12 research outputs found


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    The quality of life of students receiving the profession of a secondary medical specialist is studied. Latent factors that have a greater impact on the quality of life are identified. The quality of life of students according to the first factor is determined by the scales of the psychological component: for young women - Resilience, for young men - Mental health


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    A chronotype resistant to changes in the photoperiod was determined for students in the North. In the men's and women's groups, the preferred bedtime, well-being in the evening and when performing physical exercises differed. Morning and evening preferences in the organization of life activities in young men are less susceptible to exogenous influences than in girls.У студентов северного вуза установлена устойчивость хронотипа к изменению фотопериода. В мужской и женской группах отличалось предпочитаемое время отхода ко сну, самочувствие в вечернее время и при выполнении физических упражнений. Утренне-вечерние предпочтения в организации жизнедеятельности у юношей менее подвержены экзогенным воздействиям, чем у девушек


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    In the high latitudes of Russia, human life is complicated by a mismatch between the rhythmic processes inside the organism, and environmental factors that determine the rhythm in the form of photo-, baro-, thermo-, and heliodesinchronicoses. It is also necessary to take into account the induced desynchronosis of complex genesis, which can be provoked by both chronic and acute somatic pathology.A complex polyrhythmic structure of the rhythms of the onset and exacerbation of diseases, reflected in the form of calls to the «Ambulance» service, revealed by the wavelet analysis method is formed depending on the «quasi-season» and annual climate variations. The presence of twoand three-, fiveand six-year rhythms is associated with changes in the long-period component of the impact on the human body of a complex of weather and heliogeophysical factors whose fluctuations in the circumpolar regions are much more pronounced than in the middle and southern latitudes.В условиях высоких широт России жизнедеятельность человека осложняется как рассогласованием между ритмическими процессами внутри организма, так и задающими ритм факторами окружающей среды в виде фото-, баро-, термои гелиодесинхронозов. Необходимо также учитывать индуцированный десинхроноз комплексного генеза, который может быть спровоцирован как хронической, так и острой соматической патологией. Сложная полиритмичная структура ритмов возникновения и обострения заболеваний, отражающаяся в виде обращений в службу скорой помощи, выявленная методом вейвлет-анализа, формируется в зависимости от «квазисезонных» и годовых колебаний климата. Наличие двухи трех-, пятии шестилетних ритмов связано с изменениями длиннопериодного компонента воздействия на организм человека комплекса погодных и гелиогеофизических факторов, колебания которых в циркумполярных регионах гораздо более выражены, чем в средних и южных широтах

    Temporal variations in mortality from the main causes of death in 2014-2018 in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District-Ugra (Western Siberia)

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    The aim of this work is to analyze the temporal variations in mortality from the main groups of diseases and external causes in the period 2014-2018 in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra (Western Siberia). Methods. Data on mortality wereobtained from the Medical Information and Analytical Center in Khanty-Mansiysk. To test the hypothesis about cyclic variations in mortality, wavelet analysis was applied. Results. Fluctuations in death rates from infectious diseases, neoplasms, mental disorders, diseases of the nervous system and circulatory system, pathology of the digestive system appeared to have a significant circannual rhythm. For diseases of the endocrine system, respiratory system, musculoskeletal and genitourinary system, circannualpattern of mortality was not observed. Mortality from socially significant diseases demonstrate two-year, annual and intra-annual rhythms. Significant rhythms of mortality from injuries with a six-month (p = 0.012) and near-annual (p = 0.045) periods may have an exogenous nature, while circaseptan activity (p = 0.055) seems to have a social genesis. Fluctuations in mortality from suicide occur in near-annual (p = 0.002) and semi-annual (p = 0.068) rhythms. Temporal variations of road traffic accidents are characterized by insignificant six-month and two-week rhythms. Conclusions. Our findings suggest that mortality in the study areahas various duration and number of periods of rhythms, low-energy rhythmic activity with pronounced inter-seasonal and day-to-day fluctuations in weather factors, a changed photoperiodic regime, and seasonal exacerbations of endemic zoonoses against the background of constant exposure to unmodified risk factors for the development of diseases presented in this paper. © 2020, Northern State Medical University. All rights reserved


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    The aim of the study was to investigate functional brain asymmetry in youths and girls depending on the biorhythmological stereotype in different seasons of the year. Differences are established in the degree of activation of the cerebral hemispheres of the brain depending on gender, season of the year, biorhythmic patterns. In the winter season, in groups of students identified a large activation of the right hemisphere. In young woman, the predominance of right hemisphere activity was more pronounced in the arrhythmic chronotype. In the spring season, young men with arrhythmic chronotype showed signs of activation of the left hemisphere, the «owls» was symmetrical profile. In young women in the spring observed increased activation of the right hemisphere, less pronounced in «pigeons».Цель - исследование функциональной асимметрии головного мозга у юношей и девушек в зависимости от биоритмологического стереотипа в разные сезоны года. Установлены различия в степени активации больших полушарий головного мозга в зависимости от пола, сезона года, биоритмологического стереотипа. В зимний сезон в группах студентов определили бо̀льшую активацию правого полушария. У девушек преобладание активности правого полушария было более выражено у аритмичного хронотипа. В весеннем сезоне у юношей с аритмичным хронотипом обнаружили признаки активации левого полушария, у «сов» был симметричный профиль. У девушек весной наблюдали усиление активации правого полушария, в меньшей мере выраженное у «голубей»

    INtersystem interrelations of functional parameters and psychosocial characteristics of students of medical university in the north

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    The aim of the study is a possibility justification of the functional state correction of students in the learning environment through development of adaptive behavior skills in stress and increase of subjective evaluation of life quality. Methods: research and analysis of cardiac rhythm variability parameters, functional state of the central nervous system, daily monitoring of heart rate and blood pressure, indicators of life quality associated by health condition, features of coping behavior among students of the Khanty-Mansiysk State Medical Academy (n = 96). The structure of canonical roots was identified by means of Pearson's pair correlations. The first (R1 = 0.75; p < 0.001) and second (R2 = 0.72; p = 0.004) canonical roots proved to be statistically significant. Results. The results of the canonical correlation analysis between physiological parameters and biosocial characteristics (behavior in stress and life quality self-esteem associated by health condition) were given in students of the northern medical establishment. The indicators of variation chronoreflexometry correlated to a greater extent with the choice of coping behavior; the three main styles of coping had significant factor loading (r = 0,438-r = 0,558). Parameters of variation pulsometry, mesors of heart rate and systolic blood pressure were the most correlated with life quality self-esteem among physiological parameters; the highest factor loadings were in the scales of PF ( r = 0.637) and RE (r =-0.455). Conclusion: the revealed relations substantiate the possibility of the physiological state correction in students of higher school through increasing its subjective well-being and the formation of adaptive behavior in stress. © 2018 Ekologiya Cheloveka (Human Ecology). All rights reserved

    INtersystem interrelations of functional parameters and psychosocial characteristics of students of medical university in the north

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    The aim of the study is a possibility justification of the functional state correction of students in the learning environment through development of adaptive behavior skills in stress and increase of subjective evaluation of life quality. Methods: research and analysis of cardiac rhythm variability parameters, functional state of the central nervous system, daily monitoring of heart rate and blood pressure, indicators of life quality associated by health condition, features of coping behavior among students of the Khanty-Mansiysk State Medical Academy (n = 96). The structure of canonical roots was identified by means of Pearson's pair correlations. The first (R1 = 0.75; p < 0.001) and second (R2 = 0.72; p = 0.004) canonical roots proved to be statistically significant. Results. The results of the canonical correlation analysis between physiological parameters and biosocial characteristics (behavior in stress and life quality self-esteem associated by health condition) were given in students of the northern medical establishment. The indicators of variation chronoreflexometry correlated to a greater extent with the choice of coping behavior; the three main styles of coping had significant factor loading (r = 0,438-r = 0,558). Parameters of variation pulsometry, mesors of heart rate and systolic blood pressure were the most correlated with life quality self-esteem among physiological parameters; the highest factor loadings were in the scales of PF ( r = 0.637) and RE (r =-0.455). Conclusion: the revealed relations substantiate the possibility of the physiological state correction in students of higher school through increasing its subjective well-being and the formation of adaptive behavior in stress. © 2018 Ekologiya Cheloveka (Human Ecology). All rights reserved

    Эволюция математических методов анализа вариабельности сердечного ритма: достижения и перспективы

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    The literature review briefly describes the applicability of various mathematical methods of heart rate variability analysis in the time and frequency domains, methods of nonlinear dynamics. Heart rate variability is a manifestation of the variability of adjacent heartbeats. Either heart rate variability expresses in terms of heart rate or in terms of duration of RR intervals, it is a popular subject of physiology research. The aim - a brief historical overview of the development of the concept of heart rate variability, approaches and methods for its quantitative description. The advantages of developing and introducing into clinical practice of circular methods for the heart rate variability analysis described in connection with the quasi-periodicity of the cardiac rate, which is periodic, and in the same time random, close to almost periodic processes. Heart rhythm is partly periodic, partly random, representing a quasiperiodic oscillatory process, similar in its properties to almost periodic processes. Statistical indicators of generally accepted time domain methods for heart rate variability analysis cannot be adequate to the phenomenon under study: their statistical properties depend on the recording time T and the number of heart beats in the sample N. The temporal fluctuations in heart rate show a significant correlation with respiration as a reflection of changes in cardiac autonomic regulation. Despite the lack of certainty in the existing estimates of the contribution of the parasympathetic and the sympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system to this variability, a number of mathematical methods for the analysis of heart rate variability have been developed, allowing evaluate the effect of autonomous regulation of the heart. A variety of mathematical methods for analyzing data as a means of assessing for heart rate variability are characterized by unequal potential capabilities, their range of applications is limited. There is the problem of insufficient elaboration of standards. Depending on the capabilities of the data processing method, it is possible to obtain various information about the vegetative regulation of the heart rhythm and the functional state of the organism as a whole. To develop universal indicators of heart rate variability, the magnitude of which would have a clear physiological and clinical interpretation, it is necessary to involve mathematical models of quasi-periodic processes within the framework of the circular approach that are free from these drawbacks.В обзоре литературы описываются возможности применения различных методов анализа вариабельности сердечного ритма во временной и частотной областях, а также методов нелинейной динамики. Цель работы - краткий исторический обзор развития концепции вариабельности сердечного ритма, подходов и методов ее количественного описания. Описаны преимущества разработки и внедрения в клиническую практику циркулярных методов анализа вариабельности ритма сердца в связи с квазипериодичностью сердечного ритма, носящего отчасти периодический, отчасти случайный характер, близкого к почти периодическим процессам. Непредсказуемый характер колебаний длительностей RR-интервалов требует применения в анализе изменчивости сердечного ритма методов математической статистики, реализуемых во временной области - основанных на статистических показателях пульса как выборки: частоте пульса HR, периоде пульса HP, стандартном отклонении нормальных интервалов SDNN, коэффициенте вариации CV и др. Однако повторяющийся характер сокращений сердца для исследования их периодической структуры диктует предпочтение в выборе методов гармонического анализа вариабельности сердечного ритма, например, спектрального. При высокой оценке клинической значимости применения обоих подходов из виду упускается тот факт, что сердечный ритм при всей своей непредсказуемости имеет физиологические ограничения: слишком продолжительный или слишком короткий промежуток времени между сокращениями приводит к существенным негативным последствиям для организма, то есть ритм сердца не может носить исключительно случайный характер, также как не может быть совершенно периодическим, поскольку сердце обладает способностью адаптации своей насосной функции к потребностям организма. Статистические показатели общепринятых методик анализа изменчивости сердечного ритма во временной области не могут быть адекватны изучаемому явлению: их статистические свойства зависимы от продолжительности записи T и количества сокращений сердца в выборке N. Спектральные методы исследования в частотной области сталкиваются с неразрешимой проблемой нестационарности исследуемого временного ряда, что также ставит под сомнение полную пригодность данного инструмента для исследования вариабельности. Для разработки универсальных показателей вариабельности ритма сердца, величина которых имела бы ясную физиологическую и клиническую трактовку, необходимо привлекать математические модели квазипериодических процессов в рамках циркулярного подхода, свободные от указанных недостатков


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    Oncological mortality is characterized by a significant peri-annual rhythm, characteristic for the entire period 2014-2017. Fluctuations in total mortality with intra-annual rhythms are significant only in 2016.Онкологическая смертность характеризуется значимым окологодовым ритмом, характерным для всего периода 2014-2017 годов. Колебания общей смертности с внутригодовыми ритмами значимы только в 2016 году

    Factor analysis of hemodynamics daily parameters in students of the Northern Medical University

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    The purpose was to find out the hidden common factors characterizing the relationship between the parameters of daily hemodynamics in students of the northern medical university. Methods. A factor analysis of hemodynamics data obtained during the daily monitoring of arterial pressure and heart rate in students of Khanty-Mansiysk State Medical Academy (35 boys and 61 girls) was carried out. Results. The analysis revealed two factors in groups. According to the first factor, the mesor factor loading of the index of functional changes (r = 0,833) and the daytime values of the IFI (r = 0,923) and the IAD DB (r = 0,708) achieved significant values in the young men. In the girls: SAD (r = 0,862), DBP (r = 0,767) and IFI (r = 0,919), daily SBP values (r = 0,889), DBP (r = 0,867), IFI (r = 0,942), IV DBP (r = 0,713) (total dispersions are 34,37 % and 39,05 %). The second factor included night hemodynamic parameters in both groups. The young men had: IFI night (r = 0,808), SAD night. (r = 0,813), DBP overnight. (r = 0,892), IV SBP overnight. (r = 0,766), IV DBP at night. (r = 0,778), night decrease of SBP (r = –0,822) and DBP (r = –0,806), in girls: SAD night. (r = 0,776), DBP overnight. (r = 0,836), IV DBP of night. (r = 0,740), SB SBP (r = –0,797) and NS DBP (r = –0,865) (the total variance is 23,04 % and 17,68 %). Conclusion. Differences were found in the structure of the relationship of hemodynamic indices associated with gender. The first factor was formed by daily and average daily hemodynamic indices; in girls its composition is determined by a large number of variables 7 against 3 in boys. The second factor was formed by the night values of hemodynamic indices in both groups. Day and night indices of hemodynamics did not correlate. © 2018 Northern State Medical University. All Rights Reserved