18 research outputs found

    Risk factors in pediatric asthmatic patients. Cases and control studies.

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    Background: Asthma constitutes the first disease among chronic diseases in children. The morbid-mortality promoted to continue being elevated in spite of the new therapies. For this reason it is a disease with high priority for investigation in pediatric ages. Method: A control and case group study was carried out. The samples was composed by 72 asthmatic children from three General Comprehensive doctor offices from Palmira health area located in Cienfuegos Province, Cuba; and a control group of 72 children apparently healthy from the same population. A questionnaire with the different risk variables was elaborated. Odds ratio technique was used to estimate the risk. Results: low weight at birth, family history of asthma, brochiolitis antecedent and the excessive usage of antibiotics in children under 1 year old were the main risks found. Conclusions: It is conclusive that the exposure to home allergen plus a genetic favorable factor, the prematurity, and brochiolitis constituted the most outstanding elements to suffer from asthma in the population studied. </strong

    Factores de riesgo en el asma pediátrica: un estudio de casos y controles

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    Risk factors in pediatric asthmatic patients. Cases and control studies.

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    <strong>Background: </strong>Asthma constitutes the first disease among chronic diseases in children. The morbid-mortality promoted to continue being elevated in spite of the new therapies. For this reason it is a disease with high priority for investigation in pediatric ages. <strong><br />Method:</strong> A control and case group study was carried out. The samples was composed by 72 asthmatic children from three General Comprehensive doctor offices from Palmira health area located in Cienfuegos Province, Cuba; and a control group of 72 children apparently healthy from the same population. A questionnaire with the different risk variables was elaborated. Odds ratio technique was used to estimate the risk. <br /><strong>Results:</strong> low weight at birth, family history of asthma, brochiolitis antecedent and the excessive usage of antibiotics in children under 1 year old were the main risks found. <strong><br />Conclusions: </strong>It is conclusive that the exposure to home allergen plus a genetic favorable factor, the prematurity, and brochiolitis constituted the most outstanding elements to suffer from asthma in the population studied.<strong> </strong

    Granuloma anular asociado a linfoma no Hodgkim difuso de células B grandes

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    Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 55 años con antecedentes de ser hipertenso controlado, atendido en servicio de hematología por adenopatías de características linfomatosas distribuidas en cadenas ganglionares, axilares, inguinales y epitrocleares distribuidas de forma bilateral. Los exámenes permitieron arribar al diagnóstico de un linfoma no Hogdkin difuso de células B grandes y de un granuloma anular.</p

    Granuloma anular asociado a linfoma no Hodgkim difuso de células B grandes

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    Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 55 años con antecedentes de ser hipertenso controlado, atendido en servicio de hematología por adenopatías de características linfomatosas distribuidas en cadenas ganglionares, axilares, inguinales y epitrocleares distribuidas de forma bilateral. Los exámenes permitieron arribar al diagnóstico de un linfoma no Hogdkin difuso de células B grandes y de un granuloma anular.</p

    Clinical Practice Guidelines for Transfusion of Patients in Critical Condition.

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    Clinical Practice Guidelines for Transfusion of Patients in Critical Condition. We stress transfusion criteria (blood cells, platelets, granulocyte concentrations, plasma and cryoprecipitate), doses, diagnosis and treatment of post-transfusion reactions. It includes assessment guidelines focused on the most important aspects to be accomplished

    Life quality related to health in asthmatic children and their caretaker.

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    Fundament: In present days it is known that sanitary assistance should not only be focused on patient’s survival (life quantity), but also in the life quality. Objective: to evaluate health-related life quality in children with asthma and their caretakers through 4 measurement devices. Methods: Analytic-prospective-descriptive study to evaluate life quality of children and their caretakers. There was a universe of 72 asthmatic children from the number 32, 37, and 49 clinics of Palmira. For life quality estimation three questionnaires were used. We calculated the standard deviation and measure of the variables. The variations in measurement were evaluated through minimum change difference. Three measurements were realized in one month interval. Results: The 61.8% of patients evaluated with the American college quality test had bad life quality. The evaluation of life quality using the questionnaire of the Mc Master the Juniper University threw a moderate life quality, being the emotive sphere the most affected. The evaluation of life quality in caretakers showed a deterioration.</p

    Survival in patients with acute non-lymphoblastic leukemia at the "Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima". Hospital. A ten years experience

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    Background: acute non-lymphoblastic leukemias account for 80% of leukemias in adults. Its incidence increases with age up to 20 per 100 000 in over 70 years old patients. Objective: To characterize the survival of patients with acute non-lymphoblastic leukemia at the "Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima " Hospital of Cienfuegos. Methods: A case series which included all patients who underwent diagnosis of acute non-lymphoblastic leukemia between 1999 and 2010 at the Hospital of Cienfuegos. Data were obtained from the record book of hematological malignancies from the Oncohematology Department. Such variables like age, sex, morphological variant of the leukemia, incidence per year and overall survival were analyzed according to sex, morphological variant, origin, age and bone marrow transplant. Results: The average age of the studied series was 55 years old . Males were predominant with 55 cases. The most common morphological variant was the myelomonocytic. Overall survival of the series was 20% with a median follow-up of 60 months. Overall survival was slightly higher in females (25% vs 18%). The patients who underwent some form of transplant had a better survival (75% vs 13%). Conclusions: The survival of patients with acute non-lymphoblastic leukemia at the "Dr. Aldereguía Gustavo Lima" Hospital is very limited

    Deficiencia combinada de proteínas c y s

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    Las trombofilias son un grupo de enfermedades que favorecen la formación de trombosis, tanto arteriales como venosas, que han sido asociadas con diferentes complicaciones durante el embarazo, como: aborto recurrente, preclampsia, crecimiento intrauterino retardado y muerte fetal intraútero, entre otras. La deficiencia congénita o adquirida de proteínas de la coagulación, como las proteínas C y S, se asocia con eventos trombóticos antes de los 30 o 40 años. La trombosis venosa profunda es considerada la manifestación clínica más frecuente, aunque también puede verse asociada con enfermedad cerebro vascular, pérdidas recurrentes de embarazos y otros estados isquémicos. En la actualidad, las enfermedades trombóticas constituyen una de las primeras causas de fallecimiento en el mundo; la morbimortalidad anual por trombosis, ya sea arterial o venosa, es de aproximadamente dos millones de personas. Presentamos un caso con antecedentes de pérdidas recurrentes de embarazos y trombosis venosa profunda en miembros inferiores con deficiencia combinada de proteínas C y S