (50,7%). The level of elderly evidence who were getting social active responses were 36 peoples (48,0%), while elderly who were getting passive social responses were 39 peoples (52,0%). The result of family support variable with social responses showed significant correlation, there were family support through communication (p=0,000), family emotional support (p=0,000), social interaction support (p=0,000), financial support (p=0,002), support in supplying transportation (p=0,001), support through the effort of maintaining physical activity which could still done by elderly (p=0,002). For the analysis result of family support variable with social response which was showed no significant correlation was family support in supplying food (p=0,219). There was significant correlation between family support with social responses in elderly at Sokaraja Lor Village of Sokaraja Subdistrict (p=0,000)

    Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Kesehatan Reproduksi Terhadap Perilaku Seksual Remaja Pada Siswa SMA Di Kecamatan Baturraden Dan Purwokerto

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    The adolescent's reproduction health is a trend issue in their community and it becomes one of primary project of “BKKBN”. If Adolescence doesn't get right and proper information, they will fall on into negative side from it, such as: free sex, unwanted pregnancy, abortion, and suffer from HIV/AIDS. The purpose of this study was to know the relation between knowledge of adolescent's reproduction health toward adolescent's sexual behavior in student of senior high school around sub district Purwokerto and Baturaden. The population's research was students of six senior high school in sub district Purwokerto and Baturaden. The sample's research was taken from 367 students according inclusive criteria. Data analysis method uses the distribution frequency and Perason Correlation's Statistic test. Result of research: Respondents who have good knowledge category about adolescent's reproduction health is 86, 7%, Respondents who have enough knowledge category is 12%, and Respondents who have least knowledge category 0, 8%. While, the result of grade sexual behavior: Respondents who have good sexual behavior category is 72, 8%, Respondents who have enough sexual behavior category is 24, 2% and Respondents who have least sexual behavior category is 2, 7%. The obtained result of statistic test using Pearson Correlation is r=0,179, p=0,001. It's indicated that there is a meaningful relation between knowledge of adolescent's reproduction health and adolescent's sexual behavio

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kepatuhan Asupan Cairan Pada Pasien Gagal Ginjal Kronik Dengan Hemodialisis Di RSUD Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto

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    Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) patient who had routine Haemodialisis (HD) usually experiencing the over volume extracellular fluid because degradation of kidney`s ability to excreting fluid. Patient obidience to intake less fluid is the top priority for Nursing diagnosis on HD nurse to give the best medical servise. dominant factor that influencing patien`s obedience is not positively understandable yet. It might influenced by any other factors. The aim of this study is to analyze influencing patient compliance factors toward fluid intake for chronic renal failure patients who undergo hemodialisis at Margono Soekardjo Hospital of Purwokerto Analytic descriptive with cross-sectional design was used in this study. Data collected by closed ended questioners to the target subjects (routine HD patient) at RSUD Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto on September-October 2008.The result show that age, length of hemodialisis, education, nurses involvement, family patient involvement, self concept, knowledge level have significant level at, p= 0,100, 0,074, 0,000, , 0,000, 0,000, 0,016 and 0.001 respectively. There are five factors (education, nurses involvement, family patient involvement, and knowledge level) that have significant factor toward fluid intake. Meanwhile, two factors have no significant factor toward fluid intake as age, and length of f hemodialisi

    Model Pemberdayaan Terpadu untuk Meningkatkan Kepatuhan Pasien Diabetes Mellitus

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    Diabetes Melitus (DM) merupakan penyakit yang tidak dapat disembuhkan. DM hanya dapat dikendalikan, sehingga dibutuhkan kepatuhan dalam pengobatan. Pasien diabetes sering merasa bosan menjalani pengobatan jangka panjang. Penyebab tidak patuh adalah tidak memahami tujuan, manfaat, kurangnya dukungan keluarga dandukungan tenaga kesehatan yang minimal. Tujuan penelitian untuk membuktikan pengaruh model pemberdayaan secara terpadu terhadap kepatuhan pasien diabetes dalam menjalani perawatan. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan one group pre post test design. Hasil yang diperoleh sebelum dilakukan perlakuan pemberdayaan secara terpadu, sebagian besar responden memiliki tingkat kepatuhan rendah sebesar 67%. Setelah diberikan perlakuan, kepatuhan responden meningkat dengan tingkat kepatuhan tergolong tinggi mencapai 80%. Model pemberdayaanterpadu dapat meningkatkan kepatuhan secara signifikan. Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara perlakuan model pemberdayaan terpadu dengan penurunan kadar glukosa darah sewaktu. Rerata kadar glukosa darah sewaktu yang semula 188,83 mg/dl turun menjadi 106,43 mg/dl. Tenaga kesehatan bersama keluarga dan penderita bersama-sama secara terpadu mendampingi, memberi motivasi untuk meningkatkan kepatuhan pasien

    Pengaruh Program Diabetes Self Management Education Berbasis Keluarga Terhadap Kualitas Hidup Penderita Diabetes Melitus Tipe II Di Wilayah Puskesmas II Baturraden

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    Diabetes Melitus (DM) adalah salah satu penyakit kronik yang memerlukan penanganan serius melibatkan penderita dan keluarga dalam penatalaksanaan perawatan mandiri, salah satunya melalui pendekatan Diabetes Self Management Education (DSME). DSME adalah proses untuk memfasilitasi ilmu pengetahuan, keterampilan dan kemampuan dalam perawatan mandiri diabetes. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh DSME berbasis keluarga terhadap kualitas hidup penderita DM tipe II di Puskesmas 2 Baturraden. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain quasi eksperimen pada 18 sampel penelitian dengan teknik purposive sampling. Diabetes Self Management Education dilakukan sebanyak 3 kali pertemuan selama 3 bulan. Analisis data menggunakan uji t berpasangan (pair t test) dengan CI 95 %. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai p = 0,000 (p < α; α = 0,05). Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara program Diabetes Self Management Education berbasis keluarga terhadap kualitas hidup penderita DM. Perawat dapat melakukan DSME sebagai pendekatan dalam meningkatkan self care diabetes sehingga kualitas hidup mereka dapat ditingkatkan

    Memainkan Peran Zakat dalam Pengentasan Kemiskinan

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    Terjadinya tsunami finansial, atau umum disebut krisis moneter menimbulkan efek domino yang menuntun ke spiral kebangkrutan seluruh sistem finansial global yang kemudian merambat ke hampir seluruh penjuru dunia. Tak terkecuali Indonesia, yang juga terkena imbas dari krisis global ini. Hal itu ditunjukkan dengan adanya kenaikan tingkat inflasi, makin banyaknya jumlah pengangguran yang secara otomatis meningkatkan jumlah kemiskinan di Indonesia. Salah satu solusi dari penanganan kemiskinan adalah dengan mendorong perkembangan zakat. Sedangkan berdasarkan hasil pengkajian Baznas, potensi zakat profesi satu tahun di Indonesia bisa mencapai sekitar Rp 32 triliun. Kalau potensi dana zakat tersebut didasari pemerintah dan dikelola dengan baik, maka permasalahan kemiskinan di Indonesia dapat diatasi dengan segera tanpa harus berutang

    A Review of Digital Image Classification Based on Fuzzy Logic

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    Fuzzy logic has long been an important issue for in the field of computer science, computer vision, image processing, machine learning and control theory and mathematics. In this review paper, we also see that the basics of fuzzy logic as well as fuzzy logic system (Fuzzy Inference System) use as decision making technique under a linguistic view of fuzzy sets. In this study, we focused to review the fuzzy logic to classification of digital image. The aim of this study was to review the fuzzy logic algorithm for classification of image