1,363 research outputs found

    Optimalisasi Teknologi Energi Surya Berbasis Penyesuaian Posisi Panel Bulanan Di Sulawesi Tenggara

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengoptimalkan teknologi PV surya dengan menggunakan metode penyesuaian posisi panel bulanan di Sulawesi Tenggara. Studi ini mensimulasikan jumlah energi tahunan dari metode yang diusulkan dengan menggunakan model matematika radiasi matahari yang jatuh pada permukaan miring, yang dikombinasikan dengan data radiasi global matahari, yang diperoleh dari NASA Langley Research Center Atmospheric Science Data Center Surface Meteorological and Solar Energy (SSE) web portal supported by the NASA LaRC POWER Project dengan menggunakan data pada bulan Juliy 1983 sampai Juni 2005. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pada bulan Januari, arah panel optimal adalah di selatan dengan sudut kemiringan 25 °. Pada bulan Februari, sudut optimal bergeser ke 15 °, pada arah yang sama dengan sebelumnya, dan pada bulan Maret, sudut optimal adalah sejajar dengan permukaan bumi. Pada bulan April sampai September, sudut optimal berkisar dari 15° sampai 35 ° ke arah utara, sedangkan pada bulan Oktober sampai Desember, sudut optimal berkisar dari 10° sampai 25° ke arah selatan. Konfigurasi teknologi surya dengan penyesuaian sudut panel optimal bulanan dapat meningkatkan energi tahunan yang dihasilkan sebesar 10 persen, dibandingkan dengan metode sudut panel tetap

    Soil Strength and Water Infiltration Under Reduced and Conventional Tillage in a Typic Haplustepts of Lamongan District

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    . The ability of upland non-irrigated soil to absorb and store water is critical to to provide sufficient moisture for crop grown in dry season. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of tillage, reduced (RT) and conventional tillage (CT), on infiltration rate and soil penetration resistance (soil strength) in soil with ustic moisture regime planted with corn. The experiment was conducted on a site, which had been continuously planted with corn twice a year. The predominant soil was Typic Haplusteps. Six positions, 15 meters a part, were chosen within each treatment to measure infiltration rate and soil strength. The mean infiltration rate values were higher under CT (91.87 ± 18.99 mm h-1) than under RT (64.36 ± 30.97 mm h-1). The amount of water infiltrated in CT is 1.4 times higher than in RT. The RT induced the formation of near surface compacted layer with a soil strength of 850 kPa, 2 times higher than under CT at the same depth. The compacted layer is expected to be responsible for lowering infiltration rate under RT. The highest correlation (R2 = 0.83) between qs and Ksat under RT was found at the second depth (8 to 12-cm) and third depth (16 to 20-cm) for CT (R2 = 0.73) indicating that soil layer with the highest soil strength was responsible to control water infiltration. The infiltration models tested (Parlange, the Green and Ampt, and Kostiakov) fit well with the measured data (r2 = 0.99–1.00). It is recommended to conduct deep tillage (20 – 25 cm) once a year to maintain favorable soil structure for water infiltration and root growth

    Peluang dan Tantangan Implementasi Model Pertanian Konservasi di Lahan Kering

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    . Pertanian konservasi adalah salah satu alternatif model pada praktek pertanian di lahan kering yang dalam jangka panjang dapat meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman, efisiensi USAhatani, dan kualitas lingkungan melalui perbaikan kualitas tanah. Tulisan ini membahas prospek penerapan pertanian konservasi untuk meningkatkan kualitas tanah dan produktivitas lahan kering. Model pertanian konservasi lebih menekankan pada perbaikan kandungan bahan organik tanah melalui kombinasi 3 pendekatan yaitu olah tanah minimum, pemulsaan, dan pengaturan pola tanam. Introduksi model pertanian konservasi di negara-negara berkembang seperti Indonesia, yang umumnya lahan pertaniannya berskala sempit (<1 ha) dihadapkan pada masalah perkembangan gulma dan penurunan produktivitas pada fase awal implementasi, dan lahan yang tidak bersih sehingga berpotensi memicu munculnya hama dan penyakit tertentu. Namun demikian, model pertanian konservasi ini berpotensi untuk mengubah lahan kering terdegradasi atau tidak produktif menjadi lahan pertanian produktif dengan efisiensi USAhatani yang tinggi. Dengan manfaat jangka panjang tersebut, maka implementasi pertanian konservasi di lahan kering, yang potensinya mencapai 29,4 juta ha, akan meningkatkan secara signifikan kontribusi lahan kering terhadap upaya mempertahankan swasembada pangan nasional dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani lahan kering. Diperlukan proses dan modifikasi untuk mengadaptasikan teknologi ini yang disesuaikan dengan karakteristik agroekosistem, konidisi sosial, dan ekonomi lokal setempat, sehingga berbagai kendala adopsi dapat diminimalisir dan manfaat dapat dioptimalkan baik jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang. Selain itu, diperlukan dukungan pemerintah dalam bentuk pelatihan, advokasi, dan bantuan input USAhatani untuk meminimalisir resiko kerugian petani terutama pada tahap awal implementasi teknologi

    Akulturasi Islam dan Budaya Masyarakat Lereng Merapi YOGYAKARTA: sebuah Kajian Literatur

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    This essay attempts to discuss how Islam was perceived and developed in Java, within Lereng Merapi society in particular, and how Islam had influenced the local culture in one side and how it had been influenced by the local culture in another. This essay argues that there have been strong acculturation between Islam and local culture. It aslo argues that the spread of Islam in this society had taken long periods as Islam did not counter local culture. It, instead, penetrated with persuasive approach by adopting local culture and preserving pristine Islamic doctrines

    Pengaruh Good Corporate Governance Dan Financial Leverage Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Dan Nilai Perusahaan (Studi Pada Perusahaan Yang Terdaftar Di Indeks Sri Kehati Selama Periode 2011-2014)

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    The aims of this research was to examine the effect of Good Corporate Governance and Financial Leverage on Financial Performance and Firm Value. This research was explanatory research and used quantitative approach. Purposive sampling was used as sampling technique. Partial Least Square (PLS) was used as data analysis technique. Population in this research were a company registered in KEHATI SRI index in 2011-2014 with total samples was thirteen samples company in four years, so the observation data obtained by 52 observation. The PLS analysis result showed that good corporate governance (GCG) has significant effect on financial performance. good corporate governance (GCG) has not significant effect on firm value., financial leverage has significant effect on financial performance. financial leverage has significant effect on firm value. and Financial performance has significant effect on firm value

    Majapahit Terracotta Figurines: Social Environment and Life

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    This article aimed to determine the three-dimensional visual tradition in the Majapahit kingdom. This was a manifestation of aesthetic that expressed in various forms, one of them was the figurines that represented linkage aspects in Majapahit's community life. Terracotta was used as the main basic material in making figurines. Figurines indicated two aspects, namely the human relationship with the natural environment surrounding that translated into a mechanism for the creation, and showed the dimensions of social life in the Hindu tradition. The method used is empirical relational visual with text. In addition, the article was the result of field research conducted under the supervision of Sacred Bridge Foundation, which lasted from 2009 to 2010 in Trowulan as a heritage center site of Majapahit that spread over an area of nearly 100 km2. The research finds out that figurines as a proof of authenticity and identity of the Majapahit that understood as the embodiment of visual culture manifestation
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