66 research outputs found

    Method for simultaneous monitoring of uterine contractions and abdominal pushing in a childbirth

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    Effective and safe labour requires good cooperation of all the physiological systems. A proper synchronization of uterine and abdominal muscles is necessary for labour progression. Therefore, a new method for simultaneous monitoring of uterine activities and parturient’s pushing efforts is presented. A high sampled, rectified electrohysterographic signal is divided into a low, uterine passband (0.1-3.00Hz) and a high, muscular (40-100Hz) one. The time-dependent mean frequencies arse estimated for each passband separately. At the moments of uterine contraction the time-dependent LOW mean frequency was locally increased. During parturient’s  pushing effort the HIGH mean frequency was increased in the manner typical for the skeletal muscles. It seems that the proposed method would be less sensitive to a measuring noise than the previously published RMS based estimators.  Moreover, the proposed method enables to monitor fatigue of a uterus or abdominal muscles during the prolonged  2nd stage of a labour. It can be helpful to make a decision of Caesarean section

    Method for simultaneous monitoring of uterine contractions and abdominal pushing in a childbirth

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    Effective and safe labour requires good cooperation of all the physiological systems. A proper synchronization of uterine and abdominal muscles is necessary for labour progression. Therefore, a new method for simultaneous monitoring of uterine activities and parturient’s pushing efforts is presented. A high sampled, rectified electrohysterographic signal is divided into a low, uterine passband (0.1-3.00Hz) and a high, muscular (40-100Hz) one. The time-dependent mean frequencies arse estimated for each passband separately. At the moments of uterine contraction the time-dependent LOW mean frequency was locally increased. During parturient’s  pushing effort the HIGH mean frequency was increased in the manner typical for the skeletal muscles. It seems that the proposed method would be less sensitive to a measuring noise than the previously published RMS based estimators.  Moreover, the proposed method enables to monitor fatigue of a uterus or abdominal muscles during the prolonged  2nd stage of a labour. It can be helpful to make a decision of Caesarean section

    From a meeting to a sexual satisfaction - biological mechanisms of human sexuality

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    Wielowymiarowość przestrzeni czynników sterujących ludzką seksualnością oraz różnorodność form jej realizacji jest istotnym problemem metodologicznym, który utrudnia naukowy opis reakcji i zachowań seksualnych. W niniejszej pracy zaproponowano koncepcje hierarchicznego modelowania ludzkiej seksualności. Ponadto przedstawiono biologiczne mechanizmy ludzkiej seksualności rozważanej na różnych poziomach szczegółowości modelowania.A multidimensional space of factors controlling human sexuality as well as variety of its realization forms is an important methodological problem which impedes a scientific description of our sexuality. The paper introduces a concept of hierarchical modeling of human sexuality. Moreover, the biological mechanisms which control sexual reaction at each of level are summarized and a new phenomenological model of female sexual reactions is discussed

    Sexual impairment factors in physically disabled people

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    Rehabilitacja seksualna osób niepełnosprawnych jest jednym z nowoczesnych kierunków współczesnej seksuologii. Tworzenie skutecznych programów wspierających realizację potrzeb seksualnych u osób niepełnosprawnych wymaga znajomości czynników ryzyka utrudniających samorealizację w sferze seksualnej. Niestety, brak epidemiologicznych badań opisujących to zjawisko w populacji polskiej. Celem pracy była identyfikacja tych czynników w grupie osób niepełnosprawnych fizycznie, u których kalectwo wystąpiło przed okresem inicjacji seksualnej. Specyficzne dla tej grupy społecznej czynniki wiązały się z brakiem kontaktów z rówieśnikami, niskim statusem ekonomicznym, całodobową obecnością opiekuna oraz niższym stopniem sprawności.Sexual rehabilitation of disabled people is the one of modern branes contemporary sexology. Creation of effective rehabilitation programs supporting realization of sexual needs requires knowledge of factors which inhibit sexual activity. Unfortunately, there are no epidemiological studies describing this phenomenon the polish population. Therefore, the aim of the present study was identification of the factors which impair sexual life in physicaly disabled persons. We limited the study group to individuals who had become disabled before their sexual initiation. The identified factors, specific for the considered group were associated with alienation in adolescent age, low economical status, twenty-four hour attendance of carers and lower state of physical fitness

    Method for Simultaneous Monitoring of Uterine Contractions and Abdominal Pushing in a Childbirth

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    Effective and safe labour requires good cooperation of all the physiological systems. A proper synchronization of uterine and abdominal muscles is necessary for labour progression. Therefore, a new method for simultaneous monitoring of uterine activities and parturient’s pushing efforts is presented. A high sampled, rectified electrohysterographic signal is divided into a low, uterine passband (0.1-3.00Hz) and a high, muscular (40-100Hz) one. The time-dependent mean frequencies arse estimated for each passband separately. At the moments of uterine contraction the time-dependent LOW mean frequency was locally increased. During parturient’s pushing effort the HIGH mean frequency was increased in the manner typical for the skeletal muscles. It seems that the proposed method would be less sensitive to a measuring noise than the previously published RMS based estimators. Moreover, the proposed method enables to monitor fatigue of a uterus or abdominal muscles during the prolonged 2nd stage of a labour. It can be helpful to make a decision of Caesarean section

    Sexual health of persons with spine injuries complicated by neurological disorders

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    Mimo że Światowa Organizacja Zdrowia uznaje zdrowie seksualne za istotny składnik dobrostanu człowieka, jakość życia seksualnego osób niepełnosprawnych wciąż jest pomijana w procesie rehabilitacji medycznej i psychospołecznej. Jedną z przyczyn tej sytuacji jest niedostateczna wiedza na temat wpływu niepełnosprawności fizycznej na jakość życia seksualnego pacjenta oraz mylne przekonanie o nieodwracalności negatywnych skutków. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie aktualnej wiedzy dotyczącej zdrowia seksualnego osób po urazie kręgosłupa powikłanym zaburzeniami neurologicznymi. W pracy skoncentrowano się na omówieniu wpływu urazu na zaburzenie reakcji seksualnych u kobiet i mężczyzn. Przedstawiono również wiedzę na temat aspektów płodności oraz prokreacji osób po urazie kręgosłupa powikłanym zaburzeniami neurologicznymi. Dokonany przegląd literatury może być pomocny w opracowaniu modelu rehabilitacji seksualnej tej grupy pacjentów.Despite of World Health Organization recognizes sexual health as an important component of human wellbeing, sexual life quality of physically disabled persons is still neglected in medical and psychosocial rehabilitation. One of causes of this situation is poor knowledge about consequences of a physical disability on sexual life and inadequate opinions that these negative consequences are irreversible. The purpose of this paper is to present the state of the art of sexual health concentrating on people with spinal injuries complicated by neurological deficite. The influence of an injury on sexual reaction in women and men were considered. Moreover, fertility aspects and specific problems with pregnancies and labors were discussed. The performed review may be helpful in elaboration of sexual rehabilitation of these patients


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    The results in sport in rowing depend on the two most important factors, such as the athlete physical features and the techniques of motion. The assessment and optimisation of rowing techniques are possible only when one disposes the reliable mathematical model predicting the results of the regatta that is the time of covering an assumed distance. A single scull participating in the 2000 meters distance regatta is our subject. The purpose of this study is to create a simplified mathematical model to simulate the rowing boat dynamics. The boat-rower system is treated as a material point here. The oar has a prescribed angular motion vs. oarlock depending on the time. The hydrodynamics force distribution to be developed on the oar’s blade has been modelled here. Then, the boat motion was described by a single nonlinear ordinary differential equation (NODE). The proposed simple model gives the possibilities of fast and reliable simulation of the single sculling technique and forecasts the result of rowing regattas

    Występowanie dyspareunii u kobiet z endometriozą

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    Introduction. Dyspareunia is one of common sexual disorders in women. One of dyspareunia causes is endometrosis. The aim of the study was to assessment influence of endometriosis type (peritoneal vs. endometrioid cysts) on the prevalence of dyspareunia. Material and methods. The case group consisted of 28 women with endometrioid cysts and 33 patients with peritoneal endometriosis. The control group was 60 gynecological healthy women. Results. Dyspareunia was observed 4-fold more frequent in women with endometriosis compared to healthy women. Moreover, the disease prevalence was 5-fold more frequent in women with peritoneal focuses of endometriosis than in patients with endometrioid cysts. Conlusion. Discerning diagnosis of dysperunia, after rejecting other causes of the disease, should lead to peritoneal endometriosis seeking. The association between peritoneal endometriosis and dyspareunia suggests that a intercourse pain could stem from inflammatory mediators or adhesions connected with peritoneal endometriosis.Wstęp. Dyspareunia jest jednym z częstszych zaburzeń seksualnych występujących u kobiet. Jedną z jej przyczyn może być endometrioza. Celem pracy była ocena wpływu postaci endometriozy (otrzewnowa vs. torbiel endometrioidalna jajnika) na częstość występowania dyspareunii. Materiał i metody. Grupę badaną stanowiło 28 pacjentek z torbielą czekoladową bez rozsianych ognisk gruczolistości oraz 33 kobiety z rozpoznaną endometriozą otrzewnową. Grupa kontrolna składała się z 60 zdrowych ginekologicznie kobiet. Wyniki. Przeprowadzona analiza wykazała 4-krotnie częstsze występowanie dyspareunii u kobiet z endometriozą w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną i towarzyszyła 5-krotnie częściej kobietom z endometriozą otrzewnową. Wnioski. Diagnostyka przyczyn dyspareunii powinna obejmować również weryfikację występowania endometriozy otrzewnowej

    Dyspareunia as a sexual problem in women with endometriosis

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    Abstract Dyspareunia is defined as tenderness felt during sexual intercourse without coexisting shrinkage of vulva and vagina. It is a common sexual disorder in women, which is sometimes caused by endometriosis. The aim of the study was to assess the influence of the type of endometriosis (peritoneal vs. endometrioid cysts) on the prevalence of dyspareunia. Material: The experimental group consisted of 28 women with chocolate cysts of the ovary without scattered foci of adenomyosis and 33 patients with peritoneal endometriosis. The control group included 60 women without gynecological problems. Results: Dyspareunia was observed 4 times as frequent in women with endometriosis as compared to healthy women. Moreover, the disease was 5 times more frequent in women with peritoneal focuses of endometriosis than in patients with endometrioid cysts. Conclusion: Discerning diagnosis of dyspareunia, after rejecting other causes of the disease, should lead to peritoneal endometriosis seeking. The association between peritoneal endometriosis and dyspareunia suggests that an intercourse pain could stem from inflammatory mediators or adhesions connected with peritoneal endometriosis