3 research outputs found

    Studi Analisis Penentuan Jenis Sesar Penyebab Gempa Kebumen 25 Januari 2014 Dengan Metode Pergerakan Awal Gelombang P

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    Gempa Kebumen merupakan salah satu gempa yang memiliki episenter di daerah selatan Jawa dengan tingkat seismisitas tinggi yang memungkinkan terjadi gempa lagi pada daerah penelitian. Gempabumi ini dapat disebabkan oleh sesar normal, sesar naik, atau sesar mendatar. Salah satu metode untuk menentukan jenis sesar dari pemodelan bola fokus adalah dengan meneliti pergerakan awal gelombang P di mana ditentukan gerakan up dan down pada gelombang seismik yang terbaca dalam seismogram. Proses pengolahan data pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan software Focal yang terdiri atas program Azmtak, Pman, dan PinV. Hasil dari pengolahan data menampilkan gempa Kebumen yang terjadi pada 25 Januari 2014 disebabkan oleh sesar turun yang memiliki strike = 2830, dip = 140, dan rake = -1050. Pola sesar yang dianalisa dalam penelitian ini adalah gempa utama pada 25 Januari 2014 dan gempa susulannya yang memiliki magnitudo lebih dari 4,5 SR. Sesar yang terjadi akibat dari aktivitas subduksi selatan Jawa

    Study Relocation Earthquake Hypocenters in Palu Koro and Matano Fault Zone Using Geiger Method

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    We have conducted research about seismic activity on Palu Koro and Matano Fault Zone. This research conducted to relocate earthquake hypocenters that occurred in both fault zone, in order to obtain position of hypocenters more accurately. The data of research are 141 earthquakes with 683 P wave arrival times which is occured for a year in 2013. The method of research is Geiger method with Coupled Velocity-Hypocenter model. This is a method for earthquake relocation, determination velocity model of seismic wave in the 1D subsurface, and correction of stations simultaneously using Geiger principle. The data processing uses Velest33 software. The results show new position of hypocenters better than before. It is shown by the decreased travel time residuals, i.e from 0.954 second to 0.69 second. The position of hypocenters which have been relocated is closer to the fault zone.The new position of hypocenters have accuracy up to 0.01 km. The new model of P-wave velocity in 1D has velocity slower than the initial model. There are 8 stations in research area that have station correction values range between -0.96 second to 0.4 second. Correction station is dominated by a negative correction value with the PCI station as a reference station


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    ABSTRACT Health Promotion Activities about the Dangers of Smoking in Adolescents at MTs Islamiyah Tanggulangin, Sidoarjo is one form of community service in the form of counseling aimed at growing and improving healthy behavior in adolescents, especially in recognizing the dangers of smoking for health. The activity was carried out on November 21, 2018 at MTs Islamiyah Tanggulangin, Sidoarjo. The target is students of MTs Islamiyah Tanggulangin Sidoarjo. Before the activity is carried out, there is a process of compiling the activity for 3 weeks before the activity is carried out, starting from the selection of health counseling materials to the submission of permits to the relevant parties. As an evaluation, the activity was attended by 40 students and 2 teachers, participants participated in the activity with enthusiasm and conducive, the activity can be carried out on time smoothly. Keywords: Adolescent knowledge, smoking hazard, health promotion