69 research outputs found

    Die Angst vor negativer Bewertung und ihr Bezug zum SelbstverstƤndnis sowie zur gesellschaftlichen Perzipierung bei Adoleszenten

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je provjeriti na osnovi kojih se aspekata samopoimanja i socijalne percepcije može kod adolescenata prognozirati strah od negativne evaluacije. U ispitivanju je sudjelovalo 225 srednjoÅ”kolaca (105 muÅ”kog i 120 ženskog spola). Primijenjene su Skala straha od negativne evaluacije i Rosenbergova skala općega samopoÅ”tovanja. Adolescenti su procjenjivali sebe i svoje suučenike s obzirom na pet aspekata samopoimanja: uspjeh u Å”koli, prihvaćenost od vrÅ”njaka, samopouzdanje, inteligenciju i opći tjelesni izgled. Rezultati pokazuju da adolescenti najpozitivnije procjenjuju svoju inteligenciju te stupanj prihvaćenosti od vrÅ”njaka. Očekuju da ih vrÅ”njaci najpozitivnije procjenjuju s obzirom na inteligenciju, a najnegativnije s obzirom na tjelesni izgled. Adolescenti od vrÅ”njaka dobivaju najniže ocjene za tjelesni izgled. Stupnjevitom regresijskom analizom dobivene su dvije značajne prediktorske varijable (rezultat na Rosenbergovoj skali samopoÅ”tovanja i prosječna vrÅ”njačka procjena adolescentova samopouzdanja) te dvije supresor varijable (samoprocjena prihvaćenosti od vrÅ”njaka i samoprocjena inteligencije). Te varijable dijele 22% zajedničke varijance s kriterijskom varijablom (rezultat na Skali straha od negativne evaluacije). Rezultat na Skali straha od negativne evaluacije bit će to viÅ”i Å”to je kod adolescenta niži rezultat na Rosenbergovoj skali samopoÅ”tovanja te Å”to je niža prosječna vrÅ”njačka procjena adolescentova samopouzdanja.The aim of this study was to determine which aspects of self- -concept and social perception could predict fear of negative evaluation as an aspect of social anxiety among adolescents. The participants were 225 high-school students (105 males and 120 females) from Zagreb. Fear of negative evaluation scale and Rosenberg self-esteem scale were administered. Adolescents also evaluated themselves and their classmates regarding five aspects of adolescent self-concept: school achievement, peer acceptance, self-competence, intelligence, and general physical appearance. Results showed that adolescents\u27 self-evaluations of their intelligence were highest, followed by self-evaluations of peer acceptance. They expected highest peer evaluations of intelligence, and lowest peer evaluations of their physical appearance. Peer evaluations of physical appearance were lowest. There was a tendency of overestimation ā€“ adolescents\u27 self-evaluations of peer acceptance, intelligence and physical appearance were higher than peer evaluations. Stepwise regression analysis was conducted which resulted in two significant predictors (result on Rosenberg self-esteem scale and peer evaluation of adolescent\u27s self-competence) and two suppressor variables (self-evaluations of peer acceptance and intelligence). These variables accounted for 22% of the total variance of criteria variable (result on Fear of negative evaluation scale). The result on Fear of negative evaluation scale will be higher with a lower result on Rosenberg self- -esteem scale and lower peer evaluation of adolescent\u27s self- -competence.Mittels der Untersuchung sollten Aspekte des SelbstverstƤndnisses sowie der gesellschaftlichen Perzipierung ermittelt werden, aufgrund deren bei Adoleszenten das Bestehen von Angst vor negativer Bewertung prognosiert werden kann. An der Umfrage nahmen 225 Gymnasiasten (105 Jungen und 120 MƤdchen) teil. Angewandt wurden eine Skala zur Ermittlung der Angst vor negativer Bewertung und die Rosenberg\u27sche Skala zur Ermittlung des allgemeinen SelbstwertgefĆ¼hls. Die Umfrageteilnehmer wurden aufgefordert, sich selbst sowie ihre MitschĆ¼ler in Bezug auf fĆ¼nf Aspekte des SelbstverstƤndnisses einzuschƤtzen: schulischer Erfolg, Integriertheit in den Kreis der Altersgenossen, Selbstvertrauen, Intelligenz und kƶrperliches Aussehen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Adoleszenten ihre Intelligenz am besten bewerten, ferner die Integriertheit in den Kreis der Altersgenossen. Ebenso erwarten sie, dass sie von ihren Altersgenossen am positivsten im Hinblick auf ihre Intelligenz eingeschƤtzt werden, am negativsten bezĆ¼glich ihres kƶrperlichen Erscheinungsbildes. TatsƤchlich gelten die schlechtesten "Noten", mit denen Adoleszenten einander bewerten, dem kƶrperlichen Aussehen. Anhand einer graduellen Regressions-Analyse konnten zwei wesentliche PrƤdiktor-Variablen ermittelt werden (Ergebnis der Rosenberg-Skala zur Ermittlung des SelbstwertgefĆ¼hls sowie durchschnittliche EinschƤtzung des Selbstvertrauens eines Adoleszenten vonseiten seiner Altersgenossen), ferner zwei Suppressor-Variablen (SelbsteinschƤtzung der Integriertheit in den Kreis der Altersgenossen und Bewertung der eigenen Intelligenz). Diese Variablen teilen sich 22% der gemeinsamen Varianz mit der Kriterienvariable (Ergebnis der Skala zur Ermittlung der Angst vor negativer Bewertung). Das Resultat auf der Skala zur Ermittlung der Angst vor negativer Bewertung fƤllt desto hƶher aus, je niedriger die auf der Rosenberg-Skala gewonnenen Werte liegen, und je niedriger die Altersgenossen das Selbstvertrauen ihrer MitschĆ¼ler einstufen

    Free planar vibration of structures composed of rigid bodies and elastic beam segments

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    Ovaj rad predstavlja analizu slobodnih vibracija struktura sastavljenih od krutih tela međusobno spojenih sa elastičnim gredama. Pretpostavlja se da se centri masa krutih tela ne nalaze na neutralnoj osi nedeformisanog elastičnog grednog segmenta kao i da kruta tela vrÅ”e ravno kretanje u istoj ravni i da se njihovi centri masa nalaze u toj istoj ravni. Za određivanje frekvencija sistema, modifikacija klasične 'CTMM' metode je upotrebljena. Elastični gredni segmenti se tretiraju kao Ojler-Bernulijeve grede. Prikazan je numerički primer.This article presents free vibration analysis of structures composed of rigid bodies connected with elastic beam segments. It is assumed that the mass centers of rigid bodies are not located on the neutral axes of undeformed elastic beam segments as well as rigid bodies perform planar motion in the same plane and their mass centers are located in that plane. For determination of natural frequencies of the system, modification of the conventional continuous-mass transfer matrix method has been performed. The elastic beam segments are treated as Euler-Bernoulli beams. Numerical example is presented

    U susret razvoju spremnosti za primenu principa elektronskog poslovanja za razmenu biometrijskih podataka koji se vode u automatizovanim sistemima kao osnova za utvrđivanje identiteta lica

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    Some of the classical methods of identification, which according to the general characteristics of biometrics, acquire a completely new meaning in the digital environment. Namely, the development aimed at achieving interoperability, standardization and application of the principles of electronic business in the environment of modern technological solutions enables identification methods based on biometric data to experience their flourishing and new affirmation. The technical technological solution of the system for AFIS (Automated finger identification system) and FIIS (Facial image identification system) are systems that are being developed as one of the answers to the need for quick identification of persons. The application of the system for automatic identification of persons with the help of fingerprints and photographs modernizes and improves performance and efficiency of the police work around the world and other investigative bodies in order to combat crime


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    Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the larynx is a rare epithelial origin neuroendocrine carcinoma. Its endolaryngeal growth may lead to airway obstruction and consequently endanger patient life. Managing the airway in this case poses great challenge for the anesthesiologist. The aim of this case report is to present alternative airway management in case of the possible unsuccessful endotracheal intubation. Emergency tracheotomy in sedoanalgesia and local anesthesia is successfully performed in patient with large neuroendocrine carcinoma of the larynx. Midazolam and remifentanyl used for sedoanalgesia may lead to respiratory depression. Therefore, pressure support preoxygenation was performed in order to prevent hypoxia, which could occur during the period of apnea. In conclusion, this regimen of preoxygenation prior to tracheotomy in sedoanalgesia and local anesthesia could be an appropriate alternative to general anesthesia and endotracheal intubation, especially in case of large endoluminal tumor that almost completely obstructs the airway.Sitnostanični laringealni tumor je rijedak neuroendokrini tumor epitelnog podrijetla. Endoluminalni rast tumora može dovesti do opstrukcije diÅ”nog puta te ugroziti život bolesnika. Uspostavljanje diÅ”nog puta u ovakvom slučaju je velik izazov za anesteziologe. Cilj ovoga rada je prikaz alternativnog rjeÅ”enja uspostavljanja diÅ”nog puta kod bolesnika s velikim endoluminalnim tumorom larinksa u slučaju postojanja visokog rizika za bezuspjeÅ”no izvođenje endotrahealne intubacije. Urgentna traheotomija u analgosedaciji i lokalnoj anesteziji uspjeÅ”no je učinjena kod bolesnika s velikim neuroendokrinim karcinomom larinksa. Za analgosedaciju koriÅ”teni su midazolam i remifentanil koji mogu dovesti do respiratorne depresije. Kako bi se preveniralo hipoksiju koja može nastati tokom apneje bolesnik je adekvatno preoksigeniran uz pomoć pritiskom podržane ventilacije. Zaključak: Primjena analgosedacije i lokalne anestezije uz prethodnu preoksigenaciju potpomognutu inspiracijskim i endekspiracijskim pritiskom adekvatna je alternativa općoj anesteziji i endotrahealnoj intubaciji u slučaju izvođenja traheotomije, naročito kod bolesnika s velikim endoluminalnim tumorom

    Varicella complications: Is it time to consider a routine varicella vaccination?

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    Background/Aim. Varicella is a common and benign disease of childhood. Complications are rare, but in some patients, even without risk factors, severe, life threatening complications could be seen. The aim of this study was to establish the type and frequency of varicella complications among hospitalized patients over an 8-year period. Methods. This retrospective analysis included medical charts of the patients hospitalized in the Infectious Disease Clinic, Belgrade, Serbia, from 2001-2008 (4.85% of all registered patients with varicella in Belgrade, 2001-2008). Among hospitalised patients dermografic characteristics were analyzed: hospitalisation lenght, presence and type of complications, presence of immunocompromising conditions and outcome of the disease. The diagnosis of varicella was made on clinical grounds, and in persons > 40 years, with negative epidemiological data of contacts, serological confirmation (ELISA VZV IgM/IgG BioRadĀ®) and avidity of IgG antibodies were done to exclude the possibility of disseminated herpes zoster. Results. A total of 474 patient were hospitalized over an 8-year period. The age of patients was from 5 months to 75 years (mean 22.4 Ā± 16.1, median 23.5 years). The majority of patients were adults (n = 279; 58.9%) and 195 (41.1%) patients were ā‰¤ 15 years old. Complications were found in 321/474 (67.7%) patients. The registered complications were: varicella pneumonia (n = 198; 41.38%), bacterial skin infections (n = 40; 8.4%), cerebelitis (n = 28; 5.9%), bacterial respiratory infection (n = 21; 4.4%), viral meningitis (n = 10; 2.31%), encephalitis (n = 9; 1.9%), thrombocytopenia (n = 2; 0.4%); 11 (2.3%) patients had more than one complication, among them were sepsis, myopericarditis and retinal hemorrhages. When complications were analyzed according to the age, there were no statistical significance, but when type of complication was analyzed statistical significance was found (p < 0.05). In adults, pneumonia was the most common complication: 173/279 (62%), followed by skin infections (2.9%), bacterial respiratory infections (2,2%), and more than one complication (2.3%). Pneumonia was more common in adults than in children (7 : 1). In children skin infections were the most common complications (16.4%), followed by cerebelitis (13.3%), viral pneumonia (12.8%), bacterial respiratory infections (7.7%), encephalitis (3.6%), and more than one complication (4.1%). Neuroinfections were more common in children than in adults (6:1), as well as bacterial skin infections (4 : 1). Two patients died (0,4%). Conclusion. There was no difference in the incidence of varicella complication in children and adults, but the type of complication differed. In children the most common complications were skin and neurological infections, while in adults it was varicella pneumonia. These data provide a baseline for estimating the burden of varicella in Belgrade and support the inclusion of varicella vaccine in childhood immunisation program in Serbia

    Challenges in electronic commerce from the aspect of protecting personal data stored in certain databases and digital forensics

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    It is incomprehensible that the digital era is increasingly developing and applying electronic business. The use of electronic data stored in certain databases, electronic communications and electronic processing of large amounts of data in the performance of business processes of natural and legal persons is evidently increasing, in response to the challenges that electronic business brings, development and harmonization of the normative framework as in the domain of increasing the efficiency of business as well as the challenges that the digital era carries with it especially from the aspect of protection of personal data. The new European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been in place since May 2018, while implementation at the national level begins in the second half of 2019, experience and challenges are the subject of current considerations. The challenges posed by the implementation of the normative framework must also be followed from the forensic aspect in response to potential violations and non-compliance with legal norms, which requires the development and application of new procedures and tools in this area. It is also evident that there is a need to raise the level of knowledge in this field, bearing in mind the specificity of the relation between the normative and technological aspect and the research that is being carried out in this field, both from the aspect of consideration and confidence in the reliability of the application of electronic commerce from the aspect of obtaining and processing information related to forensic aspects in the digital world. The topic of the discussion are precisely these issues that relate to the challenges in electronic commerce both from the aspect of protection of personal data and from the aspect of digital forensics

    Promene u sadržaju fenolnih jedinjenja u listovima suncokreta nakon inokulacije uzročnikom plamenjače

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    Two nearly isogenic lines of sunflower, resistant and susceptible to downy mildew, due to the presence/absence of the Pl6 gene, were used in this study. Inoculation with the suspension of Plasmopara halstedii zoospores, was done on the plants in the phase of first pair of leaves. In the samples taken from 2nd to 96th h after inoculation, content of phenolic compounds in methanolic extracts from frozen leaves were analyzed (UV-VIS and HPLC analysis). A constitutive level of phenolic compounds, as well as, their accumulation after the inoculation were higher in the susceptible than in the resistant isogenic line. Chlorogenic, ferulic acid and esculin had the highest contribution to the phenolic compound accumulation 24 h after the inoculation in the susceptible line, while only the chlorogenic acid and eculin accumulated in the resistant line. Also, there was a trend of scopoletin accumulation in the resistant line.U ovom radu koriŔćene su dve izogene linije suncokreta koje se razlikuju po prisustvu Pl6 gena za otpornost prema plamenjači. U fazi prvog para listova izvrÅ”ena je inokulacija biljaka suspenzijom zoospora Plasmopara halstedii. U uzorcima uzetim od dva do 96 h nakon inokulacije, analiziran je sadržaj fenolnih jedinjenja u metanolnim ekstraktima iz zamrznutih listova suncokreta (UV-VIS i HPLC analiza). Konstitutivni nivo fenolnih jedinjenja, kao i njihova akumulacija nakon inokulacije su veći kod osetljive nego kod otporne izogene linije. Najveći doprinos akumulaciji fenolnih jedinjenja 24 h nakon inokulacije kod osetljive linije imaju hlorogena, ferulična kiselina i eskulin, a kod otporne linije hlorogena kiselina i eskulin. Kod otporne linije postoji trend akumulacije skopoletina

    The effects of immunocastration on male pig yield parameters and meat quality

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the eļ¬€ects of immunocastration on pork meat and carcass quality, compared to meat from surgically castrated males and entire males. Ninety (Duroc x Pietrain) x (Landrace x Yorkshire) crossbred pigs were assigned to three experimental groups: surgically castrated males (barrows; castrated up to the seventh day of age), entire males (males), and vaccinated males (immunocastrates). Carcass and meat quality characteristics such as weight of hot and chilled carcass, meat yield, chilling loss and chemical parameters were examined. Surgically castrated pigs had significantly lower (p lt 0.01; p lt 0.05) weight before slaughter, than males and immunocastrates, and also lower (p lt 0.01) warm carcass weight than males. The average carcass meatiness of castrates was significantly lower (p lt 0.01) than the average meatiness of males and immunocastrates. Chilling loss of barrows was significantly lower (p lt 0.01) than chilling loss of males or immunocastrates. It was also found that the chilling loss of immunocastrates was significantly lower (p lt 0.05) than chilling loss of males. According to the results obtained, it can be concluded that immunocastration could be a good alternative to surgical castration considering meat and carcass quality characteristics

    Seroepidemiological survey of leptospiral infection in stray dogs in Serbia

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    Leptospirosis is a bacterial zoonosis with worldwide distribution. This disease is facilitated among stray dogs due to their lifestyle and the absence of immunoprophylaxis. The aim of the present study was to provide serological data on the presence of certain serovars of Leptospira spp., which are assumed to circulate in the population of stray dogs in Serbia. During a period of 3 years (from April 2010 to June 2013), 1045 canine sera originating from 11 shelters were submitted to the laboratory of the Department of Infectious Animal Diseases and Diseases of Bees, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Belgrade. A microscopic agglutination test (MAT) was performed to detect antibodies to Leptospira (cutoff, 1: 100). The overall seroprevalence was 5.45% (57/1045) and the most prevalent Leptospira serovars were Icterohaemorrhagiae 33.3% (19/57), Pomona 29.8% (17/57), Canicola 14.0% (8/57), Grippotyphosa 3.5% (2/57), Bataviae 1.7 % (1/57), and Sejroe 1.7% (1/57). All dogs were seronegative for antibodies against serovars Australis and Bratislava. The results showed that stray dogs contribute to the spread and maintenance of Leptospira spp. in Serbia. Due to close contact with humans it is very important to improve the prevention of leptospirosis in dogs and support a One Health approach

    The digital forensic method used in interoperability framework for information systems used on EU level in area of migration and border management

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    Over the past years, great effort was directed to make the various information systems interoperable, as the lack of interoperability was recognized as a major obstacle to progress on the general digitalization processes. Implementation of interoperability framework is challenged especially regarding large IT systems on EU level using and developing in the area of border management. In this paper, the main components and current status of development will be presented, including those searching portal, common biometric system, common identity data repository, and multiple identity detector. Following this approach, the use of a shared biometric matching service, as a digital forensic method, has a goal to allow users to perform more efficiently search and cross-match biometric data. Furthermore, a common identity repository will enable easy access to biographical information, so a person can be more reliably identified, and with a multiple identity detector, it will be possible to detect multiple identities
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