42 research outputs found

    Agricultural advisors' role in the use of ICTs as a tool for a more sustainable Serbian agriculture

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    The aim of this paper was to show the role and importance of agricultural advisers in the development and implementation of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in a path to the more sustainable agriculture, and achieving the SDG2 Zero Hunger of the UN 2030 Agenda. There are a lot of challenges in the efforts to develop so-called "hi-tech agriculture" and smart farming in the Republic of Serbia. This research is conducted on the territory of the Nisava district in three municipalities: MeroŔina, Gadžin Han and NiŔ. The obtained data were statistically processed and presented through tables and charts. Agricultural advisors play an important role in the digital literacy of agricultural producers on their pace to implement in practice principles of hi-tech agriculture. The most important is the funding of permanent education of advisers, as well agricultural producers to acquire the state of art knowledge and experience needed to become more competitive in the EU and global market

    Study of red clover wild populations from the territory of Serbia for the purpose of pre-selection

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    The aim of this paper was to evaluate the agronomic value of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) wild populations. The analyzed material was gathered on the territory of Serbia and it was estimated which populations could be involved in the breeding program. 17 red clover populations were included in the research. Investigation was carried out at the experimental field of the Institute for forage crops, Krusevac, Serbia. The field trial was performed during three years (2008 - 2010) when data about morphological (green mass, dry mater, plant height, number of stems, number of lateral branches, number of internodes, length and width of a middle leaf lamina) and basic chemical parameters (quantity of crude proteins, crude fiber, ash, fat, NFE) were collected. In this paper, results of the research were processed by application of analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multivariation methods. Cluster analysis based on morphological traits resulted in formation of three clusters and the traits with the largest influence on grouping were: green mass, plant height, length and width of a leaf. Principal component method confirmed this separation and resulted in even more clear grouping of populations. Cluster analysis and PCA method were also applied to the traits of dry matter quality, when four clusters were formed, and the traits with the largest influence on grouping were percentages of protein, fat and fiber. Using both set of traits and several types of analyses contribute to grouping of populations which promise most and whose positive traits such as: high green mass yield, number of stems as well as the percentage of proteins can be combined for the purpose of getting synthetic varieties

    Impact of Adolescents Awareness on Perception of Sexually Transmitted Infections

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    Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are diseases transmitted by direct contact during sexual intercourse. Because of high incidence and possibility of development severe consequences on general and reproductive health, STIs are a major problem among young people in the world. Lack of information is one of the major risk factors for STI transmission. Most of young people (53.3%) had their fi rst sexual intercourse at the age of 18 years, 67.7% of students have no knowledge about STI, 53.3% of students have already entered into sexual relations and 13% of them with more than 4 partners. 31.1% of students who are sexually active was not examined by a gynecologist because of shame and fear. Most sexually active adolescents did not use contraceptives and they are not satisfi ed with the available information about STI. There is also continuing problem of teen pregnancy. The main goal of this research is to examine whether there is relationship between level of information and awareness of surveyed adolescents and their perception of sexually transmitted diseases

    Relationship between Carcass Weight, Skatole Level and Sensory Assessment in Fat of Different Boars

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the carcass weight and the level of skatole in boar back fat samples with descriptive sensory profiles ( trained sensory panel) immediately after heating the fat samples ( warm). A weak correlation was found between the carcass weight and skatole level in fat ( P > 0.05). Between skatole levels in the fat of boars, whose carcass weight was below 70 kg, and of those with the carcass weight equal or above 70 kg, there was a statistically significant difference ( P (lt) 0.05). The average content of skatole in the fat tissue of the boars (lt) 70 kg, ( 0.18 +/- 0.09 mg/kg fat, respectively) was below the commonly used respective thresholds for tainted meat ( 0.20 mg/kg fat), 53% of the samples showed the values of (lt) = 20 mg/kg, and 73% of the samples the values of (lt) = 25 mg/kg. In the group >= 70 kg ( 0.40 +/- 0.39 mg/kg fat, respectively), 80% of the samples revealed the values of >= 20 mg/kg, and 66% of the samples the values of >= 25 mg/kg. Our results show that a positive, compelling and statistically highly significant correlation exists between the skatole level and the sensory assessment of skatole intensity in fat

    Determination of relevant parameters in the red clover seed processing (Trifolium pratense L.)

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    The paper presents the results of the seed processing of the natural red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) seed with different initial purity in the seed processing center in the Institute for forage crops in KruÅ”evac. Seeds of red clover for sowing must be clean, with high germination and high genetic value. Most of these requirements can be achieved through the seed processing, by the removal of impurities and seeds of poorer quality. In this process, there are number of technical-technological operations such as: cleaning, declarations, packaging in appropriate wrapping material and storage. The task of cleansing seeds is to remove all other seeds, weeds, impurities and extracts pure seed of the basic culture. In this way, the seed is prepared in a timely manner for good germination, sprouting, and cropping. During the processing of the red clover seeds, the relevant parameters on the equipment were determined: pure seed (%), weeds and seed of other cultures (%), inert matter (%), amount of processed seed (kg), seed losses (%) and processing output of the seed processing (%). The losses of red clover seeds in seed processing are in direct dependence on the type and quantity of weeds and other impurities present in the natural seed. On the basis of the obtained results, it is possible to optimally adjust and select the appropriate equipment for the red clover processing, depending on the quantity and type of weeds and other ingredients in the natural red clover seeds.Rad prikazuje rezultate ispitivanja pri doradi naturalnog semena crvene deteline (Trifolium pratense L.) različitih početnih čistoća u doradnom centru Instituta za krmno bilje u KruÅ”evcu. Seme crvene deteline za setvu mora biti čisto, visoke klijavosti i genetske vrednosti. Najveći deo ovih zahteva je moguće ostvariti kroz doradu, odnosno odstranjivanjem nečistoća i semena loÅ”ijeg kvaliteta. Pri procesu dorade semena crvene deteline postoji veći broj tehničko-tehnoloÅ”kih operacija kao Å”to su: čiŔćenje, deklarisanje, pakovanje u odgovarajuću ambalažu i skladiÅ”tenje. Zadatak čiŔćenja semena je da se iz naturalnog semena sa primesama odstrane sva semena drugih kultura, korovi, primese i izdvoji samo čisto seme osnovne kulture. Ovakvim načinom seme se blagovremeno priprema u povoljno stanje za kvalitetnu setvu, klijanje i nicanje. Relevantni parametri na maÅ”inama za doradu određivani su pri procesu dorade semena crvene deteline. Određivani su sledeći parametri: čisto seme crvene deteline (%), seme korova i seme drugih kultura (%), inertne materije (%), količina dorađenog semena (kg), gubici semena (%) i randman dorade (%). Kod dorade semena crvene deteline gubici su u direktnoj zavisnosti od vrste i količine korova i ostalih nečistoća prisutnih u naturalnom semenu deteline, odnosno početne čistoće. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata ispitivanja moguće je izvrÅ”iti kvalitetno podeÅ”avanje i izbor odgovarajućih maÅ”ina za doradu semena crvene deteline, u zavisnosti od količine i vrste korova i primesa u naturalnom semenu crvene deteline

    Ispitivanje zavisnosti između mase trupova i sadržaja skatola u masnom tkivu mladih nerastova

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    This paper presents the result of investigation of skatole content in fatty tissue of young boars and its relation to carcass weight. A half of examined caracasses weight below 70 kg. The other half weight 0,296 Ƭg/g of fatty tissue. These results showed weak correlation with carcasses weight (rxy = 0,129). Average skatole content in fatty tissue of young boars with carcass weight below 70 kg was 0,186 Ƭg/g, while the young boars with carcass weight above 70 kg skatole content was 0,406 Ƭg/g. Statistically significant difference can be observed between these two groups (P (lt) 0,01). According to our results 46,67% of fatty tissue samples, skatole content was more than 0,25 Ƭg/g. while 63,33 of samples skatole conent was in the range of 0,20 Ƭg/g to 0,25 Ƭg/g. .U ovom radu prezentovani su rezultati ispitivanja sadržaja skatola u masnom tkivu mladih nerastova kao i njegova zavisnost od mase trupova mladih nerastova. Polovina ispitivanih trupova imala je masu ispod 70 kg, a druga polovina, jednaku, ili veću od 70 kg. Prosečan sadržaj skatola iznosio je 0,296 Ƭg/g masnog tkiva, i imao je jako slabu korelacionu zavisnost sa masom trupova (rxy = 0,129). Prosečan sadržaj skatola u masnom tkivu mladih nerastova, čija je masa trupova bila ispod 70 kg iznosio je 0,186 Ƭg/g, dok je kod mladih nerastova sa masom trupova iznad 70 kg prosečan sadržaj skatola iznosio 0,406 Ƭg/g. Između prosečnog sadržaja skatola u masnom tkivu mladih nerastova mase trupa ispod i iznad 70 kg postoji statistički značajna razlika (P (lt) 0,01). Prema naÅ”im rezultatima, u 46,67 posto uzoraka masnog tkiva sadržaj skatola iznosio je viÅ”e od 0,25 Ƭg/g, a u 63,33 posto uzoraka sadržaj skatola kretao se u opsegu 0,20 Ƭg/g do 0,25 Ƭg/g.

    Genetički resursi viŔegodiŔnjih krmnih trava u Srbiji - trenutno stanje, proŔirenje i evaluacija

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    Due to historical BACKGROUND: of vegetation development, geographical position, climate and relief, Serbia represents one of the 158 world biodiversity centres, based upon the number of plant species and territory size (biodiversity index 0.72). Large areas in Serbia are under natural grasslands and pastures, composed of forage grass species, and important as source of natural plant genetic diversity and germplasm for breeding. These eco-systems represent basic prerequisites for sustainable forage production, but very low potential of them is utilized and genetic resources are not protected. Family Poaceae is present in Serbia flora with 70 genera and among them from the aspect of forage production and quality, the most important are perennial Festuca, Lolium, Dactylis, Phleum, Bromus, Arrhenatherum, Poa and Agrostis species. Most of these grasses have been bred in Serbia and lot of cultivars were released. These cultivars contain autochthonous Serbian material and represent great and important resource of genetic variability. Therefore, collecting of new samples which are acclimatised to local eco-geographical conditions and including them in plant ex situ gene bank is of exceptional importance for further utilization in different plant breeding programmes as well as genetic resources protection. These autochthonous populations have natural variability and very often have satisfactory yielding performance in comparison with introduced cultivars, which referred them for direct phenotypic selection for cultivars release. Broadening of forage grasses genotypes collection is permanent objective of Serbian scientists. Collected accessions are being characterized and evaluated for important phenological, morphological and agronomical traits. In this paper genetic resources of forage grass species, their diversity and potentials, state of the grasses gene banks, as well as possibility for breeding of new cultivars has been analysed.Zahvaljujući svojoj geografskoj poziciji, klimi i reljefu, Srbija po broju biljnih vrsta i veličini teritorije (indeks biodiverziteta 0,72), predstavlja jedan od 158 svetskih centara biodiverziteta. Prirodne livade i paÅ”njaci zauzimaju značajne povrÅ”ine u Srbiji, veoma su bogate krmnim travnim vrstama i predstavljaju važan izvor germplazme za proces oplemenjivanja. Ovi ekosistemi predstavljaju osnovu za održivu stočarsku proizvodnju, pa iako se relativno male povrÅ”ine intenzivno koriste, javlja se potreba za očuvanjem postojećih, izuzetno bogatih, genetičkih resursa. Familija Poaceae je zastupljena u flori Srbije sa 70 rodova, a među njima, sa aspekta proizvodnje kvalitetne stočne hrane, najvažnije su vrste rodova Festuca, Lolium, Dactylis, Phleum, Bromus, Arrhenatherum, Poa i Agrostis. Veliki broj vrsta navedenih rodova je uključen u proces oplemenjivanja, a početni material za brojne registrovane sorte su bile uglavnom autohtone populacije, koje se odlikuju visokom varijabilnoŔću za mnoge osobine. Prikupljanje novih uzoraka, koji su tolerantni na lokalne eko-geografske uslove i njihovo uključivanje u biljnu banku gena, je od velikog značaja za dalje iskoriŔćavanje u različitim oplemenjivačkim programima, pa je stalno proÅ”irenje postojeće kolekcije krmnih trava permanentna aktivnost oplemenjivača u Srbiji. Prirodne populacije imaju visoku varijabilnost i veoma često zadovoljavajuće komponente prinosa u odnosu na postojeće sorte, Å”to ih nakon karakterizacije i evaluacije važnih fenoloÅ”kih, morfoloÅ”kih i agronomskih osobina, preporučuje za direktno uključivanje u process selekcije. U ovom radu su predstavljeni genetički resursi krmnih trava, njihova divergentnost i potencijal, stanje u banci gena, kao i mogućnost kreiranja novih sorti

    Proučavanje morfoloŔkih osobina, prinosa i kvaliteta suve materije autohtonih populacija Lolium perenne poreklom iz Srbije multivarijacionim analizama

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    Due to specific climatic conditions, perennial ryegrass breeding in Serbia is focused on resistance or tolerance to abiotic stress factors, especially to drought and high temperatures. These traits should be associated with high dry matter yield and quality. Therefore, most frequently used initial material is autochthonous populations and ecotypes adapted to local agro-ecological conditions, but knowledge about their variability of important traits for breeding is missing. Pre-selection evaluation of ten populations of perennial ryegrass originating from Serbia is presented in this paper. Twenty five traits were investigated during the two-year period and processed using analysis of variance and multivariate statistical methods (cluster and principal components analysis). The goal was to determine diversity and genetic distances of investigated populations by phenotyping and to define traits considerably affecting the variability and discrimination of populations. On cluster diagram two groups of population are observed, but geographic origin of populations (lowland, hilly, mountainous habitat) was not influence to clustering of collection. Factor analysis has clarified that first seven principal components (PC) described almost 95%. The traits which show high correlation coefficients with first principal component were plant height in first cut, leaf length and width, DM of generative tillers, spike and spikelet length and 1000 seed weight, and with second principal component time of heading, terminal internode length, DM of vegetative tillers, spikelet number and FSU. It can be concluded that variability between populations was high and that differences of population were mainly affected by most important traits for breeding, such as components of dry matter production and some seed yield components.Usled specifičnih klimatskih uslova, oplemenjivanje engleskog ljulja u Srbiji je fokusirano na toleranciju abiotičkih faktora stresa, posebno na suÅ”u i visoke temperature. Stoga se kao početni materijal u oplemenjivanju najčeŔće upotrebljavaju autohtone populacije i ecotipovi prilagođeni lokalnim agro-ekoloÅ”kim uslovima. Međutim saznanja o varijabilnosti najvažnijih osobina kod autohtonih populacija su vrlo ćesto oskudna. U ovom radu su predstavljena proučavanja varijabilnosti osobina deset populacija engleskog ljulja poreklom iz Srbija. Dvadeset pet osobina je ispitivano tokom dve godine, a podaci su obrađeni analizom varijanse i multivarijacionim statističkim metodama (PCA i klaster analiza). Cilj je bio da se utvrdi raznovrsnost i genetička udaljenosti ispitivanih populacija fenotajpingom i da se definiÅ”u osobine koje značajno utiču na varijabilnost i grupisanje populacija. Klaster analizom utvrđene su dve grupe populacija, ali geografsko poreklo populacija (ravničarska, brdska i planinska staniÅ”ta) nije uticalo na pomenuto grupisanje. Faktorska analiza je pokazala da prvih sedam glavnih komponenti (PC) opisuje 95% varijabilnosti. Osobine koje pokazuju visok koeficijent korelacije sa prvom glavnom komponentom su visina biljaka u prvom otkosu, dužina i Å”irina lista, suva materija generativnih izdanaka, duÅ”ina klasa i klasića i težina 1000 semena. Utvrđena je visoka varijabilnost između populacija koja uglavnom potiču od oplemenjivački najvažnijih osobine, kao Å”to su komponente prinosa suve materije i neke komponente prinosa semena

    Uticaj sistema kosidbe na klijavost i krupnoću semena lucerke

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    Owing to its characteristics, alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is important for the production of high-quality fodder. Its seed yields vary widely and are heavily influenced by environmental factors. The synchronization of alfalfa seed harvest requirements with environmental factors is partially possible through the cutting system. The purpose of this research is to investigate the influence of a cutting schedule on the germination and size of alfalfa seeds. The pre-cutting time did not significantly affect the absolute mass within a 1 pre-cut system, whereas the number of pre-cuts had a reducing impact on the absolute mass within a 2 pre-cut system. The cutting system had no significant effects on seed germination. While the ecological conditions during the year had significant impacts, the lowest seed germination was recorded in the year with the highest rainfall during the summer period.Plava lucerka (Medicago sativa L.) je zbog svih svojih osobina značajna u proizvodnji kvalitetne kabaste hrane. Prinosi semena u Srbiji jako variraju u zavisnosti od godine i kreću se, od onih koji ne opravdavaju troÅ”kove žetve, do preko 1000 kg ha-1, dok se u glavnim proizvodnim reonima u svetu beleže stabilniji prinosi. Različitim vremenom kosidbe predotkosa moguće je delimično upravljati vremenom cvetanja semenskog otkosa i na taj način uticati na sinhronizaciju cvetanja i opraÅ”ivanja, formiranja mahuna, sazrevanja i žetve sa periodom godine kada postoje najpovoljniji uslovi za to. Cilj ovih istraživanja je da se u poljskim uslovima ispita uticaj vremena kosidbe na klijavost i krupnoću semena lucerke. Praćeni su uticaji različitih rokova kosidbe prvog predotkosa u proizvodnji semena iz drugog otkosa i uticaj dva predotkosa u proizvodnji semena iz trećeg otkosa. Vreme predotkosa u sistemu sa jednim predotkosom nije značajno uticalo na apsolutnu masu, dok je u varijanti sa dva predotkosa ostvarena manja apsolutna masa. Posmatrano zajedno u trogodiÅ”njem periodu ostvarena je prosečno masa 1000 semena od 1,92 g, a apsolutna masa se kretala u intervalu od 1,75 g do 2,07 g. Sistem kosidbe nije imao značajan uticaja na klijavost semena. EkoloÅ”ki uslovi u toku godine imali su značajan utiacaj na klijavost i najmanja klijavost je ostavrena u godini sa najviÅ”e padavina u letnjem periodu. Prosečna klijavost je iznosila 82,11%, sa variranjem od 71,50% do 88,40%